Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Looking in on the "Official" 'Survivor' Blog

I was reading through this season's 'Survivors Strike Back' blog at the CBS website. I read last season's version on and off, mostly to get giggles from Coby's entries.

Who's the Blogstar there so far this season? I have to give Brian of Guatemala that title! First, he writes well. Believe it or not, some of these ex-castaways really need editors although most come off as functionally literate. (Phew!) What I enjoy about Brian's entries is that it shows how much insight he really has into the show. Now, I had picked the "Platinum Kid" as solid material for the Final Four last season. We all know how that worked out! But, he's got such knowledge of what works well and what doesn't that he could have gone much further had circumstances been a bit different.

Back to the blog -- Brian obviously is a bit smitten and has something for Survivor women in cowboy hats. :::snicker::: A quote from one of his entries:

Misty, I thought you were awesome, and I’m so sorry to see you go out so early. You fell into the Brianna-Varela-Memorial-Beautiful-Brunette-With-a-Cowboy-Hat-Third-Voted-Off trap.

Heh. Check out the blog over there -- it's got Cindy, Bobby Jon and more posting their thoughts on this season. Need I mention they all think Shane is a nutcase?

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