Tuesday, July 18, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into The Evening 7/18

James confronts Kaysar
<---- James confronted Kaysar telling him that he's working his butt off to get information from Chilltown, Janelle called him out in front of them, and that Kaysar kept secrets. I think I'm going to call him James Dangerfield -- he never gets any respect... at least that's what he thinks. Of course, no one in the whole house trusts him, but that would be another nickname entirely.

It's been an evening of scheming, changing vote plans and more. Here's the skinny from the Big Brother House of Fickle Fates:
  • Will and Mike Boogie tried to figure out why everyone isn't aganst the S6 Players. They're wondering if they came on too strong.
  • They also talked about making a "real deal" with S6. [Editor's note: Hmmm... does that mean they didn't make a real deal with Kaysar and are/were planning to break it?]
  • Boogie can't figure Janelle out. At all. [Editor's note: She's a buxom blonde, Mike!]
  • Chicken George listens as Danielle sings the praises of Diane
  • James told Janelle that Nakomis won three HOH comps. Janelle told him HOHs don't send people home; people send people home.
  • When James pried for info on the alleged Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance (Jase, Diane and Alison), Boogie claimed he was in an alliance with Jase called the Ambiguously Gay Duo.
  • James went back to Kaysar to report that he thinks there is no Smith Alliance. Kaysar thinks there is and told James to trust his judgment.
  • James then ranted once again about taking out a worthless player when they could be removing Will or Boogie.
  • James kept the confrontation going with Kaysar and I noticed that Kaysar did NOT explain his strategy to him such as he did to Janelle. He told Janelle that he wanted all power players at the end.
  • Kaysar told James that he was calling him a liar and wondered who he's been listening to. He once again told James that he told no one his nominations before he made them.
  • Meanwhile, in the backyard, Chilltown -- now Mike/Boogie, Jase and new recruit (for as long as it serves her purpose) Danielle. They want Diane to stay (can you say Smith? I thought you could). They're unsure of Erika, believe Marcellas is a hanger-on with S6 even though he originally told Diane he'd vote to keep her. So that leaves George. They need two votes more. If it's a tie, Kaysar will keep Nakomis. They also have to swing Marcellas.
  • Danielle goes off to work on George, the Clueless.
  • James is pouting and threatening not to share any more information.
  • Kaysar once again is convinced his strategy is solid. He thinks the floaters think emotionally, not strategically. Right now, Erika and Marcellas feel safe. But when the disruption (he causes?) in the house happens, they'll fall apart. Right now they keep S6 safe, because S6 kept them safe.
  • His strategy still confuses me.
  • He claims he wants everyone to have to PLAY the game and not just slide by.
  • Kaysar talked to Jase who admitted to talking to Diane before entering the house. SMITH!
  • Diane told Danielle and Marcellas that she'd go for Will if she stayed.
  • Janelle knows that Danielle was talking to Marcellas and thinks he's on the fence with the vote again.
  • Chilltown conspires with Mike Boogie, Will, Jase and Danielle
  • S6 thinks Danielle owes them for saving her last week. I don't think Danielle quite feels that way.
  • James also ranted at Janelle about calling him out in front of Chilltown when he was trying to gather information. He rants a lot.
  • It looks like Chilltown now has the 6 votes to keep Diane - Marcellas, George, Danielle, Mike/Will and Jase.
  • That could change tomorrow. Or not.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

noooo, Diane is a liar don't listen to her! arggggg, i want Nik to stay. she is sooo not a floater. dont they get that? geeze, its only been 2 weeks. not everyone came into the house with an alliance already. people should see that they need to get rid of janelle, howie, and kaysar. if not, then they are not very smart.
thanks jackie!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I wish the S6 players would lose an HOH and someone would get them out of there. With Kaysar's plan he is assuming that he will be one of the top players left at the end. We all know what happens when you assume!

Anonymous said...

I agree. now it looks as if mike/will would put up a floater if they got hoh. and we all know what s6 would do. being as predictable as they are. what makes them think "the floaters" wont get hoh and put them up?

dawn said...

I've watched every season of this show. I loved S6 and kaysar, jannelle was my girl. I'd actually like her to win but obviously they did not watch the old seasons because Will is playing them like a violin and they don't know it. He is the best player of all times. Kaysar always has stradgy but Will seems to be taken over under everyones nose

Anonymous said...

Last season I recall that Janelle said she had watched some earler seasons, if that was the case she must have missed the season with Will. I like Kaysar, but I think his strategy is all wrong. He should split up the Mike/Will alliance and they should keep George, Marcellas and Nakomis. I was so hoping that they would pull a backdoor with the POV. Someone needs to step out and just shake things up!

Lucy said...

This season is both frustrating and fascinating. Dian said it best last night when she noted this game should be played for yourself and not for others. Who in their right mind wants to hand over the prize money to someone who has played them all season?

Kaysar should have encouraged Erika to put Will on the block. It was a no brainer. I know Erika said she was looking to protect herself but who would go after her for putting up Will? Boogie? He is only one vote against her. Kaysar is always talking about reading a book about the rules of war or something like that and he still does not understand that he has to divide and conquer. Remove the fearless leader (Will) and the soldiers (Boogie and Jase) will soon fall. What up Kaysar? Did you lose all your nerve since last summer.

Marcellas was right on the money when he told Kaysar that Will had "thrown down the gauntlet." It's awwn Kaysar (tip of the hat to Monica).

Must admit Will and Boogie's "telephone" conversation in the diary room was the big laugh of the night. In a way I would miss those fools if they were evicted - they do make good television.

Finally, thank you so very much Jackie for your updates as they add so much to the BB experience.