Sunday, July 30, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Sun. 7/30 Kaysar No Longer Alone

Kaysar was the only one up until BB played their morning wake-up song (blocked to the feeds). He exercised, he moped, he prayed, he laid about. He couldn't go outside because some sort of construction was going on in the yard. The house is on an indoor lockdown, the construction noises have stopped. The girls are giddy that perhaps it's a luxury comp or an America's Choice thing.

Time will tell. Right now, all the shutters are drawn and we didn't get a peek. It was a lot of hammering and sawing, but that could be anything. Maybe they built Howie a new Jack Shack.

James is still trying to be the boss. Not sure if anyone is interested... other than Danielle. Even though he buckled and put up Jase last week, when he talks it's "my way or the highway" sort of speeches. Now he's talking to Mike. Mike is trying to talk the put up and vote out Diane talk. Mike told him that HE has never been the target and they talk about working together.

Mike said he trusts Diane more than any other floater [note he left out his recent dating alliance Erika] and that if they're willing to vote her out, that proves they'll work with James. He talked of Kaysar and Janelle being the S6 targets, not James.

Dang, I'd love it right this moment if Janelle put James on the block and they all voted him out for playing every side! No, I haven't heard that even be a possibility, but I can dream, can't I?


Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeeee
i hope someone from the s6 finds out that james is sellin them out.thats why i wanted bb to allow the hg to view a diary by choice, to see what people are saying about them. thanks jackieeeeeeeeee:>

Lucy said...

Kaysar seems so lonely this season but I'm wondering if the tears he wiped away this morning were sincere or if he is playing to America's sympathies now that there is the possibility of an America's Choice competion in the wind. I hope not.

Anonymous said...

hey jackie, someone asked the other day, but i never saw an answer, so i thought i'd ask again...what's this about boogie and erika dating? was it somewhere in your blog previously and i just missed it? was it confirmed on the feeds? or is it just speculation? this is the only place i've seen it mentioned, so i figured you're the one to ask:)

thanks for keeping us up to date!

Anonymous said...

ok I have to ask...what's a jack shack for Howie? I'm almost afraid to know.

Jackie S. said...

It was confirmed on the feeds (Will mentioned it, Erika/Mike have had many "secret" meetings mentioning their alliance, etc.) and on many other websites. I don't know how serious the dating, but she has dated him since her break-up with Josh Souza (Season 1).

In an interview on Jokers, Josh Souza said she's good friends with Mike and hangs out in his restaurants. So, perhaps it's more friends than dating... but it's a previous relationship before entering the house.

Jackie S. said...

Howie's Jack Shack... um... to use a Seinfeld reference...

He's not the Master of His Domain.

Anonymous said...

thanks jackie for clearing that up for me (erika and boogie)!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kaysar lost his strength when he lost his hair like Samson. I hope he bounces back because I love him and want him to stay in the house. I think if s6 boots James too soon they'll end up like they did last season. They should take out CT or at least one of them first. I don't if anyone ever answered someone's question about the slop but I think it is oatmeal. And to the person who dissed Janelle's past "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Notice that person didn't have anything bad to say about Janelle's behavior in the house. People make mistakes and bad choices in life. Who are we to judge. Thank you so much Jackie for all the great work you do! And since this is my first time ever commenting, Zoetawny I loved your work last year with the picture of Yvette.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie - do you think BB mentioned to Kayser about whats happening in the ME?