Saturday, August 05, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Winner

Janelle has won the Power of Veto.

A full report of the day's events will be posted a bit later. Please stop back!


Anonymous said...

Yay! She can always pull it out when she needs it. Now I just hope Danielle won't put up Kaysar or Howie in her place.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gooooooooooo Janelle. Whew!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! She's one lucky girl! I'm sure she worked hard for it. Take that James! ;) Now, who will Dani put up? Holy Moly!

Anonymous said...

hmmm...this certainly changes things!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy am I happy that she won, I just hope Danielle don't put up Howie or Kaysar in Janelle's place, that wouldn't be good. Just maybe she will get James out now, before its time for the jury. Thanks Jackie for the updates.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that Janelle won POV. And I hope that James is sweating bullets!! I too hope that Danielle doesn't put up Howie or Kaysar in Janie's place. Go for Marcella's who is a lying backstabber!

Anonymous said...

Well Good bye folks Can't stand the way Janelle gloats- its rude-- So Im out. Janelle needs to go back to dishing out the drinks. GRRRRR--- Well now Im convinced its rigged.

Liz @ The Shrinking Owl said...

I've been lurking from the beginning of the season, and I just want to tell you that I really enjoy your blog, Jackie! I have things going on every evening, and your blog keeps me up to date with everything!

Anonymous said...

I still would like to know what type of competition, questions or was it a physical comp......there were so many different comps involved....can't wait for Jackie's update, as I do not have the feeds.

Anonymous said...

Is it me or is Dani the new Maggie...only not as effective? The names have been changed but the nerd herd seems to live on.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Big Brother for 24 hours without Danielles voice. Locking her in solitary is the luxury prize for the internet fans.

Anonymous said...

Yippeee Janelle!
Danielle can put up anyone she wants....James is going home....

Anonymous said...

I Hope your right anonymous about James going home.


Anonymous said...

can james nullify one of the eviction votes for himself since he won that from the egg i hope he is gone he is such a baby yuk

Anonymous said...

Now if Danielle will just put up Dr. Will, I will cheer no matter who is voted out!!!! James and Will both effect me like finger nail on a chalk board!!!

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo Wtg Janelle, Thanks Jackie mauhhhhhhhh, Time for James to go bye bye,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am so happy Janelle won..She is fun to watch..I hope James is out.He makes me sick...or Marcellus.He is such a jerk..(and girl)

Anonymous said...

What exactly did James win with the egg?

Anonymous said...

I'm with anonymous, I'd eat slop for a week if that meant I didnt have to listen to Danielle.

Anonymous said...

I, also, am curious as to how James can you his nullification of eviction vote.

If he is evicted I'm assuming he can use it to nullify his own eviction?!?!

It would seem to me that with everyone knowing that he could use it, they just might vote out whomever Danielle puts up in Janey's place...and if that's Kaysar or Howie I'll be sick.

Anonymous said...

I'll be sick also.


Anonymous said...

Danielle in solitary? Oh, boo hoo. It couldn't happen to a nicer woman. She doesn't seem to me to be getting a whole lot out of her Bible...
Go Janelle! I'm so happy that she won POV.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay Janelle! She so makes the show interesting that's why she needs to stay! Yes!