Sunday, March 11, 2007

Daylight Savings Pants - This Week on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' - Mar. 12-16

Late Show with David LettermanDid you "spring forward" an hour? If not, you're going to be an hour out of step with the rest of the world. Me? I've always thought I was more than an hour out of step, but yeah... I messed with my clocks.

After last week's repeats, can we expect a fresh Letterman week ahead of us? Well, at least the first part of the week is fresh. Here's the skinny on the guests we can expect to see:
  • Monday, March 12: Chris Rock promoting his new movie I Think I Love My Wife, Sandra Oh from Grey's Anatomy, and Amy Winehouse whose new CD is Back to Black.
  • Tuesday, March 13: Jeff Goldblum, Barbara McQueen, and music guest The Good, The Bad, and The Queen (they have a self-titled CD out).
  • Wednesday, March 14: Richard Gere promoting The Hoax and music group Aqualung (CD is Memory Man).
  • Thursday, March 15: Oh, no! Beware! Beware of the Ides of March! Hmmm... the show's website list the guests as TBA.
  • Friday, March 16: Also TBA. I think what we should be aware of is March Madness
The AOL TV Listings are also showing no information for Thursday and Friday evenings, so those shows will be Mystery Pants, I guess. They should be repeats and probably on very late.


Sydney said...

HI Jackie -- Does anyone know who the big cheese in the world is who can decide that we 'Fall Back" three weeks earlier? I have asked everyone I know and no one has an answer... Is it an international organization? I thought I might throw this question out for the masses here to see if anyone knows. Or cares to throw out a creative answer!

Someone did tell me that the decision to comply is completely left up to each state here in the US, and that apparently AZ never changes their time... just because.

To relate this to TV.... One of the great things about having cable is that the box resets itself and those LED lights glare out at you in your living room or bedroom, telling you the correct time on dyslexic mornings such as these, while my alarm clock, my micorwave LED, etc.. required I change them by hand.

Anonymous said...

Sydney -- Ooh Ooh...pick me pick me :) I know the answer!

The federal government started daylight savings time 3 weeks early and ends it 1 week later to save energy. The idea is that more energy is used in the evening than the morning. If we can use more natural energy (i.e. sunlight) in the evenings by having it get dark later, then we will save energy.

The best part? Once we've done this for a few years and the energy consumption has been studied, the government can change it back if they want. How's that for a kick in the pants!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Gold star for you Orkmommy, thank you!

So, has this been in all the papers and I was too busy recycling and replacing all my light bulbs with energy saving ones that I failed to notice? Do we have the current Green movement to thank for this?

You said the federal government... but don't we kind of agree to do this time change all over the world, as everything is set to GMT, or is it that each country can do anything they want, when they want... ?

I DO have a college education people! It's just sometimes you stumble upon something you suddenly realize you know zero about. :-D


Jackie S. said...

I saw something about it on television (of course). Back when Daylight Savings Time first began, it was optional all over and a disaster. Now states can opt out, but only Arizona does. I think either Ohio or Indiana didn't have it for years, but I may be mistaken.

This latest is the federal government thinking they can reduce energy consumption. It feels too early for me as, even though today is a nice day here, it certainly ain't spring! I do like the extra hour in the fall, though. That one's going to be a week later this year. @@