Friday, July 06, 2007

'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds Notes, Friday 7/06 Daytime

My apologies for being a bit late with this. It was one of those days in which my issues became a magazine.

But, no fear... you really haven't missed much going on in that Big Brother House of Friends and Foes:

  • Dick finally went to bed at almost 7:30 their time.
  • Big Brother gave them all a wake-up call at a bit past 8:30. Heh.
  • At about 8:45, Big Brother told the houseguests the veto competition would begin in 90 minutes. It actually began (feeds blocked with trivia) at about 10:30, so they're a bit more timely so far.
  • Amber wants Dick to win the Veto for her.
  • Joe mocked the Chenbot's robotly ways.
  • When the feeds came back about a half-hour after the blockage, Amber seemed upset.
  • Then we realized the comp hadn't even taken place yet. All they had done is pick the players. Forget me calling them timely! @@
  • Amber thinks God wants her to keep the nominations the same if she wins. Can we get a mass eyeroll going here? One word... Marcellas.
  • Then the feeds were blocked for almost five hours...! Argh.
  • When they came back on, only those houseguests who didn't play for Veto were trapped in the HOH Room.
  • Now they're all back together talking about wearing headphones, listening to music, talking about missing clothes, messy rooms, time elements to look for something, tornado spins... I have no clue what the comp was or if we have a winner. I'll post more when I get something concrete. They had to hide something and others had to find it. It's very confusing!
  • But Big Brother gave them pizza.


Anonymous said...

Jackie I don't have the feeds but I read your latest update if the feeds are going to be blocked for hours at a time why bother and why are they blocked? I think your the best and read your blogs year round depending on the show. Thanks Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie its Bethany. I post last season during the All Stars. I was wondering what part of the show last night was really live? I read you post about the houseguest being in there for 6 already. I always thought in the beginning when they entered the house was live. Okay I'm happy to see ur blog is back. I check ur blog about a dozen times a day looking for new updates. Thanks.


Anonymous said...


After I read your update I went to Jokers update and they have Daniele winning POV. Thanks so much for blogging you do such an awesome job!!!

Jackie S. said...

Bethany - The entry to the house is never live. I don't think any part of the show was live last night.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jackie, this takes me back to the first time I found your BLOG!!! Yay!! The good ole days....I likin Danielle, could it be I had an absentee Father as well? Maybe...Its so cool to get up and read your take on things and I have to tell you I have laughed all morning about your "So many issues it could be a magazine"
Thanks for the levity and the insight my dear.

Sydney said...

Terry in CA -- I laughed at the Issues thing too... Kind of a drag to know who won POV laready, I would like people to announce that they are about to reveal spoilers if they do post things that are outcomes of the competitions that we will watch on the show for the first time otherwise. Thanks.

I hope Amber stays. I'm sorry to see her go -- wish Jessica, Kail or Joe were on the block butof the two, seems Amber will provide some real substance for however many weeks she is there over some of the others in the house.