Wednesday, September 12, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Final HOH Comp Part 2 Winner

"This sucks!"

Yes, the second part of the final Head of House competition was held during/after the Kaysar and Howie chat. Guess who didn't win?

Despite all of the thoughts that Evel Dick would throw it to his loving daughter, Dick won part two. So, it will be Dick against Zach in the final part.

Here's the lowdown (and the "Jackie" posting in comments about it wasn't me and are totally bogus -- you should know my writing style by now!):
  • When the feeds first returned, Dick was telling Zach it was a tough competition.
  • Daniele was upset with herself that she didn't win it. Dick told her he was doing it for her. (I think he thinks if he brings Daniele to the final two, she would win the jury votes over him.)
  • A car prize was somewhere in the comp, but Dick said something about they got gypped on it, not sure what's up with that.
  • Dick said they would have their fairytale ending.
  • They think the final part will be about their fellow housemates. Dick reminded Daniele that he spent much more time with all of them dating back to LNC than did Zach.
  • They said something about a satellite used, perhaps for Julie Chen.
  • Daniele said something about a track and we got blocked.
That's the REAL skinny. I had my notifier off for the comments and didn't see the impostor until after the fact. Have any of you ever seen me call Daniele "Dani"? Tsk, tsk. Dick and Daniele didn't fight. She doesn't seem happy that she lost and he won, but there was no blow-up, none at all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for 'outing' the poser. I thought that didn't 'look' like you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the car was a model and they had to use it on a track they put together then race to the finish. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I was a little confused myself because I know you usually have everything correct.
I know that Dani ( i use this but never call myself jackie)seemed upset. I didn't hear her fighting with her dad. I know I said she was upset and said that it Sucked.
I hope that It will be an interesting third part. I think Dick can pull it out in the end. Will it be live>? I can't remember from last year.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:22
I posted that on another comment page. I think it had something to do with the comp being a track.
Maybe they didn't finish in time to win a car. Dick said that they should have had one that they have since season 3. I don't really remember that.

Nate said...

It seemed fishy to me that the faux "jackie" wasn't logged into Blogger. I had a strong feeling that it wasn't you.
The maze sounded pretty interesting; if only they didn't keep blocking discussion of the comp.......

BeniSage said...

I'm still pulling for Zach to win the final round; and look forward to him booting Danielle!!! Yayyyy!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

I thought that BB wasn't suppose to give information to the houseguests. it seems like they sure give some houseguests more 'news' then others. They shouldn't discuss past comps...

Anonymous said...

we will see it(track) in less than 24 hours.
Am I correct, the president is waiting to talk till after BB..Gee he is so nice...
Dick must be having a really great DR session...Maybe he is hiding his glee from the little pisher Dani

Anonymous said...

Well Dick really surprised me on that one...I thought he would throw the competition so Danielle could win, but I'm glad he didn't.
I would like to see the final 2 as Zack and Dick and Danielle completely out of it, so tired if hearing how everything "SUCKS".

Patti in Okla

Anonymous said...

Have the houseguests been told to pack yet? or is Dani just being Debbie Downer and ready to leave. I am watching the feeds and she is packing on Jessica's bed

Anonymous said...

I think Zach is developing a personality!!! He just asked Dani if she would like to play a game--she said "no"-- he said " my favorite is memory...I'm really good at it"!! LOL


Tonight I REALLY am going to bed early!!!

lynn1 said...

I am really glad Dick didn't throw the comp to Dani.
I hope that comp 3 is something that Dick and Zack are both good at and it is a battle royale between them until the bitter end. Give both camps someone to cheer for and against.

Jackie S. said...

Cha Cha - You're right, she did say it sucked. But that was no surprise. It's just that the big showdown between Daniele and Dick didn't happen, nor was there a Mustang won by Dick. You didn't post those things. But you were right with her being upset.

The last part will be live tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

To bad Jameka isn't there anymore to help quiz Zach. When they were in the HOH the other day he didn't get any of the answers right that she was quizzing him on...
Zach is getting a big head. I think that will hinder him tomorrow. He never did really well in questions about houseguests.
Yes the final part will be great for both camps

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Danielle has a very limited vocabulary..everything sucks.

Unknown said...

I actually have been very anti-donatos since about week 4ish. Hearing dick did not throw the competition actually gives him a little bit of respect in my eyes. I think I honestly would be happy seeing either Dick or Zach win. My most important desire is that THEY are the final 2. I don't think Dani has had any strategy (except to get a nice tan) this entire time.

PlaidChick said...

Well Jackie, I fell for it, but I kept thinking it was odd you weren't logged in, and Joker's site wasn't saying anything TOJ was saying.

Gotta hate those Jackie-bots!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Dick did not throw the comp to Dani. I think all that water thrown at him last night and Dani lack of appreciation for his effort may have awakened him to just how little he could count on her. He is nothing is not pragmatic. He knows he will take Dani to the final two...but in his heart of hearts I think he realized he could not trust his own daughter to take him and not Zach...thinking she might have a better chance winning against the Zachster. Good move Dick...and I don't even like you. But I respect the way you held on for almot eight hours. The viewers probably respect your performance more than your self absorbed daughter. I will be glad to see a Dick/Zach finale...Zach will have to save himself if he wants to take home the top prize. If Dick and Dani go into final two I hope Dick wins. He will share with Dani...I do not think she will share with fact, I think she'll probably figure his "usefulness" has ended.

Divemaster said...

Does anyone know what part two competition involved? Unlike most people I want Dick or Danielle to win, well now I guess it will be Dick.

I am new and ran across this site while googling. Being old and from Kansas I know what you east and west coast folks think of Kansas. But I have actually spent years on the west coast, that is actually where I got into SCUBA diving then became a divemaster. Spent only a week or so at a time on the east coast. Spent much more time in various spots around the Caribbean , Mexico, Central and South America taking groups SCUBA diving.
Anyway, the whole point is that I been all over and know many different individuals.

My experience (which is considerable) is that lying causes much more grief, problems and heartache than being obnoxious and rude to someones face. I could explain why, but surely you folks understand how this is true. Also, talking bad and ripping someone behind their back will ultimately cause the discussed more harm than if they deal with it face to face and work out the issues. Talking behind someones back will allow the issues to spread out of control and when ultimately faced with the issue (which they will be), rectifying the issue becomes enormous.

That is why I say Dick's approach is no worse than all the other previous contestants. Yet I do understand why it turns people off.

I find nothing worse than lying. Example is that my career was as the Data Center for the State of Kansas. If one of my techs knocked down the State's mainframe and lies about what they were doing thet knocked it down. Well it would take me hours to repair. If they told me, yes I screwed up and did XYZ, I could fix in minutes. The same if a diver lost their buddy, but was afraid to say they weren't paying attention. It may take hours to find that person when it could have been done in minutes.

I am rambling- sorry. Just trying to explain some of my Kansas logic to you young whipper snappers.

Thank You Jackie for posting this information, I enjoyed and my wife was excited, she likes these reality shows much more than me. I am more scifi.

I don't preview post, so excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Between "hunt and peck" typing and poor spelling I am a disaster on the keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jer,
The feeds were blocked and every time they start to talk about it they block them again so we won't know what happened until the show tonight. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Jer...better late then never! I have lived from coast to coast and everywhere has it pluses and minuses. Have driven across Kansas many times, pretty state but too wide (imao)...Check back for other shows as the season starts. Heroes to Survivor is covered here by Jackie (the real one)!!!

Anonymous said...

I really ED wins this final comp.
Besides all the spitting and vulgarity, he played the game right and called people out which was nothing but the truth.

GO ED !!!

Anonymous said...

..:: WOOT ::.. GO DICK! Now if I remember correctly the last leg is a Q&A so I hope Dick has his game on. I can't believe Dani wussed out, jeez I know it's cold in cally but comeon... half a mill? I would stand naked in a snowdrift for that!

Anyays I am hoping Zach does his slow bit for the last part, the guy just comes off to me as being on the short bus as a kid to me. He has that duh look to him. *Laugh*

Is it me or does Dick have the prettiest eyes? Even for an old guy, he is kinda hot in his own way.

Thanks Jackie for everything you do , I try to catch up on the between shows on here when I can.

Have a great day everyone and GO DICK! Have to admit tho the guy did play a good game for an older guy. And yes... I am old too so I can call him that...infact we are the same age.

Divemaster said...

Absolutely, Kansas is much to wide and boring even for us Kansans. I live in the Topeka area on the eastern end, love going to Colorado, but the drive across Kansas will bore you to death.

Anonymous said...

Work has been so busy so I haven't visited here in awhile, but we all know there is only ONE Jackie!! Thank you (very belatedly) for staying up to monitor the "key" endurance brightened our day when we read that Zach won!

Witt :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can't believe Dani wussed out, jeez I know it's cold in cally but comeon... half a mill? I would stand naked in a snowdrift for that!

From what's been said I don't think she wussed out, the rabbit malfunctioned right under her. Though you'd think if that was the case they'd be protesting about it. I guess we'll get to see exactly how she went down tonight. I did feel for her, watching it on ShoToo, she was shivering so bad for a long time, she's got no insulation on those bones! Go Dick tonight!!

Divemaster said...

Tonight should be interesting, I think Dick should have let Danielle win. If it takes any gray matter in number 3, then I think she would have done better than her father??

Anonymous said...

Hi Jer from Kansas: The type of lying you spoke of is more of the taking responsiblity for one's on actions. I agree with every word of it. Has anyone told that kind of lie in BB this season? Could be. AP's Eric didn't take responsibility for the mustard at first, and that led to the wild goose chase you spoke of, with Nick eventaully being blamed. You might even say it changed the direction of the show. And that is the heart of the question isn't it? Eric was set up by AP to lie. It is necessary in the game.

Of lies, there are many kinds. That sounds like a rationalzation, and is to a degree. I can't say I always tell the absolute truth, I try to take responsibility to my actions. And it can be painful at first, but always easier in the long run. I like to see hgs be true to their outside alliance (meaning their families) and waffle within the BB family. It bothers me when a hg chooses their new found friends over those outside the house.

Good topic, Jer. And, imo, Ad Astra per Aspera could work for making it through the BB house an entire season.

Smiles to you, Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie, I shut down (computer and myself) last night early and missed your impersonater, the surprise Dick move, and hearing Daniele use her favorite word. I recorded ShowTwo, but haven't watched it yet.

I cannot bring myself to take up for Daniele, but will say this.

Dick is such a control person that I can see why, even if they had lived her entire childhood in a more traditional household than has been described, the two would still have some issues between them. Winning last night shows Dick wants her to have some winnings and can't count on her to feel the same or some variation on that theme. It is almost exactly what we have heard about their relationship problems in the past. And frankly, are there any parent/child relationships that don't have some control issues in them??!

I think he made a wise move in the game. Tonight it is all or nothing for Daniele. Well, maybe not 'all' for her, since if she stays she still has to face the jury. I think Dick winning part 2 will impress them quite a bit. Except, they won't know that will they?

Thanks to the one true Jackie, Sue

prayingmomma said...

Okay...I'm new to this. I just figured all of this BB8 blog stuff and spoiler alerts. I couldn't be more excited to be in "the know"! Thank you, Jackie for keeping up with it all! I love this!!!