Sunday, March 16, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Report Into Sunday Morning 3/16

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Thanks to commenter Joy for the suggestion, graphic artist Zoetawny created a Gnatalie graphic just for us! She is sort of like a gnat or a mosquito constantly buzzing about, isn't she? Thanks, Zoetawny! I love it!

It's a quiet Sunday morning here. I've watched Sunday Morning on CBS and now I'm listening to the Sinatra station on AOL Radio while the houseguests sleep out there in California. It's just a peaceful mellow kind of morning, but I'm sure those silly hamsters will do something to liven things up, right? When they played "That's Why the Lady is a Tramp," I thought of Natalie. I know. I'm a bad person. ;-)

Here's what has happened in the Big Brother House of Flipflopping Floozies and Fickle Minds:
  • Natalie plucked Ryan's eyebrows. Never a dull moment in the house, huh?
  • James really wants to get rid of Matt but says it will take "balls" and shake up the house. (I do want Matt out of there, but for integrity's sake I hope he doesn't backdoor him this week. I know it's a game, but he did give his word to Natalie.)
  • James thinks that if Matt were to leave, Natalie would just go nuts. (How does that differ from how she is now?)
  • James talked to Sharon about getting Matt out of the house this week. She told him she would be on board with the plan.
  • James told Adam he wouldn't be going on the block. The plan to get rid of Matt is in motion it seems.
  • Sharon told Joshuah of the Mattviction plan. Joshuah thinks it would be better to take Sheila off the block and pit Matt against Ryan. Otherwise, he seems to like the idea.
  • Adam told James he's on his side and feels very bad about voting him out, was thrilled he could help vote him back in. (Yes, he was in the DR vote. If James could see his reaction, he'd be tickled pinker than that pink shirt he wears so much!)
  • James told Adam that he'll have to break the news to Natalie if he decides that's what he has to do.
  • James, now seeming to trust Adam, told him that Matt and Natalie were behind him not trusting him in the first place.
  • Matt wants to hook up with Jen from BB8. @@ A match made in hell, I say!
  • Adam continues to put his hand down his pants. I've never seen an adult man do that so much. At least Michael Jackson, ball players, and gangsta rappers go for the outside of their pants!
  • When Natalie asked Adam if he knows if James will keep the noms the same, he said he didn't know.
  • Ryan asked James if he still intends to take him off the block. James told him it should be a go.
  • Sheila thinks Adam should be on the block instead of her.
  • Sheila wants America to decide the winner this season. (AS IF she would have a shot!) Natalie wants a jury.
  • Natalie told Joshuah that Matt is nervous about the possibility James will put him on the block, but she thinks James will stick to his word. (I guess he probably won't!)
  • Natalie is sure Sheila will be going home this week.
  • Natalie feels perfectly safe this week. (And, she should. She is. She's pretty much nothing without her Mattie.)
  • They played hide 'n seek. Natalie hid and they didn't go looking for her. Heehee!
  • Joshuah called the boys heartless and got the search on for her again. Grr.
That's it for now. The POV meeting should be later today. It promises to be interesting!


Anonymous said...

Nah, James won't backdoor Mstt, it's a dumb idea backdooring an extra person, he's already gunning for Ryan (why antagonize more of the house, although the house seems pretty game on getting rid of Matt?) Ah well, who knows, I think he'll opt to keep his noms the same.

Anonymous said...

Oh yah, and maybe he's just playing with the waters knowing he can't be HOH next week, he wants to make sure Matt's everyone's target next week as long as he isn't HOH. (not that I believe he's actually thinking like that, but that would be intelligent thinking)

Jackie S. said...

Anon -- It's SO hard to tell with this group. I swear they flipflop more than any other season's hamsters. I'd like to see Matt seriously on the block (like going home serious), but I'd also kind of like to see James keep his word. I guess we'll know by tonight. Since he went and told Ryan he's taking him off the block, I think it's going to go down.

Anonymous said...

Just perfection, Zoetawny. You never fail to come up with what we are hoping to see.

I think James promise to Gnat, all comes down to semantics. Was his promise not to nominate Matt, allowing a backdoor OR just not up at all? I take it as to not nominate! SO I say go for it James!

Matt does not stand a chance in h*ll with Jen. She is not all there, but she is not stupid! Agree Jackie @@

Maybe Adam has jock itch! I can not believe a man would do this in public (hamster cage) unless a problem down there. Or he may be playing a game of "Dress Right/Dress Left". Did I just say that?

Love the pranks, 1st Sheila - now Gnat and the hide n seek!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie

Love your notes.

About Adam and his hands in his pants, I am willing to bet that he is a syrian Jew.
I work in the garment center and they all seem to do just that.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope Ryan is able to wiggle out of this one. He is the only one with any kind of decency in that place. Except for Sharon of course, but she drives me crazy!

Anonymous said...

James thinks that if Matt were to leave, Natalie would just go nuts. (How does that differ from how she is now?)

Jackie, you are SO funny! I wonder the same thing.

Zoetawny...Excellent!!! (and I'm still waiting patiently for my pizza)

I'd love to see Matt go home. I thought the plan was to take Sheila off and pit Ryan against Matt. Hmmm, things changed? What a shock!!

BTW, there are lots of youtube vids with them looking for Natalie. Pretty funny/cute.

Anonymous said...

Anon...116p, but he is not circumsized so that theory down the drain!

Anonymous said...

Neilson ratings:

Wednesday, March 12th: 1.9/5
Tuesday, March 11th: 2.1/5
Sunday, March 9th: 4.2/7
Wednesday, March 5th: 3.8/6
Tuesday, March 4th: 4.3/7
Sunday, March 2nd: 2.3/6
Wednesday, February 27th: 2.1/5
Tuesday, February 26th: 4.4/7
Sunday, February 24th: 2.2/5
Wednesday, February 20th: 1.9/5
Tuesday, February 19th: 2.0/5
Sunday, February 17th: 4.1/6
Wednesday, February 14th: 3.8/6
Tuesday, February 13th: 4.6/7

Anonymous said...

The house is on trivia so it must be the POV ceremony. We should know soon........

Jackie S. said...

Delee -- Not so good. This season has its problems I'll say. But pitting a bad season against American Idol makes it worse!

Nana -- I'm waiting them out while doing some housework. You know I'll post a bulletin when we know! Will James do it? Will he put Matt on the block?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I find the syrian Jew comment out of line, I went to school with a lot of them and I never saw that. (BTW, I'm Jewish myself but not syrian)

But Adam is hilarious b/c he's so disgusting, I don't envy the houseguests having to live with him. I doubt he's washing his hands all of the time either.

This show is not half as fun without this blog.

joy n said...

Zoetawny, I'm thrilled and honored that you made up a graphic out of my nickname for Natalie. Thanks, too, to Jackie for using it. I'm loving the graphic!

I'm still hoping that Matt gets backdoored this week. None of the HGs seemed to care (other than Chel) that James was lied to and backdoored last time. I'd forgive James for doing it. Still, getting Ryan out would help break up the boy's club and Gnat would be neutralized
without Matt (as someone previously mentioned). Sheila is quickly wearing out her welcome. I guess if any of the three left, I'd be okay with it but I really don't want to see Matt beating his chest again or continue to use Gnat for his, Adam's and Ryan's personal entertainment.

Sydney said...

Anne- I just read through the posts and saw your note. What a shock, such a short period of time. My heart goes out to you. I'm glad you came here to check in. Hope you found some of this nonsense cheered you. Take good care of yourself. --Syd

Sydney said...

Yes, Zoetawny/Joyn -- so cool to have a gnat graphic. Can you do anything cute with the word blowmance? lol!

Sydney said...

PS: Jen and Nick (as in Nick and Daniele) are going out now and Nick is a far better beefcake/person. Speaking of which, why did everyone love AManda's posterior but not Jen's? Hers was certainly qualified to be remarkable. And remember everyone being all out of sorts about her little bikini bottoms last season? And now everyone this year looks well dressed if they just remember to put on their thong (girls and guys alike!).

Zoetawny said...

I'm giggling over my own graphic. LOL Thanks, Joy, for the idea. It totally fits Gnat's personality. Jackie, thanks for taking the time to put it up. I know how busy you are trying to keep up with all your show blogs, TV Squad and watching the live feeds at the same time.

As much as I disapprove of Gnat's behavior I can't help but feel empathy for that poor girl. It breaks my heart to see a female stoop so low for attention and affection. I'm wondering what her personality will be like if Matt is evicted? Seeing her less obsessed would be good but she may succumb to depression.


Sorry about the pizza. :( I hope you don't starve waiting for it. Did you read an earlier post where I said the dogs ate them? I'm not a very creative liar am I? That's why I could never do a show like BB or Survivor. They would eat me alive. Besides I like showering in private. ;)


Interesting ratings there. Thanks! You guys are so good at finding info to share with us here. I think Jackie is right about BB9 going up against AI making the ratings even worse. My dh has given up watching BB and watches AI on the nights it's on.

If it weren't for this blog I'm not sure I would have continued to watch.

Jackie's the BEST!!!!!

monty924 said...

Joetawny, fabulous Gnat graphic!