Thursday, April 17, 2008

Survivor Review, BB9 Noms

D'oh! I forgot to post the BB9 noms. I hate when they tell people ahead of time they're going on the block. It makes the nominations ceremony itself (which is blocked from the feeds) almost unimportant. Ryan nominated Sharon and Sheila, as he said he would. I'll be posting an update in a bit.

My review of tonight's Survivor is up over on TV Squad.

Today was another one of those days for me -- worked later than I planned, had to go to the doctor's office to pick up all of the pre-admission paperwork for my medical clearance and my auto-whatever blood "donation." I have to give them my blood so that when I need it during my surgery, I'll get my own back. Oh, great ... I hope I don't give myself any diseases! Then when I got home there was a letter from my health insurance company -- "We're pleased to inform you that your surgery has been approved." Well, of course it is! Sheesh!

More in a bit!


Sydney said...

WOW Jackie, things are coming together for your knee to be as new as springtime, la la la. I am glad you're doing this after it's cold and snowy and before it gets too horribly muggy!

Well, Shar and Big She are up. On to the POV where the real power lies.

I have to say, for a guy who claims he was not a fan of the show, whose girlfriend wanted to be on the show so bad this was her third try (isn't that right?) and who got in without having to go through the normal process BECAUSE of his GF recommending him, he is in the f4 and HOH. I wonder if all that is true and this is dumb luck or if that was a front.

Either way, I bet Jen is feeling all vindicated (and jealous).

Laurie said...

Good to know your surgery has been approved ... lol. That term for giving your own blood if needed for your surgery is called "autogenous blood" donation. It's pretty popular and good to do. If they don't use it they have to toss it since it hasn't gone through the testing regular donations go through.

No surprises with the nominations, but it makes the POV comp really interesting, doesn't it?

PlaidChick said...

OK WTF??? Sheila and Ryan are no longer chained....

BBAD is going to be boring as of now because Ryan and Sharon are watching their movie...

BBAD scroll said the POV Comp airs on Sunday... So I'm thinking POV happens tomorrow, along with ceremony on Saturday, and eviction on Saturday or Sunday...

joy n said...

Sounds like all gears are in motion for your upcoming surgery. Aren't those insurance companies a pip?

How's Sheila taking her nomination? The boys probably have them both convinced that they're safe, of course.

Now that the Gnat is out of the house, (whew!) I'm just waiting for it to be over.

Ryan already sharing 10 thou AND this new shopping spree (which I'm sure Jen will enjoy immensely) may work against him in the votes. Sharon, I like, but a floater is a floater is a floater. I like that Adam has a heart but don't like how easily influenced he has been. Sheila hasn't been much more than a floater, either. So... I find myself just not caring all that much anymore who wins it.

I do hope to see inside sequester again. Would love to see Gnat's reception there. Guess GOD didn't want her to win, after all.

Anonymous said...

plaidchick-Adam and Shelia are no longer chained (not Ryan)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your insurance company approved your surgery. My ins. company approved my surgery, then ten days after the surgery I got a letter saying it wasn't approved. OOPS! I said oh well, it's already done, they'll have to sue me for it! Luckily someone realized the mistake quickly!