Monday, September 02, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Update - Sept. 2

The live feeds were blocked for the veto ceremony and a whole lotta minutes around it. As you recall, Tommy won the Power of Veto.

Of course, Tommy saved Christie with the veto. As he and Cliff had previously discussed, Jackson put Cliff on the block as a pawn against Jess (his target)

This was Jess's reaction after the meeting -- right here.

In other news -- Holly and Jackson broke up. Then Holly and Jackson made up.


Sharon N said...

Christie has made sure Jess is in her corner, so if Tommy/Christie have their way, Cliff will get gone. Jackson still doesn't realize Tommy isn't in his corner, so I wouldn't put it past Tommy to put a bug in his ear about Cliff... in the attempt to keep Jess.

I don't understand how Jackson could think Jess is such a HUGE threat. @@ Holly has a much better 'take' on things, but he never listens to anyone but himself. He might be about to get a 'double eviction' lesson.

monty924 said...

Nah, Cliff's staying and I can watch that Tweet loop over and over and over, hahahahaha

Thanks Jackie!!

David said...

Since no one seems to suspect that this is a double eviction this week, we may get actually surprised HG's for once unless production warns them.

Hopefully Christie can go during the double. She won't have time to run her mouth and wear them down to keep her. I would like Nichole to somehow pull a win out her rear end and put up Tommy and Christie. lol, yea, I am dreaming.

Sharon N said...

Yeah, I doubt Cliff will go, but there's always that crazy outside chance, and Christie is so dang slippery.

With Thursday being a double, my Fingers are crossed for Nicole to win the quick HOH. So far, Nicole's brain has been trying to tell her that "something doesn't feel quite right" about Christie/Tommy. Holly is the only other person who's voiced she'd Christie gone.

The moleman said...

Anybody think that Nicole might vote out cliff?

The moleman said...

Anybody think that Nicole might vote out cliff?

Sharon N said...

Nope. I sincerely doubt Nicole could be convinced to vote out Cliff.

monty924 said...

I'm hoping that Nicole wins the first HOH (that would suck because she wouldn't get the room) and then Cliff wins the second. I want Tommy to go out in the second eviction. If he makes it to the end, he wins with THIS jury.

Sharon N said...

Exactly Monty. Tommy would win vs everyone else.
Not sure that would be true with Christie, especially with Nick in the house casting a huge shadow on her.
Way too over-confident, Jackson thinks he would beat any of the remaining with the Jury. Wrong.

Anonymous said...

That is the best loop of Jess lol

Judi Sweeney said...

Nahhhhhh... I would be shocked if Cliff was voted out and it would be EXTREMELY stupid of Tommy/Christie to try and sway Jackson in doing that. For the life of me (and that’s saying a lot), I cannot understand why Nicole is the only one suspicious of how connected Tommy and Christie might be!?! How many times does Tommy have to save Christie before people start connecting the dots!?! And no one has even brought up the possibility of a double eviction? I just want to slap someone silly or at least poor a LARGE bucket of ice and water! On them!! Wake up Hamsters! OK, I feel a little better in getting that all out... but not by much! Smiling...

Judi Sweeney said...

Thanks Jackie for the update and The Tweet!

monty924 said...

Judi, they've run the number of weeks left and don't believe that there will be a DE unless there is a battle back. I think BB might be going back to old school and we won't have that quick eviction (taped not really live) this year and it will work out fine. This will make for a perfect surprise on Thursday to ALL of them. :)))

The moleman said...

Still concerned about Nicoles vote

Anonymous said...

I thought Julie said there would be a double eviction on Thursday.

Petals said...

I'm so embarrassed for Holly, with all the "please? Please?" She will want to die when she sees herself.

Petals said...

Her life is reduced to having an unemployed 24yr old chastise her and her plea for his forgiveness.