Tuesday, January 17, 2006

'Love Monkey' Premiere - Yay Not a Nay

I like it. I think I really like it.

I'm not so impressed by "Wayne" the John-Mayer-sounding Robby-Benson-looking featured artist on the show.

So, what do I like about 'Love Monkey'?

Well, let's see...

I like Tom Cavanagh. I liked him as 'Ed' and I think I like him as 'Tom.'

I like that it's filmed at least partially (if not entirely) in NYC. It's nice to see places I know and not fake backdrops or Toronto pretending to be NY.

The premise is something a bit different from most, although there's that "L" word in there. No, not lesbian. The never ending story of seeking love. He may just find that when he stops looking, it'll smack him in the face. Or something like that. But, of course, that would ruin the premise of the show. Whoops! Pay no attention to my advice, Tom. Nothing to see here; move along.

The characters look interesting. There's a gay male and a black male not written overly exaggerated as TV tends to do -- kind of like the diversity which does exist in any metropolitan area. That's a good sign, in my opinion, that the show won't become some sort of mockery of actual life.

I must say that it's odd to see Jason Priestly looking like he's headed for middle-aged. When did he get mature?

I'll be watching this again next week. It may live up to its hype. (Unlike my expectations... er... hopes... for 'The Four Kings.')

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