Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Survivor 41: October 27 Episode Blog Party


Good evening! I hope everyone has made it through the weird weather all over the country okay. Our nor'easter here dropped about five or so inches of rain over two days and all day today has been strong winds. Lots of flooding, lots of power outages. Thankfully, I was affected by neither.

Tonight's episode promo from last week is that we'll have a tribe shuffle or merge. I think it will be a shuffle of some sort. But don't hold me to that or make any wagers. I'm just guessing. I refuse to be held liable if I'm wrong.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show with the major events as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool. She rocks like that, right? Are you still in the pool?

Danny McCray - Cheryl in NC, Nickelpeed, Jennifer
Deshawn Radden - Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, Jlaf
Erika Casupanan - Petals, Pam Arceneaux, Margo
Heather Aldret - Debbie, Joanne Victoria
Naseer Muttalif - CherryPie, Tammy M
Sydney Segal - Joyce Erickson, Laurie

Ricard Foye - Mikes Girl, GiLLL
Shantel Smith- Marthalight, Jackie

Evvie Jagoda - Sharon C, bizaro22, Indiana Jane
Liana Wallace - Terry is a Texan, ChicMC
Tiffany Seely - David, Dr_Celine
Xander Hastings - Donna in FL, April

Eric Abraham
Sara Wilson
David Voce
Brad Reese
Jairus Robinson (JD)
Genie Chen

Survivor fans ready?

We start out with Ua returning from Tribal on Night 11. Shan feels bad that she had to go for Genie to leave because she needed Ricard's strategy skills. He's upset with her because she wanted her extra vote just before Tribal. He gave the vote back but not the advantage, claiming that he would give her it tomorrow. Ricard doesn't think she should have two advantages in this game. I don't know. If I were there, no one would touch any idol or advantage I had. I don't care if they trust me or not! Now because she used the advantages as collateral, they're squabbling.

Yase Day 12 -- Tree mail. Milestone, it sounds like it might be the merge coming. So they think, anyway. They have to gather all their personal items and such to take with them. Xander thinks the four are locked solid and could shake up the game. However, Liana thinks of Xander as a big threat. 

Luvu - Naseer is trying to gather them all together as an alliance going into the merge.

Jeff meets with us. He says no one is going home tonight and it will be a two part episode. 

Jeff calls them in. He tells them tribes are no longer, it's an individual game. Drop your buffs. He says they are not merged, they have to earn their way in. Draw for two teams, dig up massive boulder, push boulder through course to key stations, retrieve keys, climb up a tower, word puzzle -- earns a merge buff and a meal, will be safe at Tribal Council. Two players will draw grey rocks and their fate will be decided by the winning team.

ACK! Naseer has grey! Erika also has grey. The teams are determined by blue and yellow rocks. Right now I can't keep up with both teams members live. I will add them in later. Blue is ahead and Yelllow seems to be more women.

Yellow - Liana, Heather, Xander, Shan, Tiffany

Blue - Ricard, Danny, Deshawn, Evvie, Sydney

BLUE wins! They have to choose either Erika or Naseer to be with them. The one not chosen has to go off to like an Exile Island dealie for two days. YAY! Naseer joins them for the merge feast at the sanctuary.

Oh my -- that is some feast! It comes out that the worry is the men keep being eliminated which is why they chose to bring Naseer aboard. Evvie denied they were targeting the men.

Erika is on the island. She has a bit of rice. She has water. Now we get her backstory about being different from others and not having much. Yet her parents instilled good personal values in her. Hmm. My head was turned looking at the computer monitor but I caught a glimpse of something that looked like a key. I may be wrong.

Yellow goes to their assigned camp. Xander is worried that he might have to play his idol or win immunity to stay in the game. Liana has that "you must give me your idol"advantage. She tells Shan about it. Tiffany prods Liana for intel and learns about the advantage. Tiffany is suspicious (with good cause) about Liana even though Liana told her she wants Xander to go.

It's still Day 12 when the feasting Blues join the Yellow at camp. Naseer tells Xander he has his back. Xander knows he could very well be a target. Sydney thinks Erika will get an advantage on the island and should be targeted. Liana wants to team up with Danny and Deshawn. Okay, they are aligning and, like BB last season, it's the blackness. But a major difference is that they don't have the singular goal of first Black winner and I doubt they will be as cohesive.

Erika is still on the island. A boat pulls up with Jeff on it. He asks her about how it feels to be left alone He tells her they gave her tremendous power. An hourglass will allow her to go back in time, can change history, can go back to yesterday and change the results. If she wants to do it, she needs to smash the hourglass. She can save herself. She is worried because the six that would no longer be safe are her own ex-tribemates for the most part.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Survivor 41: October 20 Episode Blog Party


Yessirree ... we're back for more schemin' demons ... er ... castaways. The tribes are getting down so low that you know a shuffle or merge has to be upon us soon. So, what are we in for tonight? Will Shan hum again? She's reminding me of Omar's whistling 'The Farmer in the Dell' as he walks with his shotgun in The Wire.

I will be live blogging the episode as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to catch the latest major updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

The Ever Efficient Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool. Are you still in it?

Danny McCray - Cheryl in NC, Nickelpeed, Jennifer
Deshawn Radden - Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, Jlaf
Erika Casupanan - Petals, Pam Arceneaux, Margo
Heather Aldret - Debbie, Joanne Victoria
Naseer Muttalif - CherryPie, Tammy M
Sydney Segal - Joyce Erickson, Laurie

Genie Chen - SueGee, Laura in GA, Bren
Ricard Foye - Mikes Girl, GiLLL
Shantel Smith- Marthalight, Jackie

Evvie Jagoda - Sharon C, bizaro22, Indiana Jane
Liana Wallace - Terry is a Texan, ChicMC
Tiffany Seely - David, Dr_Celine
Xander Hastings - Donna in FL, April

Eric Abraham
Sara Wilson
David Voce
Brad Reese
Jairus Robinson (JD)

Survivor fans ready?

Ua - Day 10! The tribe of three. Genie is feeling solid with the three of them. Genie is looking for JD's recycled three-part idol rehidden. And, she finds it! Argh. She tells Shan and Ricard about it. Shan doesn't want it opened, tells us she doesn't want anyone to have more power than her. She talks to Ricard, neither trust Genie. They decide to hide a fake idol in its place before opening it. It is the three-way one. If the third part isn't used by the merge, it expires. Ricard, the one behind the fake idol idea, tells Genie they need to say Brad's speech just to see if Luvu has found theirs.

Luvu - Erika is out there catching fish. The men are getting worried about men on other tribes are getting voted out. Naseer doesn't want to throw challenges. He is feeling good because Danny and Deshawn have accepted him. They haven't really, though. They just feel they need him.

Yase - The women are making Xander feel like he has the power. Tiffany and Evvie don't trust his relationship with Liana. They go in his bag and find the extra vote. He tells Tiffany that he has the three part.

Day 11. A very hot day. Whoa! Naseer comes up with the third line for the three-part idol! Immunity Challenge -- also Reward, rope and giant tarp for 1st, 2nd smaller tarp. 

Up and over net "ramp," one person untangle knots after all tribe mates up and over, release key, machete to release bags, fire at targets with giant slingshot doohickey.

YASE wins 1st Immunity! Luvu wins 2nd! Uh-oh ... Ua will be down to two? Yase sends two in a journey, must choose a Ua -- chooses Shan. One more -- Liana.

Liana and Shan travel together. Shan rats out Xander to Liana. They agree to work together after the merge. Shan also tells her that if she's not here tomorrow, Ricard can't be trusted because he's her ally. We get the backstory on both. Shan used to be in a gang but is now a pastor. Liana is just getting to know her mother. Shan doesn't risk her vote. Liana says she needs to risk her vote. The Knowledge of Power Advantage. She can ask others if they have an idol or advantage, they cannot lie to her. Then she can take it.

Ua - Ricard and Genie. Ricard tells her that he thinks Shan will vote him out. He tells us he plans on convincing Genie to vote out Shan while he and Shan vote out Genie. Genie doesn't really trust Ricard. She's not a dummy and she tells us she and Shan would vote him out.

Shan returns and tells us she will tell them all that happens. She does tell them that she did not risk her vote. All three decide to pitch themselves. Shan wants one on one meetings with both. Genie tells her she's with her. Shan trusts her. She wants to snag the extra vote back from him. Ricard tells her he won't vote her out. He thinks if he gives her the extra vote back she will vote him out. They argue-ish. He tells her he will give it back tomorrow. Shan is down to trying to decide between the strategist or the loyalist.

Tribal Council time and Jeff's Probsting questions. Ricard is taking a lot of credit for himself. Hmm. All are nervous.

The tally -- no idols played -- Genie, Ricard, Genie.

Aw, I was getting to really like her.

Next week -- Drop your buffs. But it's not really a merge. I assume it will be a tribe jumble of some kind. Either two tribes or people drawn from Luvu to fill out the other two tribes.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Survivor 41: October 13 Episode Blog Party


Good evening! I hope everyone is doing well. Are you ready for another episode of this rather new-fangled twists season? I'm getting a bit befuddled with all these bizarre idol twists and walks through the countryside. I guess we'll find out tonight if Brad's now lost part of the three part idol will be re-hidden. I would think so. Otherwise three people won't get an idol each. We know how the show pushes the idols.

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the pool and here's where we currently stand:

Danny McCray - Cheryl in NC, Nickelpeed, Jennifer
Deshawn Radden - Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, Jlaf
Erika Casupanan - Petals, Pam Arceneaux, Margo
Heather Aldret - Debbie, Joanne Victoria
Naseer Muttalif - CherryPie, Tammy M
Sydney Segal - Joyce Erickson, Laurie

Genie Chen - SueGee, Laura in GA, Bren
Jairus Robinson - Sydney, Brandi
Ricard Foye - Mikes Girl, GiLLL
Shantel Smith- Marthalight, Jackie

Evvie Jagoda - Sharon C, bizaro22, Indiana Jane
Liana Wallace - Terry is a Texan, ChicMC
Tiffany Seely - David, Dr_Celine
Xander Hastings - Donna in FL, April

Eric Abraham
Sara Wilson
David Voce
Brad Reese

I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun! Survivor fans ready?

Ua - Coming back from Tribal. Genie feels all alone because Brad went and he was her only ally. She says she will not help them anymore. Shan tells her about Brad's advantage that he had kept secret from her (Genie). She ends up giving JD his advantage back.

Oh my ... we're already into the Immunity Challenge? Yikes! Oh. It's a pure Reward Challenge. First two tribes to finish -- 1st gets a local visitor who will aid them in how to survive. 2nd gets a fish. They have to toss a ball up and let it roll down a raised platform over their heads, run to catch it on the other side. Then they must dig to go under a pole. Then toss the balls on a beam to balance them.

GENIE made the final shot for Ua and they win. Yase wins second. And Luvu has their first loss. Heather is hysterically crying because she just couldn't get through the first part. Her tribemates are consoling her and trying to cheer her up. After all, it was just Reward.

Yase - They are loving their fish! Tiffany is actually (seemingly) thriving. They find a whole bunch of turtles. Baby ones, that is. They cheer the turtles on as the babies head to the ocean.

Ua - The local Nathan shows them how to climb coconut trees. It's a bit reminiscent of Ozzy. He gives them advice on catching fish. Uh-oh, now Ricard is thinking they don't need Genie again!

Luvu - Erika doesn't feel bad about losing ... she's just happy to be there. She observes that Sydney's emotions might be the downfall of the tribe. But when she voices her thoughts to Deshawn, it kind of puts her in the spotlight. Ohh ... he tells us he thinks she's sneaky. Deshawn runs to Sydney to tell her what Erika said about her.

Then Deshawn tells Danny. Now the target is on Erika if they lose. Heck, they're talking about throwing the challenge! Danny does not want to do that!

Immunity Challenge time. Race through water, collect three bags of logs, push through a tunnel, find key on one log, unlock the ring, toss three on pegs. Deshawn is going very slowly. He's retying the knots on the logs bags instead of untying. Heh, Naseer's efforts to win thwart Deshawn's efforts to lose.

Yase wins Immunity! And, despite Deshawn, Naseer wins the 2nd Immunity for Luvu. Ua will go to Tribal tonight.

Genie tells JD she is thinking of doing the Shot in the Dark, rolling the die. They lose their votes when they do that. JD thinks Genie should go because if she doesn't, it could very well be him. Shan wants to put Genie's focus on JD to protect Ricard. Oh my. What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. Oh geez ... JD falls for Shan's trust speech and lets her hold his advantage of the extra vote. What a gullible kid!

Tribal time! Jeff points out that Genie's body language seems exhaustion, defeat? She says she's playing from the bottom. She is sure the tribe is just placating her to keep her from using the Shot in the Dark -- which is another confusing thing introduced this season. Emotion is big on all of them.

JD votes Genie. No others shown.

The tally -- Genie, JD, JD, JD.

Oh, silly boy. His childhood dream blown in a minute. Not to mention, Shan still has his extra vote advantage for herself now. You KNOW she won't be fool enough to give it to someone to hold to prove their trust.

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Survivor 41: October 6 Episode Blog Party

Good evening! I hope everyone is doing well. Let's start off with a trivia fact about this season -- you know how they usually go months without knowing the vote? This season they do know. They aren't telling but they do know. Due to Covid they were wary of trying for a live finale reunion show and actually finished up where they were. However, if you see any spoilers, please don't spoil it for the rest of us!

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool and here is where we stand:

Danny McCray - Cheryl in NC, Nickelpeed, Jennifer
Deshawn Radden - Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, Jlaf
Erika Casupanan - Petals, Pam Arceneaux, Margo
Heather Aldret - Debbie, Joanne Victoria
Naseer Muttalif - CherryPie, Tammy M
Sydney Segal - Joyce Erickson, Laurie

Brad Reese - Marlo L, Glenn Allen, Shannon
Genie Chen - SueGee, Laura in GA, Bren
Jairus Robinson - Sydney, Brandi
Ricard Foye - Mikes Girl, GiLLL
Shantel Smith- Marthalight, Jackie

Evvie Jagoda - Sharon C, bizaro22, Indiana Jane
Liana Wallace - Terry is a Texan, ChicMC
Tiffany Seely - David, Dr_Celine
Xander Hastings - Donna in FL, April

Eric Abraham
Sara Wilson
David Voce

I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Things look a bit rough on Yase. Oh my, Tiffany found an advantage in the night vision lens. She had to share with Liana and Evvie as they saw her. She, like others before her, has to go off on a boat.

On Ua, it's daytime. Brad is a bit ticked as there are four tribemates sitting around laughing when they should be doing chores. He starts doing chores alone when he finds a similar advantage note telling him to sneak onto a boat.

On Luvu it's the night cam again but then the dawn arrives. Naseer thinks Sydney is playing a double agent game. Sydney thinks Naseer is erratic and could ruin all their games. Uh-oh. She sees the note near the fire. And, she goes for it. She's scared but doesn't want to lose her vote and the note header says "Beware."

JD is really searching around for an idol. He does have the extra vote from his previous boat trip. He thinks Ricard might have it ... or Shan. Maybe Genie? Brad never leaves the shelter. Heh. Ohh ... Genie and Brad found the second of the three team idol -- the one with the secret phrase and all three must say it. They (he) cannot vote at the tribal until all three parts are found. It gives all three phrases and he remembers Xander saying the butterfly phrase. He runs and tells Shan about it to prove his trust. He shows her both advantages and tells her he has to get on the boat.

Brad dummies up his bed like a kid sneaking out the window from home. And he's off! On Yase, Tiffany meets her boat. Tiffany arrives. All three are walking by torchlight. They have a choice between tarp or steal a vote. All players choose tarp, they all get one. If they all choose steal a vote, they all lose the next vote. If a split vote, they could lose the tarp. Sydney wants tarp. Tiffany wants steal a vote. Brad steals a vote. Sydney is worried and wants to play it safe. They don't show Tiffany.

Tree Mail time - Luvu no tarp. Brad got the steal a vote. Tiffany and Sydney went for the tarp and got nothing.

Immunity Challenge time! Genie says they have no rice. Brad drops his phrase and Xander replies back with his. No third phrase. One at a time rope bridge over water, dig for five separate sandbags, throw at corresponding targets. Also win fruit -- large tray to first place, smaller for second. Again, two tribes safe this week.

LUVU wins first immunity, YASE second! Ua goes to Tribal tonight!

Brad is worried because he can't use the steal a vote and he has lost his vote. JD gets his extra vote he took on his trip. Shan saw it sticking out of his shorts, now can't trust him Ricard thinks both Brad and JD are sneaky. He thinks Shan needs to make up her mind. In order to gain trust, JD hands Shan his advantage. She feels torn, like she did when she was five and had to choose which parent to live with. Will she go for JD or Brad? Hmm.

Tribal Council. Jeff asks his Probsting questions. He asks Ricard about alliance or tribe strength. He says alliance. Genie is worried. Brad champions trust. JD thinks he has lost trust. JD tells the tale of how the show made him into the man he is today. 

JD votes Brad. Brad can't vote (or he would vote JD).

The tally -- Brad, JD, Brad, Brad ... three is enough. Bye, Brad.

Does this mean the three part idol will never come to fruition? Or do they just re-hide it for someone else to find?