Wednesday, January 25, 2006

New 'Survivor' Castaways: A Closer Look at Dan Barry

It's a flip back to the older crowd for this 'Closer Look at...' retired astronaut new 'Survivor' cast member Dan Barry. He's 52 years old, born in Norwalk, CT but considers South Hadley, MA his home.

From his CBS bio, we glean:
Besides being a retired astronaut who's logged over 734 hours in space including four space walks; he's an inventor; has a mind-bogglingly impressive educational background and has published over 50 articles in scientific journals. He owns his own company, Denbar Robotics, and has five patents for his creations. Yikes. I feel so insignificant in the scheme of things now. Thanks, Dan!

He's also a lifetime member of the United States Tennis Association.

But... what are his CBS listed Favorites? What will they tell us about his quirks and weaknesses? Let's see:
Okay, he won me on his favorite scent. It's what I would list if I were asked -- cookies baking in the oven. Board game is Go, nice. Red Sox and Patriots fan, boo. His music and movies/actor tastes are a bit in line (to a degree) with my own. That could be a generational kind of thing -- he's only a few years older than I am (but he looks a lot older than I do -- I think). Oh! He likes Cap'n Crunch and Sugar Smacks! He's human, woohoo! He likes Ruffles (must be the ridges). Frozen strawberry margaritas and fruit smoothies.

Oh, my prediction? I want him to do well. I think I really like him -- he seems extremely intelligent, but looking at his favorites he's more in synch with my own than many of the others. A drawback would be that he is older and, though somewhat athletic, I don't know how well he'll hold up. I'm hoping NASA puts them through rigorous physical training, but I don't know all that much about what astronauts go through on the physical end of things. He only retired in the past year... okay, I know I'm stalling on my decision. Hmmm... I think I'll go near mid-game with him although I would rather he go further.

What do you think?

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