Sunday, March 12, 2006

'Survivor' Scheduling Heads Up!

Folks --
Thanks to blog reader John, I went looking for this week's Survivor: Panama - Exile Island scheduling. Apparently there is no show on Thursday. On Wednesday at 8 PM ET/PT in most viewing areas will be the typical filler show we see each season full of recaps of what's gone on thus far and the oh-so-special previously unseen footage. (Can you tell how thrilled I am?)

Alas, I have plans to be at B.B. King's Blues Club in Manhattan on Wednesday night reviewing a concert for Now I'll have to make the decision between taping a recap of Survivor or Bones. I'll probably go with Survivor, but it better be darned exciting unseen footage, not Shane scratching bug bites! American Idol is down to a half hour that night starting at 9 PM and I'm actually grateful that Lost is yet another repeat.

So, I feel safe rockin', rollin' and singing the blues in the city.
I won't sing.


dawn said...

Jackie, it sounds as if blogscritic is a real job now. Congrats. just don't forget about all the people here. Love ya

Jackie S. said...

Oh, I'm not going anywhere. It's not a real job -- I've been posting the show stuff here and there. This was just a shot at a music review that I thought was kind of cool!