Wednesday, October 11, 2006

'Lost' - "The Glass Ballerina"

Jackie's TV Blog, Lost

Graphic artist Zoetawny made me a Lost maze mug. It's great, but I have to keep entering the code to save the world. Now, how am I going to get some sleep tonight? Maybe I can take in a stranger and convince him to enter the code while I flee!

Tonight's episode of Lost was called "The Glass Ballerina" and it won't rank in my favorites. Not that it was horrible, mind you. Not at all. It was entertaining enough, but I feel a bit stuck in place after watching it.

The show opened with a flashback sequence of Sun as a child. She broke a glass ballerina figurine in her house, then lied to her very authoritative father, telling him the maid broke it. Even after he told her the maid would be fired and he obviously thought Sun broke it, she lied.

As usual, the show cut back and forth from flashbacks to vignettes on the island interweaving them throughout the episode. Sometimes it can make you dizzy, but that's Lost for you. I'm going to split this into the main threads of tonight's show. We have the Sun/Jin backstory in flashbacks, the Sayid/Jin/Sun mission on the island, and then the Kate/Sawyer/Jack/Others events.

The Sun and Jin Backstory
After the initial flashback with the busted ballerina, the next one also focused on Sun's lies or, to be more precise, her infidelity. A motel room, Sun in bed with her lover, Jae. He told her that her English is good enough to leave. "You could go to America!" He showed her a pearl necklace and vowed his love for her. She teared up and doesn't commit. Or, she didn't really have a chance to as her father arrived into the room. Eep!

Then it was Jin meeting up with his father-in-law, Sun's very authoritative Dad. Her father, his boss, wants him to take care of a man who's been "stealing" from him. Although the father never comes out point-blank and said it, he used phrases like "my shame is your shame." Jin knew it was basically a contract hit and refused, even tried to quit. Quitting wasn't allowed - he must restore their honor. Jin told Sun he had to deliver a message for her father and she knew. She begged him not to, claimed they could run away. But, he couldn't.

So, Jin confronted Jae, beat him and held a gun to his head. Well, there was a pillow in between the gun and the head, but I don't believe that's great cover. He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill Jae. Jae cried, he apologized. Jin told him to vanish. But, he didn't. Instead, as Jin sat in his car still shaking from the encounter, Jae's body thumped down. A suicide? He held the pearls he had planned to give to Sun.

The last flashback was Jae's funeral. Sun and dear rather evil Dad met up by surprise. Sun asked him if he was going to tell Jin. He told her that's not his place and commented on the suicide as well as the shame. Sayid is back!

The Sayid, Sun, and Jin Island Mission
Sayid has hatched a rescue mission to save Jack, Sawyer, and Kate. He wants to sail to where the others are and save the world. Wait, that's Locke pushing the button. No, Sayid wants to save the captives. Or, perhaps, he just wants to confront the others?

Jin was reluctant to go with Sayid's plan and there doesn't seem to be a lot of trust there. Sun told Jin she wanted to go because she didn't want to be without him. (She sure was without him with Jae!)

They set sail and found a dock which seemed very out of place. Sayid suggested they camp for the night and make a fire. Supposedly the plan was to build a fire so Jack could see the smoke. But Sun saw through it and questioned Sayid. He admitted his plan was to build the fire to attract the Others. When they came, he'd kill all but two hostages. Why two? So they could be used against each other. "Just lie to Jin for twenty minutes more," he pleaded as they built the fire. Lie to Jin? Say it ain't so!

There was no need to lie to Jin, though. He figured it all out and said he also understands English more than people think he does. He and Sayid took guns and waited by the fire for the Others, sending Sun to the "safety" of the boat.

Oh, no! The Others want the boat, not the people! Several boarded in the dark of night. Down below deck, Sun retrieved a gun and tried to convince a blonde female Other (not Juliet) to let her escape. The female Other knew Sun's name and didn't think she'd shoot. No go with that and Sun shot her. She barely escaped with her own life as the men on deck shot at her.

Ah, but she fell overboard and swam to Jin, who was already frantically swimming to her. All lovey-dovey and even Sayid showed remorse for his wayward mission.

Jack, Sawyer, and Kate Still Held Captive
Juliet made soup for Jack who's still being held in the dry dolphin tank. He seems to have lost his appetite and wasn't overly cooperative. When Juliet met up with Benry (Henry/Ben), he flirted just a bit... a bit bitter, it seems. "You never made soup for me." They were interrupted by the blonde Not Juliet (possibly Colleen) who told them that the "Iraqi found the decoy village and had a boat."

"I want that boat," said Benry in an absolutely chilling tone. It was like he didn't care if the people lived or died - he wanted the boat.

Sawyer and Kate were awakened by loud parade music, then carted off to a workfarm just a bit short of being on the chain gang. Kate had to chop up rocks while Sawyer had to haul the chopped rocks in a wheelbarrow. There were several other prisoners doing the same work. They were warned not to talk or try to escape; the punishment would be electrical shocks from a handheld shock doohickey.

A woman in the bushes (not one of the prisoners) whispered to Kate, said the dress she was wearing was hers, and asked if they were living in the bear cages. She asked about Carl, someone she seems to think may be in one of the cages. She disappeared as quickly as she had appeared. Was this Alex, Rousseau's daughter? I believe it was.

Just gimme a kiss
Then there was The Kiss, the one featured in promos. And, just as the spoilers predicted, the kiss wasn't what it seemed. Oh, yes, it was a kiss and indeed a kiss between Sawyer and Kate. But, it was a scheme on Sawyer's part to either escape or, failing that, size up the enemy. It ended up being the latter as he reported back to Kate after their return to the cages. He thinks most of the men have never had to fight anyone, but the blonde woman would kill in a minute. As Kate and Sawyer talked, Benry monitored every bit of their conversation on several monitors much like the hatch with the monitors of the other hatches.

Back to Jack, Benry tried to start over by explaining that he couldn't say anything when he was held captive. He introduced himself to Jack, which got the Rolling Stones song "Sympathy for the Devil" running through my mind -- "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and fame... what's puzzling you is the nature of my game." He said his full name is Benjamin Linus and he extended his hand, a hand Jack refused to shake.

Benry makes Jack an offer He told Jack that he's lived on the island all of his life and that Jack needs to change his perspective. When Jack questioned if home was where he had sent Walt and Michael, he affirmed it. Then he proved to Jack that he has contact with the world at large. His proof? The Boston Red Sox winning the world series. He showed him a videotape of the win.

"I will take you home. But you must listen and do what I tell you..."

And that was that; the episode is done. Very few answers, if any. Not even too many new questions. What I'm left with are nagging issues:
  • The Others claim to be Good, not Evil. Jack, Sawyer, and Kate were handpicked to be captives. Sawyer and Kate have outlaw backgrounds, Jack has issues. Are they Evil?
  • How did the Blonde Other know Sawyer's name is James? How did the Other on the boat know Sun's name? Where did they get that file on Jack last week?
  • Last week there was a reference that DHARMA was long ago, but there has to be some sort of organization behind the flow of information.
  • Where are the children?
  • Each backstory exposes weaknesses of the stranded. What are the weaknesses of the Others?
  • Why was Benry so intent on getting ahold of the boat? After all, if he has contact with the world, he wouldn't need it. Or, is it just that he doesn't want them to have it?
  • What's the reason behind a decoy village? How many others have fallen into the island's grip?
  • Are all of the Others like Benry, lifelong island residents?

Oh, I just don't know. I'm as Lost as all get-out!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Jackie. I had trouble getting in to Post. Must be why I'm the first to comment.

I still liked the episode, even tho it really didn't answer any questions except that the Others do have some connection to the outside world.

I do need Jack, et al to get out of the fish bowl/cages. Since previews showed Hurley and John, I wonder if we'll even see the captives next week.

And are Michael and Walt just out there in the ocean somewhere, maybe out of gas... or did they really get to go "home".

So many few answers.

Anonymous said...

Jacks... you really ought to read Randall's posts on your "What Is On Weds" entry. He's on to some things.

Juliette knew Sawyer was James just as Colleen knew Sun's name because Big Bad Ben's got the whole place wired. Jack's folder was a prop with nothing more in it than what they gleamed from watching the Losties.

The fake village that Sayid & Co went to at last year's end was purely a front to fool Michael so if he tried to doublecross them they (the Others) would be safe. Much like the town in Blazing Saddles.

Anonymous said...

So much subterfuge and how and where do they get all the resources to do these things? Was the Dharma project all that powerful,because something or somebody had to lay all this groundwork for these people. And if these are the children/grands of the originals,why now do we see no kids?

All this latest technology and equipment,it somehow just seems to defy logic. AND if they are in contact with the outside,then they CHOOSE to stay here,but why would they refuse to help the Losties return to their lives?

I don't believe Michael and Walt were sent home,either!!

Anonymous said...

1. If they have access to the outside world, all the info is easy. THis was a major plane crash with the remains never found. Those biographies of the missing are probably all over the internet. In every detail. One day after Cory Litle's crash, I know he's descended from Robert Fulton.

2. The pillow over the gun works as a silencer. It's not to protect Jae but to make sure Jin isn't caught. It's very common in TV contract hits. I have no clue if it's true in real life.


dawn said...

I thought the whole boston red sox bit was priceless. When he said now I know your lying, that would have been every americans reaction.I know the next episode is the regulars not others but I'm wondering now how they are going to incorporate everyone into all the shows. Great recap Jackie
Love ya

Anonymous said...

So much has happened to them in 60 something days, too. My life doesn't run at breakneck speed like that and I have 3 kids. LOL


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, just wanted to put something out there. I have a book called "The Lost Chronicles". In the book, it confirms what I have said all last year, Rousseaus' child was a BOY.

In the episode where she captured Sayid and told him how she ended up on this island. She had a baby and the others took her son.

Does anyone else remember this?

Anonymous said...

ANON 10.12.2006 1:02pm
I don't remember that. Why did people start thinking she had a daughter? I think there's been plenty of evidence that she is a she.

That is a great guess about the healing of the island.
It could be that. I also think it could be that the healing of the island is a factor in the others being animals and they either cannot get off the island (they only get inormation inward), or they could not assimilate within the outside world, or similar to what you said they don't want to.
The island is pretty big. It's hard to find a prison breakee. It's hard to find Bin Laden. And the others are not wanderers, they have a settlement.
I think Connie/Colleen is bad like the others are bad.
Rousseau's daughter. I don't remember blue eyes. Either way, isn't this girl behind the bush, the same girl that we've bumped into twice previously? One time when the Losties and the Others met with guns in the middle of the Jungle? The other time didn't Claire hint that this was Rousseau's daughter??

Anonymous said...

Connie is paired with Danny. Connie was shot by Sun. Danny is the heavy-set guy that packs quite a punch.
Julliet thinks it's no big deal that the Losties have a boat because she wants to team-up with the Losties. Just a(n) (educated) guess.
Ben wants the boat because they don't have a way off the island and because it's too much disadvantage.

The healing of the island could be fountain-of-youth power and/or mixed with the evolutionary transformation from/to animals.

I knew they had Sawyer and Freckles paired the way they did to control them like Sayid wants to do with two Others. Ben is manipulating Jack to set up something (obviously). He said, "...change your ac[t], perspective".

I hope/think Jack will play along and then turn on them.
I hope they keep hold of their guns. It seems they keep losing them. Was Sun smart enough to take the gun with her even though it was into the water?
I hope the long walk Sayid is going on is toward the Others' settlement.
Bring Eko and John Locke into the mix and we could have a nice little victorious war on our hands. But I'm sure the show would be too PC for quite that. Maybe a nice little coup d'etat... ala Rouseau and her daughter. Oo-la-la.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Michael will show up again. Side-thought: mabye not until we see kids among the Others.
Michael doesn't need a slap. I forgot he killed two Losties when I said that. I hope Michael comes back and then gets killed. Justice.
The show could use that to create internal conflict within Walt to join the kids of the Others.

I think Big Bad Ben can observe everything "inside". John Locke and Eko will be able to guess this.
To observe things "outside"...maybe the Others are animals... not that they need to obsserve things outside in order to create a file on Jack.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember Rousseau's child being a boy. I do remember when they (the others) took the pregnant girl..the blond (can't think of her name..she has had the baby now in current time). Any way they had her in a room all pink, etc. Well she got away by being helped by a girl. The episode inferred that the girl was Rousseau's daughter. Wasn't it Rousseau who saved her after the girl helped her escape. I think the blond even told Rousseau that she saw her daughter and she was alright.

Did I dream this, or does anyone else remember this sequence?

This show can make you crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that Zoetawny once more amazes me with her talent and her ability to astound me...that beign said I am so sorry I cannot get into Lost, Its just too much. Not only are they having to try and make a life now even that crrummy life is turned upside down. I just cant deal with the gazillion story lines...
But I am so glad you guys love it...

Anonymous said...

p.s. and I remember Rousseau saying her child was a boy and that is why she was so intriqued with Claires son....

Anonymous said...

R's child is a girl and has always been a girl. Alex is short for Alexandra. She (R) revealed that herself. You watching the same show?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:20am
Thank you. I've been waiting for someone to be clear about it and say what I've been thinking.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just came here from and I relaly like your site. I have a TV review site of my own at come on by sometime.

I love Lost!! We can discuss the happenings.
