Tuesday, October 03, 2006

TV Newsy Bits: 'The Amazing Race' WIll Race Again For Season 11

It's amazing! Yes, it really is!

Although never a top show in the ratings arena, The Amazing Race has been chalking up the Emmy awards season after season. In this day of reality television overload, TAR shines through the pack. CBS recently announced that The Amazing Race has been renewed for an 11th season, delighting the show's many diehard fans.

The change to Sunday nights with the "Race, Case, Trace" CBS line-up - (Amazing Race, Cold Case, Without a Trace) - has improved the ratings for The Amazing Race, while perhaps not working as well on the latter two shows. Despite football games delaying its start on the East Coast, the CBS Sunday evening line-up
performed well on October 1, leading with a 9.5 rating and 15 share of the audience.

What sets TAR apart from the many reality shows on television? The premise is only a bit of the distinction — each season has 10 to 12 teams of two contestants, each with an existing relationship (family, friends, dating, etc.), running a whirlwind race around the globe, with the winning team bringing home one million dollars. Viewers of the show get glimpses of various customs, cultures, and historical places, along with breathtaking scenery of wondrous countries as they watch the teams sometimes implode, but more often grow closer through the race.

I'm a fan of the show and I don't believe I've ever missed an episode. On a personal level, one of the things I love about the show is that it often inspires me to find out more about an area through which the race was run. For example, this past week, the racers were in Hanoi, Vietnam. One of the clues led them to find John McCain's flight suit at the "Hanoi Hilton." I had some recollection of this, but watching the show made me go online and learn more about it. Other episodes find me searching for more information on religious and cultural rites. The Amazing Race touches on numerous topics, and makes me think, research and learn. No other reality television show does that for me. (Okay, I'll admit that Survivor had me looking up howling monkeys last season.)

The Amazing Race is hosted by
Phil Keoghan and, as a bit of the Internet seeps in, the term for when a team is eliminated has evolved to them being "Philiminated." This is done with great affection for the show's host, of course. As the teams race around the world, they have to perform both mental and physical tasks to move ahead. It can be edge-of-your-seat watching and the race to the mat can get viewers up and cheering for their favorite teams.

The Amazing Race airs every Sunday night following 60 Minutes on CBS. That would normally put it at an 8 PM ET/PT start, but football games may delay its airing on the East Coast. If you haven't watched the show, tune in and find out why it brings home the awards every season. It's exciting, interesting, and definitely entertaining -- even if you're not into the reality television genre.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie!

TAR is one of the best reality shows ever! It is ironic, as I was extremely "anti reality" back in the day, and I had so many tell me how they loved the show. I began to watch purely due to nothing else being compelling in the same time slot a few seasons ago, and I have been hooked ever since.

I completely agree that it is probably the only reality show that really makes you "think". Besides being educational and entertaining, it really promotes curiosity about parts of the world that we otherwise would not give much thought.

Of course each season promotes favorites and less than favorites! Those teams that we "love to hate"!!! And there have been more than a few!! ha

I would love to see Janelle on the show, with either Kaysar or Will. Alison was a total bust, but that was to be expected.

Thanks again for keeping us interested and involved, even after the BB season ends. I found you during BB6, and you have been on my favorites since I first read your blog.

We appreciate all you do! You can never hear that too much!


Anonymous said...

Phil rocks. I think he is so much better than Jeff Proust! You can go to the Amazing Race site at CBS.com and see his personnal site for each step of the race for more insight of the details! AR is the best reality show as it teaches you about the world/geography! The others boil down to ratings sensationalism! I have only missed one episode, because no elec and at that time no puter to watch. OMG...LOST is back.... can I stand it for another 11 and 1/2 hour?????

Sydney said...

Hey Jackie --

THe chat with Janelle you had linked us to a few entries back had her saying they were already talking to her about doing TAR. Doeth thou haveth any inside info on this????? It WOULD be great.

xx, Syd

Jackie S. said...

dla - Thank you! You made my day!

delee - It's countdown to LOST time! And, what woman wouldn't like Phil? I've seen him on talk shows and he comes across as a nice guy. The CBS site does have the goods on him!

sydney - I don't have any inside info, but trust me... if she gets on the show, I'll make sure to announce it here. Although I so enjoy watching Will work people, I think Kaysar and Janelle would make for a stronger team. And, if I had to suffer through Alison on TAR, they could seriously be considering a Janelle casting as she was such a hit with the fans. I guess we'll see.

Anonymous said...

So, I thought I had a TV conflict this evening.

I'm addicted to the new season of America's Top Model and tonight is supposed to be a good one with the cat fighting. Then I realized Lost premiers AND the reunion show for Project Runway is on. That's supposed to be a good one too!! I checked my local listings and I'm safe. Top Model is on at 7:00, Lost is at 8:00, and Project Runway is at 9:00. Whoo Hoo!!

(I really should get Tivo or Moxi through Charter Cable)

Anonymous said...


Those shows are on one after the other so do not sweat!!!!! If Eastern ATM 8p LOST 9p P Runway 10p

Jackie S. said...

Pssst... delee - When I was a child, I always felt sorry for the Central Time Zone people because they had to go to bed an hour earlier.

Anonymous said...

Jackie -- Not fair!! I was a child in the eastern time zone!! I always missed the good TV!!

Now that I'm getting old, I'm glad I'm in the central time zone so I don't have to stay up until 11:00 to see the end of the good shows :)

Sydney said...

Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can get the storylines from lost if I hadn't ever seen it but wanted to start?

I had watched the first few episodes and maybe one fromt he beginning of the second season... it really didn't stick but now if I'd like to give it a last try I'll be too LOST myself unless I have some background.


Anonymous said...


Try ABC.COM they may have them there if not then readable recaps

Anonymous said...

Just checked all the LOST recaps since the start can be found on abc.com

Anonymous said...

All LOST recaps are at ABC.com since the first one starting on Sep 21 2004

Sydney said...

thanks! watched the Nine and think it is a keeper too jackie, but we will have to watch at least the second ep to be sure.

Anonymous said...

Sydney -- check http://www.filmfodder.com/tv/lost/. I've been catching up there. This guy is pretty good!