Monday, May 14, 2007

'Heroes' - "Landslide" - A BulletPoint Report

Yikes, the season finale is next week! I think you can guess where I'll be on Monday night. I'm so addicted to this show. Is there a 12-Step Program for Heroes withdrawal?

As I've grown to expect, tonight's show was yet another nailbiter.

Anything less and it wouldn't be Heroes, right?

Here's the skinny on the happenings, not necessarily in the order in which they happened for the sake of clarity:
  • The show opened with Sylar saying, "Boom." Apparently he's now liking the idea of blowing up millions... or .07% of the world's population.
  • At Kirby Plaza, Peter Petrelli learned to control the absorption of Ted (Radioactive Hands Dude) Sprague's powers. A good thing because he had just given Claire the go-ahead to kill him.
  • HRG (Mr. Bennet) didn't realize that Peter was Claire's uncle.
  • The FBI is after Bennet, Parkman (mind-reading ex-cop), and Sprague. They've labeled Sprague a terrorist.
  • HRG wants to destroy the Walker Tracking System (Molly the Kid!) with Parkman.
  • He instructed Peter, Claire, and Sprague to go to a small town.
  • "I'm in!" said Sprague.
  • HEROES - Sylar Has a New Power
  • "Me, too," said lurking eavesdropping nearby SYLAR.
  • Meanwhile, Hiro believes he's failed his mission. His destiny was a mistake. Sylar's too powerful.
  • Ando found a sword repair shop in the Yellow Pages.
  • Hiro called them. "You have the fate of the world in your hands."
  • In Nathan news, Linderman was giving him another pep talk.
  • Nathan seems torn. He doesn't want to make the city into a nuclear wasteland, nor let his brother explode.
  • Linderman told Nathan that his (Nathan's) father had great power. He did all he could do to heal the world, but he had to give up.
  • Nathan's wife arrived in the room. He told her he would give her the greatest gift, then held her hand.
  • Voila! It's a miracle! She finds out after Linderman left that she can walk once again. (Can I get a hallelujah?) Of course, she realized it just as she told Nathan he didn't have to sell his soul to Linderman. It looks like her soul is in question now.
  • Back to Peter, Claire, and Sprague... as Claire dreams of being a caped superhero, Peter picks up on Sylar being around with his own powers.
  • They run, but get surrounded by the FBI who capture Sprague.
  • Peter and Claire run some more.
  • Agent Hanson of the FBI talks to Sylar (who identified himself as Isaac Mendez). He called in the tip on Sprague.
  • "Thank you. Most people don't get involved," she told him.
  • "I'm not most people," he replied. Understatement, I say!
  • Let's go back to Ando and Hiro again. They found the sword-fixing shop.
  • They also found Hiro's father once again.HEROES- Hiro's Dad played by George Takei
  • Ando wanted to leave as he was sure Hiro's father would stop their mission.
  • And, of course, he'd die.
  • It turns out that Hiro's father (played by George Takei, Lt. Sulu on Star Trek), knew about Hiro's powers all along.
  • Hiro's father is on his side, just didn't think he was ready.
  • Ninja training in action as Hiro and his Dad practice.
  • Hiro's father told him that he will kill Sylar the next attempt. The sword isn't important, the journey is. He will save the world.
  • Alas, Ando bought a sword and took off to continue the mission thinking that Hiro was going to be sent back to Japan.
  • Switching characters again -- I think Candice (the illusionist) might really be an obese woman. She hinted at it and ate tons of junk food while with Micah.
  • Micah told her she could use her powers for good.
  • "You could be a hero."
  • Micah told her Linderman was bad. "He's going to heal the world," she replied. "I didn't know it was sick," said Micah.
  • Linderman arrived and told Micah he needed to do one little thing which would save many lives, then he could go home to his parents. He'd give them lots of money and they could all live happily ever after.
  • Candice turned into a chubby black woman and took Micah to the polling station.
  • She told the woman at the booths she was teaching him about democracy and was allowed to bring him into the voting booth.
  • She then told him to use his power to tell all the computers to give Nathan Petrelli a landslide victory.
  • He did it. "Can I go home now?"HEROES - Micah
  • Ah, but D.L. and Jessica are in NY looking for Micah!
  • They talked to Nathan who seemed to be wavering a bit about Linderman, but felt powerless to do anything about him.
  • "You were going to kill him. Let us finish it!"
  • Then the news came in -- Nathan Petrelli won the election by a landslide.
  • All the action headed to the Kirby Plaza. Micah was held by Candice there.
  • Mohinder Suresh was curing Molly Walker so she could use her people/hero tracking powers once again.
  • The trouble is, Thompson, Bennet's ex-boss at Primatech Paper is in charge of the operation.
  • The other trouble is, Parkman and Bennet are in the building to destroy the Walker Tracking System (Molly!).
  • Molly was previously saved from the boogeyman (Sylar) by Parkman.
  • Parkman had no clue it was Molly that was the tracking system.
  • Bennet knew it was a person, but didn't know it was a child.
  • Ah, but before that, DL and Jessica met up with Parkman and Bennet in the building. Jessica to Parkman, "Didn't I once throw you out a window?"
  • They split when Bennet told them where to find Linderman.
  • Thompson tried to catch Parkman and Bennet, but Bennet set up Parkman.
  • "What am I thinking now?" Thompson asked Parkman as he sneaked up in back of him and put a gun to his head.
  • "Your last thought," Bennet said as he shot Thompson.
  • Then it became a standoff in Molly's room with Mohinder pointing his gun at Bennet and Bennet aiming at Molly.
  • HEROES - Standoff with Mohinder and Bennet
  • No shots fired, standoff unsolved in this chapter.
  • Back to Ted secured in the FBI truck...
  • Sylar caused the truck to crash with a flick of his hand.
  • It overturned and Ted was hanging upside down as Sylar did his brain-taking thing to get his nuclear-hands power.
  • Peter and Claire came upon the truck afterwards and knew it was the work of Sylar.
  • Back at the Kirby Plaza, DL and Jessica found Linderman and demanded their son, Micah, be returned.
  • Jessica sent Linderman flying across the room into a wall.
  • Linderman had a trick up his sleeve.
  • He gave Jessica money, 20 million dollars, to kill DL.
  • Jessica would do it, but Nikki wouldn't. Jessica turned back into Nikki.
  • "You should have taken the money," said Linderman as he shot DL.
  • Then DL phased his hand into Linderman's brain.
  • Now, both Linderman and DL are dead. I think.
  • As Nathan gave his acceptance speech, it hinted once again that he might be at least thinking of the right thing.HEROES - Sylar Practices His Boom
  • He mentioned Peter and making a difference for the greater good, world is sick, it can heal.
  • As he gives the speech, Sylar is atop the DeVeaux Building with the Empire State Building in the distance.
  • He's practicing his radioactive hands.
  • "Boom," he says, smiling at the thought.
Sylar quietly saying "boom" creeps me out.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this posted, its well informative and knowledgeable for your visitors or for everybody here. Continue sharing your taughts for the benefits of your visitors..keep up the good!! CHEERS


LYSS said...

Another great show that keeps you on the edge of your seat..and if you find the 12 step program for the Hero withdraws please let me know..but i think that we've already pass'd the 1st always hear people say "the 1st step is admitting you have a problem" 11 more to
you said that Syler saying "boom" quietly creeps you out..Syler creeps me out..period..he really needs to get the power of unibrow removal..i think that would be his best power that really bugs me..)

Ok now on to tuesday..what's on tonight???..


Sydney said...

Lyss-- DEADLIEST CATCH IS ON TUESDAY NIGHTS!!!! Such a cool show... wait, I think last week was the season finale. Oh well, that leaves Dancing with the stars results show...

Anonymous said...

BIG NEWS...HUGE!!!! The Sci-Fi Channel is running a Heros Marathon this weekend. The one stupid thing about it is that while they're running all the episodes, they're not in order. The first four episodes are on Saturday night 11/10 p.m. (E/C), but episodes 5 through 20 are on first. Doh! I'm using my DVD and my VCR in tandem to record them all until the Season comes out on DVD. Woo hoo! I'm glued to the TV on Saturday and Sunday!!!

Anonymous said... is a Heroes fansite. Really cool (IMO).

Sydney, I LOVE The Deadliest Catch, too. Those Hansen bros are pretty hot (and Andy is, too!).

LYSS said...

Yeah i like deadliest catch too..(my husband thinks im a lil off for liking it though) but i'm more of a blake-girl..(the new rookie captain)**sigh** like the captain that has his son's on the ship..he crack's me up..but i'm just waiting for him to stroke out this season..w/all the problems he's been having..i'm not sure of all the captain's names..the one that is blond and his brother is on the ship, and just had the baby..the brother is a cutie..i like them too..those are my fave..funny how most of the people that i talk to that watch that show are
