Wednesday, November 14, 2007

TV Newsy Bits - Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I see the train a'comin', it's rolling 'round the bend. I haven't seen the sunshine since I don't know when. (My apologies to Johnny Cash for appropriating "Folsom Prison Blues.") But, you know how it is. After all, I shot a man in Reno just to see him die.

Or not.

I took the photo of the NJ Transit train arriving at the Plainfield Train Station.

I apologize for being a bit away yesterday and today (although I'm here now). Here are today's TV Newsy Bits and I'll be catching up on emails and comments when I can get to them:
I'm sorry (apologizing a lot tonight, aren't I?) to leave this a bit short, but unfortunately I have an ill cat here who needs my attention. Sigh.


joy n said...

Sorry to hear your cat is sick and hope he or she is well again soon. You have to take care of first things first.

Matt Damon? Cute, but sexiest? Nah.

I haven't watched KN yet, so will read your report on it tomorrow.

I have read your other articles on how the writer's strike will affect
our fave shows and the plans for reality TV.

I am happy to see that CANE won't be effected. I love that show. But I guess we'll be stuck with shorter seasons for Gray's, CSI and even LOST.

But the good news is, (since I'm a reality addict) is that I'll be very busy with some reality favorites after the first of the year and through spring.

That was great info you provided. Thanks, Jackie.

joy n said...

I think I mixed up affect and effect. I need to dig out my dictionary.

Susan in MA said...

Hi Jackie and everyone. I haven't checked in for a while.Work/sleep, seems all I do.

Sorry to hear your kitty isn't well. I am a cat person; had cats all my life. I only have one now, Zoey. I tho't it was just MY cat that came running every time I go into the kitchen. My Mom used to say "Nothing's going to grow in there." -Note to cat.

There's a really funny animated cartoon on YouTube called "Wake up kitty." Every cat person should watch it..SO true.

Matt Damon, definately NOT the sexiest man alive. I thing George Clooney must have petitioned for that one.

Good night all.~Susan

Anonymous said...

Matt Damon,sexiest? Nah,more boy next door. He's great as Bourne but that is NOT a sexy role,either.I'll go with Tom Selleck or Sam Elliot(the voice,that voice) any day. It's hard to see somebody younger(much!) than myself as "sexy"

Sorry your kitty is under the weather,Jackie. It's hard when
they can't talk and tell you what's wrong. Speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your kitty Jackie...I have loved three cats in my life and seeing them sick was the worst.
Matt Damon? I say yes, sexy is subjective after all..At this stage in my life, sexy is, clean, articulate,family loving, devoted,spiritual, strong, good character....not just drop dead gorgeous and unwilling to commit to anyone for any length of time.
Sexy has meant different things to me all my life....seeing my husband cry when the grandkids say something dear....

meb said...

terry in ca... I was going to agree with everybody else until I read your description of sexy. I wish I had said that.

Heads up for everyone who likes The Closer... there's going to be a special one day, two hours Christmas program on December 3. It really looks cute. I love this show.

Anyone watching Journeyman... It's getting really good!

Life guys... haven't heard any comments on this show either. I'm still liking it.

And, I'm going to admit it, I'm into Bionic Woman. And maybe they'll bring him back to life(because they can) but (Burke from Grey's Anatomy fame) got killed off last night. Shot by his former partner and girlfriend. Hmmmmmmm???

Auntie Leigh said...

Jackie! Write more about your critter. You know your blogger fans are animal lovers. Look at the reaction to the death of Flower? Maybe take a picture of your cat. You are probably getting ready to post Survivor now, but maybe tomorrow or later on in the week, let us know how your Kitty is doing.

Susan in MA said...

Oh, has anyone watched "Moonlight"? It's on right before "Journeyman." It's about a vampire - but it's really good.

Anonymous said...

My dog had kidney problems too and it is hard. I had to give IV's 2x a day and low protein foods. I know how it feels to see a loved one fail.

Matt Damon is not my idea of sexiest MAN alive!!! People got it wrong this year...