Friday, September 28, 2012

Survivor: Philippines - Jeff Kent Wants Penner Gone

I know blog reader Petals isn't going to like this, but I have to agree with Jeff Kent. He wants Penner out first from his tribe. His reasoning? This is Jonathan Penner's third attempt at a win! While he was medically evacuated the last time, that's not the story of his first shot on the show. In that season, he was voted out.

Kent's reasoning is solid. Not only has Penner had the chance before and it would be nice for a new castaway to win, but they don't really need Penner. He helped them set up the camp and there honestly isn't much else he can help them with at this point. It's not like Penner is a challenge winning hero or anything. We know Penner has the idol, Kent merely suspects it. If they can blindside him, all the less of a chance of it being used. 


As long as they don't throw a challenge in order to take him down, I'm for them getting Penner gone. How about you?


Lifeguard Laurie said...

Don't let the palm leaf hit him in the arse on his way out!

RBennie said...

I never liked Penner, so I wouldn't lose any sleep if he's gone early. I hope Lisa gets to stick around for a while.

Delee said...

Agree...he can GO!

Petals said...

OKay, okay - I do like Penner. But the fact is, he is on the island - again. If Kool (Kent) & the Gang want him gone, they're just gonna have to do it the old fashioned way & vote him out.

I only remembered his one season, & the knee taking him out.

Terry is a Texan! said...

I remember him from the first season and he is not someone I like.
Im with Lifeguard Laurie.......slam that leaf shut!

Donna in Alabama said...

Snuff the torch!

I do not remember much about either of his seasons but there is just something about him I do not like... just can't put my finger on it.

Auntie Leigh said...

I agree with all you say Jackie. I am hoping Lisa gets a chance. I am also sick of Russell and his who;e tribe for that matter. Both of those girls could go and I think the air-head "cookies" girl is a joke. But viewers like a romance. We all so fondly remember Boston Rob and how he protected his gf even when they got split up onto different tribes. But that lightening is not going to strike again. That was such a great season. I hope the baseball player recovers. I am shocked at how accident-prone that fire-hands guy is. What an accident waiting to happen. Now we know that is how he copes with stress....gets injured. Very poor coping skill. So now I am off to try and pass the robot test. Chow.

Becky said...

Penner can go. I didn't care for him during the season he was on before.

Another one with you, Lifeguard.