Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Survivor 43: Episode 9 Blog Party - November 16


Good evening, Survivor fans!

The Amazing Race is on at 9PM EDT, a separate post for that show will magically appear a few minutes before the end of this show.

As for Survivor, I will be live blogging the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

My apologies for the non-blog last week. I'm actually still in the same predicament. The television I ordered mysteriously got lost in transit and its replacement hasn't arrived. I was thinking I could stream tonight's TV shows on my old tablet, but no go. It's too old for streaming, I guess. So, I'm doing this split-screen on my desktop computer tonight. Please bear with me!

The Esteemed Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool -- check it out to find your castaway!

Cody       Cheryl in NC, ChicMc
Noelle     MikesGirl, Tammy
Jesse       AprilW, Donna in AL
Dwight    Petals, Skyriverblue
Cassidy     Cherrypie, Kelsey NY
Karla       Glenn Allen, monty924
James     DonnaNY, Krysta Gibson
Ryan       John Cantrell, Jackie
Gabler     Donna in FL, Joanne Victoria
Owen    Mike Barer, SueGee
Sami      Brenda, Indiana Jane

Snuffed Out

Survivor fans ready?

We open with them returning from Tribal. Sami wants to shake the game up and pick off the people at the top. He talks to Owen. Owen is upset with James as he told him they were sticking with the Ryan vote. Gabler is the one who told him otherwise. After all, James is not the Godfather, dude.

James is trying to work others against Owen. He does seem to think he's the Godfather after all.

We're right into the Immunity Challenge. Two teams of five, separate Tribal Councils. The last person standing wins reward -- PB&J for their team and they get to go to Tribal second. Two going home tonight. Red/blue.

They have to lift up a handle to keep a ball above them trapped. Ball comes down, so do they. Jesse out first for red. Cassidy out for red. Noelle out for blue. James out for blue. Gabler out for red. Owen out for blue. Sami out for blue. 

KARLA wins Immunity for Blue! She did it with a stitched-up finger even.

Karla out, so Red will win the reward. It's Ryan and Cody up still for Red. Ryan out.

CODY wins Immunity for Red as well as the Reward!

Blue goes back to the beach where they decide who will go home. Red goes back to camp to enjoy the PB&J.

At camp Ryan tells Gabler it's Cass tonight. They talk to Cody. Cody tells Cassidy that it's Ryan being voted out.

At the Vesi camp, Karla wants to vote out Owen with her ally James. Noelle talks to Sami about the Owen vote, too. I personally wouldn't mind if James went -- his voice always sounds like he has marbles in the back of his throat! Owen tries to confront James in front of the rest of the team because James is putting on a rather big jerk act. I don't know. If they keep focusing on Owen going in the edit, he just might not.

Day 17. The Red vote still seems to be between Ryan and Cassidy. Cody and Jesse are trying to figure out what ties the two have with others. They know James would want Ryan out. Cody likes Gabler, so wants to recruit him into his way of thinking. Gabler is finally finding a home! They figure Owen or Cassidy will go from Blue.

Noelle would prefer James go. She wants to make a big move. She is thinking of using her Steal a Vote advantage. Sami, Noelle and Owen want to vote out James. Woot! Uh-oh ... Sami is allied with Karla and gives her the idea they should vote James out.

Night 17 and Blue settles in at Tribal. Jeff recaps. They had no rice, etc. James says there was frustration at the beach. Sami talks about James and Owen having a heated discussion. Yes, there was yelling. 

Noelle uses her advantage Steal a Vote. She steals Owen's vote. She gets two votes. 

The tally -- Owen, James, James, James ... three is enough. Bye, James! He is sarcastic and tells them "see how far you get now."

The Red Team comes into Tribal. They see that James is on the jury with Jeanine. Jesse seems a bit shocked -- he knows James had the Knowledge is Power advantage. To their own questions, Cassidy loved the PB&J but the evil eviction is back. Ryan says the voting in a small group is a lot scarier.

Time to vote. Ryan votes Cassidy. Cassidy votes Ryan. And, that's all we see.

The tally -- Cassidy, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan ... there goes my pool pick. He tells them they will go hungry now. Unlike James, he really did keep them in food with his fishing.


Glenn Allen said...

Hi Jackie and Everyone, who follows!

Glenn Allen said...

My Pool person Karla with the hand injury

Glenn Allen said...

Karla wins immunity and Cody!

Jackie S. said...

Yikes! Where is everybody?

Jackie S. said...

Glenn - Karla did great!

Glenn Allen said...

Jackie I was wondering where everyone else was also. The Double Tribal should be interesting!

Joe in NY said...

Hi folks

Glenn Allen said...

Hi joe. I would like James gone over Owen!

Jackie S. said...

Hey, Joe. I would rather James going over Owen, too, Glenn.

Glenn Allen said...

Telling Karla might have been a mistake!

Jackie S. said...

Glenn - I don't know. They are planning some hanky-panky with that Steal a Vote that I didn't quite catch. I don't know why Karla is aligned with him. I don't even recall him doing much around camp.

Glenn Allen said...

Good acting by Owen!

Glenn Allen said...

James out with Knowledge of Power!

Jackie S. said...

Yep and that gravel voice of his! Did you catch his sarcasm about them seeing how far they get now without him? What an ego!

Nickelpeed said...

Hi everyone. Penny here. Still working. I'll catch up later. Thank you, Jackie.

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Penny!

Glenn Allen said...

Ryan and James out the same night!

Sharon N said...

That's really quite funny. James with the Knowledge and Power, but he didn't "know" yet... and won't. LOL