Showing posts with label TV commercials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV commercials. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Commercially Speaking

Commercials. They're the bane of existence to folks watching television shows live as they air. Of course, that's probably fewer and fewer folks every year thanks to zapping them on DVR recorded shows. While some commercials can be entertaining, others just irk me to no end. I'm here today to share but a few observations.

An example of the irksome would be the FiberOne commercials. Fiber in foodstuffs is never a bad thing. There's no need to hide it (especially if your company has the word "fiber" in its title!). What the heck is this "fiber makes me sad" bit? Now, a lot of things in life make us sad. But fiber? Who's writing these things? Who's approving them?

The Dairy Queen ads, while I like the kittens in bubbles, seem to be a cheap takeoff on the Old Spice commercials. The Old Spice commercials were creative and different as the Old Spice dude went through a series of bizarre set transformations. DQ is trying to do the same sort of thing. Now, I like a good Brazier Burger, but get serious and be innovative ... Old Spice was! Plus, their man is so much more sexy!

The commercials for prescription drugs just frighten me. I know it's a government regulation that they have to list known possible side effects, but really ...! Oh, I have sinus congestion. Let me just ask my doctor to prescribe me this drug which might cause heart disease, strokes or thoughts of suicide! Feh. I think I'd rather keep the sinus congestion or go for the over the counter medicines instead.

I will admit that I do tend to fall for gimmicks like cute little urban hamsters selling cars ...

How about you? Are there some commercials you have to pause to watch each time you notice them? Are there others that make you wonder who's getting the big bucks for boring or annoying content?

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with any of the companies mentioned, good or bad. About the closest connection would be that my father always had Old Spice back in the '60s.