Survivor fans ready?
Tonight's show is a two-hour ordeal, most likely because March Madness basketball is going to bump it for a week or two. The promos show a bad accident during a challenge, plus the inevitable "drop your buffs" which heralsd the merge. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be posting the major happenings in live time here on this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As you all know, the real party is in the comments -- I hope to see you there!
The Lovely Lifeguard Laurie is once again running the blog pool (thank you!) Here's the latest --
Blue Collar
Dan - Brian, CherylinNC
Kelly - Petals, Ed in Ohio
Lindsey - Donna in FL, David
Mike - meb, Nickelpeed
Rodney - Margo
Sierra - Jennasmom
No Collar
Hali - Zoetawny, monty924
Jenn - Merrilee, Becky
Joe - SueGee, Chris
Will - Rbennie
White Collar
Carolyn - Jackie TerryinTX
Joaquin - Laurie, Rochelle
Max - PDX Granny, Marlo
Shirin - NanaintheNW
Tyler - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy
Vince - Delee
Nina - Lynn1
Okay, it's on with the show we will go!
On NC, Will is rightfully concerned that if they go to Tribal again, he's gone. BC catches a snake for food.
Whoa ... it's right to an Reward Challenge! It's one of those with callers and blindfolded tribe members searching for stuff. First tribe gets three egg laying hens and a rooster. Second tribe gets ten eggs. From the promo, this has to be where the accident happens. They have to pull the items up to a platform. No Collar is ahead.
Kelly gets hit by the dropping platform from her tribe. Medical gets called and we're in commercial land. The medic tells her he can bandage it and she can continue the challenge. There is a lot of blood, but apparently not a major injury.
No Collar wins Reward! White Collar takes second place.
While the others eat chicken, Jenn searches around and found the idol.
Kelly ended up with six stitches.
Lindsay and Rodney are going after each other, mainly because Rodney's ideas of women are antiquated in view of Lindsay's. Meanwhile, on WC, Shirin told the others that she slaughtered a rabbit in prep for the show. That turns Joaquin off. Max wants to sit Carolyn out of the next challenge because he doesn't want Shirin to be upset. Carolyn tries to convince the guys Max needs to go.
Immunity Challenge time! Each tribe attached to a rope, go through a course, retrieve bags, get three balls to the top of a maze to win. Shirin does indeed sit out.
No Collar wins! White Collar takes second place. Blue Collar goes to TC for the first time this season. For all his brawn and mouthiness, it was Rodney who screwed up for them during the challenge.
Lindsay tries to get Dan to agree that voting out Rodney is the move. Meanwhile, the guys and Kelly seem to have an alliance. But neither Mike nor Kelly (close) trust Rodney. It sounds like either Lindsay or Rodney will go.
Tribal Council time.
The tally --
Rodney, Lindsay, Rodney, Lindsay, Sierra, Sierra.
Three way tie. Re-vote with Mike, Dan and Kelly only.
Re-vote tally -- Lindsay, Lindsay
She's voted out, smug sexist Rodney stays. All three voted for her, though. Now, Sierra is all bummed.
Right into another challenge. Drop your buffs.
No more collars, Blue and Red tribe only.
Red - Max, Will, Hali, Jenn, Kelly, Shirin, Carolyn
Blue - Joe, Dan, Sierra, Mike, Tyler, Joaquin, Rodney
The challenge looks a bit lacrosse-ish. They launch a ball to be caught in a net.
Blue wins its first Reward Challenge!
Shirin tries to win over Kelly to join the WC members of the new tribe. On the other tribe, Tyler likens Sierra to a broken puppy. Both her old tribemates and the new ones need her. Shirin is already alienating new people. Max got stung twice by a stingray. Carolyn would love for either Max or Shirin to be blindsided.
Dan totally screws up his "apology" to Sierra, just as Mike had advised him not to do so.
Immunity Challenge time! Placing pots on a sled through obstacle course, put them on stands, one member uses a wrecking ball to kill the pots. The tribe with all the guys is not surprisingly doing much better hauling the heavy sled through the mud in the obstacle course.
Blue wins. Not a shock seeing all the muscles. Max says he's happy to go to Tribal and change the dynamic around his camp. He might have to eat his words if he's the dynamic that goes ... or his main ally Shirin gets the boot.
Max wants to blindside Will. Shirin thinks she's orchestrated everything. Meanwhile, Carolyn is thinking a totally different blindside. The others agree with her but can't decide who's more annoying -- Max or Shirin.
The tally --
Will, Will, Max, Max, Max, Max.
Bye-bye, Mr. Survivor Professor. I wanted to like him, but I just couldn't.