Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 3, 2013

Hello, welcome to Sunday! This is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight I'll be posting the Amazing Race blog party post. If you watch the show, please come join in on the fun as the show airs!

Did you set your clocks back an hour? This is the time change I enjoy rather than that annoying "spring forward" change. I recall last year that wasn't the case, though. Last year I was still deep into a power outage from Hurricane Sandy -- daylight was precious and not to be wasted. As I wasn't working the clock change day, I actually slept in. When I awoke and realized (thanks to my cell phone) that it would be dark an hour earlier in the evening, I almost cried. My candles and batteries were both running low at that time into the ordeal. No open stores for miles seemed have any. Thankfully I had plenty of batteries for my MP3 player which is also a radio. That was my big link with the outside world.

Last year at this time I was living in a weird post-Sandy surreal kind of existence. This year was much different. Our weather this week was mostly sunny with above seasonal temperatures. Overnight last night, the colder air crept in. Oh well, it is that time of year. Last year around this time we had snow on top of the Sandy woes. I can't complain.

On Wednesday it was overcast, but I made my way over to Westfield for a Mindowaskin Park and Trader Joe's visit. As a result, lots of fall foliage and (of course) duck shots in today's entry. I've always loved Trader Joe's, but thought it was small and cramped. Oh my gosh, I love it even more now because it's more than doubled in size! I noticed during my latest visit that, in addition to the wine and beer they carry, they now have a small section of actual hard liquor. Most are name brands, but I did pick up a bottle of Trader Joe's brand "Rum of the Gods." It was very reasonably priced and I think I'll make cookies with it and have an occasional rum and Coke. I'm not a big drinker, but I occasionally will imbibe.

The kids actually had Halloween in the city this year after two years of it being canceled. Last year was Sandy, the year before a six inch snowstorm. Both resulted in downed wires and downed trees for Halloween. Even though the holiday was on, I kept up with having no trick-or-treaters here at my apartment. I haven't had any for the dozen years I've lived here. As I arrived back in town after work, I did see the downtown streets full of children in costume. Good for them!

On Saturday, I had the day off from work to attend the Plainfield Library Photo Contest Exhibition opening and awards presentation. Going into the contest this year, I had trouble with the theme of "Plainfield Celebrates." I usually work on Saturdays when they hold the fun city events.  I also had trouble getting the Saturday off to attend the event as a new boss didn't like the short notice although I've said I needed a Saturday off in November for nearly two months. I just didn't know which one!

Much to my surprise, I won first prize for a photo I really love, but thought too somber for a win. I won a third place prize for a photo I took the 4th of July parade the last knee replacement recovery summer (which is why I had the parade Saturday off). And I won a Special Time Capsule Award for a photo I took during Sandy recovery, the only Sandy-related photo entered. The photos in the competition become a part of the local history archives in the library. Just as we look back on photos of days gone by, someday in the future folks will be checking these photos out for a clue about what our lives are like.

On the home front, the workers showed up yesterday to do Crazy Joe's (across the hall) windows and the common area/stairway windows. It's amazing how much better the building looks with all the new windows! I think the only windows which remain to be done are the ones in the stairway by the elevator. They'll probably show up this morning to do them. If my "huge" five dollar rent increase hadn't gone down in the beginning of September, I'd be very worried about a rent hike with all the building improvements.

Eep, this is way long-winded and there are tons of photos, as well. Let's get to it! If you click on an image, it will take you to the Photobucket page with a larger image. Close that page to return directly back to the blog!

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Eagle! Bald eagle in flight!

Unfortunately I didn't get any great photos of it. I spotted it flying over my workplace near the Bridgewater Train Station. At first I thought it was a large hawk, but then I noticed the white head and tail. EAGLE! Woot! Woot! I watched it for nearly a half-hour. Alas, it decided to either fly too high or to soar too fast when flying low and this was the best shot I got of it. But, man ... an eagle here in Central Jersey! While I've seen some in the far north part of the state and also in Connecticut, it's a first for here.

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True dat

In front of the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield on Park Avenue. I also can't help but notice the Amazing Taste lunch truck in the background. Mmm.

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What? Mums again? Yes!

These were growing in a planter on Elm Street in Westfield.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 27, 2013

Good Sunday morning to everyone near and far! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight I'll be hosting the blog party for The Amazing Race episode. But now we're talking off topic.

By Wednesday of this week our temperatures dipped here to a bit below average and that's where they remain. I don't mind. Sure, it's a bit chilly, but I like the nip in the air. And, at least we don't have a monster storm looming on the horizon as we did last year at this time. It even looks like the kids will have Halloween for the first time in two years around here. Last year we had Sandy with wires and trees down all over and no power. The year before we had a snowstorm with wires and trees down and no power. Sandy was a lot more horrific, but the snowstorm knocked us out for three days nonetheless.

I keep disrupting the writing of this entry to go down to the front entrance of my building looking for my Sunday newspaper. Sheesh. It was finally there at 7:15. It used to be out there by 6am. The longer it sits out there, the more of a chance it will disappear.

Often it seems that I'm the only one up early in the morning on Sundays. Not so much today. Every time I went to the elevator, it was on a different floor. Then, once I had my paper in hand, I had to go down to the basement before I could head up to my floor. A man from the floor above me was already in the elevator heading down there with his laundry. I also saw someone going up the back stairs (we have glass doors leading to them). Hmm. I hope they're not all vampires or zombies at this early hour!

Let's see. What else? Well, work is a bit hectic once again. Or still. I have a new boss who doesn't really seem to be used to a very busy atmosphere. She's learning. As for me, I can only do what I can do. I can suggest things to her, but that's about it. I'm still training new management -- she's not new, just new to us. Oh well, it keeps the roof over my head and Vincent gets his catnip, cat treats and cat toys!

Back on the home front, it looks like all the windows except for Crazy Joe's across the hall have been done. That's odd as he's been fussing about wanting new windows for nearly ten years now. Since Mario the super seems to be knocking on doors to set up times for them to be done instead of calling, maybe they just haven't caught Joe at home.

Heck, Mario was lucky he caught me. Had he tried in the evening, I usually don't answer door knocks unless I'm expecting someone. They're usually people wanting us to switch our electrical supplier, FIOS, Spanish speaking Jehovah's Witnesses or Farrakhan's Nation of Islam folks. The latter two have absolutely no interest in me. We have an intercom system. If I don't let someone in the building, I pretty much don't want to see them.

Onto this week's photos ...

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Defying the season

The roses at one home on East Front Street in Plainfield want to believe it's still spring.

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I see the light!

My early morning train arrives in the dark of night. Well, pre-dawn. Plainfield Train Station, NJ Transit.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 20, 2013

Good morning! It's Sunday morning, yep. You know what that means. It's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight we'll have The Amazing Race blog party. I do hope to see you there!

I do have a few television related things I'd like to bring up before I get into the week. Odd, but both have to do with commercials --

First, I see the YouTube "Kid President" is now on the Meineke commercials. Very nice. Not only is his upbeat attitude infectious, but he has some serious health issues -- he has a brittle bone disease and has suffered over 70 broken bones so far in his life. It's good when good things happen to someone who's had their share of bad.

Second, as I was watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine (one of the only new sitcoms I haven taken to so far this year), I was wondering if there would be an Allstate "Mayhem" commercial as Dean Winters was the guest. Yup, there was!

Okay, enough television for the off television topic post!

My week started last Sunday morning -- yes, it always does, but this was different! Workmen showed up to rip out my old original (about 50 years old) windows and replace them. What an ordeal that was! They were supposed to have been here the day before, but switched to Sunday. That's good in a way as I was home on Sunday, not Saturday. The project lasted from about 9am until 1pm, partially because the contractors were doing another apartment at the same time. I wouldn't want them in here when I wasn't home and the super (whom I trust) can't be everywhere at once. Poor Vincent was trapped in the bathroom for all that time. There's a window in there, but it only leads out to the ventilation chute. That one wasn't replaced.

The landlord who bought this building about a year and a half ago has really made many improvements. New attractive glass entrance doors on the side and front. Railings for the steps at the door in the rear as well as a raised platform for the exit -- rain water used to puddle right in front of the door. New washers and dryers in the laundry room. Brighter lighting in the stairways and halls. IF the elevator goes wonky, it's fixed within a day.  They also installed a new emergency phone in there -- one I'm less likely to accidentally set off while toting packages or bags. Heck, they even fixed the light on the first floor button in the elevator. I can't recall that working in the past ten years. This landlord is the first (out of four since I've lived here) who has actually stopped ALL the leaks from the apartment above me! And, they only raised my rent $5 this year.

All that said, I do wish they'd watch how many people, including children, live in the apartments. I don't see how, when the building is only studio, one bedroom and two bedroom units, people can have five kids in an apartment ... often with two adults! There's a sticker from 1983 inside one of my kitchen cabinets saying my unit passed inspection and maximum occupancy is two tenants. Mine is a one bedroom. I guess that's all changed, huh?

In other news, I had good news this past week on the personal front. At least, good prospective news. I'll go more into things when (and if) they come to fruition. One has to do with blogging, the other with photography. Ah, two of my passions! 

The weather this past week wasn't as dreary as the last few. What rain we had confined itself to the overnight hours. As it should, of course! So, I got in some decent photos. This week it's supposed to be about ten degrees cooler on the average. That's okay with me. I have new less drafty windows!

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Red leaves in the sun

Although the leaves are growing more sparse, the color is glorious at this tree outside the Friends Meeting House (Quakers) on Watchung Avenue in Plainfield.

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Late season bee

This one's working the spotted knapwood at the Bridgewater Train Station.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 13, 2013

Yep. It's once again Sunday morning! G'mornin' to ya! This is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later this evening, you're all invited to the blog party for The Amazing Race, but this here isn't about television.

It was a doldrums kind of week here with more gloomy skies than not. Thus, it was another week of not great photos for the most part. It's pitch-dark as I head to the train station most mornings. The saying "the darkest hour is before the dawn" is definitely right. While I'm not one to wander around Plainfield alone at night, walking to the train in the morning hours is different. The denizens of the dark are finally asleep and, while quiet, the folks I do see on my early morning walk are all heading to work ... just like me.

I come up with nicknames in my mind for those I encounter in my daily journeys:
  • There's Banana Man at the Bridgewater Train Station. He parks his car at the Target parking lot across the street to avoid the $4 daily parking fee at the station. He's ALWAYS eating a banana as our paths cross.
  • There's Confused Lady at the Plainfield Train Station. She's been taking the early train for a good six months now and still looks confused about where she wants to sit (on the mostly empty train) daily. She also looks befuddled every day when the conductor wants to take her ticket and takes forever to dig through her purse for one. If she catches the train home daily, she'd do better off with a monthly ticket, but it just might confuse her.
  • There's the Waving Man outside Everybody's Food Market on East Front Street. He doesn't work for, but hangs around the market -- a Jamaican/West Indies run establishment -- during business hours. He arrives before the store opens, moves the newspaper stack out of the elements and sits in his car, apparently awaiting the person who opens. He always waves and says hello.
  • There's Spike Lee Lookin' Dude with the shih tzu doggie. He usually has a cup of coffee in one hand, the dog leash in the other. We greet, small talk about the weather and go our separate ways.
  • There's the regular bunch of Latino workers awaiting rides. These aren't guys looking for work -- they definitely have steady landscaping and/or construction jobs. They buy their breakfasts at the restaurant which used to be Mi Ranchito (don't think it still is) on East Front Street and tote small coolers for their lunches. They often say good morning in unison as I pass by.
 Oh well, onto the photos for this week ... 

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Yay! Acorn season!

This squirrel at the Plainfield Train Station was one busy little dude.

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Getting colorful

The foliage is still being very selective around here. Some trees, mostly smaller ones, are already barren. But, many trees are still green. I took this from North Avenue looking towards the Friends Meeting House on Watchung Avenue, Plainfield.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Off Topic: That Was the Two Weeks It Was - Nov. 11, 2012

Plainfield Train Station after the storm

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. Of course, this week it's actually about the past two weeks, thanks to Hurricane Sandy. I'm still feeling quite discombobulated here, so please bear with me. My power was out from Monday, October 29, until Thursday, November 8. That doesn't sound that long, does it? Well, when it's cold, dark and a bit on the scary side, it can turn your life upside down.

I realize that many folks had/have it much worse than we did here where I live in New Jersey, but it was still an ordeal I wouldn't wish on a soul. Folks are still walking around shell-shocked. I've lost a bit of the shell-shocked and am merely discombobulated, dazed and confused at this time. 

Eventually I might write more about the whole experience, but for now here are some random (yet chronological) thoughts and reflections on the experience:
  • The wind was the worst I've ever experienced that wasn't a tornado. I've been through tails of hurricanes, nearby tornadoes and such before. At times it seemed to have the train sound of a tornado.
  • Prior to the storm, I expected the power might be out for a few days. I had plenty of water as I don't like the taste of the tap water here. I order it regularly from Peapod grocery delivery.
  • I had a good stock of canned foods -- vegetables, mostly. I could easily last a few days. We were out three days with last year's October snow and four days with Irene.
  • When my power went out, I noticed the floodlight on the lawn next door was on. Then I noticed our building lights (halls and parking lot) were on. Well, that wasn't fair! Just as I was contemplating getting a long extension cord to the hallway plug, all went dark.
  • I looked out the window into a world of blackness as far as the eye can see.

Where I voted on Tuesday evening

I vote at the Richmond Towers, an apartment community for the elderly and disabled. As such, they run on back-up power during power outages. They're about a two minute walk from where I live. They were not a shelter although it seemed a bit that way on voting day!

After I took the above shot, I turned my camera towards my apartment ...

Into the darkness

Except for the lights of cars coming and going ... totally black.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 28, 2012

Good morning! It's Sunday morning, therefore it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Have any of you folks heard that there's some kind of storm heading towards the Mid-Atlantic and East Coast? Apparently it's supposed to be a whopper, eh? I read that the weather people (as opposed to the Weathermen) want people to stop calling it silly names like "Frankenstorm" because it's just so darn dangerous.

Now, I'm not doubting it's going to be serious. But, sheesh. I think the media makes people panic about it. Someone even stole my Sunday newspaper this morning, possibly thinking it has the latest up to the minute storm details. 

Me? I'm not all that worried. I live in a very populated area. I have enough food to last a number of days if need be. I have candles, batteries, one of those stick on lights and a good flashlight. I have plenty of water, plus my water doesn't go out even if the power's out. Normally my landline stays working, too. Plus I have my cell phone and police, weather alert (etc.) scanner. 

If, for some reason, there's a really long power outage, it's not like there's no other people around. One of the shelters set up is a five minute walk away. Getting to work may be another issue. I doubt I'll be going in until after my next day off. They're already talking about shutting down the NJ Transit trains and buses. Heck, work might not even be open! I have plenty of paid time off in the bank, so I might have a little vacation!

Right now, it's not doing anything out there. But, yesterday, I returned home from work to find the notice below shoved under my door. I think I prefer Chinese menus, thank you very much! (And in the 12 years I've been here, I've only seen flooding once -- during Irene.) I don't doubt there will be street flooding because the city never bothered to pick up the huge piles of leaves at the curb!

Clicking on an image will open it in a new window, clicking on it again will result in a larger image. Just close that new window to return to the blog.

Oh my

Train station lamp
Plainfield Train Station lamp

On Monday, I spent an inordinate amount of time at the Plainfield Train Station. I'll get into that later. But I was there after the sun started shining.

One squirrel

The squirrels have been extremely active lately. Beside gathering their goodies, they're chasing each other around and chattering at people for daring to come near them. This was on East Front Street in Plainfield.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 21, 2012

Good Sunday morning to you! Since it is Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken.

Our weather this week has been a bit of a mixed bag. While we had some chilly days, it wasn't freezing cold at all. But we did have one entire day of heavy steady rain. Plus, we've had lots of wind. As the fall foliage season heads towards peak, I'm not seeing as vibrant an array of colors as seen in some years. But the colors did pick up a bit, seemingly overnight one day this week.

Where I live now is a good three weeks behind where I'm originally from. I'm talking autumn leaves, not in terms of reality and time travel! When I was a youngster, Halloween was a spooky time with all the dead leaves rustling and barren branches. Here, Halloween arrives just about even with peak fall foliage. So, we still have plenty of green out there. We also have trees which have given up, grown brown, and de-leaved practically overnight. It's a glorious time of year to be in the Northeast!

Perhaps I'm rambling on about the weather because I just don't have much else for you today. Nothing new and exciting on the home front. I'm putting my train friend Chris in touch with the landlord here as he's seeking new digs. As he is blind, he needs a safe place and I think this building would suit his needs. I'm kind of surprised he didn't cringe at the rent figures I quoted. You really don't see too many young single people living alone in apartments in this area. Most either have roommates or live at home with their parents until they're about to get married, it seems. Chris might be older than I think, though.

Other than that bit o' non-news, I seem to finally be out of my illness woes. I'm still a bit fatigued, but I tend to be that way anyway. I never sleep as much as I should even though I so love to sleep! Vincent is doing well. I'm sorry I ever introduced him to Temptations crunchy cat treats. If I even touch a similar bag of people food stuff, he comes running. I've created a monster!

Oh, I did have some good news this week! In a time when many companies, including the one I work for, are decreasing benefits, mine has decided that as of January 1, 2013, those employees with twenty years or more of service, get yet another week of paid vacation!. Woohoo! True, I tend to use my vacation time for staycations, but still ...! 

I'm thinking the company probably thinks there will be fewer people who stick around so long as the younger generation comes up through the ranks. Unlike the previous generation, more people really job hop these days. But then again, my company sunsetted the retirement pension for those hired after 2006. All they have is the 401K and most don't take advantage of it. Me? I've already filled the pension requirements in time and age, plus I have a 401K. I still don't see economically being able to retire anytime soon. I'll have to crunch the figures and see the health factors in about five years. Until then, I will bask in another week's paid vacation.

Now that I've bored y'all to death, it's onto the photos. Clicking on an image will open it on a new page, clicking again will make the image larger. Then just close out that new window to return to the blog. 

Plainfield Train Station
Plainfield Train Station at night

This was last night as I returned home from work. I've noticed that the homeless man, Omar, who "works" at the station has been amongst the missing for a couple of months now. I'm assuming jail, although he really does help people with the ticket machines and train information. But, kind of like Mr. Bojangles, he drinks a bit. I'm sure when I see him again, he'll tell me he's been "away" as if alluding to a vacation on the French Riviera.

Late season monarch butterfly

I saw this monarch butterfly yesterday in Bridgewater. It's really late in the season for them. The big migration through this area heading to Brazil (or wherever they go) took place last month. He seemed healthy and spry. And, after noticing bees that looked on the edge of death one day after an overnight frost, they were looking good again yesterday, too.

Red sky in the morning

Sailors take warning! And, yes ... the rain started by afternoon. I took this shot in Bridgewater.


Sunday, November 06, 2011

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - November 6, 2011

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. Unlike last Sunday when I was powerless due to the freak nor'easter which passed through, this week I have power and heat. Thankfully I was out only about a day; others didn't fare that well. Even so, I'm spoiled. It's incredibly annoying to be without power for more than twenty minutes.

This week was active for me. We had the snow aftermath, Halloween, a walk I took just to walk around (and run a few errands) on Halloween day, my return to work after being out for over four months recovering from the knee replacement and kneecap dislocation, and attending this year's Plainfield Library Photo Competition opening and exhibit.

I'm including some photos of the snow aftermath, but I posted others on my Facebook earlier in the week. I hope that link works. Most of my Facebook is Friends Only, but I did make that album public. As I was out and about in town yesterday, I noticed there are still some traces of snow here and there. While the sun has been out every day, it's been chilly and the nights have been below freezing. But, honestly? I don't mind it at all. Autumn and its crisp nip in the air is far preferable than 90 degree high humidity summer days.

My walk about town getting my train pass and stopping by the post office actually was my Halloween. As it's been for ten years in this apartment, I had no children trick or treating even though there are children in the building. Unlike many local schools, Plainfield schools didn't close with power outages or particularly dangerous streets with wires down. I was out early in the day and it was very pleasant. I made the mistake of exploring the various dollar stores ostensibly to find lantern oil (ran out Saturday night) and ended up carrying bunches of cheap stuff that I can use back home with me. No lantern oil though.

On Thursday I returned to work. I set three alarm clocks to make sure I didn't oversleep as I've become quite the night owl in my time off. As I had to walk to catch a train at 6:37, it was dark. My pace is definitely better than pre-surgery, however I really had to watch my footing on uneven spots or where branches were still strewn about. I don't dare fall.

Work itself, both days I worked this week -- Thursday and Friday -- went fine. We had just switched to new computer software before I left. So I ended up slightly lost as I had only worked a few days on the new system. It was good to see folks and find out that people actually missed me. Ah, warm fuzzies. I have a new boss whom I had met briefly after my surgery. I like him. This is all going to be fine. My knee held up well, my energy level not so much. It takes a good six months to a year (or more) to really feel recovered with both the knee and regaining stamina. I ended out conking out on the couch at 8 PM Friday night.

Yesterday I headed to the library for the annual Photo Competition. Since the library had some of my works on exhibit all summer, I was invited to submit photos out of competition. That means I wouldn't be eligible for any awards. Since I really enjoy the competition, the idea behind it (to build a photographic history of the town) and the folks involved in it, I entered four photos. And, oh my ... I ended up winning an "Out of Competition" certificate and ribbon for one of them! I wasn't expecting that at all. Cool!

The photo which won first prize this year was by a newcomer to the competition and taken about five blocks from me. While it wasn't anything artsy, it was an amazing shot of the flooding aftermath of Irene -- men wading waist high in the flood waters to rescue a stranded motorist whose car was all but underwater. Great dramatic shot and it shows that the people in this town will help out others in need!

Welp, enough blathering. I'll be getting a Peapod grocery delivery a little bit later today and need to rest up for catching that 6:37 AM train tomorrow! Remember to hit the "read more" link to see all of the photos. Clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window ... more of a gallery with the new Blogger set-up.
Library Park Lamp

After I left the library yesterday, I found myself all alone in Library Park. The leaves are probably slightly past peak right now, but it was still colorful with the bright blue cloudless sky as a backdrop. It's fun to walk with leaves crunching under my feet. Have I mentioned how much I really love autumn?

Another Bird on a Wire

The European Starling is considered a nuisance bird here in the United States. It was introduced by someone determined to bring every bird mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare into our country. Well, that worked. They're here to stay -- all 200 million (or more) of them. (Gosh, I love the Internet. I can learn ANYTHING here!) Although a "nuisance bird," they sure do make the neatest sounds and quite an array of them!