Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 13

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

Yep, yep ... another week gone and another week closer to my next week off from my workplace. Now, that won't be until mid-September, mind you. But it's on the horizon. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel ... or something like that.

Between work, the blog and the fact that I'm certainly no spring chicken these days, I'm SO EXHAUSTED all the time. Yes, I take vitamins. Yes, I'm still exhausted all the time. On Tuesday night I fell asleep for about ten hours and I was amazed at how good I felt when I awakened. I wish I had the time in my life to get the proper sleep amounts. But it's just not happening for me now. Wah.

It's just been another week of summer -- work, heat, storms. You know, the usual. I really don't have any exciting happenings to tell you about. So, I guess it's onto the photos I took this past week. Clicking on an image will open it up in a larger version.

As seen on Berckman Street

Striking a pose for me

This crow at the Plainfield Train Station is in his glossy glory for the shot.

Yak, yak ... don't talk back!

Between the seagulls and the crows hanging around the Plainfield Train Station, it's LOUD. Throw in all the sparrow and starling noise and you have an Ornithological cacophony.

Y'know ... I can still see you

A small wild rabbit ran and hid under a bush at the Bridgewater Train Station. 


Sunday, August 06, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 6, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

It's been just another week in the life. We've had nightly or early morning thunderstorms almost every day and hot, humid days.  The streak seems to be over for now. I left my windows open last night for the first time in days. It was great not to be running the air conditioner and not to worry about rain coming in the windows! Tomorrow it's supposed to rain again. Sigh.

Mind you, I actually kind of like rain and storms ... just not when I have to be out commuting in that weather!

I really don't have much for you this week other than the photos I took. So, without further ado ... clicking on an image will open a larger version in a gallery setting.

Mama Sparrow still feeds baby ...

... even though baby looks fatter than her and is perfectly capable of picking up his own bread crumbs!  The youngster chases after Mom, fluttering his wings repeatedly and cries for food. Sheesh. I don't know about this younger generation! Plainfield Train Station.

A small murder of crows gather

 While waiting for my train (delayed by a half-hour!), I watched crows gather on the obsolete technology across the street from the Plainfield Train Station. At least their antics gave me great photo fodder and passed the time while I waited to be late for work.

Are they arguing?

Last call for alcohol! Er, um ...

Last call before the Flower of an Hour closes up for the day, that is.

If I had the time, I'd love to time lapse these


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 30, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

I really don't have much for you this week. I spent the week working, blogging Big Brother shows and live feeds, slept when I could and entertained a certain cat named Vincent. I'm tired. 

The weather wasn't so bad this week here in the NJ/NYC Greater Metro Area -- we had some glorious temperature days during which it only got into the mid-70s! Sure, the beach crowd might not like that, but I love it! It's been nice to have my windows open and the air conditioner off.

Other than flowers, I really didn't get much in the way of photos this week.  Clicking on an image will open a larger version ...

Rose of Sharon

Pretty pinks on Berckman Street

Little crumbsnatcher!


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 23, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

We had another heat wave this past week here in the NJ/NYC Greater Metro Area. I don't like heat. I don't like humidity. No one should sweat merely standing. For those who say I'll miss it come winter ... no. I actually don't mind cold temperatures. I'm not too keen on ice and snow as I'm pedestrian and public transportation based. But the cold itself? Not really a problem. 

Heat is included in my apartment rent. Air conditioning (electricity) is not. So I pay more in the summers. Plus, if outside, you can bundle up against the cold. In sweltering heat and humidity, even taking off your clothes wouldn't help. You'd still be all sweaty and people would point and laugh before the police hauled you away!

Give me autumn any day!

My apartment building is going through fixes needed as per the NJ Five Year Inspection last month. I got a notice entirely in Spanish to move my car away from the building Friday and Saturday as they would be painting the fire escapes. They tried a few weeks ago to do that but got rained out. Now, I don't speak Spanish much at all. But I do find it odd that I can read it. Yet, I don't have a car, so I didn't care about the notice.

I did care that on my day off on Wednesday some maintenance dude knocked on my door at 8:05am. I was awake, but not dressed. He said he was here to replace the ceiling tiles in my bathroom. I asked him to come back in fifteen minutes so I could get dressed. He never came back that day. I wasted most of the day not daring to take my shower or go anywhere because I expected him back. Grr. 

On Thursday, I had to go to work. I left Vincent's litter box in the living room -- it's usually in the bathroom -- in case they came back to do the bathroom ceiling tiles. I worried about Vincent all day while I was at work. I don't like people in my apartment when I'm not home. And, if I know for sure someone is coming, I confine Vincent to the bedroom. But I didn't know for sure and he gets stressed being trapped in there for hours on end.

Well, they came. Vincent is fine. However, they made my bathroom into a nightmare. They spray-painted the frames for the new ceiling tiles getting white spray mist all over my (relatively) new sink and vanity and my new toilet! Apparently, they got white spray paint on the walls (which were a light peach and didn't need painting) and then they painted my bathroom (above the tiles) a blinding white. They did that painting with a brush. Thankfully they moved my towels to the living room. But paint drops are all over the floor, the tub, my cheap shower curtain liner, my big bottle of foam bath, etc. There are even a few drops of white paint on the hardwood floor leading into the bathroom!

Why, I don't doubt they got paint drops on Vincent and I just can't see them because he's already white!

I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night Friday night. I was almost blinded by the white. Eek. I think I need to get a dimmer bulb in there! At least the bathroom ceiling tiles were the only thing brought up during the inspection. Although my kitchen cabinets are ancient, I don't want them tearing them out while I'm trying to live here. I don't like outside intrusions.

That's the big news of the week. It's onto the photos now ...

Please strike a pose, pigeon.

Ah, that's a good one. Um, no. I'm not paying you. Don't be like the costumed characters in Times Square! Bridgewater Train Station.

Teensy bee on the chicory blossom

The bee is very tiny. For reference, the chicory blossoms are only about an inch, perhaps a tad more. Plainfield Train Station.

Photogenic fungi

Growing on a fallen tree near the Bridgewater Train Station.


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 16, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a SUNDAY morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

Some random notes on this past week:
  • Yesterday morning at 6:27am, the dude upstairs turned on his stereo. No, not full blast. But it has to be up pretty loud for me to hear it in my apartment. Well, at least the beat. I hear and feel the bass. Then, at 7:05am, the neighbor's landscapers started making all kinds of blower and mower noise. Now, I was already awake, but it's a Saturday morning. Don't normal people sleep in a bit?
  • I'll admit I'm not a normal person, mind you. But I don't make all kinds of racket that can annoy others!
  • When I came home from work last night, the cylinder on the front building door lock was sideways. Because of that, the key wouldn't work in the lock, just spinning and spinning. I took my back door key which fits in that lock but won't unlock it and turned the cylinder back to its proper position. I then unlocked the door with the right key and entered. Someone was in the hallway and asked how I got the door open. Okay, landlord, you can pay me what you would have paid the locksmith to come fix it.
  • As I expected, I returned to chaos and disaster after my staycation from work. I don't want to talk about it. It's bad mojo, I tell you!
  • I'm ready for autumn. I'm tired of being sweaty while just existing. Inside my apartment, I'm fine due to air conditioning, my new tower fan and all. But they make me go out in the world just about daily. Gah.
  • It's hard to believe it's been 50 years since the Newark and Detroit riots (1967). I was living in Saratoga County in New York at that time. They made the national news. I didn't know that, within the same time period, there was a Plainfield riot -- that didn't make national news at the time. But it was quite the incident here and still affects the city to this day. But Plainfield has made tremendous strides ahead during the last several years. Let's all keep on working together!
Onto the photos I took this past week. No real masterpieces, but a slice of life here in what they call the Greater NYC Metropolitan Area in New Jersey. Sometimes they call it North Jersey; sometimes Central Jersey. It's all Jersey to me ... 

Clicking on an image will open a larger version.

More utility box art

This one is on East 4th Street at the corner of Watchung Avenue by the police station. I don't think it's finished as the other sides only have the green base paint.  I'll watch it to see if more is added than this side. The adjacent town of North Plainfield has shrink-wrapped art on their boxes. I prefer Plainfield's efforts, using actual artists to paint them. We have a lot of talent here in Plainfield and these are great!

Bunny resting in the sun

More on this bunny a bit later in the post.

The Keyboard Man

Summer sounds at the Plainfield Train Station. While I don't care for the regular bums who hang out at the station day and night, this guy really improves the atmosphere there. I've also seen him there playing a trumpet. Sometimes a few others join him with guitars.  Nah, neither he nor they would ever win a talent contest, but it's always good to see and hear him at the station playing away.


Sunday, July 02, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 2, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a SUNDAY morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

Some of the big news of the past week is that BB19 indeed did start, so I'm bound to be more exhausted than I usually am. Maybe by this time next year, I'll be retired from my real job and able to do all I want to do in covering the show and live feeds!

I started my staycation Friday evening. So, for now, I'm doing fine. 

I finally bit the bullet and went for Amazon Prime. As they remind me when I sign on, I've been a customer since 2003. I tried Prime when they first came out with it and wasn't impressed. However, I do love Over the years, I've had deliveries come to my workplace as I went for the longer no exact date free shipping -- there's always someone at my workplace to sign for packages even if I'm not there. But I have been limited to ordering only things I didn't mind lugging to the train station, on the train, etc. And, I found that if I ordered for at home during a staycation, USPS would sometimes just leave a package without ringing the intercom! There are about 40 apartments in my building. Packages get stolen!

But, now with Prime, there is free two-day shipping and it's UPS. They ring the intercom. They guarantee the delivery date. So, I can order big stuff and know I'll be home for the delivery. My past two orders, set to arrive on my day off (and they did) were a nice new spinner mop and bucket -- much needed -- and a tower fan -- love it!

Yesterday I went online and ordered me some bath salts, bubble bath, two different body sprays and some new towels as mine are really showing their age. I also ordered something I've needed for YEARS -- a new computer desk chair. The one I use is about 24 years old and lost its arms years back. I noticed that the computer chair free shipping has it arriving either the 5th or 6th ... that's fine. I can track it. I didn't notice the towels, bubble bath and bath salts were free shipping NEXT DAY delivery. The two very cheap body sprays are free shipping two-day delivery. I had thought the chair and the other things ordered would be two separate deliveries, but it's three. Oh, well. I don't mind.

So, now as I type this up, I've already had the delivery of the towels and the bath goodies on a SUNDAY morning! I love it! Vincent has a new nice-sized box and I'll have a leisurely either bath salts or bubble bath while trying out Not Your Father's Ginger Ale (hard ginger ale I bought last week or the week before but haven't tried yet), maybe listening to some jazz. Now, THAT is a staycation! 

I also have, from my Wednesday grocery delivery, a GIANT watermelon roommate I've named Mel. I thought I was ordering a personal size watermelon but must have clicked the wrong button. It was reasonably priced, but it's huge! I plan to cut into it on the 4th and hand out slices to neighbors watching the parade go by while keeping a more suitable amount for myself in my refrigerator. Right now it's sitting on a kitchen chair. I'm tempted to draw a face on it.

In more regional kind of news, there's a New Jersey government shutdown going on here. Just in time for the big vacation/holiday week, all the state parks and beaches are closed. State courts and motor vehicles are also shut down. While none of the things shut down affect any of my plans for this week, I feel so bad for families who have vacations planned, monies laid out and such. What a horrible time to to pull that ____!

Onto this week's photos ... I really didn't have a good photography week, but ...! 

It's MY private train car!

A lot of people must have had this past week off. I was all alone in the top level of my train car Monday on the way to work. I don't mind that, not at all.

The hour is up!

This is what the Flowers of An Hour look like when it's not that hour.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 25, 2017

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way.

This photo post is a weekly feature on the blog year 'round, unlike the Big Brother which is just a season. Well, of course, last year BB was two seasons with BBOTT online, but ...! Big Brother 19 makes its season premiere with a two-hour show this coming Wednesday, June 28 at 8pm ET/PT. All of the posts I've made/will make regarding the show can be found on my BB19 blog label. I will be announcing the opening of the blog pool later today. I've been waiting for a response back from the person who usually does it. If she doesn't respond by afternoon, I guess I can come up with the random match-ups myself. 

Not much has been going on here -- more heat, more rain and work, work, work. This coming week, I only work four days (yay!) and then it's onto staycation. I really need it and timed it so it covers the 4th of July holiday week, plus the full first week of the BB19 live feeds to get me into the swing of the new faces and twist of the show.

I really didn't get great photos this past week. A lot of the days, it was either rainy or windy. Oh, well ... onto the photos I took this week -- clicking on an image will open a larger version in a gallery setting.

The Stalker

A male pigeon puffs himself all up and stalks female pigeons at the Plainfield Train Station. Kinda like human behavior ...

Burst of orange!

Day Lilies


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day!

An undated photo of my father and I in sailor hats at my grandparent''s house. I recognize the furniture and wallpaper of that home! I'm thinking I was about two years old or so in this photo. My father was a great guy; a hard-working man who passed much too young. He's been gone around forty years now. I often wonder what he would think of the world today. I wish I had gotten to know him better on an adult child level, but that opportunity never really came.

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way. Things here on the blog will be changing up this week.

Tomorrow is the cast reveal for Big Brother 19. Unfortunately, I won't be home from work until after 10pm and have to be up early for work on Tuesday. But I'll post what I can and should be all caught up by Wednesday, my day off. 

Life goes on here. Well, to think of it, that's a good thing. The alternative isn't really acceptable. Let's see ... what's been going on here?

Um. Um. They've been repainting the fire escapes at my apartment building. Ten years ago they did that. The last state five-year inspection passed them. Now they failed once again. I'm not quite sure how painting them increases a safety level, but there ya go. I also noticed the super doing lots of work in the apartment next door which was a showplace just over a year ago and the current tenant fought to keep the state inspector out. I wonder what happened.

I haven't heard anything about my apartment. I would guess I'll get word that they will need to replace my bathroom ceiling tiles, damaged from the last flooding from upstairs but not a current leak. I don't think there's anything else. I certainly hope they don't feel the need to paint. I hate my life disrupted.

The landlord/company raised my rent with the lease renewal. Yeah, I have an increase of $3 a month! Outrageous, I say. Heh. An ex-landlord here raised it $50 a month more every year he had the building. Now that I have the letter with the increase, I'm going to call the landlord office to complain about kids once again -- 1A and 3G. I see the security glass near 1A is now broken. (I think it was intact during the inspection.) NO, it's NOT okay to let your children run loose in the hallways. Be a parent, for gosh sakes! 

I'm also going to report Joe's apartment across the hall. I really think he might have passed (at a hospital, not in the apartment) and relative/friend squatters are in there. They put trash bags in the hallway for hours or even overnight before taking it to the dumpsters. There are people coming and going at all hours. Joe wouldn't accept that. He's definitely not there. They also threw out most of his stuff. I didn't want to complain until I got my rent increase/renewal notice because I don't want them to think I'm a chronic complainer. But things are going downhill after doing so well under this new owner. Sigh.

Oh! Something good! I bought an 8-speed tower fan with a remote control this past week. I LOVE IT! It works so well that I'm sure to save on some air conditioning bills this summer.

Onto the photos for this week ... clicking on an image will open a larger version in a gallery setting.

One open, three closed

The flower of an hour was closing as I caught this shot. They seem to actually be open for a bit more than an hour. In this shot, it's clear they are related to hibiscus.

New awnings

They installed awnings on Maria's and the adjacent restaurant on North Avenue. Nice, but now you can't really see the names on the businesses -- which is why I'm calling the one restaurant "adjacent." I forgot its name.

Where is he?

A solitary starling on a wire. She seems to be looking for someone.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 11, 2017

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way. I have a bit of a blogging rest before Big Brother starts up. The premiere for that is slated for June 28, but the cast information and such should start coming out a week before that. I'll be watching for news. Stay tuned right here!

Until the last few days, we had more rain and more cool temperatures. As of yesterday, that's all changed. We're facing what should be the first day of a heat wave, the second one this year. Temperatures are supposed to be in the 90s starting today and lasting through Tuesday. I'd actually prefer the cooler temps. I hate the heat!

Every five years in New Jersey, multi-family dwellings get inspected by the state. This past week we had our inspection in my apartment building. It's a big pain, but I do understand that these inspections can catch fire and safety issues and neglect by landlords. The first time I went through this here, they came up with tons of violations resulting in new power outlets in the kitchen and bathroom, scraping down and painting all of the fire escapes and more. This time it didn't seem like much at all. We have new windows, the fire escapes remain in good shape, etc. The main thing the inspector seemed to be concerned about was working smoke/CO detectors.

Earlier in the week, the super (who is no longer Mario ... sniffle) came through testing to make sure the apartment doors self-close, have the privacy chain locks and testing the smoke alarms. Mine is working although my door likes to self-close rather slowly. The inspector never actually checked my door. If I have to run from a fire, I'll make sure it closes! That, or I'll buy a tiny can of oil and oil it. I think that's all it needs.

Vincent is tired of hearing the smoke alarm tests! (So am I.)

Joe's place across the hall apparently had a broken chain lock. Hmm. I would guess someone forced it at some time or another. Mine is always in use yet vintage to the building.

Both times of the visits -- the super's initial sweep and the actual inspection -- my neighbor next door fought with them refusing to open the door for the longest time. Now, I don't answer my door usually, either. But I could hear it was the super and he even yelled, "It's the super! I'd like to check your smoke detector! We have a state inspection coming!" I let him in.  Technically, other than an emergency, we're supposed to have (I think) 48 hours notice for them to enter. But it wasn't a huge deal. He tested the door, the smoke alarm and made sure my chain worked. 

The neighbor finally let the inspector in for the inspection -- we did have two weeks notice and then a 48 hour reminder the inspection was coming. But there was a whole lot of yelling goin' on. Sheesh. Well, maybe it made the inspector inspect less on me because he was so bad! I didn't want to move furniture to show them outlets and such aren't overloaded. He didn't ask that -- the whole inspection took about a minute. He didn't even look under my sinks for leaks, just asked me. (And, no, I have no leaks under my sinks.) He never even turned lights on in the bathroom, kitchen and dining room (built-in fixtures they tested last time) or flush my toilet to make sure it works and doesn't leak. Of course, my toilet is only a few months old and still looks brand new, so maybe that's why he didn't check that. 

The last five-year inspection was a huge headache with the inspector going through everything with a fine-tooth comb, wanting to look at every electrical outlet, check all possibilities of leaks and more. This time, quick and easy -- test smoke/CO detector, glance about in kitchen and bathroom, check access to the fire escape in the bedroom. Now, since the last inspection, I do have a new bathroom vanity and sink, toilet, new windows, new refrigerator (my own, but my last used one looked horrible; this one still looks brand new), new kitchen floor and more. So, maybe the apartment just looks like there are fewer problems and he didn't feel the need to inspect as much.

The neighbor also gave the exterminator a lot of grief early in the week. I don't know what's going on there. The inspector was in his apartment a lot longer than in mine. He better not have safety or bug-causing issues going on there! When Carlos left that place about 18 months ago, it was a showplace in beautiful condition with an updated kitchen, gorgeous hardwood floors and all. Mine has beat-up hardwood never refinished before I moved in 17 years ago and original building kitchen cabinets.

Oh, well. It's over for the next five years now.

Onto the photos from the week -- clicking on an image will open up a larger version.

The flower of an hour has sprung!

Last fall Bernice gave me some seeds to grow these. I tossed them across the ground in an area adjacent to the parking lot at my apartment building. It's on the neighbor's property, but a small strip between our fence and their garage. They seem to neglect that rocky strip in their lawn maintenance, so I didn't think they'd mind flowers. There's no good place on the grounds of my building to plant them. They took root!

Yay, it's bee season!

Although I've an allergy to bee stings, these little guys are a vital part of nature. And, for the most part, bees tend to be non-aggressive. Yellow jackets and other wasps are a bit different. 

Caught at the right time!

These "flower of an hour" blossoms come to life in the vicinity of 9am. They're closed up for most of the day and night.


Sunday, June 04, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 4, 2017

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way. I have a bit of a blogging rest before Big Brother starts up. The premiere for that is slated for June 28, but the cast information and such should start coming out a week before that. I'll be watching for news. Stay tuned right here!

We had more rain around here this past week. We're expecting more rain this upcoming week. Well, I must say all is green and lush. But ...! Although, I certainly prefer the cooler temperatures rather than heat waves. So, that's good.

I had the follow-up visit with my vascular surgeon on Friday. As expected, the most recent Doppler ultrasound showed nothing alarming. He's very pleased with the progress ... even though I stopped wearing that horrible thigh-high compression stocking after the first week. It kept rolling down and cutting into my skin. I have been faithful with the knee-high compression socks. I can definitely feel and see a difference in the leg. I no longer have a bundle of veins like snakes sticking out on my calf and the pain level after standing and walking has improved a lot.  Thanks go out to Leonia and her husband for driving me to the appointment!

Today would mark my brother Gary's 63rd birthday. He and I were the middle children of four, only 14 months apart. He passed away at the age of 59. Time marches on.

Other than that news, nothing much is going on here. Work, work, work. Sigh. Onto this week's photos ... clicking on an image will bring up a larger version in a gallery setting.

The Magical Marigold

What's so magical about it? Beside the opportunity for alliteration, all of nature is magical and wondrous!

The uncooperative bee

This bee just wouldn't pose for me! He's missing out on becoming famous on the internets! Bridgewater, NJ

I see dead people

... with feet on seat! Ack! Why can't people just SIT? You don't need to sprawl all over the place! It's not your home! It's a commuter train! I personally don't understand the sleeping on the train line -- I think from end to end it may be about an hour, perhaps an hour and fifteen minutes. I always think if I fall asleep in a public place, someone will steal my stuff. Or worse, take photos of me and post them online! New Jersey Transit, Raritan Valley Line.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 28, 2017

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way. The latest season of Survivor finished up this past week and this week will wrap up The Amazing Race. Then I have a bit of a blogging rest until Big Brother starts up. The premiere for that is slated for June 28, but the cast information and such should start coming out a week before that. I'll be watching for news.

It's Memorial Day Weekend, with tomorrow being the official holiday. While it's turned into the unofficial start of the summer season and folks tend to have all kinds of fun plans for an extended weekend, we need to remember the reason behind the holiday. It's the time to honor and remember those who gave their lives in service to this country. My father and grandfather both served, but both made it home although they're both long gone now. I salute those who serve!

I myself actually have a weekend off. No, not a three or four day weekend -- just two days in a row. That's one more than I usually have, so I'll take it. I may or may not go to a cookout at a friend's home either today or tomorrow, weather permitting. I may just rest up and goof off for the two days. I don't know. I do know that I'm constantly tired. So, a rest will do me good.

My leg seems to be healing up nicely from the varicose vein treatment despite the fact I had to give up the thigh-high compression stocking due to it cutting into my skin and rolling down all the time. I've been wearing the knee high and hope that will suffice. My follow-up visit with the doctor will be this coming Friday.

Other than that, not a heck of a lot going on here. So, it's onto this week's photos -- clicking on an image will open a larger version in a gallery setting.

Stars and Stripes

An iris grows in Plainfield

As with so much that's beautiful in nature, these don't last long enough. At least I can capture the image. Berckman Street in Plainfield.

A bug on the marigolds

I'm not sure if the bug makes the shot or takes away a bit of the marigold magnificence.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 21, 2017

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way. If you're here for Survivor -- you can find any Survivor posts I make at this link right here You can find any posts I make about TAR at this link -- The Amazing Race. The season finales for both shows are coming up this week -- how time flies!

In regard to television watching -- I haven't been able to get into this season's Fargo like I have the previous two seasons. I fell asleep the week before last and I actually forgot it was on this past week. I'll catch up with it today. Maybe if I'm not watching it after live blogging a show and at such a late hour, I will be more into it.

So, how is my leg doing? Hmm. I went to the hospital this week for the scheduled follow-up Doppler ultrasound test to make sure no blood clots have formed and to track the progress of the injected vein-collapsing Varithena. The tech performing the ultrasound told me all looked good to him, but the doctor will read the report more thoroughly. My next doctor appointment isn't until June 2nd. I do see improvement. Where I had the bundle of veins like snakes under my skin in my calf, a marked improvement. There is a rather large painful swelling at one of the injection sites, but I'm thinking that should diminish in time. The blisters from the tape are gone, but my thigh still has a lot of discoloring and bruising from that big injection site and that foam roll thing that was so tightly strapped to it in the bandaging.  All in all, it feels better than it did pre-Varithena even at this early stage. But, then again, I have been taking it easy on it although I do my daily walks as recommended.

A shout out to blog reader/friend Leonia and her husband for their graciousness in offering me rides to medical dealings! I try to schedule things I can get to via train, bus and/or cab, but life is so much easier when someone goes that extra mile and offers a ride when you're not feeling well! 

We had our first heat wave of 2017 earlier this week ... in MAY. Grr. The criteria for a heat wave is three consecutive days of over 90 degrees.  One day we maxed out at 97. I don't like the heat. As I get older, I like it even less. I'd actually prefer the cold of winter (sans ice and snow) than hot humid weather. Of course, I'd prefer spring to be SPRING, not SUMMER! 

Onto this week's photos -- clicking on an image will bring up larger versions in a gallery setting ...

Is it a Potato Beetle? Or is that a falsehood?

This beetle showed up as I was shooting mites on concrete at the Bridgewater Train Station. I got a bunch of great photos of him/her. But, upon returning home, I wanted to make sure I knew what it was. I thought "Potato Beetle" but found out that this area also has False Potato Beetles! The way to tell the difference is something about white showing under its wings when it flies. I didn't see it flying, just checking out the concrete for mites or something. So, I don't really know. 

Posing for the camera

The A Team - Azaleas and Allium

It's a good thing I took this photo last Sunday when I went for my walk. Yesterday the azaleas were brown and the allium had passed and was drooping. Berckman Street, Plainfield.

Friends-ly flowers

A row of irises grow in front of the Friends (Quakers) Meetinghouse on Watchung Avenue in Plainfield.