Sunday, April 20, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2010 photo HapEaster10JackieMA31501004-0001.gif

Happy Easter Sunday morning to all! If you celebrate the holiday, I hope it's a fantastic day for you. Heck, even if you don't celebrate the day, I still hope it's fantastic! Since it is indeed Sunday, this is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way.

Tonight, despite the holiday, there is a new episode of The Amazing Race airing. At approximately 8om EDT, I'll have the blog party post up for it.

This week took us from summer to winter and then back to spring here in the Greater NYC Metropolitan area. Right now we're back to spring here. Hopefully that will stay for a while now!

As this post is quite photo-heavy, I'm going to get onto those right now. Some of you will be happy to know I don't have any snake photos this week!

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It's the Easter Bunny!

Yes! I found the REAL Easter Bunny yesterday morning on my walk to the train station! He was hiding eggs on the grounds of the Presbyterian Church on East Front Street in Plainfield. I was surprised that the Easter Bunny was hiding his ears under a retro-Afro!

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Yes, tulips

Folks on Berckman Street in Plainfield placed a couple of planters of gorgeous tulips out on their porch. I think they must have brought them in at night when we had the freeze warnings as they held up so well through our wintry temperatures this past week.

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After sunset last night

The skies looked as pretty as Easter egg pastels last night as I was arriving home from work. This shot looks down Watchung Avenue from the intersection with East Fourth Street in Plainfield.

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Has he found an Easter egg?

Nope, but he has an acorn! East Front Street, Plainfield.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Bag of Tricks' Blog Party - April 16

Hey there, Survivor fans! Are you ready for tonight? Will Tony find his name written down a lot of times once again? I think he's going to get to the point where, unless he wins immunity, all will turn on him soon. That said, I do think he's playing a good game. But he's got a huge target on his back, methinks.

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as it always goes, the real party is down in the comments area. Come join us to discuss the happenings as the show airs!

The latest blog pool update from Lifeguard Laurie:

Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Kass McQuillen - Delee, MikesGirl
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

Jury- Sarah Lacina, Morgan McLeod

Ah, the show has begun. Tony thinks he can turn everyone against LJ to get the heat off himself. I wonder how that will go.

The reward challenge has them dividing into teams of three, throwing sandbags, then trying to bounce the sandbags into baskets. It's a spa reward with a nice lunch, too.

Tony, Jeremiah and Spencer win Reward!

Uh-oh, LJ thinks Tony is loyal to him. Kasha would like to flip LJ and blindside Tony. But LJ thinks he owes his life in the game to Tony. Meanwhile, Tony keeps plotting against LJ.

Immunity challenge time! They're getting their memories tested by repeating back the colors of tiles shown to them. Hmm. Gah. Trish got the second color of four wrong and is out. Woo is next out on the third color.

LJ, Tasha and Tony are the last three. Tasha wins Immunity!

Tony is scheming to get rid of LJ, but Trish wants the alliance of six to stay. Going into tribal, Tony seems to be reconsidering his position.

Interesting tribal, but no fireworks.

The tally -- LJ, LJ, LJ, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Spencer, LJ, LJ.

LJ says, "Well played" to Tony as he goes to get his torch snuffed.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'The Gladiators Are Here!' Blog Party - April 13

Last week the country music award show preempted TAR, this week we're competing time-wise against a big golf tournament. I do have a golf channel on my cable line-up. I've watched it never.

Amazingly, tonight's episode is only going to be delayed about twelve minutes here in the NYC viewing area. Once it starts, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh this page to get the latest! Of course, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come watch the show with us!

The latest blog pool standings from the Magnificent Margo. Remember, last time it was a the second non-Philimination --

Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny

Teams must fly from Sri Lanka to the "Eternal City." The Eternal City is Rome, but they need to figure that out. All the teams are on the same flight.

Detour - Gladiator or Charioteer. Done with the Coliseum in the background. The first is successfully learning gladiator moves, the second is by remote control.

Caroline and Jennifer have to complete their Speed Bump, retrieving a typewriter, finding where it goes and placing it on a pedestal. Yawn.

Brendon and Rachel are in the lead, starting off the Roadblock first. Lots of thinking, calculating, Roman numerals, etc. It's good thing Brendon is doing it, not Rachel! Brendon nailed it on the first try and they're heading to the Pit Stop. Dave and Connor are starting the Roadblock. The other teams are mainly lost.

Pit Stop --
1. Brendon and Rachel - won a trip for two to Australia's Great Barrier Reef and the Cayman Islands.

Dave/Connor are working with Caroline/Jennifer on the Roadblock.

2. Caroline and Jennifer
3. Dave and Connor (let the girls take second)
4. Jet and Cord

Leo and Jamal gave the Globetrotters and John/Jessica the answer at the Roadblock.

5. Leo and Jamal
6. Globetrotters
7. Jessica/John Philiminated after losing the foot race to the Pit Stop.

Next week teams will face a Double U-Turn. Eep.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - April 13, 2014

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday morning! The weather here today is perfect -- dry, clear skies and an expected high around 70 degrees. Now, THAT is my kind of weather! Since it is Sunday morning, it's time for my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Yet, I must mention a television bit first! Although I expect tonight's The Amazing Race show to be delayed due to the Master's Golf Tournament (whatever), I'll be posting the blog party post at 8pm EDT. If you watch the show, please come by and watch with us!

It finally turned spring here this past week. No winter temperatures, even the chill of the night time was no lower than the 40s. It's about time! The horrid winter this year wreaked havoc with my health. I can't believe a four-month bout with sciatica. Gah. My allergies are running rampant now. But that's a lot more bearable than sciatica and over the counter medicines actually can control it.

Spring fever seemed to affect co-workers with many calling out sick this past week. I really didn't feel well myself with the allergies and the lack of sleep caused by such. But I wasted too much of my paid time off this winter. So, I worked. And worked and worked. Sigh.

I'm not seeing the multitudes of snakes at the Bridgewater Train Station like I did when they first emerged, but there are still some hanging out. I shot a video hoping to catch the tongue flickering action. Being the curious person I am, I looked up why they do that. It turns out that garter snakes flick their red with black tips forked tongue as a sensor -- it picks up pheromones from other snakes, prey and food from the air. When they return their tongue to the mouth, they insert it in a Jacobson's organ (similar to what cats have) to "read" the results. Huh. Cool. Here I thought they flicked their tongues to look tough.

Here's the video -- no snakes or people were harmed in the filming --

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How's this pose?

Perfect, Mr. Squirrel. Hold that pose for a moment, please. Thank you. You're dismissed now. Plainfield Train Station.

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Heck, this week's spring weather made me use excess exclamation marks, something I rarely do. I don't believe we dipped below freezing not a once this past week, even in the overnight hours. Woot! The daffodils are in bloom on Berckman Street in Plainfield.

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Yellow and white daffodils

Also on Berckman Street in Plainfield.


Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Mad Treasure Hunt' Blog Party - April 9

Come one! Come all! It's a mad treasure hunt ... or so they promise us, anyway. It seems from the promos that everyone is out searching for the hidden idol. Since both idols in the game were absolutely wasted last week, albeit displaying loyalties, getting the idol is better than a feather in your cap.

Huh. I really don't understand the worth of a feather in your cap myself. Maybe it's just me.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, this entry will be updated with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

The latest blog pool standings from the one and only Lifeguard Laurie --

Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S. 
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld 
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl 
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML 
Morgan McLeod - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy 
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924 
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle 
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny 
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie 
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

On with the PARTY! Er ... show ...

Okay, Morgan thinks Kass is jealous of her because she (Morgan) is cuter than her. Oh my gosh, shallow water alert!

The Reward Challenge has them split into two teams, swimming, dragging chests, puzzles. The reward is a Survivor Outback Steakhouse product placement trip. The split was random -- LJ, Spencer, Morgan, Jeremiah and Jefra win!

At the Outback, Spencer had a clue in his napkin. He went out in the rain to read it after they returned. Woo's suspicious. Woo stole the clue from where Spencer left it with his pants. Uh-oh. Pandemonium is surely to ensue.

Woo ran to camp and told everyone about the clue. Even though all searched, it was Spencer who found it.

The Immunity Challenge has them standing on their toes on a platform with a wood block on their heads they must hold against the frame. It was down to Spencer and Tasha ... Spencer wins immunity!

Spencer wants to flip Kass back. Tony wants Morgan out due to her uselessness around camp. Spencer wants to target Tony. Kass tells us she loves the ambush and she loves the blindside. Eep.

Sarah indeed is the first member of the jury.

The tally - Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan.

She's out and Tony dodged a bullet. 

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - April 6, 2014

Good morning, folks! Rise and shine! Up and at 'em! It's Sunday morning. You know what that means ... it's time for my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Remember -- The Amazing Race will NOT air tonight! Instead, there's a country music award show.

In other news:
This week was a bit springish at times. I've had to rotate between my lightweight spring jacket and my least winter jacket. We had a lot of rain. We had some sunshine. On the really beautiful spring days with the sunshine, it was so windy that it felt cold. So far our April showers seemed more like November showers -- cold and unforgiving.

Today is supposed to be nice. We'll see about that!

It was another week of work, home, eat, sleep and spend a lot of time being a sofa for a certain cat. The weather must have been a real aggravating trigger for the sciatica problems as I've only had a few occasional twinges as the temperatures have finally gotten above freezing on a daily basis. Mind you, the evenings still dip way down.

I heard my downstairs neighbor was burglarized once again this week while he was away. I think this makes the third, possibly the fourth, time. I tried to tell him it has to be people he knows. He's allowed riff-raff friends in his place over the years. They know when he's gone as his car is gone. I don't believe he ever learned that you're not only known by the company you keep, but that riff-raff has no loyalty. The old upstairs neighbor was the same -- he let his street-ish drinking buddies in and, next thing you know, he ended up burglarized one day.

Without a car, no one knows if I'm home or not. Well, unless I have the stereo on. I also have a habit of not responding to knocking on the door when I am indeed home. If I'm in my pajamas or it's evening and I'm not expecting people, I don't answer the door. If I haven't buzzed someone into the building, they shouldn't be knocking! Any friends I have had over are certainly not of the street or burglar ilk. Most of them are the sort I would trust with the key to my apartment. So, I have no real fears of burglaries here. I'll admit I do keep the window that leads to my fire escape locked when I'm not home. That's just common sense.

While I know that more "innocent" burglaries happen, I can't help but wonder when a person is repeatedly targeted. It has to be the company they keep. I also don't allow Vincent to hang out with cat burglars! (Heehee)

Oh, well ... onto this week's photos. If you click on an image it will open up in a Photobucket page. Clicking on the magnifying glass at the bottom of the photo will make it larger. Then there's one more magnifying glass you can click on to make it even larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window.

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Dusk at the Plainfield Train Station

With the days getting longer, it was dusk when I arrived home from work yesterday. It would certainly be nice if they fixed all the burnt out lamps there. But they have worse things they're not fixing or, at least, not timely fixing.

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Let sunning snakes lie

The garter snakes at the Bridgewater Train Station continue to catch my interest (as you'll see later in this post). What cool and intriguing critters they are! I've tried to catch one for a closer photo shoot. However, they've been much too quick for me. I really must be getting old. When I was a child, I could catch garter snakes with ease.

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Look! Spring is finally HERE!

Of course, it felt like I needed my winter jacket coming home from work last night and I don't think the high on Friday got above 42 degrees. But, it seems the snow and real winter is finally behind us. I took this shot on Berckman Street in Plainfield.


Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'The Head of the Snake' Blog Party - April 2

Aha! The episode title is 'The Head of the Snake'! Perfect! I took a photo a couple of days ago to go right with this one --

How's that? Of course, it's just a garter snake, not any sort of huge predator. And, since he was kind enough to pose for me, I'd rather he not be beheaded.

But it does sound like heads are going to roll in tonight's episode. The merge is one and it's each castaway for themselves ... or for the greater good of their alliance. Or, they might switch things up alliance-wise.

Here are the latest blog pool standings for that Lovely Lifeguard Laurie --

Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle
Sarah Lacina - Buzzmaan, Tammy
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Morgan McLeod - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy

Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee
Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as always, the real party is down in the comments area. Come watch the show with us!

Aparri decided to make a final six pact. But is the trust really there?

Whoa! The merge is ON. They're all moving into Aparri. The celebration includes food and wine ... and suspicions. They also got a note reading that another idol with "special powers" in hidden in the camp area. Tony wants to sway his ex-buddy cop friend Sarah back into the alliance to flip the numbers.

Sarah creates problems for herself with her six by arguing who they should vote off.

Immunity challenge -- the necklace is on a pole awaiting its first winner. They have to balance on triangular platforms in the water, moving up to smaller platforms. Last one standing wins. When they get to the top, few survive. It's Tony and Woo.

Woo wins the first individual immunity!

Sarah decides she's with the six and wants to vote out either LJ or Tony -- the latter being her cop buddy. She is really pushing the Tony vote. Kass is NOT happy about Sarah in charge. When Tony fails to get Sarah to commit, Trish tries for Kass to come aboard.

Ah, Solana agreed to vote for Sarah to go to get Kass aboard. Interesting indeed.

Tribal council time. Tony admits he has an idol and will use it for his tribe if needed. He claims it's a community idol.

Tony gives his idol to LJ (who has his own idol, but no one knows). Ah, LJ gives Tony his idol!

The tally -- Jefra, Sarah, Jefra, Sarah, Jefra, Sarah, Jefra, Sarah, Jefra, Sarah, Sarah.

Kass flipped and Sarah's gone. Spencer is shocked and bitter. Her tribe is stunned.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'Down and Dirty' Blog Party - March 30

Well, I didn't really expect the show to start on time here what with March Madness still going on. However, every season it's something sports knocking our Sunday night 8pm ET shows back. Grr. 60 Minutes started at 7:20pm EDT, so I expect TAR to start 20 minutes late.

As the show airs here in the NYC viewing area, I'll update this post with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! Of course, you know where the real party is ... down in the comments. Come watch the show with us!

The latest blog pool standings from that Marvelous Margo --

Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny

Time to get off this Pit Stop mat and on with the race!

Teams are on their way to the Dutch Museum (still in Sri Lanka). Now, the twinnies must be dying as they missed the leg in their native land. It's a bunch-up, open 8 to 5. Off for a train ride! All are on the same train.

Roadblock - Who wants to fill 'er up? Finding and filling up teeny taxis. Rachel screws up by filling up the cars of her color, not realizing she was looking for a marker of her color on the windshield instead. Finally John told her, then took her "green" car for himself as it was a red tag on it.

Big Easy, who could lift the cars by himself, was the first through. It's now a trip by train, then tuck-tuck (teeny taxi) to the elephants. They all manage to get on the same train.

Detour - Truck or Sheets. Choosing timber, working with an elephant to transport six logs. Sheets - making paper with elephant dung. I think most want to actually work with the elephants rather than the dung! Due to there only being four chains, they reluctantly split up to do dung.

Cowboys, then Afghanimals are the first down with either part of the Detour -- they both did elephants.

After traveling to get a clue from a musical wise man, it's off to the Pit Stop. Cowboys in the lead with Afghanimals right on their tails.

Pit Stop --
1. Leo and Jamal - Trip for two to Berlin, Germany
2. Jet and Cord
3. Jessica and John
4. Connor and Dave

Dave and Connor had their taxi driver steer the Globetrotters wrong.

5. Brendan and Rachel
6. Flight Time and Big Easy
7. Caroline and Jennifer -- NOT Philiminated!

Yep, another non-Philimination leg!

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 30, 2014

It's Sunday morning! That means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Later on tonight I'll be posting The Amazing Race blog party post -- please join us if you watch the show! I keep up with the major events on the entry itself as they happen on East Coast time while commenters hold a party down below.

Okay, I guess we have spring. It was still winter-cold for most of the week. While I was down to my normal winter coat instead of the huge one, it was in no way whatsoever SPRING. It finally got a bit spring-like on Friday afternoon, then the rain started yesterday morning. Now we're under flood watches and warnings. It's probably around 50 degrees, but with the wind and rain, it's a raw chilly weekend. Better than snow, but ...!

I have to say it was relaxing last night to go to sleep with the sound of rain against the windows. Much more calming than sleet against the windows!

It was a rather mundane week here. So, onto the photos ...

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Plainfield Train Station beauty

Pre-sunrise turned the clouds a gorgeous pink and blue one morning as I waited for my train. It's a shame that such beauty is always so fleeting.

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And then there's the ugly

The tunnel under the tracks at the Plainfield Train Station is really rough these days. It looks like they've put in a new light fixture or two, but another light is totally removed -- probably because of water dripping through it. Other areas of the station need work recovering from the rough winter, but the tunnel seems to be deteriorating daily.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'We Found Our Zombies' Blog Party - March 26

The first casualty of the not-a-merge recombination of the tribes was Cliff, a member of the new Solana tribe. Although the tribes recombined, many were able to stay with members of their previous tribes. Here's the new breakdown:

Cliff, Woo, Trish, Jefra, LJ, Tony, Lindsey

Alexis, Jeremiah, Kass, Morgan, Spencer, Sarah, Tasha

I dunno. I think that Kass and Lindsey should switch to keep Solana all short names!

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings live time from the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest! As I'm sure most of you know by now, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!

Before we get this party on the road, here are the blog pool standings from that Lovely Lifeguard Laurie --

Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle
Sarah Lacina - Buzzmaan, Tammy
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Alexis Maxwell - Donna in FL, Petals
Morgan McLeod - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy

Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Lindsey Ogle - Brian
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee
Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML

Survivor fans ready?

Uh-oh. Lindsey and Trish have a blow up. Lindsey goes to Jeff to whine about it and QUIT THE GAME over a personality clash with one other person. Sheesh! She leaves Jeff to give the tribe the news. Now they're down two people.

Reward challenge time. Two members of the winning tribe get to raid the other tribe's camp. The challenge is one on one, holding an idol, the first one knocking the other's idol down wins the round. Salana wins reward! Woo and Tony go to camp with a note they can't open until they get there.

The note lays out particular items they can take and also gave them a clue to the hidden idol. They took comfort and fishing gear items. They decided to give the clue to Jeremiah thinking it would make a target of him. He read it aloud to his tribemates.

Tony, feeling all warm fuzzies with his new tribe, admitted to them he's a cop. He also told them he bamboozled the other tribe with the clue to set up Jeremiah. He says the clue they (his own tribe) has is for their own camp.

Jeremiah tried to convince his tribe mates that the clue Tony gave him was the old clue from the old camp. They're not buying it. But he IS telling the truth.

Immunity Challenge time -- build a staircase, through a maze, obstacle course, bunch o' stuff, machete, puzzle pieces. You know the routine.

Solana wins Immunity!

Alexis and Jeremiah seem to be the targets. I'm personally hoping it will be Alexis gone. The brains seem like they'll vote together.

The tally -- Jer, Alexis, Alexis, Alexis, Alexis.

Woot! Jeremiah stays!

It sounds like everyone except Alexis might have voted Alexis.

Alexis weeps as she walks away ...

Aw, I didn't care much for her, but she's really devastated about it. And, to think one castaway just threw it all away and quit tonight.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'Can't Make the Fish Bite' Blog Party - March 23

With CBS hosting the March Madness college basketball games, I'm surprised to see ANY new primetime shows. I'm not surprised it's delayed. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!

60 Minutes started at 7:42pm EDT, so I expect we'll start at 8:42-ish. 

Since last week was a non-Philimination leg, Magnificent Margo's pool standings remain ...

Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afganimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty

Ah, it's 8:41 and the show is starting! It's weird that they're in the same place where the missing Malaysian flight took off from.

The teams are heading to Sri Lanka.

Uh-oh ... Brenchal is closed out of the flight that has everybody else aboard. Instead of a direct flight, they're taking one with a thirty minute connection. They're desperate and know they're taking a big chance. Luke and Margie are also closed out of the main flight. They're going standby on the main flight as the Singapore connection scares them.

The other teams didn't realize it was a non-Philim last week until Flight Time spread the word.

Brenchal made the connection. Luke and Margie have to take the next flight, putting them way behind. Brenchal gets there first after taking their desperation move.

Once in Sri Lanka, they must visit a Buddhist temple for a blessing and their next clue. All the teams except Margie and Luke are on a scenic train to Galle.

Detour -- Fishing pole -- wade into surf on stilts, each catch a fish. Spin control has them performing a native dance that combines dancing with spinning a disc-like plate on a rod.

Cool ... Dave and Connor are first through the Detour! They're my favorite team. (Although, of course, I want Leo and Jamal to win because of the blog pool.)

Margie and Luke finally arrived and are on their way to the temple. The majority of the teams have already finished the detour. Jessica and John gave up on the fishing and are heading to the dancing.

Roadblock - Who wants to put the pedal to the treadle? Sewing a shirt. Connor thinks he has no skills, but at least he took a semester of sewing in junior high! That's more than many have done. I took my course in 8th grade. I'd fail the task.

Whoa! Jessica and John made it through the dancing like a quick breeze. Margie and Luke are on the train. Brenchal has hit the speed bump and have to silk screen fifteen t-shirts.

Woot! Connor got his shirt approved first! They're on the way to the Pit Stop. Caroline and Jennifer are next done.

Pit Stop --
1. DAVE AND CONNOR - each won 5 grand. This is the leg they bowed out with Dave's injury in their season.
2. Jennifer and Caroline
3. Jet and Cord
4. Leo and Jamal
5. Jessica and John
6, Flight Time and Big Easy
7. Brendan and Rachel (I can't believe I'm kind of liking them this season.)
8. Margie and Luke -- Philiminated.

Luke held up well, saying that it was a fantastic experience to be on the race three times.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 23, 2014

Good morning, peeps! It's SPRING! Can you feel it? Well, yesterday we had a taste of it with weather temperatures flirting with the 60 degree mark. Tomorrow morning, they're talking windchills around zero and a possible nor'easter snowstorm Tuesday into Wednesday. Will the winter EVER end?

Since it's Sunday morning, this is my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later tonight, at 8pm EDT, I'll post The Amazing Race blog party post. If you watch the show, please come by for fun discussion (and partying)!

I really don't have a heck of a lot other than work going on in my life lately. I'm so tired of cold temperatures that, even though most of our snow has melted in the sun, I don't want to be outside. I have retired my "big" winter coat for my merely "normal" winter coat. But I'd rather discard them both for just a hoodie! If the temps are that low tomorrow, I'll have to bring the big coat out of its retirement. Wah.

Conking out early most of the week, I even missed most of my TV shows and will spend some time catching up today. On the few nights I stayed up late, I watched Jimmy Fallon on his Tonight Show. I like Jimmy. I think he's perhaps one of the most talented -- song, dance, impressions -- talk show hosts since the likes of Steve Allen. I'm still loyal to my David Letterman. But, when Dave retires, I can see me watching Jimmy for years and years to come.

Onto this week's photos ... while I don't have a ton of artsy, I definitely found two new and different photo subjects this week --

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Just before the dawn

Although the skies are definitely black as I leave my apartment for work on my weekday commutes, before the train arrives it's getting light(ish). Now if it would just go for warm(ish). Plainfield Train Station.

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Huh? Whazzat?

What the heck is that in the air over North Avenue in Plainfield?


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Odd One Out' - Blog Party, March 19

Judging by the promos for this week, the tribes are probably being mixed up rather than a merge. I know that, Spencer for one, needs to be able to work with his tribe mates rather than do all the work and be a constant target. He still looks he could be Neil Patrick Harris' brother to me!

That lovely Lifeguard Laurie has tallied up the latest blog pool results --

Pool Results
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Alexis Maxwell - Donna in FL, Petals
Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML
Morgan McLeod - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy

Brains (???)
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle

Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Cliff Robinson - Dusty, Margo
Lindsey Ogle - Brian
Sarah Lacina - Buzzmaan, Tammy
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! But, as you know it always is, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us as we watch the show together!

After the recap, at a challenge setting, they're told to drop their buffs. And, then into commercial. Oh gee ... the suspense!

Two new tribes. It's a luck of the draw kind of thing. Orange or purple. Brains end up together still, as do many Brawn. Sarah, my blog pool person, is the "odd one out" from Brawn.

The challenge is Reward. And, it's a physical one -- trying to pull another castaway off a pole. They're playing for donuts, coffee, cookies, pastries and more.

Solana wins reward -- that's the tribe with most of the Brwn on it. Spencer loses again despite being surrounded by the Beauty on Aparri. Morgan got outed for going for the idol in the beginning and lying about the rice. The Brains, matched up with most of the Beauty, realize that they have a solidarity advantage over the gossipy Beauty members.

Immunity challenge time. Smashing logs against two walls and then getting the log through a maze. Aparri wins Immunity! The Brawn on Solana is speechless.

Cliff wants to target LJ because he got close to Trish ... GAH! I just realized my blog pool person is Trish, not Sarah. Oh my. Trish wants to target Cliff.

Tribal Council time. 

Gah. LJ doesn't use the idol.

LJ. Cliff, LJ, Cliff, LJ, Cliff, CLIFF!

Woot! They kept LJ and booted Cliff. Tony isn't happy.

It's an act! Tony was the flip vote ... he voted his ally out!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Amazing Race: All-Stars - 'Smarter, not Harder' Blog Party

Again we're starting on time? They're spoiling us! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. However, as always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

The latest pool standings by that Magnificent Margo are:
Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afganimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty

Let's get the party started!

They're staying in Malaysia at least for the start of the leg.

Roadblock -- Who's got a spring in their step? It entails jumping on a trampoline thingee supported by locals to pull down a clue.

Next they're off to Kuala Lampur with only three flights available. Dave/Connor are still maintaining their lead.

Margie tells us Luke came out to her as gay. Not a problem.

Uh-oh, the second flight is delayed and the third flight will get there before it. Dave/Connor, the Cowboys and the Afghanimals are on the first flight.

Detour: Mixmaster or Master Mix -- They have to learn how to DJ and show their scratching skillz. Or they have to mix a drinks into a pyramid of glasses.

Most of the teams go for the drinks part of the detour only to find out it's very difficult. The Cowboys have taken over the lead and are heading to the Pit Stop.

The Afghanimals and Dave/Connor are also heading there.

Pit Stop --
1. The Cowboys - Won a trip to London
2. Dave and Connor
3. Leo and Jamal

Luke is breaking down with frustration (deja vu) on the drink task. I don't see where switching tasks could help him as he can't hear. They HAVE to do this task. Brenchal is also stuck on the drink task.

4. Carline and Jennifer
5. Jessica and John

Rachel, of all people, pep-talked Luke/Margie and Brendan. It really helped Luke. He did it!

6. Flight Time and Big Easy
7. Luke and Margie
8. Brendan and Rachel -- but it's a non-Philimination leg!

I predicted that early on in comments, mind you. They will encounter a speed bump in the next leg.

Heck, Brenchal has improved and they're just about bearable this season.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 16, 2014

Good morning, world! It's Sunday. You know what that means. It's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. At 8pm ET tonight, I'll be posting The Amazing Race blog party post. C'mon by and enjoy the show with us!

This has definitely been the winter of my discontent here. It just won't stop! Even though we haven't had any more snow lately, we go from a warm (relatively speaking) day in the 50s to windchills below zero, up and down every other day. Yesterday it was around 50, tonight we're expecting a coating of snow by morning. The storm is supposed to be south of us, but we're due a dusting. Sure, the sun will take away any snow now that the snowpack is gone. But I want SPRING!

On Thursday when the windchills were below zero, all of the NJ Transit Raritan Valley line trains were delayed, canceled, suspended or whatever. That was due to a gasoline-filled tanker trailer which rolled over and exploded near the Newark Penn Station. Thankfully, I had heard about it as I have the early morning news on as I get ready for work. I then watched the website and managed to catch the ONE TRAIN they let through that morning. All of the folks who had been heading to the city for work were on that train, heading their way right on back home. No one could get through.

The only good news other than I really lucked out time-wise and spent little time in the cold, no one was hurt in the truck fire. The tracks, signals and overhead electrical wires were hurt, but no people.

With no additional snow this past week and the sun melting most of our snowpack, I was finally able to go to the Target store nearby my workplace this week. No, I wasn't boycotting the store as they compromised my card and I had to get a new one issued. I was boycotting it because snowplows blocked the sidewalk at the crosswalk with a ten-foot high snow pile and no way was I going to trudge through snow up the Target "hill." My friend Donald broke his leg on that hill! Sure, I could walk all the way to the Home Depot entrance. But ... no.

Because I did get to Target, I'm having an actual corned beef and cabbage dinner today for St. Patrick's Day. I always get cabbage from Peapod as I make some other dishes with it. But I wasn't enamored with the price of their corned beef when I last ordered. Target had it on a decent sale. Yay!

I don't have a ton of photos this week. I was too cold and the weather was irking me. But, here's what I got for you --

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Just waiting on a train

If my morning train is just a few minutes late, the skies go from totally black to a pre-dawn beauty. Well, at least since the clocks lost us an hour this past week. Eventually it will be lighter for my early morning commutes.

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NJ Transit train in the sunset

However, due to the time change, my Saturday later working day is now just past sunset as I wait for my train home. This is last night at the Bridgewater Train Station.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - "It's Our Time to Shine" blog party - March 12

Who says reality television isn't educational? I'm certainly learning not only the existence of, but how to spell, several bizarre islands. Tonight's show has one of the blindfold challenges in it. Ah, it's always such fun to watch them crash and tangle! Yeah, I know it's cruel to take delight in the suffering of others. But they're the ones who went on the show, not me!

Lifeguard Laurie, keeper of the blog pool, could use our kind thoughts and prayers on a loss this past week. Nonetheless, here are the latest pool standings:

Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Alexis Maxwell - Donna in FL, Petals
Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML
Morgan McLeod - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy

J'Tia Taylor - Knickelpeed, Merrilee
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle

Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Cliff Robinson - Dusty, Margo
Lindsey Ogle - Brian
Sarah Lacina - Buzzmaan, Tammy
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. However, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!

The blindfolded challenge is reward. First tribe to finish wins live chickens, second wins a dozen eggs, third place is nothing. Beauty wins first place! Brawn gets second place! Beauty had been leading, but J'Tia blew it by panicking.

Jeremiah found the clue to the idol in with the chicken feed. He read it aloud. Gah, Good think LJ already has the idol.

Woo and others think Cliff should go away. They're talking about throwing the immunity challenge to get rid of him. Woo might need to be convinced to go that far. Woo actually likes Cliff, but they see a threat when the tribes merge.

Immunity has them diving releasing buoys. Must retrieve and toss five buoys into a basket. Oh my, J'Tia screws it up again. I'm not surprised at all.

Beauty tribe wins! Spencer is really doing all the work for the Brains. It's between Cliff, NBA player, and Spencer shooting baskets. Spencer has to keep waiting for the balls to be returned. Brawn wins second place and Immunity, Brains will go to Tribal Council. Of course, that's after Brawn (except for Cliff and Woo) tried to throw the challenge. They (Brains) really do suck. If they vote out Spencer, we'll know their real tribe title is LACK OF Brains.

Tribal Council -- the tally --
J'Tia, Spencer, J'Tia, J'Tia.

Too few brains too late, probably.

Ah, the look at next week shows it's the merge. I'm surprised any of the brains have made it that far after such stupidity and ineptness!

Sunday, March 09, 2014

The Amazing Race: All-Stars 'Welcome to the Jungle' blog party

Oh my. The show is beginning on time here in the NYC viewing area. Now, this is TRULY amazing, right?

Here are the latest blog pool standings from that Magnificent Margo:

Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Leo & Jamal (Afganimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us in the fun!

And, Laurie ... I'm thinking of you and your family this evening.

The teams are off to Malaysian Borneo on two separate flights, a few hours apart. Brendan and Rachel are the first on the second flight. Aw, so sad. Heh. Joey/Meghan and Jessica/John are with them on the last flight.

Roadblock -- teams join the roaming gnome in "Who will fall for this one?" -- rappelling down a waterfall to retrieve a clue. Dave/Connor in the lead.

River Delivery or Run through the Jungle are the Detour choices. Both entail going down the river. One has them delivering items via the river. The other has them going through the woods with a "native" and blowdarting a fake bird, then bringing that down river.

Gah! David and Connor missed a clue -- Leo and Jamal take over the lead.The Cowboys almost made the same mistake, but the Afghanimals have turned a new leaf and helped them. They don't want to be double u-turned this season!

The Cowboys didn't return the favor, passing right by as the cousins floundered in the water with their raft coming apart.

Dave and Connor ended up carrying the food on foot. Meghan and Joey (the later flight is finally there) may have made a horrible mistake by not telling their taxi to wait.

Wow. Dave and Connor are back in the lead! They rock!

Pit Stop -
1. Dave and Connor -- won a trip to Budapest, Hungary
2. Cowboys
3. Afghanimals

Meghan and Joey walked for a long time trying to get a taxi. Finally, success. With the river task being unpredictable, they may have a chance to stay in this. Or not.

4. Margie and Luke

Uh-oh. Brenchal, smug in their raft-making skills, are in the rapids with their raft coming apart.

5. Flight Time and Big Easy
6. Caroline and Jennifer
7. Jessica and John
8. Brendan and Rachel

Meanwhile, Joey and Meghan's raft has fallen apart.

9. Joey and Meghan -- Philiminated

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 9, 2014

Good morning! It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. For you television fans, my The Amazing Race blog party post will be up at 8pm EDT tonight even if the show is delayed. Come by and join the party as we watch the show!

Well, another week of winter has come and gone. Thankfully we didn't have additional snow every few days like we have had for most of the winter. While it was quite cold with the exception of yesterday around here, the sun has been able to do its thing and get some of our snowpack down. What snow we do have still on the ground is very dirty. It needs to go away. This has been the winter of MY discontent for sure. Grr.

Huh. Daylight Savings Time is upon us. This is coming way too early these days! It means that I'll be heading to the early train in the dark of night once again when I just got used to daylight at that hour. I personally don't care that it's lighter later into the evening. I remember when I was a young child it really irked me that the daylight lasted beyond my bedtime. Then again, it doesn't seem that today's parents on the whole have assigned bedtimes for children. Sigh.

At least, unlike years ago, most of the clocks I depend upon change themselves. Only my battery clocks need to be manually adjusted. Cell phone, appliances, computer ... just like magic, they do it themselves. Now if my body and mind can get adjusted. I truly enjoy the "fall back" part of "spring forward, fall back." That goes without saying.

But I said it anyway.

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They've thrived despite the cold

But, I bet they'll be thrilled when they can once again eat yummy worms! I still can't believe they came back to the area in mid-January of one of the harshest winters on record here. Bridgewater, NJ

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Plainfield Train Station

I wish they'd take better care of the lamps so that burnt-out bulbs wouldn't throw off my photos! I edited this shot to leave only the golden glow of the lamps in color, as well as the station track sign.

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Aw, I don't love you, winter!

On Monday, we were originally supposed to have another big snowstorm. They called that one wrong (thankfully) although bitter cold lasted most of the week. When I left my apartment, this heart in the dusting of snow greeted me. I deliberately walked on it to make my position clear! Get out of my life, Winter!


Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - Cops-R-Us Blog Party - March 5

Survivor fans ready? Will the Brains keep being so inept at everything? Will they continue to bring dishonor to good intelligent folks worldwide? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. They've already lost a third of their tribe. They can't afford to head to tribal council again tonight.

That lovely Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool:

Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Alexis Maxwell - Donna in FL, Petals
Brice Johnston - Karen in CA, PDX Granny
Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML
Morgan McLeod - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy

J'Tia Taylor - Knickelpeed, Merrilee
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle

Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Cliff Robinson - Dusty, Margo
Lindsey Ogle - Brian
Sarah Lacina - Buzzmaan, Tammy
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

The folks who had these people are free agents this week --
David Samson - Jennasmom
Garrett Adelstein - Brenda, Paula Bell

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as always, the real party is in the comments. Come join in!

Tony told Sarah,the other cop on Brawn, that he is indeed a cop. I still don't get why he lied to her in the first place. She trusts him. He's a sneakyface. She shouldn't trust him.

It's raining a lot.

Oh my. Figuring Morgan had been looking for the immunity idol when the tribe came upon her at camp, LJ went looking and found it!

The Immunity Challenge has them scooping water from the ocean, passing it to each other, filling a bucket, retrieving a ball, completing a maze. Reward is comfort and shelter -- tarp, etc.

Brawn wins immunity! Wow. The Brain tribe came from behind to win second place! It will be Beauty going to Tribal.

Unpacking the comfort stuff, Tony found another clue. But he already has the idol for his camp. Brice seems to be the target. Brice wants Alexis out. It's looking like they want a tie to get the idol out if someone has it.

Tribal Council time. Tally --
Alexis, Brice, Morgan, Alexis, Brice, Morgan/ three-way tie as planned.

Re-vote tally --
Brice, Brice

Bye-bye, butterfly Brice!

Sunday, March 02, 2014

The Amazing Race: All-Stars - March 2 Blog Party

Sure, others are having Oscar parties, but that's not my kind of scene. My own Oscar-related prediction is that this here blog party is probably going to be quieter than many as so many will be watching the awards show. Oh well. More snacks and tasty beverages for us, eh?

The Magnificent Margo has done the random match-up for the blog pool and here it is --

Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Leo & Jamal (Afganimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Tonight's show is actually even starting on time! As it airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the party (or perhaps lack thereof due to the Oscars) is down in the comments. Come join us!

Teams are remaining in China for now. They have to meet up with a "Master" who will ink a clue on their foreheads. The Cowboys aren't doing too well at the start of this one. The forehead clue leads them to a Roadblock at a play park in a mall. Dave and Connor got there first. They have to build a kiddie car.

Wow! Mark built that car like he could have done it blindfolded! They have to take the cars with them to deliver them. Margie/Luke are in second. But ... GAH ... Mallory left her backpack behind after they put the car in the trunk of their taxi! The blondes are finally at the Roadblock. Eep. It was MARK's backpack she left behind. They have to go back for it, thus losing their lead.

The blondes are trying to get the cowboys to give them the Express Pass. Oh my gosh ... they gave it to them!

Before they head back for the bag, M&M deliver the car. The Detour clue has them playing hacky-sack or Featherball or China Cup.  No one seems to be choosing the latter. Mark and Mallory are wasting a lot of time arguing about going back for the pack or doing the Detour. Mallory has Mark's passport but Mark wants his other stuff. They blew their first place lead.

Margie and Luke are currently leading the pack. Nope. Now it's Dave and Connor leading.

Most of the teams are heading to the Pit Stop.

Pit Stop --
1. Brenchal - won $2500 each
2. Margie and Luke
3. Caroline and Jennifer -- did not use the pass given to them
4. Dave and Connor
5. Globetrotters
6. Cowboys
7. Leo and Jamal

The remaining teams are stuck at the Detour. Meghan and Joey get through first.

8. John and Jessica
9. Meghan and Joey -- that's what they get for helping John and Jessica at the Roadblock!
10. Mark and Mallory -- Philiminated

Aw, that's sad.