Thursday, March 02, 2006

TV Newsy Bits - Mar. 2, 2006

Who's got those bits?

I've got those bits!
Whatcha doin' wit' the bits?
I'm passing them onto you!

Here are the TV and entertainment related newsy bits links I found on the web today:

'American Idol' East Coast Update: Booted

Heather Cox and Brenna Gethers (I called that one!)
David Radford and Jose "Sway" Penala (I was half right)

'Survivor: Exile Island' - East Coast Update - Tribal Council

Bobby was voted out.

3 votes Bobby
2 votes Bruce
1 vote each Courtney and Aras

'Survivor: Exile Island' - East Coast Update - Immunity

La Mina won Immunity.
About time!

'Survivor: Exile Island' East Coast Update - Rewards/Exiled

Casaya won the Rewards Challenge. Terry was chosen for Exile Island... again.