Wednesday, April 19, 2006

'Amazing Race 9' 4/19 East Coast Update Arrival Order and ...

The teams arrived to the Pit Stop in this order:

1. Fran and Barry. Yes, I said Fran and Barry. They won a trip for two to Rome.
2. Monica and Joe
3. Ray and Yolanda
4. Eric and Jeremy
5. Last ... BJ and Tyler... BUT, it's a non-Philimination leg! They're still in it! Phew! We were due for a non-elim. I'm glad it's now.

A full review/recap will be posted later tonight. An East Coast Update for the American Idol boot will be posted when it's announced here.

WCBS-TV (NYC), Darn You!

My early mornings just aren't the same. Y'see, I'm usually up by 5:30 AM to get ready for my workday. I'm out the door before 6:30. And, more importantly, I'm not really a morning person. Oh, yeah ... I like to see the sunrise at times. But, more often than not, I like to see my bed.

The past three years or so, I've been an addict of the local CBS affiliate's early early morning news show. I've mentioned it before on the blog. The CBS 2 News Crew in its prime featured Dave Price (weather and craziness), Shon Gables, Mario Bosquez, Vanessa Alfano (traffic reports) and Duke Castiglione (sports and the infamous Stump Duke t-shirt giveaways). They made me smile; sometimes I even guffawed early in the morning. Yes, they delivered the news, but it was more than that. The chemistry between the folks on the show, the zaniness of Price Gone Amok, the music choices from Scooter and Dave, the Dance Fridays ... all gone. One by one, the cast has been vanishing.

First I noticed Duke was mysteriously gone. Of course, I miss a bit of the show. Perhaps there was an announcement, but I didn't hear one. Duke, the NYC transplant, whose father was the voice of the Red Sox radio reporting, was always fun to watch in the "Stump Duke" segments where folks would e-mail or call in sports questions. Quite often, he got stumped and the caller would receive a t-shirt. Sometimes celebrities called in. I never did. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy watching the segment, though.

Then, one day, I heard Vanessa Alfano say something about not being there next week in regard to something going on with Dave Price. I assumed she would be on vacation. She and Dave had a flirting fun thing going on -- Dave acted like it was a case of unrequited love, while in reality it looked like just a good friendship hammed up for the cameras. Alas, she never got her Muppet and poof ... gone. I know anyone can do traffic; it doesn't require a lot of personality or anything. But I enjoyed her.

I've had my secret crush (okay, not so secret I guess) on Mario Bosquez for a while. He just seems like such a nice guy. He has a pleasant announcer's voice and comes across as an intriguing intelligent man. Although he's off the early morning show, he's apparently staying in some capacity at the station. In the past, he's often filled in on anchor slots when folks are away. I'll be looking for him! Well, not literally stalking or anything. I'll be looking for his appearances on newscasts.

Then there's Shon Gables. I like her. She's quick-witted, personable, attractive and intelligent. She's involved with so many community things as a representative of the station that I hope she'll be around in some capacity somehow. I'd rather see her than Roz Abrams who seems to be intent on posing cute or something to that effect. She, Mario and Dave all had their 2 Crew Muppets. Sigh.

Of course, I feel the heart of the show was Dave Price. He was the magic which inspired the rest. Recently, his mentor in the business, the retired Jim Ryan joined the Crew. I saw his announcement last week that it would be his last day as a regular anchor but that he would be a contributing reporter or such. But, when Price went, I figured Jim would go. I think he came aboard due to Price. And, Dave Price ... the last year or so I was wondering how he could keep up such a hectic pace traveling here and there for The Early Show, yet always getting up even earlier on location to transmit the local NYC stuff via satellite. He's cut back his duties to just the national show. While I understand on a human exhausting point of view kind of way, his departure made my early morning routine less happy and more ... well, routine.

Oh, why couldn't they have at least kept Mario and Shon in the early morning slot? Instead, WCBS 2 changed absolutely every little thing about the show so many of us dedicated viewers loved. Nothing against Maurice DuBois - he's professional, attractive, well-spoken and all. But his strictly news, no fun, no bits of personality shining through just doesn't cut it in the morning. I'm still not sure of the imported from the Midwest co-anchor's name. I just know it isn't Shon. Of course, I wish her luck in her new endeavor. I know that getting aboard the NYC viewing market is a big thing for a TV news person. The set has changed; the attitude and fun is gone out of the show. What the heck is WCBS doing? Trying to culture shock us by going from one extreme to the other? Heck, if I want just straightlaced news in the morning, I can turn to any station.

Maybe I'll just go back to listening to New Jersey 101.5 in the mornings as I did before discovering the the ultimate morning news show which is now history. Sigh...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

'Survivor: Exile Island' - Ep. 9 -or- "Chafing Shane, Insane in the Brain and Not So Privates Pain"

Something has to change on the show or Terry will have to be Superman. Although he's such a strong player, I get irked when one tribe is picked off one by one in a numbers game after the merge. Yes, he has the hidden Immunity Idol from Exile Island, but is he going to conquer the odds against him? I guess we'll just have to keep watching, right?

Eight are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

After the predictable and inevitable recap of last week's show, we opened on Day 22 at the Gitanos campsite. Super Terry was going on about his jet fighter pilot career, something which may not endear him to others who already are worried because he keeps winning immunity. Courtney, Cirie and Danielle were giggling as he talked to Shane and Aras about his past. We got a hint of what Danielle wants for the ousted order when she said in a confessional Terry, then Sally, then Aras. That really didn't surprise me much - go after the remaining LaMina folks, then hit the strongest Casaya one. She searched through Terry's stuff a bit looking for the hidden Immunity Idol to no avail while telling the girls it was a "furry thing." Many are doubtful Terry has the Idol. Aras actually wants to be sent to Exile Island so he can look for it or traces that it's gone.

In the Rewards Challenge, they all got to see a tidbit of videos from loved ones. Shane went hysterical while watching his son and, again not a surprise, was the most emotional. His child looks like a normal little boy. That was the surprise! The tribe was randomly split into two teams. The winning team would see their videos in their entirety while chowing down on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and guzzling cold milk. The challenge itself was a new one for the show. One team member was harnessed in a cradle suspended by bungee cords and the other three had to steer her (both teams went for women) with ropes to collect 15 numbered flags in order. Once the last flag was placed in its holder, the team would win. Along with the videos and treat, the winning team would choose someone to send to Exile Island. The team of Terry, Courtney, Bruce and Sally won. Aras got his wish; he was sent to Exile Island.

We didn't see the videos as the show focused on those folks who headed back to camp. Shane was fussing and fretting. What now? He called Cirie over to him and told her, "I have an issue with my penis." Of course, she cracked up. He insisted she look at it (poor woman) as she's a nurse. She explained to him that he's been wearing wet underwear for more than 20 days and he's chafing. He didn't understand. "But it's all red! LOOK!" Finally she told him it's like diaper rash and he understood that. He made his shirt into a skirt. What an odd, odd little man.

Aras had troubles with the clues over on Exile Island. He spent some time digging and finally gave up to relax. He couldn't determine whether someone has the Idol or not, but he thinks it's probably been found. He's probably right, I'd say. Heh.

Shane, Cirie and Danielle were already not too thrilled that Bruce, Terry, Courtney and Sally saw their videos and ate. They were outright disgusted that the four returned with their luxury items, too. Now, this is weird. We haven't seen the luxury items for the last few seasons. Apparently, although they haven't had them on the show, contestants are still selecting them. Bruce had a sketchbook, Terry had the flag from his father-in-law's funeral, Sally had her journal and Courtney had fire toys - basically two ropes, each with an attached ball. Remember, she has an act she does with fire. She's a performance artist, oh-la-la-la.

The Immunity Challenge wasn't in itself all that thrilling. Castaways had to swim out and dive down to a huge bar with 7 symbols, memorize the order, swim to shore and recreate the bar in the proper order in a puzzle box. The twist was that each person was handed a nut and a shell. (I don't know why that had to be done, all Jeff would have to do is ask...!) One meant they wanted to go for Immunity, the other meant they felt secure and would gorge themselves on hamburgers, fries and sodas rather than compete. As I said, the shell/nut bit wasn't necessary at all. Just ask! It ended up that the only three competing in the challenge were Aras, Sally and Terry. Terry won. He's immune once again, plus has the Exile Island Hidden Idol. You go, Terry!

So, back at camp, the campaigning and trying to flip some Casaya members over started anew. The results were the same as last week, not a flip in the bunch. At Tribal Council, the vote went right by LaMina and Casaya lines -- six votes for Sally and two for Aras. Terry wisely, for his own game, didn't use the hidden idol to save Sally. After all, once that hand is played, it's over. Right now, although outnumbered, his only chance is to keep winning immunity until at least the Final Four and keep the find a secret. In Sally's good-bye confessional, she said she totally understands why he didn't use it to save her and hopes he wins it all.

My opinion? I'm getting a bit perplexed with this season. Yes, I understand why Casaya members aren't flipping. I don't think I would, either. I like Terry. I think he's pretty ethical in how he's playing the game. He seems like a good guy and he's definitely one of the strongest competitors ever on the show. While he has the figurative ace up his sleeve, is that going to be enough to go against the Sinister Six?

What do you think?

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' East Coast Update 4/13 - Voted Off

Sally was voted off. Voting went along Casaya/La Mina lines - 2 votes for Aras, 6 for Sally.

A full review/recap will be posted late this evening.

'Survivpr: Panama - Exile Island' East Coast Update 4/13 - Immunity

Terry won Immunity once again!