Sunday, December 17, 2006

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - East Coast Finale Update - Winner

Yul won the million by a vote of 5 to 4. Becky didn't get any votes.

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - East Coast Finale Update - Second Boot

It was a tie between Becky and Sundra at the second Tribal Council. Yul did not use the Idol to save Becky. A tiebreaker proved neither Becky or Sundra can make fire.

Eventually, Becky won. Sundra is out and the Final Three are Ozzy, Yul, and Becky.

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - East Coast Finale Update - Final Immunity Challenge

Ozzy wins AGAIN. He's guaranteed a place in the Final Three. And, as mentioned in the promos, the Final Three have a chance at the million this season, not just the Final Two.

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - East Coast Finale Update - First Boot

Not surprisingly, Adam was voted out at the first TC of the evening.

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - East Coast Finale Update - Immunity

Ozzy did it again. He won Immunity and is guaranteed a spot in the Final Four.