Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today and Tonight on TV

If decorative kale could shiver, it would be shivering. It's been really cold here for over a week. But that didn't stop Roofus the cat from catching some early morning rays today. Read on for TV stuff!

I've learned my lesson. Never again will I whine about nothing on television. Tonight I'll be watching the three hours of Lost. The first hour is actually that questions answered thing they previously aired. However, with the long hiatus, I need a refresher. I won't be blogging the show in depth here as I found I was missing too much when I did it. But I'll surely zap up a short commentary post on it.

I plan on recording both American Idol and Criminal Minds. I haven't even really thought about the 10 PM (ET) hour -- chances are that I'll be recording something then, too. And I have yet to watch my Bonnie Hunt Show I recorded today while I was at work. So much to watch, so little time.

What are your TV plans for tonight?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day and American Idol, too!

Today was not only an historic moment in time, but it was personally moving as well. As one who remembers the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, I'm proud that we as a people have shown that the color of a person's skin is not the only thing he's all about. With Barack Obama, I think his intelligence, charisma, and determination to succeed played a role in his victory. It's very reminiscent of the kind of charisma of Bobby Kennedy so many decades ago. I'm proud that Americans have elected such a man and I'm hopeful for the future. I usually don't delve into politics here on the blog as things can get so vehement.

But it's a new day. We have a new first family in the White House. These are truly interesting times we live in. And, even if you aren't a supporter, he's got one of the most fun names of any President ever -- it just rolls right off the tongue, fun to say, fun to type! Barack Obama! :-)

I watched today's events unfold on TV. I've only been to one Presidential Inauguration in my life and I wasn't exactly at the Inauguration, nor was I particularly a desired guest.

Yep, on January 20, 1973, I was in Washington to protest Richard Nixon's second Inauguration. Riot police with plexiglass shields every three feet, tear gas, and all. Above is one of the pins I still have from that event. I was a McGovern/Shriver campaign worker and it was the biggest landslide loss in history. I didn't get myself arrested which was a good thing. I'd never be a good ex-convict. I was too young to vote. Back then you had to be 21. I was all of 17 but was a politically active college kid at the time. Thirteen buses took us from Albany (NY) to Washington. It was a day I'll never forget.

Correction for the historians out there -- 1972 was the first Presidential election in which 18-year-olds could vote. Before that, the voting age was 21. It didn't really matter to me as I was 17.

I didn't go today. But in many ways, my memories of today will be stronger than my personal experiences back then. I'm proud of us!

And, just to touch on it -- American Idol had its San Francisco auditions tonight. Unlike last week's shows, it was only an hour long. I wasn't really blown away by any of the auditions. There was one guy whose voice I liked, but his look reeked of David Cook. Same haircut. Gosh, I don't like that haircut.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Quick Note

My computer had issues ... and I had to wait for a part and have been offline since my last post here. I'm alive and well enough, though. I'll be writing a review of tonight's The Big Bang Theory for CliqueClack TV in a bit.

Did anyone watch The Beast on A&E -- the new Patrick Swayze series? I watched it and will probably watch again. But, overall, I came away with the feeling that the whole show (writing, characters, storyline) was a bit overdone. Is it just me?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Roofus the Cat, the American Idol Kansas City Auditions

We're in the beginning of a bitter cold spell here in New Jersey. But early this morning on my way to work, I spotted a certain Roofus the cat taking a nap in his favorite spot. I think the sun probably heats the bricks some. He didn't look uncomfortable, but I was shivering. (Remember, if you click on the image it will open up in a new window much larger than it is here.)

Now it's on to American Idol ...

Heh. Yes, I'm using this for the bad auditions. In reality, it's on the side of the Friends Meeting House (Shakers) in Plainfield, NJ and it's regarding the war. But it fits this situation to a lesser extent.

The bad were bad once again tonight on American Idol. However, I was more impressed with the folks they showed making it through tonight in the Kansas City auditions than I was with the ones from Phoenix. I'm not too keen on Jason Castro's younger brother, but I doubt he'll make it through Hollywood (two) Weeks. The last young woman (mother of three children, living in hotel with husband and kids due to tornado) was the best of the women so far. As for the guys, I liked the ones the judges enjoyed -- the welder, Anuup, the teacher who recently lost his wife, and the marching coach guy.

Don't you love that the only name I remembered was Anuup? ;-)

Stay warm!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Madness Returns -- American Idol is Back

Y'know, with the exception of Melinda Doolittle, I've never bought anything from any American Idol contestants. Sure, some of the more successful ones have a load of talent, but often the songs they sing just aren't my cuppa. However, more power to them.

Tonight was the premiere of the eighth season. Yes, it's been that long. A new judge is in the mix. I'm a bit so-so about that although I liked Simon not being able to say the "aaa" sound in Kara (Care-ah). So he calls her Kara (Car-ah). Great. He'd call me "Jockie."

Since we're in the audition phase of the show, it's pretty much what we've seen before -- some horrible singers who think they can sing, some horrible singers who know they're horrible and just want to be on TV, and a gem or two along the way. Oh. We also had a girl who looks hot in a bikini. The jury is still out as to whether she can sing or not.

I tried to look at the show from another perspective tonight. I've decided I'd like to be on it. Um, no ... not really on it, per se. The production, the editing of the scenes, the decisions regarding songs in the background to enhance the happenings. The cheese.

Let me explain. This show not only has a built-in traffic maker with the teenage crowd looking for new teenybopper stars. But it's also very slick, well-produced, cleverly edited, and it's cheesy while doing all that stuff! I've always been a fan of cheese (not the dairy product so much, mind you). I enjoyed the days when Jeff Probst (Survivor) would leave the final tribal council on a jet ski, then arrive in NYC on the same one. I liked the old Batman television show. I adored David Letterman in the 80s. Cheese, zaniness, a bit of camp on the side and I'm hooked. American Idol does it all very well.

While I'd never want to be on camera and the world should never be exposed to my singing, I'd love to be behind the scenes on the show. I'd love to be the one to say "this song goes fantastic with this loser" or be the one to edit the reactions of the judges in perfect precision with off-key performances. Make it happen, FOX. No, I've never studied anything in film or production. But the contestants often haven't studied voice either. So ...

Did you watch? Your thoughts on Kara?