Wednesday, April 29, 2009

American Idol Results Show - 4/29

Jackie's TV Blog, American Idol

Although I'm watching Lost, I have the other TV on in sight (muted) and will be posting the results of last night's voting.

Danny and Allison are safe. The one going home will be one of these three: Adam, Matt, and Kris.

Kris is safe. So, either Matt or Adam will go home. Surprising that Adam is near the bottom, isn't it? I think it will be Matt going, but they haven't announced it yet.

It is indeed goodbye to Matt Giraud.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Idol does The Rat Pack Era

Jackie's TV Blog, American Idol

Although I was too young (and non-existent) for the Rat Pack era when it was ongoing, it's a genre I've grown to love over the years. Going into tonight, I had high hopes for Matt Giraud as I thought it was a genre in which he'd shine. He sang "My Funny Valentine." Simon thought it was great, but my feelings were more along the line with Randy -- good, but something a bit off.

Danny Gokey has Gokey-ized me once again after some lackluster performances as of late. Adam pulled another Adam while both Kris and Allison had decent performances.

Here's how I'm seeing the voting --
  • Adam will be safe. Adam is always safe. Adam will win this season unless someone gets Bullwinkle to pull a rabbit out of his hat.
  • While I don't adore Kris, he has this Jason Mraz/John Mayer thing going on. That's very popular. Plus, he's as cute as a button, kind of reminiscent of Peter Brady. He will end up coming in second or third this season.
  • Oh, Danny Gokey ... if he keeps up with the sort of performance he had tonight, he will be number two to Adam. If he fumbles again, he'll be number three behind Kris.
  • Matt Giraud will go home this week or next. I'd be interested to hear what kind of music he does down the line. I like his jazzy style, but he's not going to last much longer. He reminds me of a new age Boz Scaggs.
  • Then there's Allison. I enjoy her voice and admire her ability to hang in there as the only girl and such a young one at that. I think she will go home either this week or next. But we won't have heard the last of her.
Who's your choice for the win? Or, if not your choice, who do you think WILL win? And who goes home tomorrow night?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Amazing Race - "Having a Baby's Got to be Easier Than This"

Jackie's TV Blog, Amazing Race, TAR

Yikes! We're down to the final four and the show is starting on time here! I'll be writing up my review on the episode later tonight for TV Squad, but important events will be posted here. As always, everyone is invited to hang out in the comments -- I hear it's an open bar this week. :-)

BTW - I hear it's blog commenter Sizzie's birthday ... I hope it's a great one!

ARGH! Jaime and Cara got to the Pit Stop first ... and the leg's not over. It's the "to be continued" episode.

TV Bits, Photography, Roofus the Cat, and Stuff

Welcome to what just might be the most random entry I've ever made. I mean, I'm talking TV, Roofus the Cat, commuting, spring, life, and the fact that my space key on my keyboard has decided it will stick today. Clicking on any of the images will bring them up larger in a new window.

Roofus the Cat enjoying the sunshine earlier this week.

TV: Yes! A&E is FINALLY airing the finale of The Sopranos tonight! They've been pussyfooting around it for nearly two years. Sure, I know what happens -- I've read about it and have seen clips of the end. But I want to see the whole episode. I swear I've seen every other episode of the series at least twice by now. No, I don't have HBO and I'm too cheap frugal to spend the money on the DVD set.

With a ton of rain in the past few weeks, mushrooms seemed to appear overnight.

Health: I swear my immunities have been lacking since my knee replacement. I seem to pick up every bug that comes along. I told you I had a killer cold last week. Now, I still have lots of cold symptoms, but I think allergies are kicking in as well. I wake up congested, sneeze a lot, and am taking too much over the counter stuff daily. Blergh. The replacement knee continues to do well; the other one continues to fail albeit with a bit of improvement due to the warmer weather (I think). The year anniversary for the replacement knee is only a few weeks away -- May 14th. Oh ... and this swine flu stuff can keep its distance from me, please. Thank you.


Life: Grr, the elevator in my apartment building has been broken for two months. They worked on it this week and it worked for a day. I feel like I'm living in the apartment from The Big Bang Theory with its never-working elevator. Yes, it's only a three story building -- four if you count the laundry room in the basement. But it's still a big inconvenience for me, especially arriving home with groceries.

On a better apartment living note: My really loud and annoying fairly new next door neighbors not only had their cars towed (they weren't paying for the parking privileges), but due to complaints from other neighbors they were served with a cure or quit notice regarding excessive noise. Nope, wasn't my doing! Now I only know they're home when they allow their toddler to kick my dining room wall until I kick back.

Two trains head at each other, thankfully on different tracks.

Commuting: I took this photo as my train was stopped at a station and another one was arriving on the other track in Dunellen, NJ. The fluorescent lights and luggage racks are the reflection from inside my train. Yes, it's MY train. NJ Transit just won't recognize that fact.

MY train is fancier than theirs.

Commuting: Nah, not really. The engine on the back (there on engines on either end so the train needn't "turn around") is the same as on the previous image. I'm still not getting the fancy-schmancy double-deckers too often on my commute.

Oh! Boarded-up windows and police barriers on one of Roofus's rooftop buildings!

Life and Roofus: The window coverings appeared almost as quickly as mushrooms, along with a PD saw-horses and "do not cross" tape. I can no longer see through the building from the front. However, the back and part of the roof is all still crumbling away and open. I think they plan to take down the marquee there as it's starting to really strain at the lions' heads. But it's been like this for a week now. I don't know what's up. I just know that Roofus the Cat doesn't seem to be affected by it.

Next stop, Suspicious Acts, NJ. Really ... that could be anywhere in the state, right?

TV: To whomever is responsible for the television ad campaign for tourism in Canada, stop it. I mean it. Stop it now. Have you seen these commercials? They have to be the absolutely-freaking-most-annoying ads I've ever been subjected to. Well, perhaps those Head-On ads were worse, but ...! I don't want to hear people screaming. I just don't. What if blind people are tuned in? They'd have no idea that folks are screaming because a seal swam by. Sheesh. Boycott Canada until these ads are GONE!

Have I mentioned it's spring?

TV: I tried getting into Harper's Island, but dropped it off my viewing list on rather rapid order. I just don't care about the characters -- I think I'd off a few of them myself just to see them die. If I want to waste my life watching overly dramatic deaths, I'll get out my old videotapes of Halloween or something. Yes, I like murder mysteries, but this show just isn't my cuppa. On the other hand, I've been watching Southland. I enjoyed Third Watch by the same folks behind Southland. So far I'm not as totally into the show as I was Third Watch or Homicide, but it's keeping my interest.

More banks will probably become nightclubs as the recession continues.

Life: Even with the recession, I'm working more hours than ever before on my job. That is good as (a.) I'm gathering hours for my FMLA leave requirement for a second knee replacement and (b.) I can use the money. The side writing gigs have taken cuts over time. I'm glad I didn't foolishly quit my job and think I could make it freelancing for a living. In just two years I can see what I can get in my early retirement package and then consider whether that and writing gigs will work.

But chances are, I'm going to have to keep the day job for many years to come. At least, in this economy, I have a proven track record with the company (almost 30 years) and about as much job security as a person can have. The company is stable and I'd have to do something incredibly stupid and out of character to get fired.

Roofus is sleeping on that windowsill once again.

Roofus and Stuff: The people in that apartment have noticed Roofus. I saw them peeking out the window for him -- either that or they were checking for birds. They weren't looking at the street or the train station. And, one day, I saw them open the window and put something out on the ledge. I believe it was food. So far I haven't seen the person and Roofus at the same time. I'm thinking that Roofus probably avoids humans as much as he avoids everything other than rooftops, balconies, windowsills, and birds.

I've seen more of my alma mater this weekend than I have in years. That Craigslist killer guy did his undergraduate work at SUNYA. Well, nowadays they call it U of Albany or something like that. I always said the pre-med students there were a bit too intense. Me? I studied English. That's always great for landing a job later on, right?

It's going to be in the 90s here today. I call RIDICULOUS! I want spring. I don't care for really hot temperatures. I like spring and autumn for the daytime temps in the 70s. It's like we've gone from winter to summer. Sigh. I refuse to go out.

I'll be returning later with The Amazing Race. Can you believe we're down to the final four? Yikes! I hope you all can stop by!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Survivor Tocantins: "It's Funny When People Cry"

jackie's tv blog, survivor

Without even seeing the show yet, I would guess that has to be Tyson's line (the episode title). I want Coach gone, I want Tyson gone.

The show has started here on the East Coast. Everyone is welcome to gather in the comments area for snacks, beverages, and show talk! I'll update this entry with major events as they air. My review of the show will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight. Let's see if Sierra can make a comeback!

JT, Erinn, Tyson, and Deborah won reward -- local entertainment and a feast. JT told them to send Stephen to Exile. He told us he didn't want Sierra to find a second idol if there is one.

Debbie won Immunity. At least it wasn't Tyson.

Woohoo! Taj flipped it again -- TYSON was voted out!