The big happening this week is that I received my new (used) DSLR! It's not top of the line or anything, but I don't really have a thousand or two laying around to pay for a camera. I'm still in the process of learning how to use it. And, thanks to an Amazon gift card from my brother and his wife, I've ordered a camera case, spare batteries, cheap macro extension tubes (gotta have 'em for my summer bug pics!), an inexpensive wide angle lens, etc. This is going to be fun! One drawback ... it's definitely not like sticking my old point and shoot in my pocket.
With both my knee and the weather faring well, I walked around town for a couple of hours on Friday. I had the day off as my New Year's holiday although I actually had New Year's Day as my paid holiday. Since that was a Sunday and it was a four day work week, Friday ended up being my other day off.
Well, I ended up off Saturday, too. But that wasn't scheduled. I don't know if it's some chicken I ate while I was out photo stomping on Friday or a stomach bug. Whatever it is/was, it hit me hard on Saturday. I'm feeling a bit better now. That said, I'm still in awe that I walked all over downtown and back and my knee didn't hurt, not even the next day!
The weather here continues to be bizarre, to say the least. We had a frigid cold (normal) period for a few days. Then on Friday and Saturday, the temperatures were over 60 again. While I don't want the snows of last year, I think we need some kind of winter. It makes for boring photos when everything is just dead! At least snow gives me fresh fodder. I suppose we're not going to escape the elements for the whole winter.
Enough blather, onto the photos!
EEK! |
This was the first photo I took with my DSLR. I took it at lunch during my workday on Thursday. I had the camera shipped to my workplace as I hate playing package delivery tag at home. I also worry that the post office might actually LEAVE a package when I'm not home. That would be an EEK!
Anyway, a whole group of seagulls were hovering in the wind as if I was going to give them food. I had nothing to give them. He's looking at me! Eek!
Lost holiday cheer |
Yes, I heavily edited this photo for effect. This is the scene of the "Bull Durham Building" fire, the almost untouched restaurant on the first floor ... the only occupied part of the building. I suppose the interior of the restaurant must have extensive damage as the building is so gone. However, the windows still speak of holiday cheer before tragedy.
Fix those lamps! |
The lamps I love to photograph at the Plainfield Train Station are in sad shape as of late. Specifically, the eastbound track has several lamps out and they've been out for a matter of weeks. While it's not really a safety issue as there is plenty of light, it's an aesthetic issue for me. Get on the ball, NJ Transit!