Sunday, December 16, 2012

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 16, 2012

It's Sunday morning. That means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. Later on tonight, it will be time for the Survivor three-hour season finale and reunion party. Hopefully we'll have a great blog party for that one right here!

Unfortunately, this past week took a tragic twist. While I'm not a parent and I couldn't fathom what it would be like to lose a very young child in those circumstances, the school shooting hit close to home for me. Before I was transferred to New Jersey by my workplace, I lived for nearly two decades in Danbury, CT. My workplace was located on Newtown Road in that town. Newtown is adjacent to Danbury.

Many of my co-workers there were from Newtown. Many folks in the Danbury Ski Club were from Newtown. Friends of mine have children and grandchildren in the school district there. No one I know seems to have been directly involved. But still ... very close to home.  I personally know the school. I personally know the town. I'm still in shock.

If someone were to ask me what Newtown would ever be famous for, I'd have two answers. Olympic swimmer Bruce Jenner graduated from Newtown High School. And, years ago, the general store (which still exists since 1847) was the backdrop for a Breyer's ice cream television commercial. Now, it will forever be linked with tragedy. Newtown doesn't deserve that. Honestly, no town, village or city deserves such a horrific act. But, Newtown. It's a sleepy, spread-out almost rural-ish in some areas, picture perfect New England small town. A good place to raise your children. Sigh.

Anyway ... onto this week's photos. Clicking on an image will open it in a Photobucket window, clicking again will make it larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window.

Sunset 2
Lamps at sunset

As you'll see, I took advantage of this sunset this week. We've had so much icky weather that, when I see beauty, I must take action! Plainfield Train Station, early Friday evening.

Catnip rolling
Rolling in catnip

Vincent is a silly cat!

Squirrel with orange
I gots an ORANGE!

From my apartment window, I watched this squirrel struggle up the tree carrying an orange in his mouth. He's a good thirty feet up -- I'm shooting from the second floor with a zoom lens. Unfortunately, I still have Sandy storm dirt on the outside of my windows or the photo would be more clear. Before he could get through the orange peel, the orange plummeted to the ground where another squirrel snagged it and took it out of sight behind the neighbor's garage.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Survivor: Philippines - 12/12/12 Episode Blog Party


I hear there's a big concert going on somewhere, so I don't know how busy our little party will be here. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm recording the concert and, had I been able to get tickets, I would have abandoned you for the evening! But, as I'm not a wealthy person with disposable income to spend frivolously on rock concerts with outrageous ticket prices ... no way could I go. But I'll have fun here nonetheless.

As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major events. However, as always, the real fun will be in the comments. Come join us!

They've figured out that Abi really doesn't have an idol.

Rewards have them racing up and over a slide into the ocean, retrieving bags of rings, then tossing them for the win. Winner will choose two people to join them for a pizza party on a whale shark watching cruise. Skupin wins! He decides to take Malcolm (because he chose Skupin's son last week) and Lisa. Abi is all upset that she wasn't chosen. @@

Malcolm makes a final deal with Lisa and Skupin. But Lisa may have other thoughts.

Uh-oh. Denise has fang marks on her neck and a possible allergic reaction.

Immunity Challenge time! They have to use planks to cross a rope bridge, collecting pieces of a maze along the way, then assemble the maze. Malcolm wins Immunity!

Denise, although she thinks they'll vote out Abi, asked Malcolm for his hidden idol. No go. Lisa is seriously pushing for a Denise vote. It's Tribal Council time! Abi's mouth is doing its thing.

The tally -- Denise, Abi, Abi, ABI. YES! Abi is history!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

The Amazing Race: Season Finale Blog Party

Welp, this is it. It's the two-hour season finale. I'm so hoping the twins don't win. Although annoying (to me), I have to give them credit for being a much stronger team than I thought they would be in the beginning. We all know that since Abbie and Ryan got the boot, the two million dollar prize is off the table. But a million is nothing to sneeze at! Plus, running the race is just such a wondrous adventure. I'd love to tag along with them!

As always, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. But the real party is in the comments area. Be there or be square. Or, something like that ...

The teams are heading to France. Sigh, product placement for the Ford Escape kick tailgate doohickey. The twins have a speed bump and are really upset with the Beekman boys, Josh and Brent.

Detour -- Chow or Plow. Feed hunting hounds or use horse and plow to cultivate a field. After the Detour, Trey and Lexi are in the lead, followed by the Chippendales. Then the Beekman Boys!

Roadblock - Who's a fun guy? Searching for mushrooms. Trey and Lexi are heading to the Pit Stop, followed by James and Jaymes. Beekman Boys are lost and the twins are behind. Gah, the the Beekmans got to the cave for the mushrooms and the twins are there now, too.

Yay! James and Jaymes are the first to the Pit Stop! They each won a Ford Escape. Surprise, surprise. One of them was saying how his mother needed a car. Trey and Lexi are the second team to arrive.

Gah, the twins are done with the Roadblock before the Beekmans.

I can't believe it! The Beekman Boys beat out the obnoxious twins! Karma!

The teams are flying to NYC and the Coney Island boardwalk. That would be pre-Sandy, of course. All three teams keep walking by the clue! Now they have to head to the Brooklyn Navy Yard (where an ex of mine used to work!). Sigh. James and Jaymes are still looking for the clue as the other two teams head off.

Roadblock - Who's ready for an amazing escape? It's a Houdini related strait jacket hanging upside down bungee jumping thing.

Trey and Lexi are leading, now in the first pizzeria in NY (Lombardi's) and must deliver 10 pizzas.

I believe they're heading to the United Nations now.

Yep, I'm right. Trey and Lexi still in the lead. Chippendales just got to the pizzas, but the Beekmans made the deliveries wrong.

Roadblock - Who has a way with words? They have to match hellos and goodbyes from the various countries traveled in the race in order. Yikes.

OMG - Josh and Brent are on the way to the Pit Stop first! Lexi is breaking down. James and Jaymes are done with the Roadblock now.


James and Jaymes came in second. 

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 9, 2012

It's Sunday morning. Yay. I'd say that means I can sleep in, but obviously I'm not really doing that. But sitting around sipping coffee in my robe and fuzzy slippers isn't anything like heading out to work for the day. So, I'll take that any day! It also means that it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken.

Hmm ... this week certainly isn't going to go down in the annals of exciting times in my life. I'm pulling a bit of a blank on reflection. Oh my. Well, I did catch a brief, but nasty, stomach bug going around here. I'd just as soon forget that. It didn't last more than a day, but ...!

I had planned on going to the lighting of the Plainfield Christmas tree by City Hall when I got out of work on Friday. It was raining, so I skipped that. When I got home last night from work, I noticed the tree was totally dark. So I don't know if the lighting ceremony even went down. 

Tonight is the season finale of The Amazing Race. Depending on how I feel next Sunday, I might head into the city (Manhattan) to get some photos of holiday happenings there. There's no place like New York City during the holidays. I could also check out some of the places listed in this piece. I'd have to go out to Brooklyn to get the bacon donuts, but the rest of the bacon desserts are in Manhattan. I so want to try a Choinkwich from the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop! Chocolate ice cream sandwich with bacon marmalade? I'm so there!

I really don't have much more for you this week. My photo shots were dampened by the weather most days, so not too many great shots this week. I did, however, have an extended photo shoot of Vincent! Clicking on an image will open it in a Photobucket page, clicking again will make it larger. To return here, just close the Photobucket page. 

Vincent 1
The Vincent

Yep, I'm leading off with a Vincent shot this week. Not to worry, I'll also be closing with a Vincent shot. Who's the cat? He's the cat!

Off to work

It has been foggy or rainy (or any combination thereof) in the mornings when I leave for work. So I decided, since it's a grey world, this shot would be best in black and white. Plainfield Train Station.

In the rain
Berries in the rain

The golden casings on these red berries are disappearing by the day. I've noticed that birds leave these alone. I'd say they're probably either poisonous or just plain nasty to eat. Church Street, Plainfield.


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Survivor: Philippines - December 5 Episode Blog Party


Survivor fans ready? Tonight's episode is the "loved ones" episode. These can sometimes be very interesting. I, once again, am wishing that Abi will go far away. I'm still shocked that she actually won Immunity last week. If she does that for a second week in a row, my head will explode. Yep, it definitely will explode. 

As usual, although I'll update this entry with the major happenings as they air, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us! Beverages and snacks welcomed. We provide the comfy chairs.

The Reward Challenge has them paired up with a loved one. Surprise, surprise. They have to toss a muddy bag to their loved one, loved one tries to knock down five targets with said bag. Winner gets loved one to spend night back at camp.

Malcolm and his brother win Reward! Malcolm gets to pick one more person and he chose Lisa because she's been having so many problems. He gets to choose another, he goes for Skupin.

What? No Denise? I'm shocked!

Ohh ... Lisa's brother is trying to work the betray Malcolm move. Will she go for it?

Immunity Challenge time! Over water, they must race across balance beams, assemble poles, drop a flag.

Malcolm wins Immunity! So much for the plans to oust him this week.

Abi is still hanging with her lie about having a hidden idol. It's likely she or Carter will be voted out. Abi doesn't play her fake idol.

Tally: Carter, Abi, Carter, Carter, Carter ... ACK! Carter is voted out instead of Abi! Sure, going against her in the end is more of a sure win, but ...!