Sunday, November 17, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 17, 2013

Good morning! It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Later tonight I'll be posting The Amazing Race blog party as the show airs here on the East Coast. Stop on back for the party!

This wasn't a great week for me. Oh, nowhere near the worst times in my life, but definitely irking. On Tuesday I tripped on a branch under about six inches of leaves as I walked to the train station. Yes, this was on a sidewalk. Had I been shuffling my feet through the leaves, I wouldn't have fallen. In trying to keep from falling on my knees, I twisted my left ankle. Yeah, then I landed on my right knee and elbow. Gah. The knee is fine, bruised but good. The ankle is still swollen and painful. I took Tuesday off from work, but have worked every day since. I'll live.

As a result of limping about, I don't have a ton of photos for you this week. While I do like some (like the first one here), no real works of art. Well, Vincent thinks he's ALWAYS art, but ...!

Hmm. I don't have all that much to say. Maybe some random musings and observations:
  • My upstairs neighbor sings loudly in the shower. I hear the shower. I hear him. Still the quietest one up there in all the years I've lived here.
  • Whenever I talk on the phone at home, Vincent thinks I'm talking to him and comes running to droop over my shoulder. Living alone and not being a huge phone talk person, most of the time I'm talking in here, I AM talking to him.
  • Either that or I'm insane and just talking to myself.
  • The big green stickers on automatic doors mean you go through that door. The red stickers mean you don't go through that door. Is it that hard to understand?
  • When you get off a train or enter/leave a store, keep moving. Don't just stop and act confused, text or whatever. Keep it moving and get off the traffic path!
  • For the pickers of Peapod grocery delivery -- four six-packs of Coke Zero at $2.50 each are NOT to be confused with one six-pack with two bottles removed at the same ten bucks. 
  • Yes, that happened. Yes, they credited me for the four six-packs and I ended up with four free bottles. Yes, they gave me a rain check for the sale price. But, sheesh. Common sense, Peapod pickers!
  • I've seen some houses with the outdoor Christmas lights on already. Oh my.
  • I'm not scared of clowns.
  • Well, except for Pennywise the Dancing Clown. He's creepy!
  • Crumbled leaf debris has infiltrated the first floor of my building. Until they're all down, it will be a battle. Thankfully, it's limited to the first floor and the entrances to the building.
  • Why are all the younger women at WCBS 2 (NYC) going through pregnancies one by one?
  • If you're riding a train, get up and ready to go BEFORE the train stops. When those doors open, it's train etiquette to let others get out before you board. If you straggle when getting off, you mess with the cosmos.
  • That's just bad mojo, y'know.
  • I can't believe it's been 50 years since JFK was assassinated. I shouldn't be able to vividly remember that far back.
  • But I do.
  • I can't be that old. I refuse to be that old.
  • Those projects on the west side of town are just about completely boarded up now, including the entrances. That must put a crimp in the drug dealers and gang-bangers daily doings. 
  • Maybe they'll go get jobs.
  • BWAHAHA! I crack myself up. They'll just relocate and terrorize other parts of town. Hopefully not my neighborhood.
That's just about it ... onto the photos for the week --

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Dramatic skies

Soon the sun will be even lower in the sky as I leave my workplace. Sure, it's not as bad as Alaskan winter nights. But, still ...! Despite the "dramatic" skies of this shot, there was no storm. Taken at the Bridgewater Train Station.

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Mmm ... acorns!

Pickings are good for the squirrels right now. Then again, they tend to stay hardy all winter long due to these good pickings days now. Plainfield Train Station.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Survivor: Blood vs. Water - November 13 Episode Blog Party

Well, last week we saw Vytas win the first individual immunity of the season while brother Aras got the boot. Tyson, playing perhaps the sneakiest game this season, has the idol but was in no danger all along. Actually, unless you're Aras or Vytas, it made sense to get rid of Aras as he has a real chance to win it all. And, after all, he just might still have a chance as Redemption Island started up all over again.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! But, as always, the real party is in the comments area ... come join us!

Here are the latest blog pool standings from that elegant Lifeguard Laurie:

End of Week 11/6
CALEB -- Glenn, ORKMommy
CIERA -- Andrea J, Karen in CA, Rochelle
GERVASE -- Jackie, Pam in NJ
HAYDEN -- Joanie, Quixotic Elf
KATIE -- David, Margo, Zoetawny
LAURA M -- AlbGlinka, JOKATS, rbennie
MONICA -- Becky, KayBeeRN, Russ
TINA -- Cheryl in NC, Lynn1, Terry in TX
TYSON -- Delee, meb
VYTAS -- Donna NY, ML

Redemption Island
ARAS -- Donna in FL, MikesGirl

Survivor fans ready?

Oh my, Immunity Challenge is coming only seven minutes into the episode! It's the icky food comp ... fun to watch, but I couldn't do it.

40 mealworms (live, of course)
3 ounces pig intestines
It's between Monica and Gervase for the win.
2 live grubs

Monica wins immunity!

The plan seems to be to split the votes between Vytas and Katie. Tribal is coming early in the episode, too -- 8:22pm. Hmm. Something must be up or VERY entertaining ahead!

The tally -- Vytas, Katie, Tyson, Vytas, Vytas, Vytas, Vytas.

Rats. He'll have duel with his brother to return.

Second Immunity Challenge -- Balance a sword on a shield, with other hand balance coins on the sword's handle.

Katie wins Immunity!

Due to Monica's wild vote for Vytas last tribal, she's a target this time ... perhaps more so than Tina. Still no one knows that Tyson has the hidden idol.

At Tribal Council, Tina hints she might have the idol.

The tally -- Monica, Tina, Tyson, Tina, Tina, Tina, Tina.

Her ploy didn't work. I personally would have preferred it if Monica went.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Amazing Race: November 10, 2013 Episode Blog Party

Once again, the show isn't even scheduled until 8:30pm and football's running even later. Sigh. Once it finally starts here, I'll remove the word verification from comments and update this entry with the major events. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments. Be there or be square.

I'll say it now before it even starts ... aren't we due for a non-Philimination leg? With my luck it will be Marie and Tim saved, my least favorite team. Actually, I think they're the only team I outright dislike this season. So, surely they'll be saved!

The Magnificent Margo has the latest pool standings as of the end of last week's show:

Ally And Ashley - LafayetteLisanne, Jackie,Tammy
Jason And Amy - Nicklepeed, PDXGranny, Brian, DLA
Leo And Jamal - MEB, Margo, Brenda, Caela
Nicky And Kim - Nana in NW, Jennasmom, David
Tim And Marie - SueGee, DKNYNC, Rbennie
Travis And Nicole - Delee, Laurie, Lynn1, Merrilee

Sorry you have been PHILIMINATED
Hoskote And Naina
Rowan And Shane - ML, Becky, Cheryl in NC, KayBeeRN
Chester And Ephraim - Buzzmaam, Donna in AL, Sharon S
Brandon And Adam - Donna in FL, Monty924, Sharon
Tim And Danny - JOKATS, Dusty, Zoetawny

Let's get this show on the road!

8:47pm ET and the show is finally starting here. Grr.

Teams will fly to Abu Dhabi. Leo and Jamal are on a flight that lands ten minutes earlier than the rest of the teams.

Detour - Sort it Out or Sew it Up -- the first is to duplicate a food platter, the latter is making a fishing net. Both tasks are quite difficult.

The Roadblock has them dropping 200 feet (?) on a zip line into a race track, taking a lap with a professional race car driver and noting the name of the winner of a race on a sign in order to receive their next clue.

Pit Stop:
1. Leo and Jamal - won a trip to Paris.
2. Jason and Amy (fourth time in second place)
3. Nicole and Travis
4. Tim and Marie (grr)
5. Ally and Ashley
6. Nicky and Kim ... but it's a non-Philimination leg and they're still in it!

Another double U-Turn ahead next week. Will someone PLEASE U-Turn Marie and Tim? Please? Thank you in advance!

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 10, 2013

Good morning, peeps! You've arrived at my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Yes, this is Sunday morning and this is the view from here in New Jersey. No, not the real industrial New Jersey you see from the turnpike immediately outside the city. Nor is it the almost New England type farmlands and woods like Northwest New Jersey. Nope, this is northern Central New Jersey -- one of the most densely populated areas of the most densely populated state; a whole bunch of towns close together in what they call the Greater New York City Metropolitan Area.

As a result of locale, many folks commute from around here into Manhattan daily. I don't. Yet I have a love for the city. I'm awaking to news that some idiot shot two people at the skating rink in Bryant Park. Geez. Isn't anything sacred? When I go into the city with my camera around the holidays, Bryant Park is almost always on my agenda as it has a wonderful holiday atmosphere and I can actually get close enough to photograph the skaters (unlike Rockerfeller Center). Apparently not a random shooting, there had been a verbal confrontation between one of the shot skaters and the gunman. At this point, both victims (both skaters) are alive. But ... sheesh. What is WRONG with people?

In other local news, I want to grouse about change. Yes, I know change is always going to happen. But there has been a wooded area next to a brook just as my train approaches the town of Bound Brook. I've often seen deer there from the train. Plus, a man in a maroon truck drops off tons of breadcrumbs daily for at least the past ten years for the geese. This man has been at it daily, dumping about a big wastebasket size amount of bread. Daily ... rain, shine, snow, no matter the season. In the last week, they tore down all the trees and bulldozed it flat. Wah. I don't know what's going to go up there, but I'll surely miss what was.

Let's see ... I must have some good news. Hmm. Well, Vincent the Cat is doing well. But he does kind of have the life of leisure. So, he's bound to do well. There haven't been any more mice incidents.

On a positive local change in Plainfield note, now that the leaves are thinning on the trees, I can see one of the more notorious crime-laden public housing projects in Plainfield from the train. They've been talking about razing it for years. Well, it looks like that's imminent now. People are moving out and, as they do, each apartment is getting boarded up. Sure, the thugs who took it over years back will just find new places to do their "business." But, hopefully, it will be a new start and a much safer life for the innocent children who lived there and the elderly residents. No one should be afraid to walk out their doors in the daytime.

On the other hand, here at my apartment building, it's not cheap to live. Yes, some of the apartments are subsidized for elderly and a few families. But, for the most part, people in my building need to work for a living. As a result, it's safe to take trash out to the Dumpster at 2 in the morning if you feel so inclined. You're more likely to get frightened by a raccoon rather than Riff-Raff. Our latest landlord has really been doing well with upgrades and repairs. The elevator hasn't been out of order for more than a few hours at a time for months now. The new windows look spiffy. I'm pleased with the place and I haven't always been.

This week was rather mundane, so are my photos ... but I do have two Vincent photos for his fans! Later tonight I'll post the blog party for The Amazing Race. If you watch the show, come watch with us! We have cyberdrinks and snacks!

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No, no ... not already!

Plainfield has its holiday decorations up on the street corners downtown. Sigh. Taken from the corner of East Front and Church Streets looking towards Watchung Avenue.

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But, but ...

It can't be the holiday season already! Roses are still growing on East Front Street just two blocks away!


Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Survivor: Blood vs. Water - November 6 Episode Blog Party

It sounds like tonight should be action-packed -- someone returning from Redemption Island and the merge is on! I do think that all those people who worried about Aras and Vytas getting together and thinking they should do something about it may have wished they had done so!

Lifeguard Laurie has returned to the real world after a splendid well-deserved time away from home. Here are the latest pool standings:

End of Week Three 10/30
KATIE -- David, Margo, Zoetawny
MONICA -- Becky, KayBeeRN, Russ
TINA -- Cheryl in NC, Lynn1, Terry in TX
VYTAS -- Donna NY, ML

ARAS -- Donna in FL, MikesGirl
CALEB -- Glenn, ORKMommy
CIERA -- Andrea J, Karen in CA, Rochelle
GERVASE -- Jackie, Pam in NJ
HAYDEN -- Joanie, Quixotic Elf
TYSON -- Delee, meb

Redemption Island
JOHN -- Ed in Ohio, Nana in the NW
LAURA M -- AlbGlinka, JOKATS, rbennie
LAURA B -- Buzzmaan, Laurie, SueGee

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!

Survivor fans ready?

Duel time - this time it's do or die. The winner returns to the game; the two losers go home. It's an endurance duel -- hanging onto a pole as long as they can. Not surprisingly, due to size and weight, John is out first. Laura M. seems the most secure although Ciera would rather play her own game. Laura M. returns to the game -- Laura B. and John both out for good.

Drop your buffs. The merge is indeed on.

Even though she could have kept it for herself, Laura threw the Hidden Idol clue in the fire.

Tyson found the idol and says that he isn't going to tell anyone. We'll see about that! They always seem to tell.

First individual immunity up for grabs! They will be shown a series of pictures and each must show them back in order on a cube. Monica out first. Caleb and Katie out. Tyson and Tina out. Hayden out. First round done.

Second round. Laura out. Ciera out. Gervase out. It's down to Aras and Vytas. Vytas wins immunity! (It's a shame Aras is a big target for others.) Gervase and Tyson still go for an Aras exit.

The tally: Laura, Laura, Ciera, Ciera, Aras, Aras, Aras, Aras, Aras ... rats. I liked him! The Tyson/Gervase plan worked. But, Aras is going to Redemption. He's not booted yet!