Sunday, January 12, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 12, 2014

Good morning! It's Sunday morning and that can only mean one thing, right? Yep. It's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way.

Okay ... what's up with the weather this winter? Sure, we normally go from cold winter temps to days that break the 40 degree mark. This year we're having record lows shooting almost up to 60 degrees within the course of a single day! We're having winds, ice storms, snow storms, torrential rains in rapid succession. I am SO over this winter. Make it stop. I feel obliged to mention that the new windows in my apartment certainly do keep the drafts down. But I don't necessarily feel they need be tested like this!

The sciatica has lessened enough that I put in a full week's worth of work this week. Alas, I'm definitely not pain free. It's more like I'm living on ibuprofen and collapsing once I get home. I missed more television shows this week by falling asleep before the primetime block! The most comfortable position for me is lying down -- not walking, standing or sitting. It appears that my mind thinks if I'm lying down, I must fall asleep. Argh. Thankfully, most of my missed shows are online and I've already caught up with a few of them.

I'm officially on a staycation right now. I'm hoping that being able to be off my feet for the most part will get rid of this bout of sciatica. I do appreciate the advice of others, but I do think this will go away if I stop and actually rest it some. I don't think my health insurance covers chiropractors, but I'm not sure. It does cover regular doctors and, if needed, surgeries. I prefer none of that.

Anyway ... at least I actually got some good photos this week. I kept my camera in my pocket with a microwavable pocket warmer from a scarf I bought earlier in the week during the record lows. The scarf has a neck insert and two pocket inserts. Since I don't stick my hands in the scarf pockets, I put the inserts in my coat pockets. By yesterday, though, I was wearing just a hoodie to work. Silly weather.

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Reflection in a droplet

The rain on the berries gave me great photo fodder. Check out the upside-down berry shoots in the drop. Bridgewater, NJ.

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Sunset in da 'hood

I saw one pretty sunset this week. Of course, it was frigid out there.

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Early in the week, it was so cold that the glue (whatever) holding the brickface at the Plainfield Train Station let loose. My train was extremely late (hence the sunrise) and we heard a crashing noise. No one was near this, yet there you go. By the end of the week, part of the stairs to the tunnel was all blocked off with caution tape as the stairs crumbled. Over at the Bridgewater Train Station, the stairs are missing two metal risers and crumbling. If I were driving, I'd be mentioning pot holes big enough to swallow a rottweiler.


Sunday, January 05, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 5, 2014

Yes, it's another Sunday morning. That means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Once again, I don't have many photos this week as I'm still having sciatica issues limiting me from getting around much.

This week brought with it the New Year, snow and arctic chill around here. I want to wish all my readers here a happy New Year and hope that it's full of good things for all of us! I'm just happy that the TV drought is ending.

I did my first good deed of the new year yesterday. I ended up having to walk to the store around the corner from me. Thankfully I did because that's when I took most of the photos I'm posting this week!

Returning home, I came into the building via the front door, something I rarely do. However, when I left by the side door (which has no stairs), I had to walk over a very icy stretch on the driveway where folks had driven over where the snowplow plowed the streets. I figured it was safer to deal with the front door with its six steps down, then six steps up once inside.

As I entered the building, I saw a package by the door. I picked it up to see if it was for someone I know. Yep, it was for the not-so-new neighbor directly upstairs from me. I took the elevator to that floor, knocked on the door and was greeted by the girlfriend (wife?) who's also living there. The fact that it's a couple up there, not a single individual, is amazing. They're so quiet! I hope they stay for a long time!

She was thrilled to get the package. She said they never use the front door. I told her I usually don't use it, either. I can't believe the mailman left it sitting there to be possibly stolen. Chances are that even if I hadn't known the recipient, I would have at least have brought it to their apartment door.

Oh, well. This is about my limit for sitting here thanks to the silly sciatica. I hope everyone has a great week. I'm hoping to post something on television druing the week ahead, so stay tuned.

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Winter skies

I took this shot on Berckman Street looking northeast towards East Front Street in Plainfield late yesterday afternoon. Plainfield.

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Looking out the window

Looking down at my neighbor's backyard. Once again I see that they're the ONLY people on my side of the block who haven't cleared their sidewalks. For years they had the best cleared sidewalks on the block. For the last five years they've all but stopped shoveling entirely. It would be nice if the city actually fined people for not clearing their walks.


Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 29, 2013

Good morning! I hope everyone who celebrates the day had a fine Christmas this past week.

Unfortunately, I had a few issues over the week that are totally abbreviating my usual off television topic rambling. One of my brothers is quite ill and his situation looked dire at the start of the week. However, as I write this, he's out of the ICU and his prognosis is better.

Then, while not life-threatening at all, my sciatica has been horrible. I missed Friday and Saturday during an already shortened by the holiday work week. It's hard to stand or sit for any period of time without being in excruciating pain. I'm hoping another day mainly in bed will ease the pain. Man, it makes my old knee pain feel like it was child's play!

That's what's happening with me. Of course, it didn't stop Vincent from having a fine Christmas Day ---

Christmas catnip

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays! photo HapHolidaysLgJackie09.gif

My best wishes go out to all the blog readers here, hoping you're having a wonderful holiday full of love, fun and food. (And catnip, according to Vincent.)

Although some pesky health issues have kept me from my Christmastime photo stomp in the city (NYC) this year, I put together a slideshow of photos I've taken the past few years ...

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Thank you all for being in my life!