Sunday, April 20, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2010 photo HapEaster10JackieMA31501004-0001.gif

Happy Easter Sunday morning to all! If you celebrate the holiday, I hope it's a fantastic day for you. Heck, even if you don't celebrate the day, I still hope it's fantastic! Since it is indeed Sunday, this is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way.

Tonight, despite the holiday, there is a new episode of The Amazing Race airing. At approximately 8om EDT, I'll have the blog party post up for it.

This week took us from summer to winter and then back to spring here in the Greater NYC Metropolitan area. Right now we're back to spring here. Hopefully that will stay for a while now!

As this post is quite photo-heavy, I'm going to get onto those right now. Some of you will be happy to know I don't have any snake photos this week!

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It's the Easter Bunny!

Yes! I found the REAL Easter Bunny yesterday morning on my walk to the train station! He was hiding eggs on the grounds of the Presbyterian Church on East Front Street in Plainfield. I was surprised that the Easter Bunny was hiding his ears under a retro-Afro!

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Yes, tulips

Folks on Berckman Street in Plainfield placed a couple of planters of gorgeous tulips out on their porch. I think they must have brought them in at night when we had the freeze warnings as they held up so well through our wintry temperatures this past week.

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After sunset last night

The skies looked as pretty as Easter egg pastels last night as I was arriving home from work. This shot looks down Watchung Avenue from the intersection with East Fourth Street in Plainfield.

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Has he found an Easter egg?

Nope, but he has an acorn! East Front Street, Plainfield.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Bag of Tricks' Blog Party - April 16

Hey there, Survivor fans! Are you ready for tonight? Will Tony find his name written down a lot of times once again? I think he's going to get to the point where, unless he wins immunity, all will turn on him soon. That said, I do think he's playing a good game. But he's got a huge target on his back, methinks.

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as it always goes, the real party is down in the comments area. Come join us to discuss the happenings as the show airs!

The latest blog pool update from Lifeguard Laurie:

Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Kass McQuillen - Delee, MikesGirl
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

Jury- Sarah Lacina, Morgan McLeod

Ah, the show has begun. Tony thinks he can turn everyone against LJ to get the heat off himself. I wonder how that will go.

The reward challenge has them dividing into teams of three, throwing sandbags, then trying to bounce the sandbags into baskets. It's a spa reward with a nice lunch, too.

Tony, Jeremiah and Spencer win Reward!

Uh-oh, LJ thinks Tony is loyal to him. Kasha would like to flip LJ and blindside Tony. But LJ thinks he owes his life in the game to Tony. Meanwhile, Tony keeps plotting against LJ.

Immunity challenge time! They're getting their memories tested by repeating back the colors of tiles shown to them. Hmm. Gah. Trish got the second color of four wrong and is out. Woo is next out on the third color.

LJ, Tasha and Tony are the last three. Tasha wins Immunity!

Tony is scheming to get rid of LJ, but Trish wants the alliance of six to stay. Going into tribal, Tony seems to be reconsidering his position.

Interesting tribal, but no fireworks.

The tally -- LJ, LJ, LJ, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Spencer, LJ, LJ.

LJ says, "Well played" to Tony as he goes to get his torch snuffed.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'The Gladiators Are Here!' Blog Party - April 13

Last week the country music award show preempted TAR, this week we're competing time-wise against a big golf tournament. I do have a golf channel on my cable line-up. I've watched it never.

Amazingly, tonight's episode is only going to be delayed about twelve minutes here in the NYC viewing area. Once it starts, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh this page to get the latest! Of course, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come watch the show with us!

The latest blog pool standings from the Magnificent Margo. Remember, last time it was a the second non-Philimination --

Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny

Teams must fly from Sri Lanka to the "Eternal City." The Eternal City is Rome, but they need to figure that out. All the teams are on the same flight.

Detour - Gladiator or Charioteer. Done with the Coliseum in the background. The first is successfully learning gladiator moves, the second is by remote control.

Caroline and Jennifer have to complete their Speed Bump, retrieving a typewriter, finding where it goes and placing it on a pedestal. Yawn.

Brendon and Rachel are in the lead, starting off the Roadblock first. Lots of thinking, calculating, Roman numerals, etc. It's good thing Brendon is doing it, not Rachel! Brendon nailed it on the first try and they're heading to the Pit Stop. Dave and Connor are starting the Roadblock. The other teams are mainly lost.

Pit Stop --
1. Brendon and Rachel - won a trip for two to Australia's Great Barrier Reef and the Cayman Islands.

Dave/Connor are working with Caroline/Jennifer on the Roadblock.

2. Caroline and Jennifer
3. Dave and Connor (let the girls take second)
4. Jet and Cord

Leo and Jamal gave the Globetrotters and John/Jessica the answer at the Roadblock.

5. Leo and Jamal
6. Globetrotters
7. Jessica/John Philiminated after losing the foot race to the Pit Stop.

Next week teams will face a Double U-Turn. Eep.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - April 13, 2014

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday morning! The weather here today is perfect -- dry, clear skies and an expected high around 70 degrees. Now, THAT is my kind of weather! Since it is Sunday morning, it's time for my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Yet, I must mention a television bit first! Although I expect tonight's The Amazing Race show to be delayed due to the Master's Golf Tournament (whatever), I'll be posting the blog party post at 8pm EDT. If you watch the show, please come by and watch with us!

It finally turned spring here this past week. No winter temperatures, even the chill of the night time was no lower than the 40s. It's about time! The horrid winter this year wreaked havoc with my health. I can't believe a four-month bout with sciatica. Gah. My allergies are running rampant now. But that's a lot more bearable than sciatica and over the counter medicines actually can control it.

Spring fever seemed to affect co-workers with many calling out sick this past week. I really didn't feel well myself with the allergies and the lack of sleep caused by such. But I wasted too much of my paid time off this winter. So, I worked. And worked and worked. Sigh.

I'm not seeing the multitudes of snakes at the Bridgewater Train Station like I did when they first emerged, but there are still some hanging out. I shot a video hoping to catch the tongue flickering action. Being the curious person I am, I looked up why they do that. It turns out that garter snakes flick their red with black tips forked tongue as a sensor -- it picks up pheromones from other snakes, prey and food from the air. When they return their tongue to the mouth, they insert it in a Jacobson's organ (similar to what cats have) to "read" the results. Huh. Cool. Here I thought they flicked their tongues to look tough.

Here's the video -- no snakes or people were harmed in the filming --

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How's this pose?

Perfect, Mr. Squirrel. Hold that pose for a moment, please. Thank you. You're dismissed now. Plainfield Train Station.

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Heck, this week's spring weather made me use excess exclamation marks, something I rarely do. I don't believe we dipped below freezing not a once this past week, even in the overnight hours. Woot! The daffodils are in bloom on Berckman Street in Plainfield.

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Yellow and white daffodils

Also on Berckman Street in Plainfield.


Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Mad Treasure Hunt' Blog Party - April 9

Come one! Come all! It's a mad treasure hunt ... or so they promise us, anyway. It seems from the promos that everyone is out searching for the hidden idol. Since both idols in the game were absolutely wasted last week, albeit displaying loyalties, getting the idol is better than a feather in your cap.

Huh. I really don't understand the worth of a feather in your cap myself. Maybe it's just me.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, this entry will be updated with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

The latest blog pool standings from the one and only Lifeguard Laurie --

Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S. 
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld 
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl 
LJ McKanas - Lorraine, ML 
Morgan McLeod - Donna in Alabama, ORKMommy 
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924 
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle 
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny 
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie 
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

On with the PARTY! Er ... show ...

Okay, Morgan thinks Kass is jealous of her because she (Morgan) is cuter than her. Oh my gosh, shallow water alert!

The Reward Challenge has them split into two teams, swimming, dragging chests, puzzles. The reward is a Survivor Outback Steakhouse product placement trip. The split was random -- LJ, Spencer, Morgan, Jeremiah and Jefra win!

At the Outback, Spencer had a clue in his napkin. He went out in the rain to read it after they returned. Woo's suspicious. Woo stole the clue from where Spencer left it with his pants. Uh-oh. Pandemonium is surely to ensue.

Woo ran to camp and told everyone about the clue. Even though all searched, it was Spencer who found it.

The Immunity Challenge has them standing on their toes on a platform with a wood block on their heads they must hold against the frame. It was down to Spencer and Tasha ... Spencer wins immunity!

Spencer wants to flip Kass back. Tony wants Morgan out due to her uselessness around camp. Spencer wants to target Tony. Kass tells us she loves the ambush and she loves the blindside. Eep.

Sarah indeed is the first member of the jury.

The tally - Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan.

She's out and Tony dodged a bullet.