Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Havoc to Wreak' Blog Party - May 7

Welp, I guess with the title of the episode, it's going to be another Tony-heavy show. His detractors probably won't be too pleased with that. Well, unless he gets the boot, that is. I don't know ... I'm personally glad Tony is on the show this season. The rest of the castaways tend to be a bit lackluster. With the exception of Spencer and Tasha, no one really seems to be seriously playing the game. Woo has his moments, but he's got to bring more to the table. He's a follower.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real blog party will be in the comments. Come imbibe and discuss the show with us as it airs!

The latest on the blog pool from the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie --
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

Sarah Lacina
Morgan McLeod
LJ McKanas
Jeremiah Wood
Jefra Bland

Survivor fans ready? Let the show begin!

Kass is going up against Tony ... for both real and imagined (misunderstood) reasons. This isn't going to be pretty.

Gah. Tony tells Kass he has a special idol. Thankfully, she doesn't believe him. He hasn't told her its powers, but ...! Sheesh, Tony. Loose lips sink ships.

It's Reward Challenge time -- two teams of three throwing sandbags to destroy the other team's wall, one member rebuilds the wall. Nourishment for the soul -- a trip to a local elementary school to bring supplies, hamburgers and such.

Spencer, Kass and Woo win reward!

Kass has a plan to flush the idol from Tony with Woo and Spencer. Woo is thinking it's time to cut off Tony. We'll see.

Spencer went to Tasha with the plan to split the votes between Tnoy and Trish. Woo told Tony that Kass wants to go for Tasha. Hmmm.

Immunity Challenge time. Will Tasha go for four? Race out, count items at six stations, unlock a lock, break a tile.

Spencer wins immunity!

Tribal Council time ...

Tony does not play an idol.

Tasha, Tony, Trish, Tasha, Tasha.

Argh. I'd prefer Kass going! Tasha was such a strong challenge player and even strategic with the odds against her in numbers.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'Bull Down' Blog Party - May 4

We're two weeks away from the season finale with some pretty strong teams still in the running. At this point, I think any team except perhaps Jennifer and Caroline have a strong chance to win it all. Heck, if other teams keep helping them, I guess even they could win!

The show is starting on time here tonight in the NYC viewing area. As it airs, I'll update this post with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the party is in the comments area. Come watch the show with us and discuss it while it airs!

Since last week was a non-Philimination leg, the pool remains the same --

Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed

Teams ready?

The teams are off to Spain with a U-Turn ahead. Despite two different flights, it looks like an 8:30am bunching point. Most plan to U-Turn Brendon and Rachel if they can. Ah, there IS a lag for the second plane which had the girls, cowboys and Brenchal on it.

Roadblock -- Teams have to become Barbers of Seville, shaving a balloon within 60 seconds without bursting it. Connor got the deed done, keeping them in first place (for at least now) with the Afghanimals a little bit behind. The Cowboys are at the end of the second pack of teams. Wait! Brendon and Rachel are now trailing!

Detour has them either mastering the Flamenco (dance) or Run With the Bulls (running in balloon shaped bull bubbles). The latter looks like a hoot although they have to quote something from clues along the way while other bulls attack them.

Brendan and Rachel have pulled out ahead of the girls and the cowboys. Gulp, now the cowboys are last once again.

Caroline and Jennifer have to deliver six hams as their Speed Bump.

Oh noes! Leo can't feel his kneecap after a particularly rough hit from another bull! They're my blog pool team. Gah!

Dave and Connor get through first. They can't use the U-Turn. Meanwhile, the Afghanimals carry on despite Leo's injury. Rachel whines that she's a girl, not a boy and the bulls should be gentler with her. The Cowboys missed the first clue in the bull run. The girls are the only ones doing the Flamenco.

The Afghanimals decide to U-Turn the cowboys because they're the strongest team. They hope the Cowboys U-Turn Brendon and Rachel. Alas, the Cowboys are BEHIND Brenchel ... Brendon and Rachel should hit the U-Turn clue next unless the girls finish dancing quickly.

Brendon and Rachel don't use the U-Turn. Rachel expressed surprise that the cousins did the smart thing, not the popular thing.

Pit Stop --
1. Dave and Connor - won a trip to St. Croix.
2. Brendon and Rachel
3. Leo and Jamal

The girls U-Turned Brenchel not knowing they had already been through.

4. Caroline and Jennifer
5. Jet and Cord - Philiminated

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 4, 2014

Good morning! Since it is indeed Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic look back on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Later on tonight, I'll be posting The Amazing Race blog party. If you watch the show, come by and watch with us!

I'm SO photo-heavy this week that I'm going to abbreviate my chatter. Here's a quick lowdown:
  • It's finally looking like spring here. YAY!
  • Then we had almost two days of steady to heavy rain -- almost six inches. That resulted in floods in the usual spots. I took this video Thursday afternoon going through the Bound Brook/Middlesex area. Ironically, it's the flooded flood protection project.

  • Thankfully, the worst of the rain was on my day off and I didn't have to go out in it.
  • I managed to tip over my rolling office chair at work and fall. I'm a bit sore, but okay. I can't say the same for my office wall. Oops. It now has a big hole in it. Oops.
  • May the Fourth be with you!
Onto the photos! Clicking on an image will open it in a new window. There's a magnifying glass on the bottom right of the image. You can make it larger twice. Then stop, because that's all you can do! Just close that new window to return to the blog.

 photo IMG_2888a_zps6f087b8b.jpg
Church Street, Plainfield

I know I had a similar shot last week. But I so love the look of Church Street in the spring just after sunrise! I took this photo Monday morning. Most of the blossoms are gone now. Wah.

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Scotch Plains

Last Sunday I went to nearby Scotch Plains, a town or so over -- Fanwood makes that a bit confusing! They too had white blossoms lining their streets.

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What's going on here?

Looky, looky! It's a baby squirrel there! For the whole story, read on!


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Chaos is My Friend' Blog Party - April 30

Well, Tony has that special hidden idol with the power to be used AFTER the votes are revealed. It's quite possible, with the way he's been playing the game, that he just might be forced to use it tonight. I guess we'll see!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! But, as you all know by now, the real party is in the comments area. Come watch the show with us!

The latest blog pool standings from the esteemed Lifeguard Laurie:

Pool People
Jefra Bland - David, Sharon S.
Jeremiah Wood - LostChyld
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

Jury People 
Sarah Lacina
Morgan McLeod
LJ McKanas

Survivor fans ready?

Tonight is the traditional food auction. Tasha, Tony and Spencer are all waiting out the food for the advantage which should be offered. If they bid the entire $500 on the advantage, they will need to draw rocks. Spencer and Tony draw rocks. Tony draws black and wins the advantage.

Tony's advantage isn't for the Immunity Challenge -- it's a clue to another idol.

Tony has the hidden idol. He showed it to all in his alliance, hoping any blindsiding thoughts would end.

Immunity Challenge time! Digging up five bags in sand, retrieve five balls from them, table maze. Ho-hum. 

Tasha wins Immunity AGAIN! 

Tony thinks the girls are in an alliance and the guys need to target Jefra. Woo, Spencer and Tasha are on board with the plan. When Spencer goes off to look for the special power idol, Tony starts having second thoughts.

Tony pulls out his idol and wears it on a necklace -- the normal idol, not the secret power one. 

The tally --
Spencer, Jefra, Spencer, Jefra, Spencer, Jefra, Jefra. 

Spencer lives to face another day and Tony's latest plan (Spencer's plan) worked.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'Accidental Alliance' Blog Party - April 28

Oh my ... it looks like three teams are going to team up against Brenchal. Too bad, so sad. Although they have been running a good race for the most part and are definitely more bearable in their latest 15 minutes of CBS reality show fame, I wouldn't be heartbroken if they were knocked off the racetrack!

As the show airs  ... and it's actually airing ON TIME here this week ... I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the party is in the comments area. Come watch the show with us!

Here are the latest blog pool standings going into tonight's episode:
Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed

Teams are on their way to Switzerland. Uh-oh. All the teams are on one train except for Jet and Cord. They got lost and are on the next one.

Rachel quote: "Who needs friends?"

There's a bunching point at the William Tell clue and the cowboys show up. Now they're driving to Luzern. Heh. Brenchal got lost.

Teams have to rehab hotel rooms wrecked by rock stars. Um. Okay. Brenchal is still lost. All the other teams are at the hotel. Brenchal is now there. The cowboys finish first, then the Afghanimals. Now the girls and Dave/Connor are also on their way. Brenchal remains last.

Teams have to guess what a huge doohickey was used for (to drill a tunnel). Then they must figure out the year of their product placement Ford Mustang.

Cowboys still in the lead. Followed by Dave/Connor.

Roadblock has them delivering milk via dog sled and gondola.

Apparently there is no Detour tonight. It's the cowboys in the lead closely followed by Dave/Connor. Gah. Brenchal is now in third place. Oh my gosh, Dave and Connor have taken over the lead! The Afghanimals, Dave/Connor and Cowboys are now all bunched up in a gondola heading to the pit stop. I think the girls are still stuck at the Roadblock.

Pit Stop:
1. DAVE AND CONNOR! They won a 2015 Mustang/
2. Jet and Cord
3. Leo and Jamal
4. Brenchal

The girls are still at the Roadblock.

It's a non-Philimination leg. Jennifer and Caroline are still in it!