Sunday, October 04, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 3, 2015

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. I'll be posting about television soon. I promise!

This week started out very nicely ... and then went downhill.

On Sunday, I went to neighboring Westfield for my first visit to their 26th Annual FestFall street(s) fair. Wow. They know how to put on a street fair! Most of their downtown business section, made up of several streets, was involved. There were foods of every kind imaginable, crafts booths, bakery booths, even a Polska Kielbasa booth! At least two streets were dedicated to children with rides, activities and booths with stuff kids enjoy. Local businesses had sales. There was an artist who does drawings and paintings of your home. His work was truly detailed. There were civic groups and a local ski club I knew nothing about. I haven't skied since moving to New Jersey after being a ski addict for years.

There was something for everyone there -- something I feel lacking in Plainfield street fairs. Almost everything street fair I've attended in the downtown area has seemed focused on either hip hop or Hispanic and definitely geared more towards the young crowd. Sure, I have missed some street fairs because I work on Saturdays. The FestiFall is on Sundays, a day off (usually) for me. But we don't have anything this huge with something for everyone to enjoy all in one fair, either.

On Monday I got good news at work. So, the start of the week went well.

Then came the downhill -- bad weather, constant rain and a virus going around my workplace caught me. Gah. I'm still under the weather, both figuratively and literally. Okay, my roof is under the weather more so than I am. However, it's still grey, cloudy, rainy and windy here. Due to the bad weather and the fact that I haven't felt well, my photos this week ended up being mostly the Westfield FestiFall. Oh, well.

Clicking on an image will bring it up in a larger version.

Proving once again ...

... that flowers DO bend with the rainfall.

It made me want to be 10 again

They didn't have stuff like this when I was ten years old! One side has a rock-climbing wall, but it's the bungee/trampoline side that's so cool! The kids sit in harnesses and bounce off the trampolines high up in the air. They can do all kinds of acrobatic feats. I wanted to do it. I refrained.


Friday, October 02, 2015

The Amazing Race 27 - October 2 Blog Party

I see you remembered the show is on tonight! Er, either that or you're looking in after the police broke up the wild blog party!

As the show airs here tonight, I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

The Marvelous Margo (quite possibly with Mom) has made the blog pool match-ups --

Adam and Alex #TheCousins -Anonymouse, DKNYNC, Jackie, Kelsey, Sharon C
Cindy and Rick #ChacAttack - Donna in AL, Donna in FL, Jennasmom, Sharon N
Denise and James Earl #TeamAlabama - Becky, Ginniejulie, ORKMommy, Willie J
Ernest and Jin #TheDancers - Glenn, Marlo, Nancerella, Russ
Jazmine and Danielle #TheTrackStars - Joanie, LafayetteLisanne, Margo, Merrilee
Justin and Diana #TheGreenTeam - Chauncey, Cherry Pie, Monty924, Nickelpeed
Kelsey and Joey #TheReporters - beachmom, ChicMc, David, Grandi in MD,
Logan and Chris #ThePaparazzi - Delee, PDX Granny, Rbennie, SueGee
Tanner and Josh #TeamTexas - Buzzmaam, chrob61, meb, ML
Tiffany and Krista #TheCheerleaders - Brenda, Brian, Cheryl in NC, Ed in OH, Nana in NW

The TMZ gals were Philiminated last week and aren't a part of the blog pool. I don't believe any of us shed any tears about them leaving.

Are you ready to race? 

Teams are headed to Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have to find the church where Pope Francis was baptized. A few of the teams are working together using strangers' phones to find the information. This is as they wait at the airport. Tanner and Josh are NOT working with Justin and Diana. They don't trust them and think they're a strong team they need to beat.

At the right church, they have to wait and will get admitted in the order of arrival. Stunningly gorgeous church!

Justin and Diana get there first. Detour -- Cartenaros or Fletero -- loading and carting cardboard or transporting a statue. Most are choosing cartenaros because, as one person put it, it's finite. But there are only eight openings for that. Jazmine and Danielle can't do the recycling cardboard. A few other teams are already doing the statue -- they have to put it back together once delivered.

Justin and Diana are maintaining their lead and are the first done. They gave their cart to Jazmine and Danielle. Logan and Chris are second.

Roadblock - Must learn a Tilted Tango. Oh my. It's a tango done on the wall. "Who wants to get sideways?" They are suspended with rappel wires.

Justin and Diana are headed to the Pit Stop after Diana nailed the tango. Justin is a bit loud in his exuberance which is ticking off the other teams some. Logan and Chris are on their tails. The alpha male team is not doing so well at the tango. Ah, they made it through.

Pit Stop:
1. Justin and Diana - also win a trip to Morocco.  
2. Josh and Tanner - Josh injured his leg in a footrace
3. Denise and James
4. Logan and Chris 
5. Cindy and Rick
6. Tiffany and Krista 
7. Kelsey and Joey 
8. Jazmine and Danielle
9. Jin and Ernest 
10. Alex and Adam ... Philiminated

Aw, there goes my blog pool team. I won't have trouble finding another team to cheer on on my own. And, it won't be Josh and Tanner. 

Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Amazing Race 27: Blog Pool Match-Ups Revealed!

Do NOT forget -- the show airs tomorrow (Friday) night at 8pm ET/PT!

The Marvelous Margo (quite possibly with Mom) has made the blog pool match-ups! Cheer on your team as they race tomorrow night!

Adam and Alex #TheCousins -Anonymouse, DKNYNC, Jackie, Kelsey, Sharon C
Cindy and Rick #ChacAttack - Donna in AL, Donna in FL, Jennasmom, Sharon N
Denise and James Earl #TeamAlabama - Becky, Ginniejulie, ORKMommy, Willie J
Ernest and Jin #TheDancers - Glenn, Marlo, Nancerella, Russ
Jazmine and Danielle #TheTrackStars - Joanie, LafayetteLisanne, Margo, Merrilee
Justin and Diana #TheGreenTeam - Chauncey, Cherry Pie, Monty924, Nickelpeed
Kelsey and Joey #TheReporters - beachmom, ChicMc, David, Grandi in MD,
Logan and Chris #ThePaparazzi - Delee, PDX Granny, Rbennie, SueGee
Tanner and Josh #TeamTexas - Buzzmaam, chrob61, meb, ML
Tiffany and Krista #TheCheerleaders - Brenda, Brian, Cheryl in NC, Ed in OH, Nana in NW

May the best team (Adam and Alex) hit the Welcome Mat first in this leg!
Oh, yes. That's the team I have in the pool. So, I can do that.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia, Second Chance - September 30 Blog Party

Survivor fans ready? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

To remind folks, Lifeguard Laurie has made the random picks for the blog pool and here they are:

Bayon Tribe
Andrew Savage - Jennasmom, JoyzJenn, Silk
Ciera Eastin - chrob61, Jackie, Russ
Jeremy Collins - Brian, meb, Nickelpeed
Joe Anglim - Delee, Mother Guru, PDX Granny
Kass McQuillen - Donna NY, Marlo, Petals
Keith Nale - Tammy, gaylos, Margo
Kimmi Kappenberg - Glenn, Nana in the NW, Rbennie
Monica Padilla - ChicMC, Kelsey, sanra
Stephen Fishbach - Brenda, Matt, Rochelle
Tasha Fox - Donna in AL, Jennamom, Stephanie in Baltimore

Takeo Tribe 
Abi-Maria Gomes - Nobody is stuck with her!
Jeff Varner - Donna in FL, Linda in MA, SueGee
Kelley Wentworth - monty 924, Grandi, RENOthunder
Kelly Wiglesworth - ML, Sharon N, Indiana Jane
Peih-Gee Law - Becky, David, Joanie,
Shirin Oskooi - Cheryl in NC, Kelly D, Sharon C
Spencer Bledsoe - Ellen vdW, Nancerella, Terry is a Texan
Terry Deitz - Anonymouse, Merrilee, ORKMommy
Woo Hwang - Ed in Ohio, LafayetteLisanne, Laurie

Vytas Baskauskas 

Varner wants his tribe to go with the new school of thoughts. He's hooking up with Terry and they want to "really play this game." Varner thinks Abi will be easy to get out and is more worried about Spencer and Shirin. 

Uh-oh. Joe's tribemates think he's much too good at everything. He needs to watch his back by merge.

Abi meanwhile wants to show that she's a new Abi. Spencer isn't happy that he needs her in his camp. Jeff Varner considers her entertainment.

Kass thinks her fellow tribemates are great people and they make her a better person. I guess we'll see. She said that after Andrew Savage told them a touching sad story of his wife. Stephen tells Andrew that Jeremy went off looking for an idol when Jeremy actually just needed a bit of alone time because his own wife is pregnant and he's worried. Andrew told Jeremy about what Stephen said. That puts another nail in the Fishbach Coffin, methinks.

Aha! Abi has started a cat fight with Peih-Gee and Shirin! So much for the New Abi-Maria. Aw, Terry goes to console her and now she'll be forever loyal to him? I guess we'll see how that goes! Varner reels her in, too. After her own alliance laughed at her to her face, she's a Happy Abi once again. Until the next time she can be a drama queen, that is.

Immunity Challenge -- Obstacle course over walls, haul a heavy crate, solve a puzzle. Reward is a Survivor tool kit with all kinds of stuff. Ciera sits out. BAYON wins Immunity and Reward again.

Varner thinks either Spencer or Shirin should go home and their poor performance in the challenge should get the deed done. It sounds like the numbers are against Spencer and Shirin. Varner is leading the pack. Kelley thinks she will follow the numbers. Shirin thinks she has Varner in her corner and wants to try to make good with Abi.

Argh! Abi, thinking she's a smarty-pants and getting even with Shirin, tells Shirin that they all want to vote her (Shirin) or Spencer out. Shirin runs to Spencer. Shirin tries to bring Woo in and he reminds them that they have never talked to him before. "Absolutely not!," says Woo. Heh. Good for him.

Spencer is in tears. I can't feel sorry for him. He should have known better than to team up with Shirin! 

Tribal Council time. Aw, Shirin is going to go for the sympathy card. Spencer speaks a good piece trying to stay. Ack, Jeff lets Shirin speak last. I prefer Spencer stay! Spencer votes Shirin.

The tally --
Spencer, Shirin, Shirin, Shirin, Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, Shirin, Shirin.

Shirin is voted out!

Whoa! Next week it's "drop your buffs" and they get split into three tribes!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia, Second Chance - Blog Pool Match-Ups Announcement

The blog pool match-ups for this season are IN! Lifeguard Laurie has made the random picks and here they are:

Bayon Tribe
Andrew Savage - Jennasmom, JoyzJenn, Silk
Ciera Eastin - chrob61, Jackie, Russ
Jeremy Collins - Brian, meb, Nickelpeed
Joe Anglim - Delee, Mother Guru, PDX Granny
Kass McQuillen - Donna NY, Marlo, Petals
Keith Nale - Tammy, gaylos, Margo
Kimmi Kappenberg - Glenn, Nana in the NW, Rbennie
Monica Padilla - ChicMC, Kelsey, sanra
Stephen Fishbach - Brenda, Matt, Rochelle
Tasha Fox - Donna in AL, Jennamom, Stephanie in Baltimore

Takeo Tribe 
Abi-Maria Gomes - Nobody is stuck with her!
Jeff Varner - Donna in FL, Linda in MA, SueGee
Kelley Wentworth - monty 924, Grandi, RENOthunder
Kelly Wiglesworth - ML, Sharon N, Indiana
Jane Peih-Gee Law - Becky, David, Joanie,
Shirin Oskooi - Cheryl in NC, Kelly D, Sharon C
Spencer Bledsoe - Ellen vdW, Nancerella, Terry is a Texan
Terry Deitz - Anonymouse, Merrilee, ORKMommy
Woo Hwang - Ed in Ohio, LafayetteLisanne, Laurie

Vytas Baskauskas

Well, look at that. In her infinite wisdom, Lifeguard Laurie knew that no one could really cheer on Abi-Maria. After all, how did she even get voted back in except to torment her fellow castaways?