Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia, Second Chance - December 2 Blog Party

Good evening! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Here's the latest blog pool update from the Lovable Lifeguard Laurie:

Abi-Maria Gomes - Nobody is stuck with her!
Jeremy Collins - Brian, meb, Nickelpeed
Joe Anglim - Delee, Mother Guru, PDX Granny
Keith Nale - Tammy, gaylos, Margo
Kelley Wentworth - monty 924, Grandi, RENOthunder
Kimmi Kappenberg - Glenn, Nana in the NW, Rbennie
Spencer Bledsoe - Ellen vdW, Nancerella, Terry is a Texan
Tasha Fox - Donna in AL, Jennamom, Stephanie in Baltimore

Kass McQuillen - Donna NY, Marlo, Petals
Andrew Savage - Jennasmom, JoyzJenn, Silk
Kelly Wiglesworth - ML, Sharon N, Indiana Jane
Ciera Eastin - chrob61, Jackie, Russ
Stephen Fishbach - Brenda, Matt, Rochelle

Survivor fans ready?

Jeremy's worried because Spencer flipped the vote. Could he be next? Kimmi tries for an all girl alliance voting out Joe, then the guys all in a row. Hmm. An all girl alliance? I wonder why no one has ever come up with that before?


Reward Challenge time! Jeff asks Probsting questions about family, then mentions the inevitable loved ones visit. Yep, it's that time again. Then the loved ones arrive one by one. Jeremy gets the news that he's going to have a son, but doesn't share that news with the others.

They have to race to collect bags in sand, spin, get dizzy, balance beam, solve puzzle. The winner gets a barbecue with their loved one. 

Kelley wins. She has to pick three others to go with her. Keith, Abi and Kimmi. She can choose one more. Joe, because the reward meant so much to him.  

The three not participating -- Spencer, Jeremy and Tasha -- decide to be a final three. Tasha thinks she has good options for staying. She has that three and the girls alliance. Once again, Joe is a target despite the reprieve last week. 

Immunity is back up for grabs! They have to balance wooden statues on a pole. At intervals, the poles will be lengthened. Two get immunity -- one man, one woman. They have to add the sections onto the poles while still balancing the statues.

Kimmi is first out. Abi out. Tasha out. Kelley wins immunity!

Spencer and Jeremy out. Keith and Joe are up to 16 feet of pole. Uh-oh! Joe collapses! Keith wins, but Joe's out cold. Yikes!

The medics say it was low blood sugar. Joe said his legs went out. He says he wants to play the game as hard as he can. He's not in danger of being pulled from the game. That's good. But he's still the target. 

Abi is gleeful that Joe lost to a 52 year-old man. He seems to be more of the target than ever. At least, of Abi and Kelley. Joe works on Jeremy with his thoughts that Abi is the most dangerous to get to the end as everyone wants to sit with her as she'd never win.

Tasha tells Jeremy and Spencer about the all girls alliance. She didn't want them to hear it from someone else. Tasha still really wants Joe out.

Tribal council time -- Abi and Joe are both worried about their futures and talk against each other. Abi votes Joe because he's "moldy" and looks like a clown.

The tally:
Joe, Abi, Tasha, Joe, Joe, Joe.

Joe is voted out. The women are thrilled, Spencer and Jeremy not so much.  

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was: November 29, 2015

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. If you're a television fan, please make sure to stop by on Wednesday and Friday evenings for the blog's Survivor and The Amazing Race live blogging parties!

I hope everybody had a nice Thanksgiving! Vincent and I had a quiet one here. While he had his turkey with gravy canned cat food -- he loves to lick the gravy off and then pick at the turkey -- I didn't have turkey this year. I'm just one person. I can't eat a whole turkey before it goes bad, nor could I find any acceptable (to me) sales on turkey breast. Some years I go for Cornish Game Hens or even chicken. However, I found a nice sale on butterflied leg of lamb. So, that accompanied by mashed potatoes, asparagus and apple pie was my Thanksgiving feast. Yes, I can eat an entire apple pie before it goes bad! I'm having the last of that today!

We are continuing to have fairly warm weather (outright unseasonable at times) here. I love it. I'm dreading icy and snowy sidewalks and streets. I really don't mind the cold so much; it's the ice and snow.

A couple of random things:
  • I can still hear that screaming thumping child downstairs and one apartment to the side. I don't hear the screaming, but I hear the thumping. Let's see if they're out of here in February when their lease is up. I saw the woman going down to the laundry room this morning as I went for my Sunday newspaper. I said hello and she didn't even acknowledge me. Her and her family should go live on their own private island or something. They make way too much noise and aren't even cordial in the hallways.
  • Meanwhile, I ran into five other neighbors in the hallway on Thanksgiving day when I went out for a walk. All greeted me enthusiastically with holiday greetings and were friendly. That's more like it.
  • I can't believe one showed up with his wife and toddler. When he was ten, he used to clear snow off of my car. He was here to have dinner with his parents.
  • Yes, I've lived here that long, I guess.
  • I've always tended to think of that family as "the hardest working Jamaican family in the world" reflecting back on the old skits from In Living Color. Those parents still seem to be working around the clock! 

Onto this week's photos -- clicking on an image will open it larger in a gallery window.

Posing pigeons

You can tell I'm lacking photo fodder when I take several photos of the pigeons atop the Corolla Apartments building on North Avenue in Plainfield.

Too much turkey?

More like too much catnip for Vincent!

Almost full

Or, partly empty if you're a pessimist. The Beaver Moon, the 12th full moon of the year, was full on the 25th. I took this shot on the night of the 23rd. 


Friday, November 27, 2015

The Amazing Race 27: November 27 Episode Blog Party

Hi, everybody! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I don't expect a huge crowd here as it's still the holiday weekend. But, everybody is welcome! As the show airs here tonight, I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

The Marvelous Margo's blog pool update:

Denise and James Earl #TeamAlabama - Becky, Ginniejulie, ORKMommy, Willie J
Justin and Diana #TheGreenTeam - Chauncey, Cherry Pie, Monty924, Nickelpeed
Kelsey and Joey #TheReporters - beachmom, ChicMc, David, Grandi in MD,
Logan and Chris #ThePaparazzi - Delee, PDX Granny, Rbennie, SueGee
Tiffany and Krista #TheCheerleaders - Brenda, Brian, Cheryl in NC, Ed in OH, Nana in NW

TMZ girls (not in pool)
Adam and Alex #TheCousins -Anonymouse, DKNYNC, Jackie, Kelsey, Sharon C
Ernest and Jin #TheDancers - Glenn, Marlo, Nancerella, Russ
Jazmine and Danielle #TheTrackStars - Joanie, LafayetteLisanne, Margo, Merrilee
Cindy and Rick #ChacAttack - Donna in AL, Donna in FL, Jennasmom, Sharon N
Tanner and Josh #TeamTexas - Buzzmaam, chrob61, meb, ML

Ready? Let's GO!

Uh-oh. Another U-Turn ahead. They're traveling to the next clue by tuk tuk. Joe and Kelsey think that if the Green Team is smart, they'd U-Turn them. 

Roadblock: Full of Hot Air. Blow up balloons and deliver them to a wedding.

Chris and Logan are arguing ... again. And he's thinking marriage? Sheesh! Aw, Diana brought stick-on tattoos for kids. How sweet is that? Justin is out in the lead, the only one out for delivery as I update this.

Justin and Diana are headed to a bookstore for the next clue. Will they use the U-Turn on anyone? Joey and Kelsey are in second. Chris and Logan are arguing still, but hanging onto third. 

Yay! Diana and Justin U-Turn Logan and Chris. They don't want to  U-Turn their friends Joey and Kelsey and think Chris and Logan would U-Turn the girls.

Detour: Bring the Groom - deliver a groom to a wedding or Bring the Fun - playground for the kids at the wedding. 

Joey and Kelsey are impressed that Green Team didn't U-Turn them and say they're going to work with them until the final three teams. 

Eek! A creepy guy grabbed Tiffany's balloons as she was on her way! Thankfully, she got the clue for half her load instead of having to go back.

Justin and Diana have the clue to the Pit Stop. Justin is having a ball with the kids!

Pit Stop:
1. Justin and Diana AGAIN - Each won $5,000
2. Joey and Kelsey 

Sigh. It looks like Logan and Chris will at least beat Denise and James Earl, if not the Cheerleaders. Hmm. Maybe not -- Logan is struggling. But they've already completed the other detour.

3. Tiff any and Krista
4. Logan and Chris (sigh) 
5. James Earl and Denise -- Philiminated

I'm surprised they lasted this long. They grew on me after I initially didn't care for Denise. Good job! 

The brief promo for next week hints that Justin and Diana will lose the leg ... so that probably won't happen. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia, Second Chance - November 25 Blog Party

I hope you all brought snacks and tasty beverages -- we're in for two hours tonight! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Here's the latest blog pool update from the Lovable Lifeguard Laurie:

Abi-Maria Gomes - Nobody is stuck with her!
Ciera Eastin - chrob61, Jackie, Russ
Jeremy Collins - Brian, meb, Nickelpeed
Joe Anglim - Delee, Mother Guru, PDX Granny
Keith Nale - Tammy, gaylos, Margo
Kelley Wentworth - monty 924, Grandi, RENOthunder
Kimmi Kappenberg - Glenn, Nana in the NW, Rbennie
Spencer Bledsoe - Ellen vdW, Nancerella, Terry is a Texan
Stephen Fishbach - Brenda, Matt, Rochelle
Tasha Fox - Donna in AL, Jennamom, Stephanie in Baltimore

Vytas Baskauskas
Shirin Oskooi - Cheryl in NC, Kelly D, Sharon C
Peih-Gee Law - Becky, David, Joanie,
Jeff Varner - Donna in FL, Linda in MA, SueGee
Monica Padilla - ChicMC, Kelsey, sanra
Terry Deitz - Anonymouse, Merrilee, ORKMommy
Woo Hwang - Ed in Ohio, LafayetteLisanne, Laurie
Kass McQuillen - Donna NY, Marlo, Petals
Andrew Savage - Jennasmom, JoyzJenn, Silk
Kelly Wiglesworth - ML, Sharon N, Indiana Jane

Survivor fans ready?

After the recap, Jeremy tries to make good with Tasha for not including her on the voting block plan to oust Wiglesworth. She accepts his explanation, but will be on guard from now on. They try to convince Joe the move was for the best. Yeah, he'll buy that, right?

It's raining again and they're miserable. Ciera is feeling better about her game, but is bothered by the rain. Keith is taking the elements a lot better. He's thinking of the million. 

Reward - Two teams of five, taken away from the weather, roof overhead, food, blankets, Cambodian service. It's a water-based basketball game.

Joe, Tasha, Cierra, Spencer and Abi win Reward. It was rough! At Reward, Cierra proposes blindsiding Stephen. Back at camp, the others are talking about taking Joe out. Meanwhile, Stephen thinks he's in a pretty good secure spot right now.

But then Stephen gets sick and even cries to us. 

And the rain poured on. 

Immunity Challenge time! They each have to take a black rock and a white rock. Balance on one foot on a small block while balancing a ball on a piece of wood. The rain has stopped. Jeff makes a proposal -- construction crew will build the shelter, roof and fire ... but five people must give up their chance of immunity in this challenge. Will be determined by rocks. White giving up. All willing to give up except Joe and Keith! The challenge will be those two only. The shelter will be improved as all they needed was five to get the work done.

Joe wins once again! 

Stephen is excited about the new shelter. He also is thinking of trying to put the target on Ciera. No surprise there. She's working to get rid of him, too.

The new shelter came with food, too.  

They're a bit worried about Stephen's advantage he won last episode. Tasha is thinking that Ciera should go. Spencer, Tasha, Joe and Jeremy pretty much decide it should be Ciera. But Joe is a bit reluctant -- he'd rather Stephen go. So does Spencer.

Tribal Council time. 

The tally:
Before Jeff starts, he asks if anyone has a hidden idol to play. We hear, "Hey, Jeff" and then into commercial. It was a male voice. We know Jeremy has two idols, but really has no need to play either for himself. It could have been Stephen with his advantage (take a vote away from someone).

Whoa, Jeremy uses an idol to save Stephen! 

Fishbach, Fishbach, Fishbach, Fishbach, Fishbach, Ciera, Ciera, Kimmi, Kimmi, Ciera.

Since the votes for Stephen Fishbach didn't count, my blog pool person Ciera gets the the boot.  

Stephen is wondering who all turned on him and kicking himself for not realizing it was going on. Plus, his feet are all hugely swollen and bit/cut up. He's overwhelmed.

Reward has them getting Cambodian history questions, answering them correctly and receiving medallions. The winner gets a chopper ride and feast. Heh. Abi got one wrong because Fishbach fooled her. Spencer led for most of it, but Fishbach won by a few seconds. He first chooses Tasha to go with him, then Jeremy as a second person. 

Kelley found an idol clue during Reward. It leads her to the shelter itself. 

Knowing that Tasha put his name down last time, Stephen decided to build trust and tells Tasha and Jeremy that his advantage is to steal a vote during Tribal. 

Back at camp, they're talking Fishbach (Stephen) again. Abi proposes that she should be allowed to win the next Immunity. Ha.  

They decide it has to be either Stephen or Tasha going. Kelley sees her chance to search for the idol with only Abi left in camp. She gets it and recovers just in time as the others return to camp from their various distractions.

Immunity Challenge -- Only using their feet, they use a rope to drop blocks in a basket, then stack the blocks. Fishbach has problems because of his "prehistoric" feet.

SPENCER wins Immunity ... the first person other than Joe since individual immunity. Uh-oh. Joe be in trouble. But we know Spencer is leery of Jeremy, Tasha and Fishbach now. Hmm.

The consensus seems to be Joe. But Kelley has a plan to blindside Stephen.  Abi is creating all kinds of drama. She was initially in on the blindside Stephen plan but now wants to vote Joe.  Stephen tells Jeremy and Spencer that he will use his advantage to steal Abi's vote and make sure Joe goes.

Tribal Council -- Stephen uses his advantage. He's stealing Joe's vote and using it for himself.  Stephen's vote is for Abi and he has Joe voting for Joe.

The tally:
Joe, Abi, Fishbach, Joe, Abi, Abi, Fishbach, Fishbach, Fishbach.

Stephen Fishbach got his blindside! He's outta there! 

Next week is the loved ones episode and a hint at a serious medical emergency. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 22, 2015

Good morning! Since it's indeed Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. If you're a television fan, please make sure to stop by on Wednesday and Friday evenings for the blog's Survivor and The Amazing Race live blogging parties!

Let's see ... what of any consequence happened last week? Hmm. Not really a heck of a lot. I worked (of course). I didn't go to any Broadway shows, nor did I win millions of dollars. I just worked, ate, slept, turned to computer and television diversions, read and such. You know, the normal, albeit boring, things of life.

Here's the Reader's Digest condensed version of the week:
  • We had good weather and we had bad weather. Thankfully, the bad weather was rain, not snow. It's trying to turn a bit more seasonable with the temperatures here, but we've had a warmer November than many.
  • I'm not complaining.
  • The biggest event of my week had to do with the NJ Transit replacement of the Park Avenue railroad bridge in Plainfield. That's actually still in progress as I write this up for you.
  • Due to the shutdown of the trains between Westfield and Dunellen, that bus shuttle thing was going on again this week. I was 45 minutes early to work and left work a half-hour early only to finally get home at about the same time I would have if I had left on time.
  • But I couldn't leave on time because the trains heading that way were running a half-hour early to make time for the busing. That should make the Westfield east to Newark/NYC trains run on time ... theoretically.
  • This time the trains were more screwed up than the shuttle buses! My train into work, once on the far side of the shutdown, kept stopping and/or slowing to almost a halt and creeping. My train back sat in the Bound Brook station for almost fifteen minutes, making me miss the (real) bus I had intended to take home from Dunellen instead of the shuttle.
  • Once again, I knew this whole bridge replacement/train shutdown was going to happen, but the general population was clueless. A woman stuck in Bound Brook was worried she'd miss her Greyhound bus at Newark Penn. I estimated she'd miss it, but didn't really share that with her. After all, it's not like I could help her. I was just sympathetic towards her and explained how she'd get back on the train in Westfield. 
  • She had been late onto the train as it sat in Bound Brook anyway. Had the trains been running regular and on time, she had given herself about five minutes to get to her bus. That ain't gonna cut it no matter what. She had luggage with her and everything. 
  • Why don't people plan better? If I'm traveling, I make sure to be very early for any connections. I'd rather have to wait for a half-hour than to be a minute late and miss a connection. Kind of like NY Penn Station, Newark Penn has restaurants, coffee places and such where you can waste some time waiting for a connection.
  • Some probably wait there for a totally different kind of connection, but we won't go there.
  • Heck, I always try to be ten minutes early for my own daily commute trains!
  • When people called NJ Transit, just like the situation three weeks back with the other bridge, they were told there were no alerts. But the information was on the website. This whole thing hasn't been handled right by NJ Transit. Once again, I saw NJ Transit people directing folks in Dunellen, but not a soul at the Plainfield Train Station (which is a busier station overall).
  • Gah. Frustrating!
  • It's supposed to be over by the time I go to work tomorrow.
  • Yay.
Onto the photos of the week! Clicking on an image will bring up a larger version.

Apt ad placement

What could be better than advertising Jersey Boys (Broadway show) on an NJ Transit train? That's our new Watchung Avenue bridge in Plainfield. They have yet to place the end-pieces, kind of like bookends, on it. The train is a morning one heading towards Newark/New York City. I'm surprised to see they've changed it to a single level train for that run this week. We've been double-deckers for a number of years now.

Who could it be now?

Men at work. (Get it? The rock group and song from the 80s?) With all these NJ Transit bridge workers, not one woman is on the crew. Hmm. I also have noted that hardhats have gone from simply functional to a fashion accessory with many of the guys.

No yolk about it!

Actually, more yolks than normal. As I was cooking up breakfast one day early in the week, one of the eggs had a double yolk. I haven't seen one of those since my childhood days when we bought eggs fresh from a farm. Out of curiosity, I looked it up on the internet to find that commercial eggs are usually "candled" (lighting up the egg through the shell) to remove any eggs with abnormalities. That would include double yolks. Any such eggs are usually discarded. This particular egg came from Eggland's Best Eggs. It's an "abnormality" I don't mind at all although I wonder what would happen if I used it in baking.