Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Survivor: Island of the Idols - December 4 Blog Party

Tonight is the family or loved ones visit show, either liked or annoying to show fans. I'm basically along with the latter crowd. While I'm sure it's great to see them, the schmaltz about it all is a tad too much. But they never listen to me. P think I'm looking more forward to see if Karishma keeps surviving.

I'll be updating this post with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments ares -- I hope to see you there!

The Lovely Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool -- are you still in it ti won it?
Merged Team
Dan Spilo -- Bizaro22, marthalight
Dean Kowalski -- CherryPie, Merrilee
Elaine Stott -- Cheryl in NC
Janet Carbin -- Donna NY, Sharon C
Karishma Patel -- Ed in Ohio, SueGee
Lauren Beck -- Jackie, Sharon N
Noura Salman -- Jennasmom
Tommy Sheehan -- Karen in CA, Terry is a Texan

Jack Nichting
Kellee Kim & her idols
Jamal Shipman
Missy Byrd
Aaron Meredith
Elizabeth Beisel

Survivor fans ready?

The show opens with Jeff Probst calling the castaways in. He announces the loved ones visit. Tears and drama to go down with each. @@

Okay, to the challenge, they're drawing for pairs. Reward in the form of love. Obstacles, digging to get underneath log,
Tommy and Janet win Reward. They can invite one along -- Dan and his son Ryan who's only 13. They pick another -- Lauren.

Noura is rallying the troops back at camp. They are four against four. They think they should look for idols. They're not sure of the possibility of bringing one of the other four aboard. Elaine found an idol!

Time for the Immunity Challenge. Stand on a small block of wood stabilizing a ball on a block of wood. Drop the ball and you're out. It's the one where they have two handles.

Dean out, Tommy out, Noura out, Janet drops, Karishma out. Dan drops. It's down to Lauren and Elaine. ELAINE drops unexpectedly!


The plan is to put four votes on Karishma, three on Janet (in case Karisma has another idol). Meanwhile the four that had stayed at camp decide they can control the vote if all four stick together. They're thinking Tommy. Sure enough, Noura is overthinking everything.

Tribal Council time. Starting off with the loved ones visit and how it affects those left back at camp. Lots of whispering going on. Noura calls out Dean, Elaine and Karishma … yikes! She tells all including Elaine's idol! She ends up caught in a lie and will we see the end of Noura tonight? Hmm.

The tally … Elaine plays her idol to save herself.

Karishma, Noura, Noura, Noura, Karishma, Karishma, Karishma, Karishma ...

Welp, they got Karishma out and Noura showed her true colors putting a huge target on her back.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Survivor: Island of the Idols - November 27 Blog Party

Yes, I'm back! My apologies for last week. My internet woes are done and over with and I'm back, faster (and even cheaper) than ever. That said, we lost Aaron and Missy last week, two of the stronger players. I can only wonder what we're in for this week!

I'll update this entry with the major happenings as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun! 

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool and here's the latest --
Merged Team
Dan Spilo -- Bizaro22, marthalight
Dean Kowalski -- CherryPie, Merrilee
Elaine Stott -- Cheryl in NC
Elizabeth Beisel -- CherylNY, monty 924
Janet Carbin -- Donna NY, Sharon C
Karishma Patel -- Ed in Ohio, SueGee
Lauren Beck -- Jackie, Sharon N
Noura Salman --  Jennasmom
Tommy Sheehan -- Karen in CA, Terry is a Texan

Jack Nichting
Kellee Kim & her idols
Jamal Shipman
Missy Byrd

Aaron Meredith

Survivor fans ready?

The divided tribe has reunited. The first tribe from Tribal was surprised Missy was voted out. Karishma is thrilled -- her two biggest threats were voted out and she has kept her idol. Of course, she remains a target for others. 

They get a note -- one person goes to Island of the Island. It must be unanimous or they pick a name from the bag. Lauren piped up before anyone could say anything, saying she wanted to go. No one wanted to be the one to speak up, so they all went along with Lauren going.

They give her a lesson on situational awareness. How well does she know her tribemates? If she can guess who will win the next Immunity, she wins an idol good for two tribals. She loses her vote if she's wrong. They explain the challenge to her and tells her Jeff will offer food to sit out. She tells them that Noura would have a good shot and Elizabeth could be a contender. Rob tells her she can choose two people. She goes for those two.

Dean thinks the fake idol is real. He makes his own fake, thinking he can bamboozle someone else. Now, of course, he doesn't really have any idols at all.

Lauren returns -- her scheme is to tell the others about the upcoming challenge but take the credit for getting the food. She tells Tommy only the truth. She and Tom plan to push the food. but they want to keep Noura and Elizabeth playing.

It's Immunity Challenge time! Pull up on a handle suspending a ball, drop ball and out, last standing wins. Jeff brings up the breakfast and all is as Lauren told them. Six people chose to eat. Karishma, Noura and Elizabeth are the only ones playing.

Karishma drops first and, as Lauren hoped, it's going to be either Noura or Elizabeth winning. 

NOURA wins Immunity!

Lauren retrieves the idol. It's only good for two tribals, so Tommy thinks she shouldn't use it tonight. The vote should be between Karishma and Elizabeth. He thinks Elizabeth is the bigger threat. 

Oooh … good think Karishma keeps her idol in her bra however uncomfortable it is. Two women (Noura and Elizabeth?) go through her bag and find nothing. It solidifies their target against her. They seem to be focusing too much on Karishma for her to go tonight. 

They head off to Tribal and we head into commercials. 

At Tribal Jeff brings up that the challenge was only the three. Elizabeth says she felt she had to play and Karishma pretty much gave the same reasoning. Dean mentions his "legacy advantage" as why he chose to eat. Heh. 

Time to tally the votes. But first … Dean plays the "legacy advantage" and Jeff says it's fake. Karishma plays her real idol. Lauren plays her idol.'

Karishma, Karishma, Karishma. Karishma, Karishma, Karishma. Janet, Elizabeth.

Tie and a revote between Janet and Elizabeth. Those two cannot vote.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth ...

The tribe has spoken, Elizabeth.

Next week is the family/loved ones visit. Gag me now.

Happy Thanksgiving all!'

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Survivor: Island of the Idols - November 13 Blog Party

We're in for two hours tonight as well as the merge. Can we handle all the excitement? I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool. Are you still in it?
Dean Kowalski -- CherryPie, Merrilee
Karishma Patel -- Ed in Ohio, SueGee
Jamal Shipman -- Donna in Alabama, Petals
Janet Carbin -- Donna NY, Sharon C
Kellee Kim -- Glenn Allen, Indiana Jane
Noura Salman -- Jennasmom

Aaron Meredith -- Auntie Leigh
Elaine Stott -- Cheryl in NC
Elizabeth Beisel -- CherylNY, monty 924
Missy Byrd -- Janice, TS14Fan
Dan Spilo -- Bizaro22, marthalight
Lauren Beck -- Jackie, Sharon N
Tommy Sheehan -- Karen in CA, Terry is a Texan

Jack Nichting

Survivor fans ready?

It's after Tribal and Dean is grateful to Kellee for saving him. Noura is stirring the pot. Kellee feels that Noura is setting her up for disaster with Jamal. After all, Jamal's sidekick Jack was the cost of her play AND Jamal wasted his idol by using it on Noura. The idol search in on.

Kellee found an idol! Woot!

Now the merge is about to start. Of course, it starts out with the feast. Will original alliances re-ally?

Oh my. Some of the women are getting really ticked at Dan touching them inappropriately. It's several of the women upset with him. I would be upset, too. I so hate unwanted touching!

Tommy is pushing for a Kellee first vote out in the merge. Oh noes!

Immunity Challenge time! Table with three balls on top. when you move it it lowers, when all balls fall off, you're out.

Noura is out first, then Kellee. Dean out. Janet out. Elaine out. Lauren out. Dan out. Karishma out. Tommy out. Missy out. Elizabeth out. It's between Aaron and Jamal. 


It looks like Kellee is the main target this week. Tommy and Lauren are pushing it. Dean is not keen on it -- after all, Kellee saved him. Jamal would like to make a move on Dan going. Hmm … but several are thinking Missy is the target and Dan vote is just smoke and mirrors.

Well, at least we won't go into Tribal sure of who will be going home. 

Kellee thinks there's another idol on this beach. She has the one from her old beach. She's searching. YES! She now has TWO idols! She thinks she might have to play one tonight.

Tribal Council time and they are talking of trust. Is it a bigger factor than deception? Tribal lines? Will Lairo fall? 

The tally -- Kellee does not play an idol

Dan, Kellee, Dan, Kellee, Dan, Kellee, Dan, Kellee, Dan, Kellee, Kellee, Kellee

GAH! She had two idols and I thought she was a smart player. Bye, Kellee!

Janet feels betrayed by the girls voting out Kellee instead of Dan. Lauren thinks she herself thought the reason to vote Dan out because of the touching issue. She talks to Dan about the touching issue. He talks to the women and explains that he had no bad intentions. They pretty much lie to him saying that Janet was lying about them complaining. They're painting Janet as a snake which isn't totally true. They were complaining about Dan!

Missy and Aaron go off looking for idols. Janet follows them. She's thinking that they will be targeting her next. She finds the idol! Hopefully she won't go home with it in her bag!

Jamal and Karishma find a note -- he could reach it, so he got it. A trip to the Island of the Idols but he can't open the note until he gets there. 

He opens the note after the meeting with Rob and Sandra. Oops -- he lost his vote at the next tribal. The lesson is sabotage. Sandra gives him a blank note and a pencil. What can he do with it? Then he's headed back. He wrote a fake legacy advantage. He tells them he played a game that caused him to lose his vote but won an advantage. He gives it to Dean as an olive branch. Dean thinks all it does is paint a target on his back. 

People are realizing that Jamal deliberately targeted Dean and it might just backfire on Jamal.

Time for the Immunity Challenge. Hold onto a handle over the water. Jeff lowers them, fall in the water and you're out. Two will get Immunity -- a man and a woman will win. 

Lauren out, then Dan. Jamal out. Elaine out. Karishma, then Janet, then Dean out. Noura out. Tommy out. AARON wins the mens immunity!

Elizabeth out.


Janet, Jamal and Karishma are worried they will be targeted. Tommy tells Janet she needs to vote for Jamal. She's still thinking she might need to play her idol. It will be in her pocket.

Tribal Immunity time.

Jeff asks how things were after the last tribal. Janet says that she thought everyone was voting for Dan. Missy brings up that Janet brought her name up first. Whoa. People are still throwing Janet under the bus. Aaron calls her out and claims she could have ruined Dan's life. Jamal speaks up for Janet. Dang, Jamal is a gem. Dan apologizes if he ever did anything. Now Janet is crying thinking she's hated and should go home. 

Finally it's time to vote.

Janet plays her idol! 
The tally --
Janet, Janet, Karishma, Karishma, Karishma, Jamal, Jamal, Jamal, Jamal, Jamal

Ack! Another player I was really liking this season. Bye, Jamal.

Two go home next week? Oh my!

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Survivor: Island of the Idols - November 6 Blog Party

Last week we saw Elaine's gameplay narrowly keep her in the game. What lies ahead for us tonight? I'll be updating this post with the major happenings throughout the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in!

But first … Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool, probably grateful they didn't drop buffs and switch around two weeks in a row. Is your castaway still in it to win it?

Dean Kowalski -- CherryPie, Merrilee
Karishma Patel -- Ed in Ohio, SueGee
Jack Nichting -- David, jennifer
Jamal Shipman -- Donna in Alabama, Petals
Janet Carbin -- Donna NY, Sharon C
Kellee Kim -- Glenn Allen, Indiana Jane
Noura Salman -- Jennasmom

Aaron Meredith -- Auntie Leigh
Elaine Stott -- Cheryl in NC
Elizabeth Beisel -- CherylNY, monty 924
Missy Byrd -- Janice, TS14Fan
Dan Spilo -- Bizaro22, marthalight
Lauren Beck -- Jackie, Sharon N
Tommy Sheehan -- Karen in CA, Terry is a Texan

Survivor fans ready?

Once again we're starting without the opening sequence. Elaine kept her original four together but hurt feelings abound. But her four now outnumber the other original tribe members.

Over on Lairo Jamal has trouble making fire and manages to annoy one of the women who actually can and does make fire. Uh-oh. Now he's ticked off yet another woman, this time over food portions. He's made himself a target.

Ohhh … Elaine had picked Janet to go to the Island of the Idols. She's not happy because it seems to put a target on those who go there. A boat comes for her and we go through the fan gawking over Rob and Sandra. Rob advises her to think two or three steps ahead. Today's lesson is calculated risk. 

She can win a safety without power advantage good to the final seven. If she wins it, she would leave TC and come back after the vote. She declines, thinking ahead that she would be the target the next week and it's best not to go for it. Both Sandra and Rob are pleased she turned it down -- say it speaks for her gameplay and thinking ahead. Sandra is sure a woman will win this season. 

She returns to camp, lies about the island, creates a story similar to one told before and said she declined to play as there would be a consequence to winning. Those who haven't gone to the Island seem to realize something is up.

On Vokai, they're eying the chickens without considering eggs. @@

They also have a lot of distrust -- Lauren and Tommy want Dan out. But others see how tight Lauren and Tommy are and want to target Tommy.

Immunity Challenge time! Race to shoot coconuts in basket, heavy enough puzzle pieces drop, very large puzzle. No one sits out because the tribes are even again.

VOKAI wins Immunity by seconds.

Kellee seems like she's considering using her idol for someone else. It expires soon and she doesn't seem to think she's a target. Uh-oh. I'm not too keen on that line of thinking. 

Dean (my local Westfield NJ dude) seems to be the target … at least for now. The guys are lying to him, saying the target is Noura, Kellee happens to like Dean and wants to get him to vote out Jamal or Jack. 

She goes to Dean, tells him the people are lying to him and he's the target. She offers the idol. Hmm.

To Tribal very early -- 8:44pm, should be good.

Original tribal lines talk. Indifferent is the opposite of hate. Is Dean trying to get people to target others? Noura speaks … too much as usual. Jamal is now worried about an all girls alliance thanks to Noura. Four women, three men on the tribe. Kellee balks at the thought. Noura starts speaking of the women's movement and how Survivor is a microcosm of society. Janet thinks that it's not respectful to assume there's a women's alliance. Now Jamal has stopped freaking out that he is going to be targeted and we're getting yet another world lesson here. Add it to last week's race relations talk and we have an educational show. Finally they vote.

Dean plays the idol. Jamal plays his idol for Noura. 

The tally:

Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Jack. Jack

Seventh out and first jury member -- Jack

The merge is on next week.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Survivor: Island of the Idols - October 30 Blog Party

Okay, the tribes have been shuffled, yet they kept the weakest challenge link on the more losing tribe. Maybe that's so they can lose some more. I'll be updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest happenings!

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool to reflect the tribe shuffle and the latest departed. She indeed rocks!

Dean Kowalski -- CherryPie, Merrilee
Karishma Patel -- Ed in Ohio, SueGee
Jack Nichting -- David, jennifer
Jamal Shipman -- Donna in Alabama, Petals
Janet Carbin -- Donna NY, Sharon C
Kellee Kim -- Glenn Allen, Indiana Jane
Noura Salman -- Jennasmom

Aaron Meredith -- Auntie Leigh
Elaine Stott -- Cheryl in NC
Elizabeth Beisel -- CherylNY, monty 924
Missy Byrd -- Janice, TS14Fan
Dan Spilo -- Bizaro22, marthalight
Jason Linden -- Dr_Celine, Nickelpeed
Lauren Beck -- Jackie, Sharon N

Tommy Sheehan -- Karen in CA, Terry is a Texan

Survivor fans ready?
Again, right to the show, no opening sequence/theme.

Noura is trying to get a bunch against Jack and Jamal. Now the target will turn on her. Karishma and Dean are the two sole members of the minority tribe.

On Vokai there are four from each tribe and they're still worrying about going to rocks in case of a tie at tribal.

Reward Challenge time. Transport a sled with sandbags and one tribe member through obstacles, collect keys, unload all the sandbags, that person must shoot three targets. It's the chickens reward. They sat out Elaine who instead of watching will go to the Island of the Idols.

Vokai wins Reward!

With all the down time, Rob is building the Mansion of the Shelters. He says Sandra snores so she might get her own wing.

Elaine arrives. Her lesson is having the courage to be daring. Rob tells us that being as impulsive as she is might be a double edged sword as she just jumped on her challenge without knowing what it is. Rob tells her a lot of information about the Immunity Challenge and where she needs to grab an advantage. If she doesn't get it, she loses a vote. She must choose who goes to the Island next.

Jack doesn't seem to know much about your average Black men. Jamal schools him. Hopefully Jack really listens.

At least they're talking about eating the rooster this time around. Elaine tells Elizabeth what she needs to do because Elizabeth knows about the island.

Immunity Challenge -- dig under big cage, get inside it, collect five balls while in cage, target. Noura sits out.


And Elaine succeeded. She can block one vote. However, she might still go home because her own people are willing to betray her. Her name is in there as well as Lauren and Dan. 

Time for Tribal Council. Jeff starts off with the tie possibility. Whoa! Elaine reads her advantage and blocks Jason's vote. (He was one saying her name.) Lots of whispering going on. Lauren is crying. She thinks she will be going home. 

The tally --
Elaine, Elaine, Elaine, Jason, Jason, Jason, Jason.

Byebye, Jason. Ohhh bitterness, tells them not to trust Aaron.