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Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Survivor 40: Winners at War - May 6 Blog Party
Come one, come all! We have two hours of the show tonight! Make sure you have tasty adult beverages and snacks at hand. I hope everyone is staying safe and staying well!
I'll be updating this post with the major events as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- feel free to join in on the fun!
Here is the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie's latest blog pool update:
Ben Driebergen - Rbennie, Shannon
Denise Stapley - Becky, Jennifer
Jeremy Collins - Sharon N
Michele Fitzgerald -Terry is a Texan
Nick Wilson - Barbara BW, Judi Sweeney
Sarah Lacina - SueGee, Cheryl in NC
Tony Vlachos - Karen in CA, Donna in Alabama
Extinction Island
Adam Klein - Lifeguard Laurie, Petals
Amber Mariano - Delee, Glenn Allen
Danni Boatwright - Jennasmom
Ethan Zohn - Rochelle, Jackie
Kim Spradlin-Wolfe - Dr_Celine
Natalie Anderson - Nana in the NW
Parvati Shallow - Donna in FL
Rob Mariano - Auntie Leigh
Sophie Clarke - ChicMc
Tyson Apostol -Janice
Wendell Holland - Nickelpeed, PDX Granny
Yul Kwon - Ed in Ohio
Survivor fans ready?
Jeremy is wondering why everyone seems to want him gone.
Denise explains to us about her "I'm done" at the tribal council. In no way is she done with the game. She apparently is done with the drama and letting it affect her. Heh. Tony counts his days left as work week days -- five days to the week. He's a nut. He wants to keep Jeremy around ... still. He wants to revive the Cops R Us alliance with Sarah even though he burnt her in the past. He is sincere about working with her until the end this time. She also wants to keep Jeremy but Ben, whose a part of their larger alliance, wants Jeremy out. She thinks they need to take out Nick.
Heh, Sarah convinces Ben that getting Nick out is a smarter move now.
Immunity Challenge time - race out with a ball, toss it, catch on other side of frame, two balls, dig ditch to climb under obstacle, slide puzzle. Winner gets two fire tokens, too.
NICK wins Immunity! There goes the grand plan to vote him out!
Ben doesn't want Denise to go. He would like to break up Jeremy and Michele. It seems like he'll be working to get Michele out. They are indeed after the 50/50 advantage. Uh-oh for Ben! It's exposing him as playing both sides, against Tony even! Will Tony stick with Jeremy or Ben? Hmm. Tony thinks he has the votes and the advantage all planned out to take out Jeremy. Hmm. Nick is the wild card.
Tribal Council time. Please, no whispering. Jeff starts out with quizzing Michele about her struggle with the Immunity Challenge. Ben is asked about which persona he uses for whom. Sarah gets a cop question about who she is dependent on the situation. Nick thinks people are more truthful this season? Lots of trust issues talk. Michele says it's the last night for her 50/50 advantage to be played and she expects it will be played.
The tally -- Michele plays her coin and is playing for herself. She's SAFE
Michele, Michele, Ben, Jeremy, Ben, Jeremy, Jeremy
Well, Jeremy is out.
Immediately to night camera at camp. Ben is thrilled that Jeremy is out. Tony is also thrilled. Ben and Tony want to target Michele next. She's been on the outside all along. She tries to tell Nick that she and he are the next targets. Nick still thinks he has a chance. She's ready to go out fighting.
Michele tries to talk to Sarah about how Tony is going to win because he's running the show. Sarah runs to Tony and Ben about it.
To Extinction, they each have one small scoop of rice. The clue they get says something about the sole survivor sitting on a throne of stones. Natalie gets the advantage first. Place a disadvantage on someone in the game -- to be sold to someone in the game. They're thinking Denise.
NICK gets it! 8 fire tokens, he has six. If he buys and uses it, it's a disadvantage in the next Immunity Challenge. He knows Michele has tokens and goes to her. She gives him two tokens. Nick tells us he wants to use it to cause the most chaos possible. Hmm. Tony? Oh noes!
Immunity Challenge -- stack blocks on a beam while avoiding trip obstacles, knock down like dominoes -- disadvantage goes to Ben, 30 more feet, 30 more blocks. Two fire tokens also to winner. Last time to win or spend tokens.
MICHELE wins Immunity!
Plan B. Denise claims that she is the likely target and will give a token to them for rice. Ben wants Nick out. Ben feels safe in his alliance. I'm not so sure he should feel that way. Nick wants to get Tony on board to get out Ben. Nick brings up Ben winning his way in a fire challenge. Ben also has an idol. Tony resorts to his spy nest. He gets some intel with Denise saying she doesn't want to be with Tony in the finals. Now he has a solid target.
Lots of talk about getting Denise out. Editing? It should be either her or Nick. Or, will it ...?
To Tribal. Jeff goes over Michele's ecstatic reaction when winning Immunity. Ben is still befuddled over who gave him the disadvantage. Pretty straightforward questions so far. No whispering ... yet. Denise brings up her rice ploy last meal bit. She keeps talking and she's definitely out tonight.
The tally --
Nick, Denise, Denise, Nick, Nick, Nick
He takes it well -- "Well done, guys. I'll do my best to join you again tomorrow."
To Extinction's last day on the edge. Amber laments on the view and beauty of the island, as well as the simplicity. They get a note telling them it's time to battle. Rob still has his idol and it's still good. Wendell has two tokens. He can buy an advantage. Yul wants to use his tokens for an advantage, too. Parvati is using hers. Ethan has no tokens. Natalie has an idol and six tokens. She buys a second idol for Tyson - she can only bring one in if she wins her way back.
We go into a long segment about those joining Extinction, fire tokens, old versus new school and more. Their battle to return will be on next week's season finale.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Survivor 40: Winners at War - April 29 Blog Party
Will Tony be able to keep up the momentum of the past few weeks? I certainly hope so -- he's not only a fellow New Jersey person, but he's also so entertaining!
I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!
Here is the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie's latest blog pool update:
Ben Driebergen - Rbennie, Shannon
Denise Stapley - Becky, Jennifer
Jeremy Collins - Sharon N
Kim Spradlin-Wolfe - Dr_Celine
Michele Fitzgerald -Terry is a Texan
Nick Wilson - Barbara BW, Judi Sweeney
Sarah Lacina - SueGee, Cheryl in NC
Tony Vlachos - Karen in CA, Donna in Alabama
Extinction Island
Adam Klein - Lifeguard Laurie, Petals
Amber Mariano - Delee, Glenn Allen
Danni Boatwright - Jennasmom
Ethan Zohn - Rochelle, Jackie
Natalie Anderson - Nana in the NW
Parvati Shallow - Donna in FL
Rob Mariano - Auntie Leigh
Sophie Clarke - ChicMc
Tyson Apostol -Janice
Wendell Holland - Nickelpeed, PDX Granny
Yul Kwon - Ed in Ohio
Survivor fans ready?
Jeremy is ticked that he was targeted. Kim is ticked at Tony because she thinks he betrayed her trust. Ben isn't quite on the Trust Tony Train. He wants Jeremy out.
Tony thinks he's in trouble. It's time for another undercover action! He's in a spy nest up in a tree. Only Sarah knows about it. She cautions him to be careful. Even though Jeremy remains a target, Kim starts a move to make the move to oust Tony. It seems a large contingent agrees Tony should be the next out.
Or ... is it just the edit?
On Extinction, they have another grueling opportunity to earn fire tokens. Adam, almost predictably, is not doing well. Oh noes! Rob fell and "cracked" elbow, giving up. Sophie and Natalie are the best at it. Despite his injury Rob ended up doing it with one arm. They all earned fire tokens, fewer for slower finishes.
Back at camp, Nick thinks he needs to make big moves. Lots of idol hunting going on. Oh, geez. Ben finds an idol right in front of Tony yet he tries to hide it from Tony. Now Tony knows that Ben can't be trusted. Tony calls them on it and they seem to make amends. But Ben is still considering going with Kim to vote out Tony.
Immunity Challenge time -- stand on narrow perch, balancing a bucket with arm tethered. Two winners, one male and one female. Two tokens each. Jeremy drops, Ben out due to touching the structure. Sarah drops. Nick tries to bribe Tony with the offer of a fire token. After 15 minutes, Jeff tries to bribe them with food. Kim goes for it. Michele goes for it. Nick gets Tony to offer him a token. Chocolate, peanut butter, cookies and milk.
Now they all seem to be concentrating on once again targeting Jeremy. Ben tells Tony that Kim and company were talking about blindsiding him but he won Immunity. Tony knows Nick is lying to him. Tony does not want Jeremy to go now. Sarah thinks they need to stick with the numbers and vote out Jeremy. Tony goes to Ben trying to save Jeremy. Michele plans to write down Jeremy's name but give him her advantage. Since the edit is so focused on Jeremy going, he probably won't.
Tribal Council - Denise compares the return to camp after the last tribal to bad family therapy despite the calmness of the events prior to the vote. All kinds of whispering going on.
The tally -- Tony tries to play his idol for Sarah, She declines. Jeremy plays nothing and declines Tony.
Jeremy, Kim, Jeremy, Jeremy, Kim, Kim, Kim, Kim
Buh-bye, Kim.
Two hours next week!
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Survivor 40: Winners at War - April 22 Blog Party
I hope everyone is staying safe and well. I've battened the hatches here as my area has been getting hit very hard with COVID-19.
Will the remaining castaways be more psyched for the win now that they've had their family visits? In a side note, I saw that Sandra too got a family visit.
I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!
Here is the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie's latest blog pool update:
Ben Driebergen - Rbennie, Shannon
Denise Stapley - Becky, Jennifer
Jeremy Collins - Sharon N
Kim Spradlin-Wolfe - Dr_Celine
Michele Fitzgerald -Terry is a Texan
Nick Wilson - Barbara BW, Judi Sweeney
Parvati Shallow - Donna in FL
Sarah Lacina - SueGee, Cheryl in NC
Sophie Clarke - ChicMc
Tony Vlachos - Karen in CA, Donna in Alabama
Extinction Island
Adam Klein - Lifeguard Laurie, Petals
Amber Mariano - Delee, Glenn Allen
Danni Boatwright - Jennasmom
Ethan Zohn - Rochelle, Jackie
Natalie Anderson - Nana in the NW
Rob Mariano - Auntie Leigh
Tyson Apostol -Janice
Wendell Holland - Nickelpeed, PDX Granny
Yul Kwon - Ed in Ohio
Survivor fans ready?
Jeremy left Tribal using his advantage, so is back at camp awaiting their return. He's upset that his "meat shield" Tyson is out again. His move did save his skin in the game, but left his allies to the wind.
Tony thinks he's playing smarter but it's time to go idol hunting. Oh, geez. Nick shows up so Tony sends him off to an area he had already searched. And he finds one while trying to contain his glee.
They must need filler this week. Sarah has started her own line of clothes. She's trying to create runway models. Tony likes Jeremy but feels he must go. He talks to Jeremy as he goes undercover. I realize many aren't huge Tony fans but I get a kick out of him. But Tony's act with Jeremy might be getting bought by Jeremy ... but not all.
Over on Extinction, Tyson thinks Adam will have a hard time. Natalie finds a wine bottle with a clue. She's sharing it with Parvati. They determine it's under the bed. It's an extortion advantage -- they could sell it to someone who an target someone else to not only sit out of a challenge, but lose their vote.
TONY got it! Oh noes! He was gleeful until he finds it is being played against him and he needs to pay the extortion fee of six fire tokens. He only has three. He shows his new fake allies hoping to beg for tokens. Jeremy mistakenly trusts Tony and gives him one of his two tokens. Ben and Nick each give him one.
Immunity Challenge time -- stand on narrow beam balancing a statue on a pole. Periodically, they will move back on the beam. Winner also wins two fire tokens.
Kim out. Denise, Michele out. Sarah out. Nick out. Sophie out. Ben out. Jeremy drops. TONY WINS HIS SECOND IMMUNITY IN A ROW! He once again wants to target Jeremy.
The consensus seems to be leaning towards voting out Jeremy but throwing a few votes to Michele in case he has an idol. Jeremy and his crew think they're targeting Ben. Now Tony is turning more towards a Ben ouster? Oh, wait ... now he's thinking Sophie! He gets Nick aboard. He thinks their four is stronger than the split vote for Jeremy/Michele. He went to Jeremy who's a bit leery about the whole thing. Tony is right that Jeremy is the target and could very well go home.
Tribal Council time. Jeff brings up two advantages and an idol played. Jeff refers to them as landmines as he talks to Ben. Jeremy talks about half-truths and the need to be careful who you trust.
The tally:
No idols are played.
Jeremy, Michele, Jeremy, Michele, Jeremy, Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, Sophie
Tony did it! Sophie is OUT! She gives her fire tokens to Sarah and Kim.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Survivor 40: Winners at War - April 15 Blog Party
Good evening! I hope everyone is safe and well tonight. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings. Please refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments section -- I hope to see you there!
Lifeguard Laurie has given the latest blog pool update. Of course. technically we're all still in it with the exception of those unfortunate enough to have drawn Queen Sandra. Here's the latest standings --
Ben Driebergen - Rbennie, Shannon
Denise Stapley - Becky, Jennifer
Jeremy Collins - Sharon N
Kim Spradlin-Wolfe - Dr_Celine
Michele Fitzgerald -Terry is a Texan
Nick Wilson - Barbara BW, Judi Sweeney
Parvati Shallow - Donna in FL
Sarah Lacina - SueGee, Cheryl in NC
Sophie Clarke - ChicMc
Tony Vlachos - Karen in CA, Donna in Alabama
Tyson Apostol -Janice
Extinction Island
Amber Mariano - Delee, Glenn Allen
Danni Boatwright - Jennasmom
Ethan Zohn - Rochelle, Jackie
Natalie Anderson - Nana in the NW
Rob Mariano - Auntie Leigh
Yul Kwon - Ed in Ohio
Wendell Holland - Nickelpeed, PDX Granny
Adam Klein - Lifeguard Laurie, Petals
Survivor fans ready?
We start with the family/loved ones fest o' tears at a site with a challenge set-up. Oh, geez. Kim's whole family, including kids, is there. Now. it's Ben's family. I guess we'll get a slew of guests and tears tonight.
Challenge -- There is no challenge. All are going back to camp.
They're all thrilled that it's family time. In today's world, they probably are wishing the family time was back on the island!
A ship is coming to Extinction. It's their families, as well. They just visit and don't stay.
Immunity Challenge time ... without the family members. Pull on a rope balancing a wobbly table, collect letter blocks, stack them to spell IMMUNITY. The winner also wins two fire tokens.
TONY wins Immunity, his first ever!
Heh, Tony can't believe he won by being slow and steady while he's more of a fast and sloppy kind of guy. He would like to see Tyson out while his female advisor (Sarah?) want to target Kim. Jeremy is on the target list, too. Ohh ... Sarah is on the line, too.
Jeremy is torn whether he should save his butt by using his advantage that allows him to leave Tribal or stay to be a vote with his allies.
Tribal Council time. Let the whispers commence. Jeremy uses his advantage. He cannot vote nor be voted out. More whispering. His five have to scramble without his vote. Sarah uses her steal a vote advantage and steals Denise's vote. Sarah gets to vote twice.
The tally --
Kim plays her idol for Denise.
Denise, Denise, Sophie, Sophie, Tyson, Tyson, Tyson, Tyson.
Tyson is out again.
Aw ... a group hug for Jeff from the Extinction people for their visits.
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
Survivor 40: Winners at War - April 8 Blog Party
Okay, so last week Tyson won the challenge to leave Extinction and rejoin his newly-merged fellow castaways. Then he managed to get through the first Tribal unscathed and not even coming off as a threat. Can he continue to hang in as the sole old school Survivor? I guess we'll see!
I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
Before we get started, Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool:
And now the fun begins!!
Adam Klein - Lifeguard Laurie, Petals
Ben Driebergen - Rbennie, Shannon
Denise Stapley - Becky, Jennifer
Jeremy Collins - Sharon N
Kim Spradlin-Wolfe - Dr_Celine
Michele Fitzgerald -Terry is a Texan
Nick Wilson - Barbara BW, Judi Sweeney
Parvati Shallow - Donna in FL
Sarah Lacina - SueGee, Cheryl in NC
Sophie Clarke - ChicMc
Tony Vlachos - Karen in CA, Donna in Alabama
Tyson Apostol -Janice
Extinction Island
Amber Mariano - Delee, Glenn Allen
Danni Boatwright - Jennasmom
Ethan Zohn - Rochelle, Jackie
Natalie Anderson - Nana in the NW
Rob Mariano - Auntie Leigh
Yul Kwon - Ed in Ohio
Wendell Holland - Nickelpeed, PDX Granny
Survivor fans ready?
Adam thinks Jeff himself is hiding an idol. Nick want to go for revenge against all who mentioned his name.
On Extinction they got a clue about history repeating itself. Danni finds an advantage which, if sold for a fire token from the castaways, allows the owner to flip it, lands on heads, the person has immunity.
The Reward Challenge reward is Chinese take-out. Two teams of five. Denise is sitting out. They have to swim to a net of fish, untie it, get it back to shore, carry the heavy fish, untie them, put them on hooks, carry it to two puzzle solvers on each team. Puzzle.
Kim, Sophie, Ben, Michele and Sarah win. Sarah gives her reward to Nick because it's his birthday. Tyson thinks it puts a bigger target on her back. I think so, too.
Sarah thinks it was just a move which showed people should be nicer. Tony tries to school her on what might be the repercussions of her choice. Nick doesn't feel he can trust Sarah despite the gift and thinks he owes her nothing.
Michele has four fire tokens since Wendell left her one. She also finds the clue and advantage coin in her bag. It will cost her four fire tokens, Should she go for it? Yep, she does. It's good until seven are left at Tribal.
Immunity is an oft-seen endurance standing hands free with smaller and smaller footholds. Michele out first. Denise out. Second round -- Tyson down. Jeremy out. Tony out. Round three -- Adam, Sophie, Nick, Sarah out. Ben out. KIM WINS IMMUNITY!
Once again, Nick and Adam are targets. They talk about throwing Michele in there. Tyson warns Nick and now Nick thinks he needs to take the game over. He pushes for a Sarah ouster. Tyson tells others that the Sarah plan came from Adam. He tells Sarah that. He's really getting them all riled. Ben confronts Adam. Heh. Things are going all kerflooey. I love it.
Time for Tribal Council ...
The jury is brought in. Sarah claims all is chaos. It was. Nick thinks he's not being treated right. Heh. Uh-oh ... the whispering commences. Adam whines about Ben while Ben defends himself. As Ben and Adam argue, the whispering keeps on going.
The vote tally ...
Adam tries to take the idol from Jeff's podium and fails. It's not an idol.
Sarah, Adam, Nick, Adam, Nick, Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam ...
He's out.
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