Sunday, December 05, 2010

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - December 5, 2010

It's Sunday morning, time for that weekly off television topic jaunt through the week gone by in words and photographs I've taken. In a few more Sunday mornings, Christmas will be in the past. I swear time is skewed with age. As a child, the month of December seemed to take an eternity. Now, I blink my eyes and it's all over. How about you?

Although it's not winter yet, we're in a winter-like pattern sans the snow here. Yesterday we had some pretty heavy snow flurries now and then. But earlier in the week the high temperature was around 60 on Wednesday. Unfortunately the warm temps were accompanied by monsoon weather and high winds. Thankfully I was off for the day and just glanced out the window now and then telling Vincent, "Gee, it's nasty out there."

Work is still hectic and I'm still basically going home and vegetating until I must get up and do it all over again. On the home front, it's odd. My real annoying neighbors seem to have vanished, yet their cars are still in the lot. I haven't heard a noise, nor their friends beeping or yelling for them for well over a week. I'm hoping they might be gone although the cars are here. They're not the type to be traveling. I can't recall what month they moved in. So I have no clue if their lease is up. I can only hope.

At least with my walks to the train station, the train commute itself, and the sometimes bus to get closer to my apartment at the end of the workday give me people to watch. When I was younger, I'd watch people and imagine their lives. Here and now, I no longer have to do that ... I watch and listen.

For example, last night on the train, there were two dancers heading into the city (NYC). No, not strippers. Male dancers. No, not male strippers. One was talking about how he preferred the floors in the studio versus the floors in the theater. The other mentioned how he hated teaching dance to kids who knew absolutely nothing. Although they had different disciplines (one was ballet, the other was modern), they're apparently working on a show together. It can't be anything huge as they'll only earn $150 a show. Hmmm.

Then an arguing couple with a woman threatening to kill her man boarded and sat down. The dancers stopped conversation immediately, one looked my way and we simultaneously rolled our eyes. Then we listened to the couple fight.

Since I didn't feel like walking all the way to my apartment in the cold and dark, I took the bus (covered by my monthly train pass) to my neighborhood. Usually the questionable characters tend to drift to the back of the bus. Nope, not last night. Since I don't go really far, I sit in the front. So ... I was surrounded by gangbangers talking about how could "they" jump Wally out and beat him so badly. Yikes. This Wally only weighs 120 pounds and is trying to go to college. The gangbangers thought they (the gang) should just let him go on with his life and let him be. Had they asked my opinion, I would have agreed with them.

I felt like I was in an episode of The Wire or something. I don't think they were from my town. The bus eventually goes to Elizabeth and onto Newark. They didn't bother me, but I didn't think they would. I wouldn't want to be Wally, though.

On a brighter note, Pollo Campero (which I photographed last week) had its grand opening on Friday. I was in a car as I went by, so no photos -- but the line stretched halfway up the block! I'm impressed. But I'll wait for things to quiet down before I give it a try.

I've rambled enough -- onto the photos I've taken this past week. Clicking on a photo will open it larger in a new window.

She's getting there.

The house at Richmond and East Front is just about in full holiday gear. The wind wreaked havoc on some of the decorations and I haven't seen the lights come on yet, but soon. Plainfield, NJ.

NJ Transit incognito

I understand why they do this -- advertising dollars. But that doesn't mean I like it. Sometimes it's hard to tell a bus is actually NJ Transit. Note the solar panel in the background. They're all over now. I wonder if anyone is actually tracking the savings and when they'll break even for the cost of installation. Watchung Avenue and East Fourth Street, Plainfield.

After the sun dips below the horizon.

Plainfield Train Station just after sunset.

"Don't jump, Fred!"

A touch of Christmas

I edited this one to leave the background black and white. This is looking down Watchung Avenue near the North Avenue intersection. The police department has lighted beautiful trees in white and blue around their memorial. However, some SUV was parked (illegally) right in front of them last night and I couldn't get a clear shot.

A crow will lead them.

Stephen King knew it. It's the crows! They will lead the birds in the battle against mankind!

Fresh Seafood

Well, I do like to photograph odd things I see, too. At the back of Pete's Fish Market on East Second Street, Plainfield.

Plainfield Train Station at night


Continuing the saga of the dead tree bird feeder: last week the tree was propped on the jungle gym doohickey. The winds blew both the tree and the jungle gym up against the fence. So the people re-hung the bird house on the tree right there. It looks like a success. The people involved must be traitors aiding and abetting the birds in exchange for being spared when the revolution goes down! East Front Street, Plainfield.

A bit of color

Not much remains now. East Third Street, Plainfield.

Sure, he looks cute.

But he can peck you to death! It's weird. Some weeks I end up with people shots, other weeks it's birds. It goes without saying that this is a bird week. Plainfield Train Station.

His wife watches with suspicion
in her beady eyes.

A bird in the hand
is worth two in the bush

Oh my, Mi Ranchito II

What have you done? They redid the front and I'm just not too keen on it. The addition of the bars (in lieu of the roll-up security gates which were removed) and orange um ... I don't even know what you'd call it, and fake rocks ... sigh. The bars on the windows look like jail bars on psychedelic drugs. East Front Street, Plainfield.

Frost on the rocks

And on the weed, too. Bridgewater Train Station.

They're going to HIT! Run!

Oh. They're not on the same track. Never mind. Bridgewater Train Station early one morning. That's the scoreboard for TD Bank Ballpark on the right.

Odd happenings.

In all the time I've traveled on NJ Transit trains, this was a new one on me. I heard a bell, kind of like a doorbell, ring three times and that message came up on the screen. We were paused at a station at the time. It definitely wasn't the "two to go" buzzer indicating the doors are shut and the train can move. Nor was it the bell as the train arrives and leaves. I would assume the number on the little screen would be the train I was on. I don't know train numbers. I know the times to expect them.

Dawn at Plainfield Train Station

This is just about where I was when I took the foggy shot of the station last week.

Now, this is just pitiful.

Um, this is the kind of decoration used for a mantle, maybe a tabletop. But not a store window. I'd love to actually decorate these windows. It could be fun! Watchung Avenue, Plainfield.

Early morning on Watchung Avenue

I'm headed to the Plainfield Donut Shop for breakfast! (They have a full breakfast menu, not just donuts.)

I love the pre-dawn

For most of my walk, I have the sidewalks to myself. Once I turn the corner, I'll run into all the early morning day laborers, factory workers and the occasional teacher or two. East Front Street, Plainfield.

The words of the prophets
are written on the subway walls
and tenement halls ...
and whispered in the sounds of silence.
-- Simon and Garfunkel "Sounds of Silence"

Nothing better be written on these walls and it's not quite a tenement. This is a hallway in my apartment building. I don't know why some folks have mats. The hallways are all carpeted. The boxes on the walls are fire extinguishers. The hallway, like objects in your mirror are closer than they appear, is actually longer than it appears in the photo.

All bow to Vincent, the Invincible!

He thinks he's something, doesn't he?
And he is.

How was your week?

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua - December 1st Episode Blog Party Post


Survivors Ready?

Welcome one, welcome all! The blog party is ready to start!

This is post number 3000 on this particular blog. Oh my. I could have written a dozen novels by now! But this is more fun. Tonight's episode sounds very interesting ... according to promos, two might quit. And, on Jeff Probst's blog, he said he thinks we'll all be happy with the outcome. Ohhh ... does that mean we might be rid of Na'Onka?

Everyone is welcome to join in with comments as the show airs here on the East Coast or even later in West Coast time. As the show airs, I'll post major events here, but the real fun and most of the reactions are in the comments section. See you there!

Whoa! Na'Onka gave Chase her hidden immunity idol. She seems ready to pack it in.

Benry. Chase, Na'Onka and Holly won reward. Dan won for supporting him. Now Na'Onka and Kelly both claim it's their last day and they're quitting.

Holly volunteered to sit out the reward so that they all will have a new tarp and rice.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Amazing Race - Nov. 28 Episode Blog Party Post

Jackie's TV Blog, Amazing Race, TAR

I'm in shock. The show will air on time here on the East Coast. Now, THAT is AMAZING. As it airs here, I'll update this post with major happenings. Later tonight (or at least by morning) my show review should be posted over on TV Squad. But the real fun will be during showtime right here in the comments area. Everyone is welcome to join in!

1. Nat and Kat - won trip to Rio de Janeiro
2. Jill and Thomas
3. Brook and Claire

Nick quit the Detour! It's the final non-elim, so they have a six-hour penalty and a speed bump in the next leg.

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - November 28, 2010

What? It's Sunday already? Thanksgiving has come and gone? Santa will be here soon? Well, if it's Sunday, it must be time for my weekly look back on the week gone by in words and photos I've taken. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Mine was nice ... quiet, thankfully!

With a shortened work week, I really didn't take a gazillion photos. Once again, I often seemed to be running later than I wanted to be, too. That usually makes it hard for me to put things in pause to take photos. Trains wait for no one.

I noticed that A&E had a marathon of The First 48 on Thanksgiving Day. Oh my. Now, that's a show I watch. But I find it an odd choice for the holiday. My apartment building was fairly quiet for the holiday, with one exception.

I had bumped into a neighbor from down the hall while grocery shopping last week. She told me she was having several family members and friends over for dinner and extended me an invitation. I turned her down as I had my own plans. It turns out I'm very glad I didn't go. I'd probably still have a headache.

You see, my building has long corridors, kind of like a hotel. This young woman lives across the hall from me and down one apartment. While I hear noise from the next door apartment, I only hear people coming and going directly across the hall. She isn't directly across from me.

I could hear the music with my door and her doors both shut. Whenever people entered or left .... BLAST O' MUSIC. I actually like my own music louder than I'm willing to play it in an apartment setting. But I just can't grasp having a dinner party where people are probably trying to talk with that kind of volume. They must have been shouting at each other. So not my scene these days, or even never. For me, that kind of volume is reserved for bars or rock concerts. Although I'm fussing here, I didn't complain to her. After all, she did invite me.

Onto this week's photos ... er, well, the first two are follow-ups to my Thanksgiving post, the squirrel in the pumpkin. I took those shots back in 2004 at the edge of North Plainfield. The home across from this one fell into the Green Brook a while back, but this one was always kept nice. That is, until a squirrel claimed their porch pumpkin.

I saw this first. A pumpkin with a fluffy tail.

Oh. It's a squirrel!

Pollo Campero

A new chicken place is down the street from me, across from yet another chicken place. It's kind of like the two Chinese restaurants four buildings away from each other on the same block. But this chicken place might be a bit different.

Located in the old senior citizens center, Pollo Campero had its start in Guatemala, then El Salvador. Then it seems to have taken on much of the world. With demographic shifts around here, I think it's going to be more popular than the fried chicken restaurant across the street. East Front Street, Plainfield.

Plainfield Police Station

I always liked the old school green lights on the police sign. East Fourth Street, Plainfield.

Speaking of old school

I know I've shot this sign before. But now the leaves are gone so it can be seen from Watchung Avenue. A street must have run through there before. The railroad station and tracks are to the right. But the sign makes absolutely no sense where it is unless there had been a street there at one time.

Everyting 99¢ or less & up

Local bloggers Bernice and Dan Damon have posted this sign before. But not all of you folks are local and you deserve to get a gander at it. It's actually a decent dollar store and everting is 99¢ or more or less. East Front Street, Plainfield.

Into the fog

One morning this week, it was very foggy. As I started out on my walk to the train station, I could see it ahead of me. For a moment, the Stephen King story "The Mist" came to mind. But I had no time for monsters attacking me in the fog. I had a train to catch. East Front Street, Plainfield.


I'm standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF the Richmond Towers, a twin tower (14 floors each, I think) apartment complex. If nothing else, fog makes for different views of things, eh? East Front Street, Plainfield.

Eerie downtown Plainfield

East Front Street near the Church Street intersection.

Fading into white

Looking down Watchung Avenue by the post office. I know the railroad overpass is there. It is. Plainfield, NJ.

Foggy station

I'm just across the street on North Avenue, Plainfield.

Looking one way

Looking the other way

Looking across North Avenue.

Silhouetted in the fog

Plainfield Train Station, of course.

No more fog! The eagle soars!

Um. Okay. It's not an eagle. It's a hawk. I really wish they'd stay still so I could focus on them better.


I told you last week that the dead tree fell over and they put the bird feeder atop the child's jungle gym (whatever). Well, here's the latest. Hopefully it survived the high winds on Saturday. It was still up Saturday morning. East Front Street, Plainfield. Next I think I'll see them digging a deep hole to replant the dead tree so the bird feeder can hang!

Are you on that computer AGAIN?

Isn't it time to play with me? Can I get on your shoulder? May I have a treat? Wait, did you feed me today? Someone ate all the cat food!

Yes, Vincent, whatever you want ...

I know I mentioned this on Facebook, but not sure if I posted here -- The Plainfield Library 2010 Photo Contest is now posted online.

I hope everyone stops back for The Amazing Race blog party at 8 PM ET! How was your week?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for the friends I've made here (amongst other things, of course)!

Wishing everybody a fantastic day full of family, friends, food and love!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua - November 24th Episode Blog Party Post


Survivors Ready?

Welcome one, welcome all! The blog party is ready to start! Everyone is welcome to join in with comments as the show airs here on the East Coast or even later in West Coast time. As the show airs, I'll post major events here, but the real fun and most of the reactions are in the comments section. See you there!

It's the Thanksgiving clips show, so there won't be much real action.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Amazing Race - Nov. 21 Episode Blog Party Post

Jackie's TV Blog, Amazing Race, TAR

The show is delayed in this area due to football. It should start at about 7:12 PM ET. Once the show starts, as it airs here, I'll update this post with major happenings. Later tonight (or at least by morning) my show review should be posted over on TV Squad. But the real fun will be during showtime right here in the comments area. Everyone is welcome to join in!

Jill and Thomas U-turned Brook and Claire.

Jill and Thomas with a seven-hour lead due to an early flight, came in first. They won a $15,000 Discover gift card.

Nat and Kat U-turned Chad and Stephanie.

2. Nick and Vicki
3. Nat and Kat
4. Brook and Claire!
5. Chad and Stephanie - Philiminated!

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - November 21, 2010

Another Sunday, once again time for my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in words and photographs I've taken. We're into the kind of weather I really enjoy here -- a chill in the air, perhaps a touch of frost in the overnight hours. I'd definitely take this over the heat and high humidity levels of the summertime. I like sweaters. Yet we don't have to worry about snow and ice yet.

Once again, my week was basically routine. Work, home, eat, give Vincent his quality time with me, television, reading and then do it all over again the next day. Work has been extremely hectic and once again I'm running around putting out fires when my preferred approach is to prevent the fires in the first place. Er, no. I'm not a fireman. I was speaking figuratively. I'd rather be proactive than reactive. My stress level works so much better that way.

Here in town, they arrested two people for the murder of the 17-year-old I mentioned last week. I find it interesting that the victim keeps getting reported as a "boy" while the suspects, only a year older, are said to be "men." To me, they're all kids. That one year doesn't make a real difference. Most young children know right from wrong and realize murder is wrong.

I have no solutions. Is it society? The parenting? I just don't know. There are conflicting reports and rumors about the victim. He was either an angel or a problem depending on who's doing the talking. I didn't know him, so I can't say. Almost all of the shootings in the city are either drug or gang related ... or both. The fact that witnesses won't speak up either due to a silly "no snitching" code or a real fear of retaliation doesn't help matters.

Something has to be done about the gangs. Parents definitely need to take more interest in the lives of their children -- who they're with, where they are, what they're doing. I grew up without that scrutiny in my childhood. However, we had woods, lakes, places to explore although we didn't have structured "places to go" or activities. It was a different world then. We had some rough kids with leather jackets and switchblades, bullies and such. But they weren't organized gangs.

In other news, I saw someone tagged a blank church sign in my neighborhood with MS13. We still have old "GF" graffiti on mailboxes from several years back when a drug-dealing gang calling themselves "Goodfellaz" did their business here. They're still in jail six years after being rounded up. If arrests and jail are what needs to be done, so be it. But the young kids need parental supervision! It all goes back to my theory of being proactive rather than reactive. Alas, right now there are fires which need to be put out.


Anyway, it's Thanksgiving week upon us. I have a four day work week instead of five. YES! I expect tonight's The Amazing Race will be delayed due to football. However, I'll get a blog party post up for it at 8 PM ET. I hope to see you then!

Okay, onto the photos I've taken this week. Clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window ...

Framed by Fall

Several trees are still either colorful or just hanging onto their leaves. This is looking at the house on the corner of East Front and Richmond Streets in Plainfield. When enlarged, you can see the start of the Christmas decorations going up, including the candy cane porch pillars. She has the most beautiful flowers all summer and decorates for every holiday.

NJ Transit, "The Way to Go"

The way to go late, that is! On Thursday morning, trains in both directions were held up for over a half-hour. This (apparent) business man was heading towards the city. At least the delay gave me photo fodder! Plainfield Train Station.

You get up every morning
From your alarm clock’s warning
Take the 8:15 into the city
There’s a whistle up above
And people pushin’, people shovin’
And the girls who try to look pretty
And if your train’s on time
You can get to work by nine.
-- "Takin' Care of Business" by Bachman-Turner Overdrive

Suits, Jeans, Short and Tall ... we all waited.

Same morning, same Plainfield Train Station.

I see the train a'comin' ...

Er, no you don't. What you see are TWO trains just sitting there not moving. And, one moved first just passing through not picking up anyone. It was ten minutes later that the next one came through and stopped.

Supposedly the delays were due to a disabled train in the next town over. When that happens, they have to remove the passengers and then they go down to one track ... kind of like that old math problem about two trains heading towards each other. The delays continue as trains are held back to let one pass through at a time. As there are only so many places a train can cross to the other track, thus more delays.

The man in the gabardine suit is a spy
His bow-tie is really a camera.
--"America" by Simon and Garfunkel

A Little Off the Top

With dark coming so much earlier, I enjoying playing with night shots. I don't like to use the flash, but it takes a very steady hand to get clear images. I hold my breath while shooting. A barbershop on East Front Street in Plainfield.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The decorations in Plainfield went up this week. This is Watchung Avenue looking towards East Front Street.

Autumn Canopy

Church Street, Plainfield. The Heard Building is on the right with the Quaker Cemetery just beyond it.

Putting out fires

It's the real firemen. There was no fire, though. An alarm was coming from the little restaurant on the corner. Since the woman who works there was standing looking confused, I believe it was a false alarm. The corner of Church and East Second Streets, Plainfield.

More trucks arrive

There is still no fire.

Sad Scene

This is the tree which sports the bird feeder I often photograph. I also shot it and its man decorating it for Christmas one year. I mentioned that I thought the tree was dead this spring when there were no blossoms ... then no leaves. Sigh. We had extremely heavy winds on Wednesday and they did it in. If you look, you'll see the bird feeder sitting atop the child's play jungle (or whatever that is). East Front Street, Plainfield.

In which I play with a photo editor

A bike rack at the Bridgewater (NJ) Train Station.

Uh-oh! They've taken over the tree!

The birds rally at a tree nearby the Plainfield Train Station. Next, they'll take over the world.

Talkin' Trash?

Nah, they're just standing by a trash can. Early morning working dudes at the corner of North and Watchung Avenues, Plainfield.

Watching the early morning world

A man on the second floor of the Chotola building watches over North Avenue as folks head off to work. I edited this to leave him in color, the rest in B&W.

Ahem, NJT. What's up with this?

Bricks are coming apart by the stairway leading to Track One. It's better than when the stairs themselves fell apart at the Bridgewater Station, but it needs attention. Plainfield Train Station.

The Dark, Shadows and Light

Although it's not pitch-black on my early Mondays since the time change, with overcast skies this past Monday, it was indeed dark-ish. The corner of Church Street and East Front in Plainfield.

Now they've taken over the Chotola

Pigeons hang out on the decorative doohickey-thingee atop the Chotola apartment building on North Avenue, Plainfield. I wonder how their hierarchy works with which pigeon getting what spot. Did the top pigeon bully the others or are they just respecting him for being a fine bird?

This one only conquered a branch

I don't think sparrows will lead the battle cry.

The Bays Beckon

Playing again with night/light shots. This is a garage on East Fourth Street, Plainfield.

Gliding, Soaring and ... Hunting

I hope he's not hunting for humans! A hawk in flight. Bridgewater, NJ.

Nap Time!

It's often nap time for Vincent. This is his favorite spot when I don't want him draped across my shoulder or on my lap while I'm at the computer. Since he has to be near me, I brought him his own chair so he can be next to me. He doesn't think it's as good as being ON me, but he suffers through it okay.

How was your week?