Friday, February 18, 2011

The Amazing Race Blog Pool

Folks ... last chance! If you wish to participate in The Amazing Race blog pool, you need to sign up with Laurie at this email address --

Hopefully she knows I'm signed up! It's all in fun, no prizes beyond bragging rights if your randomly picked team wins. Come join in on the fun! On Sunday evening, I'll be posting the blog party post at 8 PM ET; everyone is invited whether you come by zipline or bungee!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island Season Premiere Blog Party


It's here! Zoetawny was kind enough to once again make a blog logo for the show, too. She really does rock and I appreciate all of her efforts -- I can't make those animated logos at all. Thank you, Zoetawny!

Margo is running the blog pool and, as I've mentioned in previous posts, set up a separate site for joining in. The participants are assigned castaways randomly by Margo's Mom. While winning basically means bragging rights, we get to cheer on our castaway until they're, well ... cast away. The pool is closed at this time, but if you didn't get in it, just cheer on your favorite and join in on the fun!

Here's the updated list of pool participants and their castaways:

Andrea Boehlke - Auntie Leigh, Suzanne
Ashley Underwood - Sydney, Monty924
David Murphy - Jeannemarie
Francesca Hogi - Petals, ML
Grant Mattos - Gayle, Joy N
Julie Wolfe - Lars, Karen in CA
Krista Klumpp - Jennasmom, Donna in AL
Kristina Kell - Jackie, Merrilee
Matthew Elrod - Zoetawny, MEB
Mike Chisel - Lanell, Chris
Natalie Tenerelli - PDX Granny, Laurie
Phillip Sheppard - Rbennie, Lisanne
Ralph Kiser - Becky, Brent McKee
Rob Mariano - Gaylos, Donna in FL
Russell Hantz - Margo
Sarita White - SueGee, DKNYNC
Stephanie Valencia - Nana in NW
Steve Wright - delee, Terry in PA

The show will be starting in about ten minutes here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this post with major news while sharing some opinions on what I see both here and in the comments area. Of course, the comments area is where the real party is! Everyone is welcome to join in, the water's fine! Oh. And bring snacks. Snacks are always good!

Survivor fans ready?

Kristina (I believe it's her) found an idol without clues. Watch out, Russell!

Zapatera, Russell's tribe, won the first immunity challenge.

Whoa! Phillip just called out Francesca and Kristina out on their plan to vote out Rob! And, told about the immunity idol ... sheesh, ex-Fed agent. Loose lips sink ships.

Francesca was voted out (to Redemption Island) and Kristina did not use the idol.

Tonight is Survivor Night! - Rob/Russell Video, too!

Tonight marks the season premiere of Survivor: Redemption Island. The pool players for the blog have been randomly selected and will be included in tonight's blog party post.

I didn't realize that Rob and Russell were set to appear on The Early Show this morning and just happened to catch it. If you missed it, here's the video --

I'll make a separate post Friday, but with the new Amazing Race season starting Sunday evening, that pool is open for the swim right now -- to get in on the action, contact

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island -- Cast Quick Takes Part 4

The official CBS website for Survivor: Redemption Island is up and running. The show premieres this Wednesday evening, February 16 at 8 PM ET/PT. After a lengthy and really inexcusable delay, I'm here to post about the last group of men castaways.

The much beloved Margo has offered to run the blog pool once again. Remember, there's no wagering, per se. You'll be assigned a castaway to cheer on and bragging rights if that person is the sole survivor. You can sign up for the pool at this link. Margo rocks, doesn't she?

This post covers the final group of men castaways. To check out the others I've "quick-taked," hit the link to the show at the bottom of my post. Let's get on with it ...

Name (Age): Ralph Kiser (44)
Tribe Designation: Zapatera
Current Residence: Lebanon, Va.
Occupation: Farmer

Ralph -- Well, golly-whillikers, I just don't know. He seems to have a pretty high opinion regarding how likable he is. Whether that will translate to being sole survivor is the question. I will say he's probably going to do well at the physical actual surviving in the environs, if not at surviving the mind games.


Name (Age): Steve Wright (51)
Tribe: Zapatera
Current Residence: Huntington Beach, Calif.
Occupation: Former NFL Player

Steve -- I guess he's not to be mistaken with comedian Steven Wright. Rats. Steven Wright's commentary would be cool on the show! Another NFL dude, eh? In a way, he does remind me a bit of Tom Westman. He could do well and recognizes that the game is highly social, especially in the end.


Rob Mariano (35)
Current Residence:
Pensacola, Fla.
Previous Seasons: "Survivor: Marquesas," "Survivor: All-Stars" and "Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains"

Boston Rob -- What can I say about him? I didn't like him so much on his first season. I thought he became overly-hyped by CBS and had a finger in every reality pie for some time. But then something happened. The dude grew on me. I'd like to see him do well and I'm definitely hoping for some good Rob/Russell clashes. But I do think he'll be seen as a threat and will probably go home without the million once again.


Russell Hantz (38)
Current Residence: Dayton, Texas
Previous Seasons: "Survivor: Samoa" and "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains"

Russell -- I like him and I don't all at the same time. I really believe in his first season, he was absolutely what was needed to bring entertainment into the show. It's magical watching him find hidden idols. Yet the dude, for all he is good at in the show (including challenges), can't play the social game for nuthin'. Now that he's well-known, he's not going to last long as they should be onto his snake oil salesman ways. Hopefully he'll be entertaining while he's there. It's hard to believe he's only three years older than Rob.

Stop back Wednesday evening at 8 PM ET for the blog party! Bring snacks!

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - February 13, 2011

It's Sunday morning, time for my off television topic look back on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. I believe I've either become a zombie or I'm just winter weary. While we had our first week of winter without measurable snow, most of the week was bitter cold. I think it's getting to me. I could go for a really long winter nap ... wake me up in the spring!

Er, well. I can't do that. I do have to keep the bills paid and a roof over my head. And cat food. I can't forget the cat food.

On the home front, they've been rehabbing the apartment next door. Much of the work is being done at very odd times -- 7 AM, midnight. This was the apartment where the riff-raff were living. Now, they weren't there even two years. Before they moved in, a rehab of the unit was done. The tenant there before that was a super and he painted and put in new kitchen cabinets when he moved in. I have a feeling the riff-raff must have trashed the place. Why am I not surprised?

Meanwhile, I think my kitchen cabinets date back to at least the 70s and my bathroom fixtures could have used replacement before I moved in. I've been here 10 years. But, then again, I don't want maintenance workers in here ripping things apart while I live here (especially if I'm not home). While things seem better under the receivership, the workers seem to be day laborer types. I'd worry about Vincent getting out and my belongings if they were in and out. All of my things work, they've just seen much better days -- about 40 years ago!

There hasn't been much going on in my life lately. It's because of both the weather and the fact I'm in some sort of winter funk (or I've become a zombie). Things are firming up for the autumn vacation. I'm still working on a date for my right knee replacement. Oh. I had some interesting news this week on a personal artsy endeavor, but I can't go into it until I know more. It's good, though. I just need more details before I blab.

Along with my slump, my photos are a bit "eh" this week. Often it was too cold or too windy or I was running too late to really stop and look for the shots. I have high hopes for next week when we should be flirting with the 50s and maybe even a 60 degree temperature. Hopefully I'll get myself in gear so I'm not rushing to make my train!

Clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window --

Look! Grass! Geese!

Well, the geese never leave. I'm not sure why they're year-round residents here. But the grass is something new this week. In areas which get most of the daytime sun and with only the standard snow pack, some patches have gotten down to the ground despite frigid temperatures. We have had a lot of sun this week. Although there are more places which still have snow cover way above my knees, as well as the HUGE snow piles, it's nice to see these actual earth bits here and there. Bridgewater, NJ, on Saturday.

Saturday, 15 minutes before the geese shot

Yep, snow. It's not measurable as it was just a squall in high winds. At one point, I couldn't see across the street. Watchung and North, Plainfield, NJ.

A cone exiled

Amidst a pile of snow, this cone must have been voted off the island ... or something. I hope it's not there to warn us that there's a pile of snow about 15 feet high and 30 feet long. I think we'd see that, don't you? North Avenue, Plainfield.

More typical than the geese shot

This is also Saturday morning, just before the snow squall. This lawn doesn't get lengthy daytime sunlight exposure. You see how high the snow remains. East Front Street, Plainfield.


The sun has been melting the snow off the roof at the Plainfield Train Station -- the result being these almost identical "snowcicles."

Pretty until they fall on your head

On and about the yellow line (which you need to stand behind!), it's snowcicle suicide, like lemmings into the sea.

From another view

Now, if it were really WARM, all the snow would slide off in large batches and not slowly sneak on down.

Time stands still as does the water

In winter, everything seems to freeze frame at times. Bridgewater, NJ.

Shame on Union County College!

On Friday morning, I saw this on East Second Street. At first I thought a truck accidentally dumped snow. That one big chunk of ice and snow had to be at least 20 inches wide. It could cause an accident.

When I went past the corner, I saw two men from the college chopping at the snowbanks and throwing it on Church Street.


NJ Transit got its act together and chopped the ice/snow never shoveled sidewalk to the Bridgewater Train Station. Yes, I noticed they threw some of it in the street, too.

NJ Transit also put up a new sign

"Watch Your Step." Well, geez ... since you have barely shoveled the station all winter, we have no choice! I can only guess that someone must have filed a claim for a fall which set in motion the ice chopping and sign activity. Now if they'd take care of the North Avenue walk in front of the Plainfield Train Station.


A green apple sits alone in Bridgewater. Weird, I've photographed an orange in the same place in the past. Perhaps fruit just materializes there or, as in Star Trek, it gets transported to that spot.

Oh no!

This either Spelling Notebook or Writing Journal was just sitting there on the sidewalk on East Front Street. Now someone's daily journals might be misspelled!

Luge run part two

This walk in Vest Pocket Park on the East Fourth Street side of the Plainfield Train Station hasn't been shoveled all season. It looks like someone might have touched it up a bit after the sun melted parts of it. But, trust me, it was snow-covered until this week. When the sun came out, it melted down to the pavement. When night came, it froze over. LUGE!

I normally wouldn't do this, but ...

I find it funny. Yes, it's a ca-ca photo. This is what happens when a herd of deer decide to use the sidewalk and nibble at the grassy edges. I've noticed that deer and rabbits prefer shoveled areas as the snow cover is way too much. Since the snow went all icy on top, the rabbits are on it again. But the deer sink. They prefer the sidewalk. Bridgewater, NJ.

Move along clouds

Morning clouds gave way to brilliant blue skies nearby the Plainfield Train Station.

No, I didn't put them there

Notice how icy and dirty our snow cover is. Perhaps we do need new snow? Um. Nah. The wind blew these all over the place at the intersection of East Second and Berckman in Plainfield.

Y'know ... I can see that camera

Yes, Vincent. I see you peeking at me.

How was your week?