Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Survivor: Game Changers - March 29 Episode Blog Party

Everybody ready? Got your snacks? Got your tasty adult beverages? As the show airs here on the east coast, I'll be live-blogging with all the major happenings. Refresh the page to see the latest news! But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Will we see another blindside tonight? I would so love to see Sandra go just to see how she would react!

Here's the updated pool from the best pool lifeguard ever, Lifeguard Laurie:

Aubry Bracco - Ed in Ohio, meb
Jeff Varner - Donna in FL, Rochelle, DonnaNY
JT Thomas - Carol C, Petals
Michaela Bradshaw - David, Jackie
Sandra Diaz-Twine - Jennasmom, SueGee

Brad Culpepper - Brian, Sharon N
Debbie Wanner - Glenn, tbc
Hali Ford - Buzzmaam, Nana in the NW
Sierra Thomas - Becky, monty924
Tai Trang - Cheryl in NC, Sharon C

Andrea Boehlke - Indiana Jane, ML
Cirie Fields - Leonia Hart, Terry is a Texan
Ozzy Lusth - KelseyNY, Margo, PDX Granny
Sarah Lacina - Delee, Rbennie
Troyzan Robertson - Donna in Alabama, Lifeguard Laurie
Zeke Smith - Janice from GA, Paula Bell

No more fire!
Ciera Eastin
Tony Vlachos
Caleb Reynolds
Malcolm Freberg 
Survivor fans ready?

JT is against a rock and a hard place. He knows he told Brad that Sierra was their target thinking they'd vote out Sandra. Instead, it was Malcolm, JT's closest ally and one of the strongest players on his tribe whose torch got snuffed. Sandra's mad. He ends up finding a clue and pursuing the hidden idol. He's got it and says he'll tell no one ... as it should be.

Reward Challenge - grappling hook, retrieve, again balancing a ball through obstacles, slide puzzle. Winning tribes - 1. PB&J sandwiches, cookies and milk. 1. PB&J sandwiches. Debbie is doing horribly on this one!

TAVUA wins first place! NUKU wins second place.

Debbie blames Brad for the loss because he decided positions. Cue to replay: Debbie saying, "I'm very good at balance." Brad replies, "Then you balance." Ha! 

Sarah and Troyzan are quasi-bonding. Sarah tells him they need to work on trust and that she's looking for an idol. Troy has one, but doesn't tell her and now is reluctant to use it right away. 

Debbie goes on a rant about Brad to Hali and thinks she (Debbie) ZOOMED across the balance beam and Hali being slow. Um. Alternate facts, methinks. Tai tells us he thinks Debbie is a "crazy lady." Well, duh. Debbie tells us that she doesn't go on rants, she works out physically and has a calm approach. Sheesh. She wants to take out Brad. I would suggest they hide any knives in camp.

Oh my. JT and Michaela are rubbing each other wrong. Sandra decides to eat all the sugar because she knows JT will blame Michaela. Varner knows it was Sandra. 

Tai is worried about the tension in his tribe. He doesn't know where he stands. He thinks that he needs another idol and, sure enough, finds a clue.

Immunity Challenge time -- Race up and over tall wall, work together to roll big cube, keys, sandbags across balance beam, giant slingshot to knock down five targets. First two tribes are safe. Cirie sits out. Debbie is being a jerk. But I expected that.

MANA wins Immunity! TAVUA wins Immunity! 

JT thinks they should target Michaela, mainly because she stole the sugar. Will Varner tell him? Sandra thinks they need to target JT because it was his fault Malcolm went. Um. WHY AREN'T THEY TARGETING SANDRA? 

Tribal Council. JT claims he had no idea Malcolm would go. Michaela trash-talks JT. JT says he's sick of babysitting. It sounds like Michaela is the target of most. 

The tally:
Michaela, JT, Michaela, JT, JT

Whoa! Varner flipped and voted out JT!

Sandra and Michaela fist bump. Aubry is shocked. Sandra also 'fesses up to taking the sugar.

I feel bad that JT is out. I still would love to see Sandra blindsided. But, I've gotta say ... well-played, well-played.  

A teaser for next week has them dropping buffs again, Exile Island and a returning castaway (whether cameo or not, we don't know). JT tells us he felt confident and didn't bring his idol to Tribal. Maybe he can earn some $$ selling it on eBay?

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Amazing Race: Lifeguard Wanted! (And Casting ...)

Greetings, Amazing Race fans! While it seems like forever since the last season, this one sneaked up on us. The premiere is this THURSDAY night at 10pm ET. Yes, Thursday, not Friday. I like that although I'm not too keen on the late hour.

Another change is instead of teams with previous relationships racing, it's all total strangers. That should shake things up a bit!

We will have a change here on the blog -- Margo is going to sit out Lifeguard duties on the blog pool this time 'round. We don't usually kick in the pool until after the first team is out since we barely get to know them. And, this year, they won't even know themselves for the first team gone! So, we're talking about throwing together the pool by next Tuesday or so. As I post this, the cast has been announced, but not the teams. We've seen snippets on promos, but that's it.

I'd like to get a volunteer to lifeguard the pool here this season. The position entails:
  • No wages. No health insurance. No 401K.
  • But, you'll certainly have my undying gratitude!
  • And you can help yourself to the eats and drinks!
  • You can blow a whistle if you own one.
  • Randomly matching up blog readers who want in with the teams.
  • Of course, you can throw your own name in there. Randomly, mind you!
  • My name also automatically goes in.
  • Updating the pool as teams get eliminated.
I would definitely prefer that the volunteer is someone who has been a regular commenter on the blog and has taken part in previous blog pools. But, other than that, you don't even have to have your summer body for a bathing suit! I will accept the first person who replies to this post and meets my strict criteria listed above for this lofty but not lucrative position.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 26, 2017

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way. If you're here for Survivor -- you can find any Survivor posts I make at this link right here Remember-- The Amazing Race season premiere will be THIS Thursday, March 30th! I will be live-blogging the show and there will be blog parties!

Let's see ... what's new this week?

Well, the weather still isn't new -- we're still having winter temperatures for the most part although (thankfully) we've had no more snow. Yesterday was the first day with temperatures above the 40s. Today we're back to high in the 40s. March is often like this. But that doesn't mean I have to like it!

On the apartment front: I think Joe, my neighbor across the hall for fifteen years or so, is moving out. I stopped some kids I saw lugging things out during the week. I've never seen kids visiting him. Joe is one who will come out and yell at kids playing in the corridors! Since these were very young black kids I didn't know and they were taking stuff to the dumpsters, I just asked them if Joe was okay. He's in ill health and I thought he may have passed and relatives were clearing out his place. The oldest boy, about 12 years-old, told me Joe was fine, they're his great-nephews and they were just helping him by bringing stuff to the dumpster. Okay, sounds good. Until today ... when I took a bag of trash to the dumpsters. Uh-oh. I recognize furniture out there and the dumpsters (with the exception of one with closed lids and the recycle one) were over-fllled. That's JOE'S furniture! Yeah, he's alive, I guess. But he's moving, perhaps to an assisted living place, I would think. I wonder what the new neighbor will be like. Sigh. Joe and I always got along well. He has even offered to loan me his car if I ever needed it for something.

In other apartment news, the idiot ... um, guy with the loud thumping stereo upstairs has been quiet all week. Good.

In workplace news, a two-year nightmare has ended. It's like a weight off my shoulders, fresh air ... but I still want to retire as soon as I can. In health news, I really have no new news. I haven't been on my feet as much during the workdays and my leg issues feel a lot better. But I still have to have that vascular surgery done.

Onto the photos from the week. It's a bit gull heavy. We've had bitter cold temperatures and strong winds most of the week. So, I only took photos at certain times and some days I didn't want to kill off the camera's batteries with the cold. Clicking on an image will open it in a larger gallery window.

NJ Transit Plainfield Train Station

The main building off of East 4th Street is (of course) on the Newark/NYC bound Track Two side of the station. With NJ Transit, anything train or bus has better shelter on the side that heads in that direction. They're under the false assumption that people wait only on that side and just head home without having to wait on the other side.

Things are looking up?

Well, at least this ring-billed gull is looking up! Corner of Gavett Place and North Avenue.

Hmm ... another one

Perhaps they're waiting for the Rapture? I don't know.

Oh noes!

Snowstorm white and yellow daffodil victims in Plainfield. How sad is this?!?!


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Survivor: Game Changers - March 22 Episode Blog Party

Everybody ready? Got your snacks? Got your tasty adult beverages? As the show airs here on the east coast, I'll be live-blogging with all the major happenings. Refresh the page to see the latest news! But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Last week's episode started out by buff dropping and the creation of a third tribe. This week we've been warned that only the one winning tribe will be safe from Tribal Council. Second place only counts in horseshoes, I guess!

Here's the updated pool from the best pool lifeguard ever, Lifeguard Laurie:

Aubry Bracco - Ed in Ohio, meb
Jeff Varner - Donna in FL, Rochelle, DonnaNY
JT Thomas - Carol C, Petals
Malcolm Freberg - Judi Sweeney, Merrilee
Michaela Bradshaw - David, Jackie
Sandra Diaz-Twine - Jennasmom, SueGee

Brad Culpepper - Brian, Sharon N
Debbie Wanner - Glenn, tbc
Hali Ford - Buzzmaam, Nana in the NW
Sierra Thomas - Becky, monty924
Tai Trang - Cheryl in NC, Sharon C

Andrea Boehlke - Indiana Jane, ML
Cirie Fields - Leonia Hart, Terry is a Texan
Ozzy Lusth - KelseyNY, Margo, PDX Granny
Sarah Lacina - Delee, Rbennie
Troyzan Robertson - Donna in Alabama, Lifeguard Laurie
Zeke Smith - Janice from GA, Paula Bell

No more fire!
Ciera Eastin
Tony Vlachos
Caleb Reynolds
Survivor fans ready?

Hmm. Tai shows he's trustworthy to the others by talking about voting out his buddy Caleb? Hali could definitely use that against him in a court of law! Meanwhile, Debbie wants to target Hali as she thinks it's too soon to make Tai a target. Or, would that be a Taiget?

We're starting out with a Reward Challenge. Only two members of each tribe will complete. First two tribes to finish win reward. First, coffee makings and chocolate chip cookies. Second, thermos of coffee. First person has to carry a ball on a stick over obstacles, second throws sandbags. 

Tai is doing a horrible job in the first part of the challenge. 

Nuku wins first place! Brad Culpepper won second place for Mana after Tai's disappointing showing. It was Troyzan who lost it for Tahua.

Uh-oh. Ozzy seems to be getting a bit too confident. He thinks his providing the others make him invaluable. Then he catches a sting ray and makes them even happier with him.

Over on Nuku, Sandra is way over-confident. JT wants her out SO bad! Malcolm is willing to work with him toward that goal. But, will Sandra do that voodoo thing she seems to do and eork her mojo on them all? It wouldn't surprise me. However, any smart player should be targeting her. 

Immunity Challenge time! Blindfolded, tethered in pairs, caller, collect bags, table maze. Sandra and Troyzan sit out. Jeff tells them that both losing tribes go to Tribal Council. 

TAHUA wins Immunity!    

Ohhh! Only ONE person will go out tonight between the two tribes at Triabal. That changes the stakes a bit!   

Nuku is six versus the five on Mana. Most seem to think they need to stick together. JT wants to target Tai if that's the case. Sandra wants to take out Sierra. JT would still love to see Sandra go tonight. He trusts Brad. Over on Mana, they really want to target Sandra. Brad thinks if they go Sandra, JT will be voting her.  

Tai thinks he better go looking for an idol. He finds a clue and runs off looking for the idol. He's got it! (So, for the record, both Tai and Troyzan have idols.) Oh, geez. He runs and tells Brad, Debbie and Sierra! 

Time for Tribal Council. This should be interesting. 

Debbie mentions that JT used to be close to then and now he's in the spotlight. Jeff points out the other threats. Sandra says she knows she's not going home tonight. Hmm. Oh my. Hali hints Culpepper should be targeted.  They're all whispering. Sheesh.Whoa! JT tells Culpepper they're voting him out! Hali is reluctant to be the first vote. They're all still whispering.  

Tai gives his idol to Sierra.

The tally --
Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Malcolm, Malcolm, Malcolm.

ARGH! Malcolm is sent packing!  

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 19, 2017

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way. If you're here for Survivor -- you can find any Survivor posts I make at this link right here. A word of warning -- The Amazing Race season premiere will be Thursday, March 30th!

Around here the biggest news of the past week is the snowstorm (or blizzard) that hit us Monday night through into late Tuesday afternoon. Because Plainfield had a couple of inches of sleet in the middle of the storm, our snow totals were only about a foot. Many areas along the shore had rain and ended up with very little, if any, snow. Further north, it remained all snow and some totals were more than twenty inches.

Unfortunately, unlike many storms this late in the season, the temperatures didn't warm up and help rid us of the snow. Instead, we had days hovering right around the freezing point and bitterly cold nights. Looking at the forecast, we're going to be stuck with this for a while. Meanwhile, the warm temperatures last month brought out buds on trees, daffodils and some tulip activity. Not anymore! 

I went for the follow-up on my tests on my legs this week. The surgeon wants to do both about two weeks apart. The worst one, he wants to treat with injecting a foam which will close down the great saphenous vein and its affected branches. The other leg, he wants to do with more traditional laser treatment. He claims that other veins in the leg will take over for circulation. In researching about it, I found that the great saphenous vein is the one used when someone has a heart bypass. I better not ever need one of those down the line! Now it's just a waiting game for insurance approval and scheduling. It probably won't be happening until May.

In apartment living news, I ended up calling the police on my upstairs neighbor's blasting music late last night. I thought those days were over when he moved his speakers up off the floor. But, then came last night. He turned on his stereo at about 9pm, extremely loud and thumping. At 11pm, I went upstairs in the elevator just to see how loud it was from there. Sure enough, it was blasting through the whole hallway and was very loud from the elevator door. I don't want to confront him. I went back downstairs and, at nearly midnight, I called the police. Since the Plainfield Police changed over to an encrypted radio system, I can't hear them on the scanner anymore. But I did hear them pounding on his door about 15 minutes after I called. The stereo went right down. He continued to play the lowered stereo for about two hours more. I could hear it, but it wasn't all that loud. The damage was done, though. I ended up not sleeping most of the night.

As I'm typing this now, he has turned it on loud again. I'll give him a half-hour until I call the police again. Obviously he has no consideration for others.

Onto the photos -- clicking on an image will open it in a larger gallery version.   

Tomorrow is SPRING!

So this can all go away. Now. Tonight, overnight. Vamoose! Be gone, damn snow! Corner of Watchung and North in Plainfield.

Me and my shadow

It's not me, though. He and his shadow? The low angle of the winter morning sun caught this just right and I had to shoot the guy. (With my camera.) East Front Street, Plainfield.

Have a seat!

Most of the city street benches are buried in (now very dirty) snow. You need to take a bus? Chances are you'll have to stand in the street or take the risk of climbing over a huge snowbank. Back in the day, the climb wouldn't be an issue. Nowadays, I'm fearful I'll fall under the bus! Looking towards the Park Madison building from East Front Street in Plainfield.

Monday tree buds
Despite a few days of bitter cold arctic temperatures, I saw these buds growing on a tree at the Bridgewater Train Station on Monday before the storm hit. 


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Survivor: Game Changers - March 15 Episode Blog Party

Everybody ready? Got your snacks? Got your tasty adult beverages? As the show airs here on the east coast, I'll be live-blogging with all the major happenings. Refresh the page to see the latest news! But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Due to the two-hour season premiere last week, we lost two castaways, not just one. But, as Lifeguard Laurie promised ... the first week was free and those who had either Tony or Ciera have been reassigned a new castaway!

Here's the updated pool:

Andrea Boehlke - Indiana Jane, ML
Brad Culpepper - Brian, Sharon N
Cirie Fields - Leonia Hart, Terry is a Texan
Debbie Wanner - Glenn, tbc
JT Thomas - Carol C, Petals
Ozzy Lusth - KelseyNY, Margo, PDX Granny
Sarah Lacina - Delee, Rbennie
Sierra Thomas - Becky, monty924
Tai Trang - Cheryl in NC, Sharon C
Zeke Smith - Janice from GA,Paula Bell

Aubry Bracco - Ed in Ohio, meb
Caleb Reynolds - Cheryl, MikesGirl
Ciera Eastin - DonnaNY, PDX Granny
Hali Ford - Buzzmaam, Nana in the NW
Jeff Varner - Donna in FL, Rochelle, DonnaNY
Malcolm Freberg - Judi Sweeney, Merrilee
Michaela Bradshaw - David, Jackie
Sandra Diaz-Twine - Jennasmom, SueGee
Troyzan Robertson - Donna in Alabama, Lifeguard Laurie

No more fire!
 Ciera Eastin 
Tony Vlachos

Survivor fans ready? 

Oh my. We're starting out with the "drop your buffs." It's a random pick from a plate. It's three tribes instead of two. Anyone choosing a green buff is on the new tribe.

I'm probably not going to get the tribe division down right now. Caleb and Tai are reunited. Malcolm is in heaven now that he's ended up in Nuku. JT is worried because he's not only a previous winner, but he's the only member of his previous tribe in his new one. He's looking for an idol and Varner is already scheming against him. 

On his new tribe, Brad thinks that either Hali or Caleb should go. Brad thinks Debbie is more loyal. Hmm. Tai wants Caleb to stay and told him that they're talking either him or Hali. 

Cirie and Ozzy think they should work together. It sounds like Troyzan will be the biggest target on that tribe. Meanwhile, Troyzan is suspicious of them and looks for an idol. He finds a clue which tells him the idol can be retrieved at the next immunity challenge. (Wouldn't it be cool if someone else found it and snagged it without a clue?)

Sandra wants to eat one of the goats wandering nearby the camp. JT is willing to catch one to gain her favor. Oh, gee. They catch one -- a baby. But the guys realize it's a mama goat and baby, the only reason they caught it was because it wouldn't leave the babies. Sandra is deadset on killing one. None of the guys want to kill a goat. They decide on eating the chickens.

Time for the Immunity Challenge! The "hidden in plain sight" idol is taped right in plain sight to a table. Three tied together, obstacle course, bucket of water, gate, puzzle. Reward is tarp, first tribe gets choice of comfort for body or taste buds. Second tribe to finish gets the leftover choice. Troyzan has to wait until after it's over because he's assigned to the untying of knots. 

NUKU wins first place! Sandra, Malcolm and JT are on that one. The new tribe, Tahua (sp?) got second. Troyzan retrieved his idol.  They ended up with the spices.

Debbie, Caleb, Hali, Tai, Brad and ??? are on the new losing tribe. I believe that's Sierra on there. Debbie and Tai are talking about Hali going. Yes, it is Sierra. Brad thinks, to stay in good graces, Tai needs to make the decision to take out Caleb and tries to work him. 

Tribal Council time! Jeff asks his Probsting questions and it still seems between Caleb and Hali.She seems to plead her case to stay better.

The tally:
Caleb, Hali, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb ... he's OUT! 

Brad was able to convince Tai. It looks like the only one who voted for Hali was Caleb. 

Next week both losing tribes at Immunity will go to Tribal. 

Caleb still loves Tai. Ain't that sweet?