Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Survivor 45: This Game Rips Your Heart Out - Ep. 11 Blog Party


Good evening! I still can't believe that my random blog pool pick convinced Bruce not to use his idol last week and he got the boot with it in his pocket!

A separate post for The Amazing Race will magically appear at about 9:25PM ET. So, please shift over to that post for that show. Merci.

I will be live blogging the show the best I can as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. Here's where we stand:

Emily --- ChicMc, Donna in AL, Jackie
Austin --- Pearl, Nora M, Sharon N
Drew --- Dr Celine, monty924
Jake --- Donna in FL, TS14Fan
Katurah --- Donna NY, April W
Dee --- Judi Sweeney, Brent McKee
Julie --- Andi, PDX Granny


Survivor fans ready?

We get to see Bruce go again. It's Night 19 and we have a bunch of happy campers. They think it's epic that Bruce went home with an idol. Everyone is thrilled. Emily gets the credit, as deserved, for the Bruce boot. But will it put a target on her back now?

The Reba Four now have the majority. Dee, Austin, Drew and Julie. Ah, Dee and Austin are bonding more and more. Austin brings up the Rob/Amber marriage. Dee says she came out there saying no showmances, but that doesn't mean she can't have fun.

Jake is a bit sad. He's hoping he's not the backup vote again as he talks to Katurah. Katurah, who is a lawyer herself, pretends to be interested in Jake's lawyer work. Julie joins them. Katurah tells them her backstory of being taken out of school in the 5th grade as her parents were in a religious cult. She tells us she decided she would be a lawyer who advocates for Black people as she knows the need.

A boat is approaching the camp. They all go to greet it. Jake takes a note -- one person must go on a journey. He told us he wanted to go. The person drawing the green rock goes. Whoops. That's Emily! She goes.

Julie thinks Emily is building an amazing resume. Drew agrees. Drew proposes Julie do something with the idol to get some clout. Of course, it's the idol Austin gave her because he thought she was in trouble. But she thinks of it as her idol. Julie thinks Drew is going to be one taking shots first with the Reba crew. Dee also thinks that there's a crack in Drew ... named Emily. She wants to target her next.

Emily lands on a shore where there is a sign to trek down the course to make her decision. She comes to a couple of tables with a puzzle. Four tried and failed, how about you? If she does it, she cannot be voted out. If she fails, she loses her vote. She decides she cannot risk her vote and leaves without solving the puzzle.

Drew tries to get intel from Jake and Katurah. Drew thinks Julie has to go. Katurah seems to agree with him. She tells us she would like to blindside Julie. She talks to Austin about it. Austin agrees that no one should go to the end with Mama J. Katurah suggests Julie, then Emily. Austin talks to Drew, maybe Emily then Julie? But Drew is close with Emily. But will Dee be accepting of the decision?

Emily arrives back and tells them about not completing the puzzle. Dee doesn't trust her, thinks she's lying. She talks to Drew. He tells her Julie wants her out but they want Julie out. A lot of them are coming to Emily and telling her they want Julie out. Has Emily fixed her bad start in the game?

Day 21. Immunity Challenge time! Attached to a rope, untangle, obstacle course, puzzle. Reward is a hamburger cookout.

Drew and Austin in the lead.

DREW WINS IMMUNITY! Drew chooses Jake as he hasn't had a reward in a while. Then he chooses Austin. The three will have their own BBQ. The others will go back to camp but cannot partake. Dee is worried that the guys may change the goal to keep Reba Four together.

Julie thinks that it's fine that Drew took the boys. The women decide to have a spa day in the ocean. Katurah says it's uncomfortable as they are planning to go after Julie or Emily. They talk about their buffs. They talk about Jake.

Drew wants to try to build a relationship with Jake. They talk about Emily and Julie being targets. They seem to all be on the same page with Julie being more dangerous. They need to keep Dee out of the loop and no way can Julie find out because she would use the idol. It's really bothering Austin to betray Dee.

He decides to talk to Dee. Dee tells him they were thinking Emily. He talks potential ways to the end and Julie. Nooo ... she says and we cut to commercial.

He tells her it's a strong movement against her and everyone seems to want it. Dee tells him that she won't write her name down. She thinks it's too soon. She wants to know why Emily is not an option and it's numbers. Dee tells us she's going to play this game with heart. 

Dee tells Julie that she needs to play the idol tonight. Julie is mad that the others are wanting to blindside her. Julie tells Jake and Emily they could make a move ... Katurah. Wait, write Austin. Emily tells Drew about the conversation with Julie. He knows someone told her. Austin admits to Drew he told Dee. Julie tells Dee she wants to write Austin's name down, not Emily.

And it's Tribal Council time! Night 21. Talk about getting to the end, relationships, etc. Emily points out that everybody brought bags full as no one feels safe. Everybody is close now in the game. Talk of idols. Time to vote. Looks like most are voting Julie. Dee votes Julie and says to play the damn idol. We do not see Julie's vote.

Julie plays the idol for herself. Austin does NOT play his.

Julie, Julie, Julie, Julie, Julie, Julie, Julie, Emily.

Aw, Julie apologizes to Emily and Emily takes it fine.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Amazing Race 35: Everyone Loves a Comeback Story - Ep. 10 Blog Party

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real blog party is in the comments. I hope to see you there!

Lifeguard SueGee has once again updated the blog pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Ashlie & Todd -- Dr Celine, NanaintheNW, SueGee
Greg & John -- Brent McKee, Jackie, Judi Sweeney
Joel & Garrett -- ChicMc, Ethan, Willie J, Jasonuwp
Rob & Corey -- marthalight, PDX Granny, Sharon N
Steve & Anna Leigh -- David, Donna in FL, Glenn Allen

Are you ready? Let's GO! 

Greg/John get the clue to fly 1000 miles north to Stockholm, Sweden. Once again, it's a bunching point and they will all start out even in Sweden. Heh. Todd looked up the location where they're heading and found out it's skydiving.

Teams are racing for taxis. They are instructed to take a number for a special introduction to Sweden when they get to their destination. Corey/Rob have to use their Express Pass this leg or lose it -- it must be used by the 10th leg.

ACK! Greg/John ran past the numbers! Garrett/Joel got Number One. Then Steve/Anna Leigh get Two. Greg/John 3. Corey/Rob 5?

The teams load into a plane. They will skydive with a partner. Joel first. Then Garrett. Steve, then Anna Leigh. Greg, then John. Todd first and Ashlie is panicking. Rob and Corey last.

Teams have to travel on foot to a boat dock then board a boat to an island in Sweden's Archipelago for their next clue. Garrett and Joel are currently in the lead.

Their clue box on an island has people dancing around a Maypole. Roadblock - Who wants to party? Complete a large flower wreath to attach to a Maypole, once completed, then dance.

Rob/Corey use their Express Pass and are directed to the Royal Dramatic Theater. Teams have to search for a violinist for the next clue.

Anna Leigh finishes her wreath first and they're headed to the next clue. Uh-oh, Rob/Corey can't find the main entrance. Anna Leigh/Steve are in there looking. They get to the violinist first. The clue directs them to travel by subway to the next clue where they will face a Detour.

Anna Leigh/Steve almost got on a bus instead of the subway, but Corey/Rob saved them. Now both teams are looking for the subway. They find it and are traveling together. Greg/John are finishing up the Maypole. Garrett finishes his wreath. Todd/Ashlie are in the last place at this time.

Greg/John get the clue for the subway. Garrett/Joel arrive looking for the violinist.

Detour - Recycling revolution going on! Importing trash from other countries. SORT and separate one family's trash. OR ... Nobel prizes serve three menus by memory three course dinners.

Anna Leigh/Steve and Rob/Corey continue to work together to Sort at the Detour. The signs are all in Swedish, so ....! Greg/John choose to Serve. Heh. Greg studied French for years and the dishes are in French in the kitchen. Todd/Ashlie are running in last place and Ashlie is bummed.

Rob/Corey and Anna Leigh/Steve finish the Detour and head to the next clue. Greg/John finish Serve and are also heading to that clue. Garrett/Joel finish the Sort. Ashlie/Todd just arrive at Sort.

The clue directs them to the Pit Stop. Now the lead three teams are traveling together with Garrett/Joel not far behind. Uh-oh ... teams are lost!

Pit Stop Order
1. Garrett/Joel - Won trip to the Galapagos Islands
2. Greg/John
3. Corey/Rob
4. Anna Leigh/Steve
5. Todd/Ashlie -- Philiminated

Survivor 45: How Am I the Mobster? - Ep. 10 Blog Party


Good evening! Gee, with the proliferation of K names this season, perhaps a K Name alliance could have rocked it until the end!

A separate post for The Amazing Race will magically appear at about 9:25PM ET. So, please shift over to that post for that show. Merci.

I will be live blogging the show the best I can as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. Here's where we stand:

Emily --- ChicMc, Donna in AL, Jackie
Austin --- Pearl, Nora M, Sharon N
Drew --- Dr Celine, monty924
Bruce --- Krysta, Skyriverblue
Jake --- Donna in FL, TS14Fan
Katurah --- Donna NY, April W
Dee --- Judi Sweeney, Brent McKee
Julie --- Andi, PDX Granny


Survivor fans ready?

Sitting out through the Previously On segment. Kendra gets voted out again. And it's Night 17 as they return to the camp. Jake is appreciative and feels in a better place now. Heh, Drew compares him to Charlie Brown with a rain cloud following over him. Once again the talk goes to getting Bruce's idol flushed.

Day 18. Aw, Austin gives Julie a neck rub. It turns out that she couldn't sleep because she feels she betrayed Kellie and Kendra. Dang, now she has Drew all teary, too. 

Meanwhile, Emily, Bruce and Katurah think Reba Four are running the game. Emily is upset that Bruce isn't using his idol strategically and is only worried about himself. Bruce tells Katurah that he gave Kellie his idol and she left with it. He tells her he was lying and that would be their hook to get at Reba Four. Bruce tells Jake but doesn't tell him it's a lie.

To the Reward Challenge early tonight! Racing through obstacles and get a ball through a table maze. The Sanctuary, turkey dinner, beer, soda, juice, spend the night ... pillows, blankets.


Ohh ... letters from home are involved. She decides to take Julie. Then Katurah. That was a shock for her. One more spot. She chooses Dee and makes it a ladies' night. Drew's tears didn't get him aboard.

The women are bonding. Katurah tells about the Bruce idol lie. They all want Bruce out, Jake as the back-up. Meanwhile, the guys are having a farting and flexing night out at camp. Drew is having troubles "bro-ing out." It's just not something he does. But he's enjoying it. Bruce tells Jake that Dee needs to go on the chopping block. 

Jake believes Bruce's lie about the idol and tells Drew.

Letters from home time at the Sanctuary. Tears of joy, tears of missing those people who make up a life.

Day 19 - the women return to camp. Drew tells Emily about Bruce giving Kellie his idol and she tells him it's a lie. Emily tells Jake that if Bruce plays his idol he (Jake) will probably go home. Jake doesn't want to be the back-up target and would prefer the target go to Drew. Julie tells Drew about Jake throwing his name out there. Drew confronts Jake about the name throwing.

Immunity Challenge time.  They are on inclined planks with small handholds on either side. As time goes on, they have to go lower and smaller handholds. 

Emily out first. Katurah is scared and gives up. Julie out.

Dee is out. Just the guys are left. Drew out. Jake out. It's Austin against Bruce now. Bruce out!


Bruce is sure he will be safe because he has the idol. Julie and others talk to Bruce and advise him to use the idol, Jake will be the back-up. Katurah thinks going for Jake would be a wasted vote. She wants Julie to go ... after all, they all love their Mama. Oh my. Emily gets Bruce to go with the Mama J vote. Hmm ... will Emily get him to go home with the idol in his pocket? 

Jake is told the truth now by Bruce about having the idol. That ticks him off even more. He thinks everyone is lying to him and he's at the bottom every time. He's in tears in confessional. Katurah comes over to him. Bruce comes over. He gives a pep talk.

Emily is worried if Mama J stays. Is Jake the safer option? Can Bruce actually go home?

Tribal Council time. Lots of smiles. Emily says the energy might be different because someone else is wearing the immunity necklace. Jake says it's not a personal thing, but he feels dumb and out of the loop. Jeff brings up the fact that the moniker Mama J could be used to hurt her. She says it gives her an extra burden. Drew says today's vote is more complicated than previous ones. Julie told Jeff she would be surprised if it's her today (when Jeff asked her). They talk about Bruce's idol.

Time to vote. Drew votes Jake.

The tally ... Bruce does NOT play his idol.

Jake, Jake, Jake, Julie, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce.

They got him to go home with an idol in his pocket! And it was Emily's plan.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Amazing Race 35: In the Belly of the Earth - Ep. 9 Blog Party


I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving! 

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real blog party is in the comments. I hope to see you there!

Lifeguard SueGee has once again updated the blog pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Ashlie & Todd -- Dr Celine, NanaintheNW, SueGee
Greg & John -- Brent McKee, Jackie, Judi Sweeney
Joel & Garrett -- ChicMc, Ethan, Willie J, Jasonuwp
Robbin & Chelsea -- Indiana Jane, KelseyNY, MikesGirl
Rob & Corey -- marthalight, PDX Granny, Sharon N
Steve & Anna Leigh -- David, Donna in FL, Glenn Allen

Are you ready? Let's GO!

Teams are remaining in Slovenia. On foot to Congress (?) Square for their next clue.

Roadblock - Wooden kitchenware. Sellers attach to backpack and make a delivery, so do the teams (or one member of the team, that is). 

John finishes first, gets the next clue and heads back to Greg. Drive to a network of caves where legend has it the dragons live. Descend down into a cave to find the next clue. Todd finishes it next and heads back to Ashlie. Then Corey gets it done. Uh-oh. Chelsea didn't load up two pieces on the backpack and has to go back for them. Both Garrett/Joel and Steve/Anna Leigh made it through. Now Robbin and Chelsea are through.

Greg/John make it first to the caves. Then Rob and Corey. The clue has them go further into the cave, find pieces of a dragon, put it together to get the next clue from the dragon keeper. Robbin/Chelsea continue to make errors and drive by the entrance to the caves.

Greg/John finish the dragon and get a clue to drive to the Fonda Fish Farm where they will get the clue to a Detour. Anna Leigh/Steve, then Garrett/Joel finish the dragons.

Detour - Scrape Off has them removing barnacles from two rings. Swap Out, use a kayak to swap out two mussels laden buoy ropes.

Robbin/Chelsea are finally at the caves. Ashlie and Todd are still there. But now they're gone just as the women approach the dragon.

Greg/John have already swapped out one buoy. Rob/Corey got there but started off without a buoy. Uh-oh. They took a buoy but left the mussels! Greg/John get the clue to drive to the next Pit Stop.

Rob/Corey decide to switch Detours as they cannot find the bag of mussels they left behind. Meanwhile, Anna Leigh/Steve finish the Scrape clue. Joel/Garrett are heading to the Pit Stop now, too.

Ashlie and Todd, after getting lost, make a mistake at Scrape and leave the chains behind when they get their kayak. They finish Scrape just as Robbin/Chelsea arrive at the Detour.

Pit Stop Order
1. Greg/John - Also won $5,000 each
3. Steve/Anna Leigh
4. Rob/Corey
5. Ashlie/Todd
6. Robbin/Chelsea are Phiminated

Survivor 45: Sword of Damocles - Ep. 9 Blog Party


Good evening! Tonight we will watch someone's torch get snuffed. Tomorrow we will all get stuffed! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I'm never sure why they air new episodes the night before Thanksgiving. It's always quiet in here.

A separate post for The Amazing Race will magically appear at about 9:25PM ET. So, please shift over to that post for that show. Merci.

I will be live blogging the show the best I can. Refresh this page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. Here's where we stand:

Kendra --- Cherry Pie, EthanC
Emily --- ChicMc, Donna in AL, Jackie
Austin --- Pearl, Nora M, Sharon N
Drew --- Dr Celine, monty924
Bruce --- Krysta, Skyriverblue
Jake --- Donna in FL, TS14Fan
Katurah --- Donna NY, April W
Dee --- Judi Sweeney, Brent McKee
Julie --- Andi, PDX Granny


Survivor fans ready?

Previously On segment is airing, of course.

It's Night 16. They returned from Tribal. Jake is still on a high after not getting booted out. He had no clue they were going to target Kellie. Bruce thinks that he would have been voted out had he not been safe. They tell him that Kellie was targeting him.

Kendra is still very upset but is trying to think of positives about it. She suggests that they target Dee. Julie tells Dee that Julie is coming after her. Drew, Dee, Austin think they need to draw the idols out.

Day 17. Bruce is concerned that Kellie was working to vote him out. Does he really believe it? He was told that Kellie thought he was overbearing. So, now we get his backstory. Foster homes.

Drew comments that Bruce is not wanting to work in camp.

Drew, Austin and Emily talk. She suggests getting others to vote for Dee. The guys still want to draw out the idols. She's worried they are both too close to old Reba. 

Treemail. Only one wins Immunity, divide your tribe into thirds. Jake, Drew and Jake are together. Austin, Emily and Katura. Julie, Bruce and Kendra. Austin put one of his idols in Julie's bag.

Time for the Immunity Challenge. Stage 1 - retrieve a disk, balance a ball across a balance beam, dig for rope rungs, use rungs to build a rope bridge, toss three balls onto three small rims, then it becomes individual with the last three as teams will drop in stages. Reward for the final three is Sanctuary and rotisserie chicken. First group out, all three players lose vote but will take a journey to possibly win it back.

First stage - Emily, Austin and Katurah out of it.
Second stage - Jake, Drew and Dee out

Julie, Bruce and Kendra are now against each other for individual immunity. Arms are outstretched holding disks up. Kendra out. Julie versus Bruce just like last time. Julie drops.

BRUCE wins Immunity, the second time in a row. All three still go to the Sanctuary.

Emily, Katurah and Austin are headed off to their journey. 

We get the three back at camp first. They decide to eat some rice. They feel they're in a bit of a holding pattern. Dee and Drew talk about taking out Kendra tonight.

Bruce, Kendra and Julie arrive at Sanctuary. Kendra thinks Dee should go; Julie thinks Jake should go. Bruce is fine with Jake going.

The three all have a chance to earn back their votes. Austin, Emily and Katurah each go off on separate paths. It's logic math problem on a timer. They have to place three plus signs and one minus sign to a series of numbers to make it total 100. Katurah fails. Austin wins his vote back. Emily fails.

Two boats carrying the missing six back to camp arrive. Emily feels on the outs again. Emily and Katurah tell the truth about losing the vote. Austin lies and tells them he lost the vote, but he tells his alliance the truth. Sounds like Kendra will be targeted. Julie tells Dee and Drew that her three wanted Jake out. Kendra tells Emily it's Jake and Emily tells Drew. He goes around telling all and most go with the Jake idea. Dee really wants Kendra gone and works that angle.

It's Tribal Council time. Jeff tells them that last week's boot of Kellie will go down as devasting history. Then Jeff brings up the challenge with the two oldest competitors at the end. He mentions that they don't really know if the three lost their votes or not.

Time to vote. The ones who lost their votes still go up but cannot vote.

The tally - Jake, Kendra, Kendra, Kendra, Kendra ...  four is enough.

Bye-bye Kendra!