Sunday, January 07, 2007

Tonight, Tonight... Sunday, January 7, 2007

Okay, I know this isn't a television screen cap. But a dandelion in New Jersey in January is a rare sight. I took this shot yesterday when the temperatures climbed into the 70s (F).

Weird, weird weather.

However, television might be even a bit weirder. Earlier, while flipping stations, I came across the movie Lake Placid on AMC. I had no clue what I was watching, never saw the movie in its theater run, and only went to the TV listings when I saw Betty White feeding a cow to a monster crocodile. When I saw that bit, I had to find out. Weird movie, I say. Weird. Evil Betty White!

The latest season of The Apprentice will be starting in a few minutes here on the East Coast. I'm going into this season blind, not even having read the show's website. All I know is the California location instead of here in the NYC area and the fact that the losing team will reside in a tent while the winners will live in the life of luxury. I'll be taking my notes and posting an entry about the show either very late tonight (hate that 11 PM ET end time) or sometime tomorrow. Whether I do full reviews/recaps on it this season depends on how I take to it tonight.

Will you be watching The Apprentice: LA?


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't watch the apprentice even if trump paid me too. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I am watching it now!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, make the nasty egomaniac even richer!

Anonymous said...

I am on the west coast in Oregon and the Trailblazer basketball game is on GRRRRRRRRRr like you Jacqui missing part of survivor due to football anyway its 8pm right now and there is a caption runing on teh bottem of the screen that it will be showed in its entirety so this is a good thing. Can't wait to read your blogs on this show thanks Jacqui for all you do