Sunday, March 04, 2007

'The Amazing Race 11: All Stars' - East Coast Update 03/04 - Pit Stop Arrival Order and Philimination

The arrival at the Pit Stop was:
  1. Rob and Amber - each won a home gym
  2. Uchenna and Joyce
  3. Eric and Danielle
  4. Dustin and Kandice (Twice at number 4, I'll explain later)
  5. Oswald and Danny
  6. Teri and Ian
  7. Joe and Bill
  8. Charla and Mirna
  9. David and Mary - Philiminated
A full review/recap will be posted late tonight. Please stop back!


Anonymous said...

Really sad to see David and Mary go.... Romber is now 3-0.

Anonymous said...

It was announced this time that David and Mary will be on the Early Show tomorrow. YEAH!!!

Sydney said...

Good ep tonight. I was amazed that Rob and Amber came in first for the third time, and by her reaction, so was Amber. Was also amazed that the BQ' went back and got the clue they missed and still came in at the same point in line... 4th. Tha'ts impressive.

I actually felt really disappointed in David and Mary by mid last ep... I know they experienced the show as being part of buddies/alliances, but I was really mad they didn't wise up this time around and seemed so surprised when Charla and Mirna took their help then left them in the dust. But tonight the old Kentucky we love was back, so it was sad to see them go. Was hoping they might not do elimination to give them one more week.I am over Team Mirna!

Looks like a good season and I'm excited to watch as more and more folks go, as they will be able to spend more time showing us less people and more of their actual travels and trials.

Anonymous said...

Sad to see David and Mary go - they were my favs. Loved Terri and Ian getting into it with Mirna. Was hoping Mirna and Charla would be gone. Surprised myself that I was glad to see Romber in first at the end. Think the team I am rooting for is Terri and Ian. Good show.