Sunday, March 04, 2007

'The Amazing Race 11: All Stars' - Ep. 3 -or- "Fish Whisperers and Mirna Drama"

Jackie's TV Blog, Amazing Race, TAR
Ah, now it's beginning to feel like The Amazing Race! Even though they didn't cover a ton of territory, the challenges were more adventurous and my edge-of-my-seat adrenalin rush came back towards the end of the episode.

Yeah, I know it's purely editing which made the ending so intense, but it could have been either team racing for that Pit Stop eliminated. For all I know, they could have been an hour apart. But that's the magic of TV, right?

"Nine teams remain. Who will be eliminated tonight?" I noted that Phil said "tonight," not "next." To me, that indicated it wasn't quite time for a non-elimination leg. Next week we'll have to see how he phrases it.

The teams left the Valley of the Dead (the last Pit Stop) in the order in which they had arrived. Rob and Amber, the first in last week's leg, left at 11:39pm. David and Mary, the last in the leg, left at 12:55am. So, the lead time has been cut some, but it's still rather substantial. They had to drive four miles to San Pedro, then board flights for Puerto Montt, a port town in Chile.

Once again, we had the inevitable all-too-familiar airport scramble for tickets segment. Didn't I just say last week that these are getting way too tired? I think I did. A few things to note about this segment, though -- Rob and Amber thought to go online to secure tickets for the earliest flight before the counter opened. While David and Mary declared "no more friends" after being burnt by Mirna and Shmirna... er, Charla, Teri and Ian and the Beauty Queens (Dustin and Kandice) decided they'd work together. Other teams also worked together, manning the empty counters and planning to buy tickets for others.

At the airport, Charla eavesdropped on other teams finding out they were on an earlier flight. She pulled the "I can't see over the counter, excuuuuse me" bit and tried to horn in on Teri and Ian's counter transaction. Teri bristled and I loved it! "Do not talk to my person!" Mirna called Ian "the King of Rude" and said she learned her rudeness from him when he called her on her behavior. Aha, a brouhaha!

The teams were soon on their way, with Rob and Amber in the lead. Rob took an unexpected turn which brought out a good Team Guido line (one of a couple tonight) -- "Rob is not Jesus." Well, he may as well be for the purpose of this race. Is Romber unbeatable? It turned out they took a wrong turn, but soon corrected and were back on track unlike so many who roam so lost for so long.
The Roadblock had one member of each team collecting flounder from a pool and loading them into a holding tank. Danielle freaked out, as did Mirna when she later arrived. Amber, on the other hand, didn't hesitate much although she wasn't a happy fisher. Rob brought up a good point about the "encouragement" Eric was giving Danielle. I found it insulting, too. Yay for Rob for noticing and commenting on it!

Uchenna worked like a machine loading the fish, putting his team out of there first. When David and Mary arrived, David was first very timid, then put Uchenna's work to shame. But the best to watch (although not best team at the task) was Team Guido. Joe was in the pool and he became The Fish Whisperer. "Meditate them into submission."
Whitewater rafting
From there, the scenery in Chile was gorgeous as the teams drove on to their next clue, a Detour. They had a choice between two adventures found in the local area. The first choice was Vertical Limit -- both team members had to rock climb a 40-foot mountain-face, retrieve the clue, then descend. In River Wild, teams had to whitewater raft a 2½-mile route down the river. Not one team chose Vertical Limit. There was a pretty large split between the groups of teams with some really trailing behind.

Teaming up with Team Guido not realizing Guido didn't read the whole clue at the fish Detour, were Mirna and Charla. Once they realized that Guido had missed the town name, Petrohue, they almost kicked themselves for helping them. They were amongst the trailing teams as were David and Mary.
Clueless Beauty Queens
Worse than Rob's wrong turn, Dustin and Kandice totally missed the clue which told them of the Detour. They saw the cars from other teams parked, joined them and automatically headed to do the whitewater rafting. Supposedly the rafting was in Class 3 and 4 level waters, but it didn't look it to me. That's something I loved to do back in the day and it looked a 3 tops.

There was more Mirna/Charla drama. Can't they just go away? Please, I beg of you! But, in the end, the finish order was:
  1. Rob and Amber - Each won a home gym (remember, they're married)
  2. Uchenna and Joyce
  3. Eric and Danielle
  4. Dustin and Kandice (sent back because they missed the Detour clue, yet they placed the same upon their return)
  5. Oswald and Danny
  6. Teri and Ian
  7. Joe and Bill
  8. Charla and Mirna (argh)
  9. David and Mary - Philiminated
Team KentuckyI didn't think that David and Mary would last long in this race, but I wish that Charla and Mirna were out instead of them this week. I am so sick of Mirna's drama! At least David and Mary threw themselves into the challenges and don't get nasty with others.

And, hey... what about Romber coming in first three times in a row? Not bad, Boston Rob, not bad at all. What did you think of the show?


Anonymous said...

When the Beaauty Queens had to go back for a missing clue, I was sure the Guidos would be sent back or given a penalty. Apparently not.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree, Mirna and Charla are getting old much too fast!! I hope they are gone at the next eliminations. They are driving me nuts. Mirna's attitude that the "world revolves around them" is so pathetic. I do have to say that I am glad we don't have to see (or hear) her fall at Phil's feet like we did the last time they raced. Her obsession with him was a bit too much. I DO NOT like her, and Charla is closing in on her fast.

"Romber" are amazing. Even though I feel like they've gotten their share of "reality TV money," if they keep going at this pace, then they deserve it. They seem to keep one step ahead of the others, even if they fall behind, like last week. Amazing!!

Thanks so much for all you do, Jackie. You are the best. Love coming here for updates - about ALL TV shows.


Anonymous said...

Love Romber...hope they don't "peak" too soon. There is still a lot of race to go with many variables, but I have to say I'm pulling for them. Did you see how Amber just got to work with the fish without a lot of drama? They are fun to watch and fun to watch their interaction with one another. Cute couple. So sick of Mirna and Charla. Also is it just me or have the Guido's gotten old and cranky since they were last on the show.

Anonymous said...

I do believe Rob took the right on purpose...because he is tired of people following them, but then they had to turn around. Romber will need to win the Race to pay the taxes on all the prizes if they keep coming in 1st.

M and C, what can I say? Loved it when Teri and Ian tried to put them in their place.

Thought the BQ's were goners, but for some reason they pulled it out. Not that the rafting was easy, but I believe having an option was a concession to Charla's height. AR almost always has a climbing task. Sarah had a handicap, but she was not small.

Side note: Ethan (Africa) and Jenna (Amazon) survivor winners have been on a Food Network program, Dinner: Impossible. Plus Victoria (Jonathan) and the baby were on the Girls Next Door episode I saw last night.

I liked what Rob said when Phil told them they were 3/3. I would come in other places to come in first at the finish line!!!! Nancy, yes the Guido's have faded as time has passed. Haven't we all :-).

Getting better each week...why is Sunday so far away?????

Anonymous said...

I really doubt Rob would have made that wrong turn on purpose. He's too competitive for that. So glad to see them come in first again. GO ROMBER!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That Charla seems just as nasty to me as Mirna. I never liked them much in their first "go-round" and I'm glad to see their true colors come out. They 'b' and moan about everyone else but keep trying to pull that "we're so nice and everyone else is so mean" crap. Please let them be philiminated next, I can't stand listening to them anymore!

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to like Charla and Mirna. It would have been nice to cheer them on and see them overcome the obstacle of Charla's height. But they are just so incredibly nasty and annoying that they make it impossible to root for them.

MrsTito said...

Who was it that made the comment about "Charla being happy" with the local at the Pit Stop (also a vertically challenged person)? So wrong, but still funny!

We thought for sure it was an omen that they would be last, but no, instead it was Kentucky. I'm sort of glad that Kentucky is gone because they are painful to watch at times. Although I felt David had a really good attitude about the fish. He didn't like it, but he just did it to get it done. Nice work, but not as nice as Amber!!!

Anonymous said...

Rob looked in the rearview mirror and said, "they all are following us....I am going to turn right!" Think he hoping others would follow him which they did not!

Anonymous said...

Two of the teams did choose the rock climbing and then changed their minds. We just weren't shown this. CBS has a picture of Uchenna and Joyce suiting up for the task. I'm hoping that someone (hint, hint) can find out who the other team was. CBS even mentioned the fact that the 2 teams tried and changed their minds (in the online preview). It must have been edited out.

Anonymous said...

To anon. - 11:26am - - - You're right about Rob and the right turn. I missed that the first time, but should have known it WAS his competitive reasoning to do so. GO-GO-GO ROMBER!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just love the relationship between Rob and Amber. I wish they could come in first every week. Wouldn't that be fun.
They remind me of that old saying ....they work together like a well oiled machine. I don't understand when people wish them ill as I have not seen any rude behavior out of them. They are just smart and quick! I laughed when Amber, sitting in the back seat reading directions and not even looking up, quietly told Rob not to be react to the actions of others. Anyway, Go Romber. Who came up with that nickname anyway. Very clever! We will never see them on Surviror again as they would be immediately voted off. However, it would be funny to see them on opposite teams. Survivor should pay them to go on to bring back a old audience.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Rob and Amber should do Dancing with the Stars next...and go head to head. Great fun and they are both very athletic. Love to see Rob bopping around with the Quick Step.

Sydney said...

YES! Dancing with the Stars next! People WOUld actualyl tune in to see them... but something tells me this is an area they might not succeed... I think they are great competitors and a great example of a match and teamwork. I have to hand it to them. They aren't just a 15 minutes and no substance couple that way.