Friday, July 06, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feed Notes - Overnight Into July 6, 2007

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Who woulda thunk it? One houseguest is up washing dishes and cleaning in the kitchen as I write this. Are you thinking Kail? Nope, it's Dick. It's past 3:00 AM their time as I write this. He is indeed a character... and he talks to himself. A lot.

Remember, we already knew from my last post that Carol and Amber are nominated for eviction. The Power of Veto will be played out sometime today. They have been in the house for six days.

Here's the latest skinny:
  • There must have been a food competition more than a few days ago. Some of the houseguests are on Big Brother slop. Daniele and Dustin, for sure, are slop eaters.
  • They don't have playing cards. (Good, because watching them play cards is boring!)
  • Eric is a play-flirter with all of the girls. Alas, he has a potty-mouth. But our America's Player does seem to fit in well with the others. Dick has some problems with him -- something about him lying to him about something. But, on the whole, he gets along decently.
  • It seems the concensus among the houseguests is a vote off of Carol, at least partly because she said she didn't want to be there when she was nominated.
  • If POV is used, Zach may be the next on the block.
  • Nick is shy with the girls? His father thought he could be gay until he was around 21.
  • Big Brother gave them body paint. The slop eaters wanted to eat it because it's flavored.
  • The HOH Room is very futuristic-looking. For some reason, Kail didn't seem to spend much time up there, but Jen did. Jen checked out all of the spy screen views.
  • There seems to be a bit of difference in opinion regarding the vote, but it always seems to fall back to Amber staying unless the POV is used to save Carol.
  • Dick coughs a lot. It might be good for him to run out of cigarettes this summer.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it's that time again and I'm more than excited. Last night's best moment was when Eric revealed that he had caught an STD from his ex.... Question: How far in advance was yesterday' show taped? Also how live are the live shows? They had a lot of footage of the season already, so just wondering how this came to be?????

Anonymous said...

Dustin and Joe are the ex-couple. As far as we know Eric is straight.

Kail- from some research lives in a very small town. So her business may be she owns the gas station with a ATM-donut shop-bait shop and her real estate office. The area is recreational in nature so that fits.

Zoetawny...ty for liking my idea. Right now Eric is the K of H's and Kail thinks she is the Q of H's. Joe is the caterpillar and I wish he would crawl away. OK enough!!!!

Jackie, ty per usual and just waiting for the FIRST eyerolls.

Anonymous said...

Gee,I am sorry to learn that Carol may be the one leaving.Her "frenemy",Jessica,grates on me and don't think that will get better. I also,am not loving the fact that for the most part,the whole house is 20 year olds! They are still babies and,for the most part,immature and volatile. It's like high school reunion! A more diverse cast would have been welcome,not just everybody trying to "make" it in Hollywood!And throwing in your token "gay"(or gay couple this time)does NOT make the house diverse. the insight on Kail,that does seem to fit her description of "owning" the town more appropriate!

Thanks again,Jackie,for keeping your finger on the pulse of the house. Good job!!

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for Amber to stay but I am bias - for the first time in Big Brother or a reality show I actually know the person on the show. So, by default I have to root for her.

To answer the ABfromBrooklyn, the show is taped in advance by about two days - but the live shows are shown live. This means that the power of veto is probably done on Sunday or earlier but shown delayed on Tuesday. Whereas viewers only have to wait from Tuesday to Thursday to see who wins the veto and who gets kicked out - the players in the house actually wait much longer. I know that Amber was taken away from Las Vegas last Monday and taken immediately to the house. So they were in the house four days before the start of the show yesterday (Thursday).


Anonymous said...

woo hoo!!!!!!

Moments Of Pleasure said...

I watched Big Brother after dark on showtime too.

I was heavily surprised with eric and his potty mouth.

Jen couldn't get the spy things to work.

Anonymous said...

I have Showtime so I'm taping Afterdark, just watched last nights. It is the house from 9:00 to 12:00. It jumps around, from the hot tub, to the kitchen, to the hammock, to the HOH, to the store room. It was pretty boring starting out but there were some good conversations throughout. I'm liking Dick, I watched all his conversations. He and Amber are tight. There seems to be talk of an alliance of "The Six" - the 3 pairs of "enemies". But it sounds like they'd cut Carol to keep Amber. And they aren't real sure about Dustin. From his talk with Amber, he'd turn on Joe in a minute, unless I missed something between him & Joe. I don't know that I'd subscribe to Showtime just for it or not. We'll see. I've got it set on the DVR and can fast forward through the bulk of it. I'm hoping Eric stays in for a while, being "America's Player". I think he was a good choice for that. He reminds me of Jason Biggs!


AlbGlinka said...

Hiya Jackie: Maybe you should have won that AOL Journal award last year! ;-)

Looking forward to your blogging, there's no way I'll succumb to the addiction of Live Feed, I watch too much TV as is!

Do they push people over 45 off onto an iceberg these days??? I'm almost missing Chicken George.

Anonymous said...

so far everything sounds good. maybe the frist thing we should do is tell eric to watch what he says they might get tired of it and boot him off. has dick and his daughter talked? im not seeing anything wrong with him except his drinking.
looked at alot of sights and once agine jackie your is the best

Anonymous said...

BBAD was just like the feeds, switching around on conversations. I didn't watch it non-stop last night because it was a bit boring at times-- hammock talk between Dick and Amber was good.

Like I said I like Dick, but I have to wonder except the one blip on the show last night when Daniele said "Work with me and I'll work with you" have they talked?

Dick does think the other guys want him gone so they can use Daniele more-- a bit hard to start a showmance with Dad around watching.

Carrie in TX

Wintermute said...

Wow! That time of year already?! I love your live feed notes, because I barely have time to catch the show even with a DVR ;)

Does anyone know where Kail is from? She claimed to be "just this side of 38" during their introductions. That would put her about the same age as me, and she looks really familiar for some reason. Considering I graduated high school from a small town, it's not an impossibility that I know her. Doubtful, though. I'd just like to rule it out.

Anonymous said...

Wintermute - Kail is from McKenzie Bridge, OR. According to Google maps, it's about 100 miles south of Portland.

She's so annoying!!!

Wintermute said...

ORKMommy - I meant, does anyone know if she is originally from there? I should have been more clear. If she has, then there's no way I'd know her. If not, I'd be curious to find out where she is originally from.

I agree, she is incredibly annoying. Probably homophobic as well, judging by her comment about not wanting her children to chose that lifestyle. Reminds me of half my high school class, which could be why she seems familiar.

Anonymous said...

Do a McKenzie Bridge OR search and read the demographics...mostly white area and few u know whats if any...IMAO Thought I was watching Real World when she said that she did not know any and about her kids.

Wintermute said...

I really should use Google before asking ;) Looks like she is from that area, but she's done a little acting. Could be why she looks familiar.

bosco said...

this is a test. this is only a test. hi, guys. just trying to remember my password. thanks for your patience.

Anonymous said...

Good to be back with you Jackie, as always I look forward to your updates. Good show, can't wait to see how interesting it gets.

Anonymous said...

does kail remind anyone else of maggie from bb6?
she strikes me as the manipulative backstabber kind of person..just a thought though


Sydney said...

Methinks Dick is highly aware that he is on camera and that especailly at 3 Am he is the only thing the initernet watechers have so he's got center stage and hence, he talks to himself a lot.

Shareon, I TOTALLY agree -- I wish it was not Carol but her nemisis on the block... as Jackie said, her voice ggrates on me and from the first I was over her.

I was bummed to see such a young cast but I do think there are not many grown ups who have the time, tolerance or so few responsibilities that they could be freed up fro an enitre three months to sit in a house with nothing to do... and if they are married, no hook up potential, and if they have kids, they would be seen by all their friends, school officials, etc... and could not do much that would make good TV and live with it... Jackie -- I wonder if there are not many grown up applicants to begin with cuz of all these things?

Sydney said...

I watched the ShoToo feeds as well and oy, I can't be sitting around watchign this 3 hours a night! I will never get anything done! But I did love watching Dick and Amber talk. In the beginning in the hot tub I could not believe how OFTEN Eric uses the f word- I like that word but he uses it the way some overuse LIKE... every 3 words in a sentance, literally. I was kind of bummed because he's our guy and after watching him a biut, I don't like him at all. He was also flirting with Jessica who was totally eating it up. May be strategy for both but AUGH.

I do want to say I like Dick but it was jard to swallow when he was up in HOH at the beginning fo the show and he was cheering for something against his daughter. Then on After Dark he said something about Mike wanting TO FUCK his daughter while on the hammock with Amber... compared it to "fucking a lot of hot girls himself" or hotter than his daughter. Whatever -- the exact details aren't important, it's that he talks with such disrespect about her as a THING/CHICK no matter what their troubles that bothers me. I read his regrets about his parenting and loss of time with her on his myspace... so where is that in all his comments on the show? BUT I do hope he stays becasue he's the most interesting to watch so far.