- The rest of Part One of the final HOH comp which had its start aired on the Tuesday show.
- Part Two of the final HOH comp which is taped.
- Part Three of the final HOH comp which will be live.
- The Jury Roundtable with Dr. Will (which sounds great!)
- Live eviction down to the Final Two
- Jury questions
- Final Two speeches
- The voting and winner of BB25
- America's Favorite Player
- Whatever "holiday surprise" Julie was talking about. I'm in fear because I've seen promos for it with Britney, Frankie and Danielle in holiday pajamas.
I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As I will be constantly updating, refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!
Before we get started, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. I find it hard to believe I'm still in my own blog pool! Here's where we stand ...
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U, Joyce Johnson
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C
Hamster watchers ready?
Julie tonight |
I sat through the Previously On segment.
We go to the Part One of the HOH in which they are hanging on suspended balls crashing into stuff. We get diary room bits on why each needs to win. They are getting hit with goo, hair and ice-cold rain. They have to move down from the disk to the bubble. Bowie Jane out at an hour 24 minutes. Jag and Matt want to do rock-paper-scissors. Jag goes down. MATT is the winner of Part One!
Bowie Jane and Jag will compete in Part Two. Julie tells us the Dr. Will Roundtable is up next.
Here we go! Felicia comes in to join them. They talk about Bowie Jane and her non-game. America thinks floating worked as a strategy for her. They talk about control. Cory thinks Jag was more in control. Cirie thinks he manipulated so many. This is really good. I'm not able to keep up with each statement. They say Matt has a better social game than Jag. Lots of positive talk about Matt. His worst moves were not owning up to his moves in the game.
Bowie Jane's parents are in the crowd from Australia.
Part Two of the HOH Comp! Competitions have to be sent back to their proper universe. Zipline back and forth, chronological orders for the comps in the correct universes.
Jag studied hard but never paid attention to what universe each comp came from. He's having all kinds of problems. Finally gets it. He thinks his performance was horrible. Then it's Bowie Jane's turn. I wish she would stop shouting in the Diary Room. Like Jag, she didn't pay attention to which universe each comp was from. She seems to be doing worse than Jag. Finally she finishes. JAG wins Part Two! 1 hour 2.56 minutes vs. Bowie Jane's hour and a half.
Jag has final two deals with both Matt and Bowie Jane. Now, that can't happen, right?
Time for Part Three HOH comp! Meowmeow Enterprises sends them Jury Verse. How well do they know the jury? Videos, three statements about the jury person, one is false. Six videos.
1. Both right
2. Both right
3. Both right
4. Both right
5. Both right
6. Both wrong
To a tiebreaker. How many minutes was the When Universes Collide Part One comp from the start to when Jag went down?
Matt 140 Jag 163 -- 176 is right.
JAG wins Part Three!
To the living room.
Matt - Jag, my boy. Love you, had each other's back. Let's keep it real.
Bowie Jane - Good buddies, would like to be in the final two, lots of money on the line.
Jag chooses to evict ... he tells both good things about them. He chooses to evict Bowie Jane. He has to take Matt to the final two. She's good about it.
Bowie Jane tells Julie she told Jag he had to do what is right for him. Short and sweet interview.
Jury questions time. Three questions for each finalist.
Cirie - Matt - Through game Jag leader, you follower. What moves were your own? Saved Jag's game. We did everything together, why we're here.
Cory - Jag - You and Matt working together, did you carry Matt to final two? I made it happen, I was the leader.
Felicia - Matt - 2 occasions you told me you were thinking of evicting Jag, real or lie? I was loyal to Jag, told you what you wanted to hear.
America - Jag - Goodbye messages you took credit before you never said anything? I finished the job and can own up then.
Cameron - Matt - Lying a big part of the game, strategic lie? Telling people I would take a shot at Jag, telling people what they wanted to hear.
Blue - Jag - Voted out week four, why do you deserve to win the game over the person saving you? Came up with BB mastership game for myself, adapted, my journey in the game is testament to that.
Bowie Jane - Jag - How did your game change for the better when you joined in the Mafia with Matt and me? Loves her.
Final statements from the Final Two.
Matt - First deaf person to play the game, had to play a social game, had to step up, lived in Have Not, almost perfect game, good social game, he worked on his social game rather than the comps, performed when needed to, backed away, team player. I played my own game. Had Jag gone out, I would have been fine.
Jag - I have willed this to be this way, I signed your eviction notices. Got Cam out. Singlehandedly sent Cory and Blue home. I convinced Matt to send Cirie home. I am the most dominant and strategic player in this house. All your blood is on my hands. I am the first Sikh player.
Time to vote.
Cameron - what a road, voting for the guy I told over a month ago.
Cory - Voting for the person I can beat in a fight.
Blue - Team brunette, team blond
America - To the slimiest snake of them all
Cirie - I am loyal, voting person most loyal to me.
Felicia - Neither of you were loyal to me, best ability to get befriended.
Bowie Jane - Keep to my word.
The pre-jury is there. Julie asks Mecole what surprises her the most -- Cameron was the hero rather than the villain. He is flattered. Hisam surprised Mecole is a political consultant. Bowie Jane admits being a criminal trial attorney specializing in money laundering and tax fraud. Felicia brings up her age. She admits being 45.
Cameron, Felicia's famous relative ... Denzel. Felicia admits not true. All are shocked that Jared is Cirie's son. That bit must be watched!
Time to reveal the vote!
BJ - Jag
Felicia - Matt
Cirie - Matt
America - Jag
Blue - Jag
Cory - Jag
JAG WINS BB25! (And JACKIE wins the blog pool for the first time!) Cameron also voted Jag.
America's favorite houseguest. Top three -- Cirie, Matt and Cameron.
CAMERON won it!
There is something going on in the BB House -- Frankie, Danielle and Britney are in laundry bins in storage. They find their doohickey to close the Multiverse. They shoot it and the universes go away one by one. Uh-oh Christmas stuff starts floating around, they have holiday pjs on now.
Brand new show BB Reindeer Gane with legendary BB players. Jordan Derek and Tiffany as Santa's elves. Premieres December 11.