Monday, August 06, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Monday Morning 8/06

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Graphic artist Zoetawny asks if Eric is cracking under the pressure.

Well, watching the feeds into the wee hours, it doesn't seem like he is. As a matter of fact, right now he seems rather stable.

Of course, that could change at any minute!

At the moment, it looks like the Dustin Five is going with the plan to vote out Kail if Eric is put on the block in Jen's place.

Here are the latest happenings from that Big Brother House of Cards:
  • Dick again accused Eric of masterminding Nick's eviction.
  • Dick also doesn't trust Amber and is badmouthing her.
  • Jen is perpetrating the Eric issue by telling people he said she was his #1 and tells her all kinds of information.
  • Jen then told Daniele that it's been Dustin telling Kail everything. (Now that's more right.)
  • Jen said that Amber is a compulsive crier (duh!). She also says Amber must have been the odd vote last week because she didn't cry over voting out Nick (although she surely cried once he was gone).
  • Daniele told Jen that she knew that Eric would get to Jessica and get her on his side. They need another vote and must work on Jameka.
  • Jen talked about how much she doesn't trust Dustin, but Daniele says they definitely don't have the votes to get him out this week.
  • Dustin told Kail that Jen is lying and (paraphrasing) throwing her under the bus.
  • Dick told Daniele if she puts Eric up, Kail will go home. Daniele fussed that she has no friends and wants to go home. She also doesn't trust Jen even though they (D&D) have been talking with her. She wants no deals with Jen.
  • Dick wants Kail gone still, but also Eric, Dustin, and Amber. Um, okay... half the house! ;-)
  • Dick and Eric had another fight -- not physical. Eric held his ground with Dick.
  • Dick told Eric he was going up on the block, it's already a done deal. So much for Daniele's big shocker, eh? Unless she has another plan...!
  • Dick's temper is working against him in the house. (Duh!)
  • Kail said that, for the record, she never had a deal with Eric. That backs up Eric in the eyes of the house majority.
  • Dustin aksed Daniele if she would ever consider putting her father on the block. She was taken aback at that and asked why -- "just to make all of you happy?"
  • Dustin told his bunch that Daniele will never make it to the final two if she doesn't put Dick on the block.
  • Dick told Amber he never lied to her.
  • Eric and Kail talked with Jessica and Jen sitting in. Eric said Dick is a lunatic. Kail thinks he's an escaped mental patient. Eric said he won't back down from Dick.
  • Eric told Jen that she lied and sold him out to Dick.
  • Amber cried.
  • Amber told Daniele she honestly doesn't know right now who she would vote for if Eric went on the block.
  • Dustin told Dick that he (Dick) was running Daniele's HOH with his attitude.
  • Dustin told Kail that he threw HOH because he knew she didn't want to go on slop.
  • Jessica and Jameka think Eric is bold in saying he'll stay this week. But then they both said they need him right now and can't flipflop on the vote.
  • Neither trust either Eric or Dick.
  • Jameka thinks Dustin is becoming more aggressive.
  • Jameka thinks Eric has been throwing the comps all along.
  • Daniele told Dick that Dustin suggested she put him on the block. He's now outraged at him and says he's going on the block next.
  • Daniele begged him not to say anything.
  • Dick can't believe he and Daniele are in an alliance with Shrek (Zach) and Jen.
  • Eric trashtalked Amber to Jessica. (Now, what's going on in his head. He should just trashmouth Dick or others not in "his group" at this time. He definitely shouldn't alienate any of his possible votes to stay!)
  • Kail told Daniele that if she puts Eric on the block with her, she'll go home.
  • Daniele told her that was possible, but wasn't her intention. (She promised Kail that she wouldn't go home this week!)
  • Dick talked to Dustin and tried to turn him against Eric. It didn't seem to work.
  • It's been mostly small talk and chitter-chatter as the night goes on.
At this time it still looks like Daniele will put Eric on the block if Jen removes herself from said block. And, it also looks like if it's Eric and Kail, it will be Kail going home.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Jackie and fellow bloggers!
Go Eric! I am so happy someone has the guts to stand up to ED and "Won't back down!!"
Thanks Jackie, for my morning fix of BB8. I don't know how you do it, but I am thankful!


Unknown said...

These people have no idea how to devise a strategy that lasts more than a day, and then keep it in their head instead of yapping about it to everybody.

Both Eric and Dick now want multiple HGs out immediately. Well, it doesn't work that way. They spend all their time bad-mouthing people instead of solidifying their alliances. Eric is better at working with people than Dick, but he's still foolish to be vocal about his gripes with his own alliance members at this point.

And Dick and Daniele definitely overplayed their hand. What an ineffective HOH for them. They made multiple enemies and can't even get Eric out. They deserve to be on the block next.

And I feel a twinge of sympathy for Zach (Shrek). He was such a good sport about the POV punishment of 24-hr dunkings in goop. I want Jen to make a secret alliance with him.

barbwire said...

ok, who is this speaking ??

jen said that you said that kail said that jameka said that danielle said that amber said that you told jessica that zach said that someone lied

these hamsters aren't ON drugs, i think they NEED drugs !!

Anonymous said...

these hamsters aren't ON drugs, i think they NEED drugs !!

8/06/2007 6:39 AM

More like hamsters are having W/D'S........

Anonymous said...

Jackie I'm trying to verify an account to Ambers back history story I'll send you an email. Along with double eviction!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update - what in the world were you doing up at 4:55 am?


Jackie S. said...

The Amber things were mostly things she had talked about already, not sure on the number of abortions.

As for the double eviction, I keep hearing the same rumors yet haven't seen any verifiable sources. It could happen; they're due. But I think what's out there is rumor as it hasn't been cited to a credible source.

Anonymous said...

The vote last night must have gone for Eric to cozy up to ED. ED-Eric-Jess are still up yakking-rehashing past BB's- saying CBS should take from BB-AR-S and mix up the people and let AR do BB/SS do AR, etc or some combo.
I find this very strange after the events of yesterday, the bad-mouthing-the fighting-the meetings. I think that in the hamster cage this is the only place possible for such flip-flops.

Anonymous said...

ED is completely delusional. Do you think he actually believes he wasn't the one who caused Nick to be evicted, or is he nuts?

Danielle is a hypocrite. Its OK for ED to attack everyone else personally, but Jen says one little thing and she is crucified. If personal attacks are her HOH criteria she HAS to put ED up.

It really feels wrong that no one stands up to ED when he goes after Jen and Kail. Or even Eric now for that matter. I think it makes them all accomplices.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, thanks for the update as always. I hope that the house goes with a "support Eric" vote and votes Kail out. Of course, Dick won't see that as anyone opposing him, he will see it as their own weakness. I wish someone would backdoor HIM!! Now wouldn't that be fabulous?!?!?

Witt :)

Anonymous said...

Let's hope this is not a double eviction week or Eric just might be in trouble.Next week would be better for that. The HG need a little more time to TRY to figure things out. It is great that Eric stands up to ED. With any luck ED diarrhea of the mouth or some form of dementia he suffers will catch up to him and he will be a goner. Hopefully the HG can figure that one out for themselves.

OK, someone in the house has finally figured out that Amber cries a lot. With any luck the others in the house will see that and see her as someone who needs to go.

My vote is to get Kail out this week, with double eviction next week having ED and Amber go. Dustin will then hang himself.

I know the sequester house happenings will soon take place and we must think who will be in there. I am sure the flip flopping will still take place, but maybe if there is a mind left, they will use it. They have to be able to think a little better in the sequester house than in the BB House. The game is still on, however being in the sequester house they will not know every detail, only what is said by the next evicted HG.

I hope that Eric can control what he is saying, as it is doing more harm than good when he bad mouths or trust others instead of working on showing others he is a nice guy. This will get him closer to the end. I think Daniele and Jen is who he needs to devote his trust to. If he does that, the rest will follow and he will stay in the house longer.

Anonymous said...

I was very proud of Eric for standing up for himself against Dick. If Eric can survive this elimination, I hope he gets HOH. It's time for Dick to go home. I wanted him to stay around because he at least made things a little more interesting, but now the guy is just out of control. Everyone in that house should realize that the most dangerous and unbreakable alliance is Dick and Daniele.


Sydney said...

Most overused phrases by this crew:



Period, end of story.

And of course, threow him/her under the bus. That was used every season in recent memory.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Eric said to Jessica and Dustin something about wondering if Dick will get Daniele pregnant in Sequester. Eric is going way overboard and that is out of line. Granted, Dick is always out of line but I thought Eric was above that. I have gone from being a Dick fan to an Eric fan to a Jessica fan and Now I am actually rooting for Weird, Bizarre Zack. And although it will be less exciting when Dick is gone, I do like Dani and I would like to see how she does in the game without Dick. As I think she is a target because of Dick. The good thing is Dick recognizes this and he has admitted it.
1. Zack enthusiastically did the dumping for 24 hours and he complained less than anyone.
2. He stayed loyal to Mike and Nick and it looks like he will transfer that loyalty to Nick's friend, Dani.
3. Zack is playing more strategically and he is the only one other than Jen who is not playing this game on a personal or emotional level.
4. Zack is smarter, I think, much smarter than he appears.

Anonymous said...

I would not mind if Kail went home. If she goes, Daniele will just tell everyone and her that she did not mean to break a promise. She did not intend to send Kail home and Kail was not the target, but it happened.

I have started to think that since Dani and Dick are Big Targets and have been for most of the game: why not make it exciting, go for broke, let is all hang out and Go Out with a Bang.

Anonymous said...

All I'm wishing for at this point is that ED goes before they start sequester. Honestly, I just want him gone... Seriously, I really wouldn't be able to handle his rantings if he were in the house ...Period...End of Story! Hope they throw him under the bus this eviction!

Sorry Sydney...just had to do it... you're too funny!

Anonymous said...

Danielle promised Kail at the HOH comp to NOT put Kail on the block if Kail gave her the HOH.
Now Danielle is a liar.
Also, when did Jen attachk Danielle? I have only seen the TV broadcasts. Have I missed what Danielle continously claims to be harassing and attacking verbage from Jen to Danielle????
Please help me with this.
Thanks so much. I so enjoy all of your input and comments! Jackie, as always, is the best!
Patty Q

Anonymous said... forgot ummmm hmmmm from Jameka!

Since Jen won POV, Dani is in a hard place if she puts Zach up he goes...if she puts a LNC she is doomed. What to do???

Anonymous said...

No Dani said to Kail, that if she went on the block she would not go home....not that she would not put her up.

Anonymous said...

Go Zack! I agree with everything you said May+! I was initialy an ED fan but have grown to dispise him....I do like Danielle but she needs to get dad out of the house so she can play the game she wants to play. AND the house needs him out so they can stop him from forcing everyone to play his game and to prevent him from being in the sequester house. I'm so tired of ED I don't know why they all don't just gather themselves and gang up on him then what....that's how you handle a bully....he's gotten too big an ego and feels like he is the godfather of the house....Don ED.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Dani promised Kail she wouldn't go home, not that she wouldn't put her up. In fact she pretty much told her she would but just as a pawn.

As far as Jen attacking Dani, she has made some remarks to her about the fact that she cheated on her bf with Nick and brought up the fact that she stole her current bf away from his fiancee. They seemed to have worked things out though, even if they don't trust each other completely.

There's really no way that ED will leave before sequester since I believe this is the last week before the jury starts and there's no way Dani's going to put him up, so it looks like we'll be seeing him for awhile to come. Even if Dani did put him up it in no way guarantees her safety since everyone has turned against her already anyway.

I used to be an Eric fan myself, but after last night when he brought up the fact that he knew about Amber's 4 abortions, 2 real, 2 fake, and that he was going to throw it in her face later on if need be, it really showed his true colors. It was vile and disgusting, even Jessica told him so much, before he backpedaled a bit. Honestly, who is there to root for anymore? Zach? Wow, that's really sad.

Anonymous said...

Everyone was so critical of Jen because she was so self-centered. How about Danielle? I may take a drink everytime she said me or my or whined "It's just not fairrrrr."


Anonymous said...

I was a Dick fan. I still like that he doesn't (didn't?) allow secrets by telling anything he hears to both parties involved, not just running around whispering like most. HOWEVER, I have to echo so many who say he's gone/going too far.

I watched the video's of his hot tub "conversation" with Eric (Jackie, your videos are so much actually sync the audio/video :) and he really is relentless and doesn't let anyone else talk unless they absolutely make him listen...which Eric did, to his credit.

That being said... (another of my favorites from BB) I do think the house will be more boring without him...and I do want him gone.

BTW, Dick or Jen are exactly the type of players for whom the original "back door" plan is ideal. Would you want to live with Dick for a solid week of his ranting, raving, accusing...seriously, you get the picture. That's why you back door him, minimize the time you have to deal with him and the time he has to persuade/bully people. Jen is for a different reason...she has already proven when put up, she will win the veto or be vetoed. That's a real reason for the back door....honestly, to prevent the target from being able to use the veto. Period, end of story.

(Thanks to Sydney and meb...I just had to jump on the bandwagon and not "sell" anyone under the bus)...glad they finally started using the correct expression.

Ok, I need to comment more often in smaller doses...sorry ;)


Anonymous said...

It's Monday!!! Another week has begun. Good Morning. Nate you might want to stop reading now because I am probably going
to ramble.
Oh Jackie....too many "he
said, She said" do you keep up with it all?
Just a thought...maybe Daniele is planning to put her Dad on the block KNOWING the house will vote him out and we know the other HG will be
supporting her for getting
him out. She may be tired
of his actions, too and knows it could make her last longer in the game.
What's Dick going to do??
Not speak to her....yell at
her...demean her...throw things...? I think
he's done all of that already and she has been
living the last two years
without him in her life.
Maybe she's putting him to
the test--will you still be
in my life if my actions
cause you to lose the money. At this point I think everyone knows he will never win the game-
everyone HATES him. The
sequester HG will vote for
anyone other than him.Get him out now!
Please spare everyone in the sequester house from
having him there. Can you
imagine??? If he has been
practicing any self-control
now they better put body-
guards in the Sequester
house or everyone might not make it out!!
Barbwire--they don't need
drugs they all need to get
Laryngitis!!! Oh...24 hrs. of peace and quiet. We all need a break to try and figure this mess out!
Mayber Jackie could get some rest, do laundry,
vaccuum,etc. I don't know
how you do it, but WE ARE

Nana in the NW

Anonymous said...

WOW! Talk about personal slams! What Eric said about Dick and his daughter is nothing less than perverse! And whether he uses the info he has on Amber or not, just repeating it to Jessica or anyone else is sick. Dick has gone overboard at times, but I think Eric has him beat. I hope Eric goes home soon. As someone mentioned earlier, his true colors have shown themselves. His mouth isn't the only thing that's POTTY!!

Nate said...

Just an amusing tidbit:
Daniele: "This is the season of backdooring."
And then you can tell that Zach is DYING to say something about anal sex.
I still say Zach is the Creepiest Creep in Creepsville.

Anonymous said...

Nana what a great BB prize you can not speak for a period of time...better than eating slop for a week or bunny suits and dumps.

Silence is golden...

nana said...

Jackie I am more entertain with your blog than I am with the actual show. I get a good laugh reading it. You have a special gift for writing. Keep up the good work

I have lost interest in all of the houseguest they are not doing anything to stand out from the other one. Dick is trying to control everybody. Just no real game play.

Anonymous said...

Point Of Information Question.
Can I assume that the BB house is the same location each year and where in LA is it located?
Have you heard any stories of people(fans) attempting to break in or vandalize the house?

Wendy said...

Once again, I totally agree with what Clementine said. If D&D were going to make this move they should have nominated 2 from the LNC from the beginning with Eric as the back door target. They really messed up.
I'm tired of all of them. I can't keep anything they are doing straight anymore.

Anonymous said...

Sasha...ramble on... I love reading your comments. And I loved the "sell" somebody under the bus. Good one!

Nana in NW - (paraphrasing)'bodyguards in sequester or they might not make it out'. Now that was a Laugh Out Loud one! Thanks.

Jackie, did Eric cross the line with his comments about D and D? I know he's probably getting frustrated with ED, but that would be totally uncalled for.

PlaidChick said...

Ohh my head hurts.... can I get a raise of hands of how many other "Jackie-sters" head hurts???

I still say Eric and Dick are the two strongest players. Dick needs to follow Zach's lead-- STFU. I know he's vile, crud, tacky, gross, but he makes me laugh.

Anybody notice when Eric starts lying he starts laughing????

I wish they would drop this second vote already, it doesn't matter they got out who they wanted out. Get Kail out already.

Carrie in Tx

Anonymous said...

This BB bunch has got to be the most paranoid group I've ever seen. They have about 10 different conspiracy theories going on, and I don't know if even one of them is true! If Dick and Daniele have truly now aligned themselves with Jen, that makes Dick about the biggest hypocrite in BB history! Also, why is it everyone is focussing on the part of the banner that said Eric lies, but are ignoring the part that said Amber lies - if they don't believe that part, then why believe any of it? This season can't end soon enough for me. I don't think any of them should win.


Anonymous said...

Eric and Dick need to go. Like a lot of others, I kinda like Dick in the beginning because he told it like it was. Not now..he's mean and over the top.

Now, Eric...he's never been on of my favorites. And his latest comments just sealed the deal for me. His eyes make me crazy...they dart around all the when someone is lying but he does it constantly. And he as switches on his smile muscles. He gets this **it eating grin and then it just stops..On...Off...On...Off. Watch him, you'll see what I mean.

I also think he is "in the closet". The nipple rings and the wierd earring are a dead give away. That's not homophobic of me either. It is a trend here in Florida to wear that oddly place earring when you are gay. (looks like it would hurt...and we won't even talk about the nipple pain!) I have lots of gay friends including a nephew whose "gaydar" went off the first night he saw Eric and he called to tell me.
So, quit picking on little ole Jess and go after Dustin, Eric. You'd make a great team.

I don't really care when either of them leaves I just don't want them to win or get any money other than their daily stipend.

G in FL

Anonymous said...

oops, I want them to NOT win

Sydney said...

Meb- I was reading your wish to not have to deal with ED in sequester and nodding my head along with that... took me a minute to catch on to the rest!

May/Clementine, I actually agree with your points about Zach!! He's socially akward (not just due to being in the house), but Dick's MO has made it very hard for anyone to fulfill their potential in there. When you have a force that's THAT dominating, it makes even the best of people's actions be in relationship to it - avoiding it, coping with it, getting out of the way of it, rebelling against it, etc.

Agree w/ Reality Fan and others RE: Dani. I'd like to see her game w/o her dad, but she seems so whiney and also self righteous that I'm not sure how much that would change. I had high hopes for her. The first few days she was quiet, watched a lot, was smart, and good in the competitions. Um hmmm delee!

lynn1 said...

G in FL, I have thought from day one that Eric is Gay, though probably in the closet.
In fact my first impression was that all the guys were gay or bi except Dick.
"But like" who cares!

Wouldn't it be cool if CBS/BB told Dani that due to the outside influence caused by the banner that this week Eric and Amber had immunity from being nominated to be voted off.
Oh Boy! that would really be interesting.
My nightmare is the final 2 are Ed and Amber.

Anonymous said...


Dick is 'crud' ?!?!
What a crude thing to say.

(just teasing :P

Deanna said...

When it comes to Dick, everyone appears to be "jumping ship", but I cannot. I enjoy someone who tells it like it is and doesn't go around lying to everyone. Sometimes he rips into people and attacks their weaknesses, but it more appealing than watching Dustin do it behind everyones back in the sissy way he does. The difference between Dick and the house??? Dick says what everyone whispers. Plain & Simple... I've heard some nasty comments come out of everyone in a whisper, but Dick is the only one with enough courage to say it out loud.

Now Eric, the fact that he repeated what Amber told him (and I refuse to repeat it here) just shows his lack of keeping the game seperate from the real world. It is one thing to call names and attack someones character in the house, it is another thing to slam their personal life outside of the house...IMO... His comment about D&D is beyond gross and I wish that someone would tell someone and get him out of the house now. I liked him, but he just isn't handling pressure well and his true colors are showing.

Watched Dick & Dustin talk in the yard last night. I'll just say, Dick made some good points and Dustin tried his hardest to slime his way out of the interrogation. Dustin is a slimy,lying HG...

I too like Zach. He is a bit different, but seems like a decent guy. He is loyal and I hope D&D bring him on board...

Anonymous said...

Deanna, i pretty much agree with everything that you said. I'm an ED fan to the end! He's definitely the only interesting one in the house. When he gets evicted, thats when i stop watching.


Anonymous said...

Eric is disgusting. He need to go now. If they have any smarts at all in there, they will realize what a liar he is. He's not handling things well. His remarks about ED and Daniele in sequester and his talking about
Amber's private life have made me despise him. I much prefer Dick to Eric. Eric is a true slimeball.

Dustin is a worm. He can go soon, too. Yuck. I'd much rather have Dick in the house than Dustin and Eric. Dick is over-the-top and mean, but I much prefer his style to that of Dustin and Eric, who go around whispering, lying and saying horrible things about others just to try to save their own miserable hides.

And I'm beginning to have some respect for Zach. He's becoming the only one in there that I like at all!

Anonymous said...

Deanna and Holly, I'm still hanging in there with both of you and am still rooting for Ed all the way. A lot of people feel for Jen (which I really don't understand) because she has brought much of it on herself. As I've said before, Boogie has taught her well. I, too, respect a person more for saying something straight out, than sliming anyone behind their back. Jen continues her PERSONAL attacks against Daniele every chance she gets and everyone seems to want to make excuses for her. She's getting back from Dick what she gives out. It's called KARMA. ...... I know I'll probably get flak for this one. IMHO!

Anonymous said...

Okay seriously is there anyone out there who likes Dick and Danielle. I really do like them and think the show would be boring without ED, and I am glad they are both working on their relationship as father and daughter and getting closer. I like that Dick actually calls people out. They usually deserves what he says to them. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Rbennie, @1:03PM Wouldn't that make JEN a hypocrite too?

Anonymous said...

Joy N. and anon@3:52--
I still like Dick and Daniele, too. You definitely aren't the only ones who do!


Anonymous said...

Sorry folks. I realize that ED may make for good conversation and TV, but the man is abusive and should be booted ASAP! His actions go beyond simple temper tantrums and could even be viewed as threatening physical violence the way he throws things (not to mention the tea incident) - everyone in the house should watch out for him! Hopefully BB let him know in the DR that his behavior is unacceptable and that they may pull him from the show.
People - This behavior IS NOT OKAY!

Anonymous said...

I have a great idea...let's
petition CBS to evict ALL of the HG and bring in all of the alternates.They can't be any worse than what's in there now!!!
Maybe we could find someone
normal that can become our
favorite!!! We just have to make sure they aren't a
breakfast person---flip-
flopping pancakes and waffles!
deanna/holly--I just can't agree with you about Dick. I know he is being "out there" about his opinions
but sometimes it's best to
keep those thoughts to
yourself. It seems like
most of the time he is
purposely trying to hurt
someone. IMO that behavior
should not be rewarded with
winning $500,000.
I think Zoetawny's graphic
is right-Eric has cracked!!
Why would you say something
like that about D/D and what Amber told him he
should NOT have repeated
(although it sounds like Amber has told several HG).

We should know in the next few hours what kind of gameplan Dani has going on
in her head.

orkmommy-you must be busy at work...we haven't heard
from you!?!

Nana in the NW

Sydney said...

Holly -- are you our Holly who used to sign with a heart for the "o" last year? If so, just shouting out to you!

Anonymous said...

Deana, Joy & Others - I totally agree about Dick "telling it like it is" but his manner of doing it is off putting. He screams at people, calls them names, and doesn't let them talk. He doesn't talk TO anyone, he talks AT them. And God forbid their opinion doesn't match his. I really wanted to like him, but he's a bully and I can't stand bullies. There is a way to call people out without being an ogre and he has yet to find it.

Glad to see he has a few fans left!


Anonymous said...

Nana - I am busy at work but had to take a few minutes for my peeps here! Hope you're all having a good day!

Renee said...

Have you all read the latest at TMZ about BB8 and the planes.

Anonymous said...

check out his MySpace page ED's

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Put me in the minority also. I still like D & D! At least so far they are honest. The rest are nothing but backstabbers.

I would much rather someone tell me the truth to my face than lies behind my back.

Dustin seems to be one of the best behind your back talkers in the house. Sweet to Dani's face, calls he a whore or bitch when she leaves the room. How is that better than what Dick has said to Jen? Or at least seems to many to be more acceptable.
Dustin needs the boot in a bad way. His ego has gotten way too big since he was HOH.
I wish they would call him out on his being the leak to Kail and send him far, far away.

As far as Eric goes, IMO, he blew it. Being America's player, he had info from the outside and a feel for how viewers felt about some of the houseguests. He WAY jumped the gun on pushing for Nick to go up. He didn't have enough time to back track and get Kail out, like the outside wanted, and it bit him in the butt! He also went a little over the top with the mustard, he could have done something a bit more subtle. Dumb game play, his services are no longer needed, he can go now!

Also, if I hear Amber say, "I go", "he goes", "she goes", one more time.....ARGH. She can GO!

The LNC five has been floating along for the most part,and letting Dick do the dirty work for the past two weeks, while they sit back and talk smack while reading their bibles. They need to be forced to start realing playing the game instead of coasting to the final 5. I don't understand their thinking, any intelligent person would start to doubt Eric, and surely would want to keep Kail (as annoying as she is) because she can't play for HOH for 5 weeks! DUH

Just my 2 cents,

Anonymous said...

When is POV ceremony held? ~SharonS

Anonymous said...

SharonS-Jackie said it was
today...maybe not until
tonight but we should know
something before the sun
goes down(here on the west
coast anyway).

Nana in the NW

Anonymous said...

Let me just clarify something for myself. I DO NOT approve of the way the other HG's talk behind each others backs any more than I approve of the way Dick treats Jen/Kail. I understand this is a game of manipulation and lies, and I don't think anyone can truly play without doing some of both. The mature way to handle things would be to get everything out in the open and stop acting like 5 year olds.

Like that would ever happen on BB. It would also be very boring to watch. (hehehe)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the upset about the two odd votes...what differance does it make?
Don't know what's going on with Eric at all, think he is loosing it. Doesn't he know he is on TV?
Danielle is too whiney & I am glad that her little love Nick is gone. I am really surprised that she voted him out!
Dick needs to go & he is never going to win anyway. He is truely a physco. I think he went way overboard with the hugging of Dani after her HOH he an abuser? Come on folks, get him out.
That fly by banner thing was really weird. Sure made Amber & Eric curl up together & hang their heads down low. They really looked guilty. Doesn't anybody know that they are never together alone to do anything.
Amber needs to go, too, folks.
It was wonderful how Eric told Evil off & didn't back off at all & that made Evil even madder! It seemed like he was trying to get him to hit him, I thought. That would be a good way to get Evil out.
Clementine is right on the money...these people have no idea how to devise a strategy or to keep a secret.
This is the MOST weirdest BB of all time.
GimMoe in NM

Anonymous said...

Dick is not a good person or player. His daughter is ignoring his behavior to get further in the game. She said herself that he says and have said mean and hurtful things to her. That is why she wasn't speaking to him. I think he will dumb Dani when he no longer can use her as a solid alliance. She will not get far on her father's game playing.

Anonymous said...

IMHO, I don't think it is Dani's job or responsibility to control her fathers behavior. She is not always ignoring it, she has at times told him to calm down and cool it. But it's not her responsibility.

I also don't think Eric is the first one to not back down to Dick. Dani has stood up to him, Nick has also. Eric isn't the first.

Yes, Dick is loud and aggressive, but I have also seen him have many calm conversations with people he didn't agree with. He did last night with Eric and Dustin.
He didn't fly off the handle with Dustin when Dustin admitted to him he told Dani to put ED up.

I don't think ED will ever dump Dani in the game (could be wrong), I think the chances are greater of her dumping him.

But I have to say, if Dani did put her father on the block, it would be the boldest move ever, and IMO she should win the game hands down.

At this point though, I hope she won't do that. They are only suggesting it to her so that....

1) They could get rid of ED.
2) So that she would have no one else left in the game.

Making it much easier for the rest of them to slack to the end.

The kicker will be as they each leave the house, and see who has said and done what, no matter how Dick has handled himself, he had most of them figured out, and he was right on the money.

PlaidChick said...

Walter in NH: Dick can be crudaciously crude :) Sounds like he is part of the crustaceans subphylum!

Just read TMZ's site about a new banner plane..

sounds like Veto ceremony is taking place

Anonymous said...

ugjdxzThanks so much every one of you for the raucous hilarious commentary today... just going to bed and had to read each and every one! Excellent stuff! This group of Jackie's is so much funnier and more clever than ANY of the guests!
I suppose we need the show for fodder....

WITH THAT SAID, nite-nite, R in Manch

PS... glad someone else noticed the "sell someone under the bus." I think it was Dustin... good stuff. In all truthness, I'm totally fathomed by all today's talk, it's just soooooooo frustrateeeeeen!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooops, sorry for the gobbledy-gook letters.... I'm delirious! R in Manch

Anonymous said...

Oh Amber has to stop the crying crap that would be more annoying to me than anything! And I just thought Dick was the best till here lately, he'd better calm it down or it will backfire in his face! I still love it when he picks on Jen though...tee hee hee...Can't stand her!!

Anonymous said...

fake abortion? how is that possible? Danielle's spoiled and gets what she wants. Dick want to be in her life but she's using him. She stole money from him and he kicked her ass out. though i don't think you can steal people. so i think her current b/f chose her willingly

Deanna said...
